CAS-CIAC Connecticut State Robotics Championship 2023

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
999 7153 155 3654 1740 177 81 124
8167 228 571 8085 178 2170 118 109
5746 8889 1071 176 2067 1699 76 162
3146 7694 237 195 230 3182 57 169
177 8167 999 155 178 1740 61 121
571 176 5746 228 3654 7153 114 103
237 3182 1071 230 2067 8889 96 117
7694 1699 8085 195 2170 3146 135 123
571 155 177 178 3654 176 144 86
3182 7153 2067 228 8889 1740 135 104
1699 1071 3146 237 8085 230 61 138
2170 8167 7694 5746 999 195 108 118
3182 1740 571 176 177 8889 88 147
3654 237 155 8085 1071 228 66 126
999 3146 2067 8167 195 7153 99 152
2170 230 1699 178 5746 7694 123 57
8889 155 8085 237 177 228 143 127
3146 3182 3654 2067 571 195 117 145
230 1071 999 1740 2170 5746 106 86
1699 178 8167 7694 176 7153 90 122
155 228 3182 3146 571 8085 100 114
230 5746 3654 2067 177 2170 128 129
1740 999 1699 8167 237 176 138 86
1071 195 7694 7153 8889 178 118 93
228 2067 5746 155 3146 230 107 126
999 3654 2170 176 8085 3182 80 116
1071 1740 8167 8889 7694 571 110 77
177 195 178 7153 1699 237 158 106


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 195 8085 5746
Alliance 2 230 177 7694
Alliance 3 2067 1699 3146
Alliance 4 176 1740 3654
Alliance 5 571 155 178
Alliance 6 3182 7153 2170
Alliance 7 1071 8889 999
Alliance 8 8167 237 228

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8085 195 5746 237 8167 228 147 75
1740 176 3654 155 571 178 161 101
177 230 7694 8889 1071 999 134 69
3146 1699 2067 2170 3182 7153 92 103

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
237 8167 228 155 571 178 127 101
8889 1071 999 2067 1699 3146 95 138
5746 195 8085 176 3654 1740 155 154
177 7694 230 2170 3182 7153 153 111

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1740 3654 176 2067 1699 3146 144 136
7153 3182 2170 228 8167 237 115 72

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5746 195 8085 230 7694 177 162 137
7153 3182 2170 176 3654 1740 66 168

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
177 7694 230 176 3654 1740 106 158


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5746 195 8085 176 3654 1740 182 159
5746 195 8085 176 3654 1740 155 171
5746 195 8085 176 3654 1740 134 141

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 195-8085-5746 1
8 8167-237-228 0
Match 7
1 195-8085-5746 1
4 176-1740-3654 0
Match 2
4 176-1740-3654 1
5 571-155-178 0
Match 11
1 195-8085-5746 1
2 230-177-7694 0
Match 3
2 230-177-7694 1
7 1071-8889-999 0
Match 8
2 230-177-7694 1
6 3182-7153-2170 0
1 195-8085-5746 1
4 176-1740-3654 2
Match 4
3 2067-1699-3146 0
6 3182-7153-2170 1
Match 13
2 230-177-7694 0
4 176-1740-3654 1
Match 10
6 3182-7153-2170 1
8 8167-237-228 0
Match 5
8 8167-237-228 1
5 571-155-178 0
Match 12
6 3182-7153-2170 0
4 176-1740-3654 1
Match 9
4 176-1740-3654 1
3 2067-1699-3146 0
Match 6
7 1071-8889-999 0
3 2067-1699-3146 1
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 195 3.28 135.42 28.57 31.14 6-1-0 0 7 23
2 230 3.00 126.71 29.71 37.14 6-1-0 0 7 21
3 8085 2.85 119.42 30.00 32.57 6-1-0 0 7 20
4 2067 2.71 123.85 27.71 33.00 5-2-0 0 7 19
5 177 2.57 123.28 29.14 32.57 5-2-0 0 7 18
6 176 2.57 114.00 31.14 32.42 5-2-0 0 7 18
7 571 2.57 109.28 29.71 27.14 5-2-0 0 7 18
8 1699 2.28 112.14 25.42 34.28 4-3-0 0 7 16
9 155 2.28 106.57 36.28 34.28 4-3-0 0 7 16
10 3182 2.14 110.14 36.00 32.57 3-4-0 0 7 15
11 7153 2.00 110.28 31.42 36.14 3-4-0 0 7 14
12 1740 2.00 106.57 29.71 30.28 4-3-0 0 7 14
13 1071 2.00 90.42 27.42 22.57 4-3-0 0 7 14
14 8889 1.85 105.28 26.85 31.28 3-4-0 0 7 13
15 8167 1.85 98.57 24.57 23.71 3-4-0 0 7 13
16 7694 1.85 91.28 29.42 26.71 3-4-0 0 7 13
17 999 1.57 91.85 25.14 27.85 3-4-0 0 7 11
18 2170 1.42 103.00 30.85 28.14 2-5-0 0 7 10
19 228 1.42 102.85 31.71 28.57 2-5-0 0 7 10
20 178 1.42 99.85 21.14 28.28 2-5-0 0 7 10
21 5746 1.42 94.42 30.57 25.14 2-5-0 0 7 10
22 3654 1.14 95.57 30.28 32.42 1-6-0 0 7 8
23 237 1.14 90.14 30.00 31.57 1-6-0 0 7 8
24 3146 1.00 94.57 21.42 28.28 2-5-0 0 7 7

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Berlin, Connecticut, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
Team Location Image
Ledyard, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Deep River, Connecticut, USA
Manchester, Connecticut, USA
West Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Milford, Connecticut, USA
Durham, Connecticut, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 128 168 76.19%
Auto Docked 41 56 73.21%
Auto Engaged 34 56 60.71%
Coopertition Criteria Met 49 56 87.50%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 13 56 23.21%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 44 56 78.57%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
10 56 17.86%

Match Statistics

High Score 169 in Q4
Average Match Score 111.43
Average Winning Score 131.00
Average Win Margin 39.14
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.86 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 15.20 36.88 --
Average Park Points -- 1.04 --
Average Charge Station Points 8.29 20.64 --
Average Link Points -- -- 17.59
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.95
Average Score 30.34 58.55 111.43


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 69 96 71.88%
Auto Docked 24 32 75.00%
Auto Engaged 16 32 50.00%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 32 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 182 in F1
Average Match Score 128.81
Average Winning Score 147.44
Average Win Margin 37.25
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.47 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 13.25 38.12 --
Average Park Points -- 0.62 --
Average Charge Station Points 8.00 18.81 --
Average Link Points -- -- 19.22
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.12
Average Score 27.72 57.56 128.81
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