Laguna Regional 2018

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7217 7018 6647 2283 4723 4401 289 401
4010 7046 4371 3472 3354 6199 152 349
4735 3480 6702 5705 7161 4355 244 140
3794 6017 6832 3933 4603 6837 20 360
4400 7299 7037 4635 6604 7040 125 162
6608 6606 6444 5093 5312 6708 230 206
4262 6896 6702 5526 5959 4403 155 243
7040 6647 6199 7299 3480 4355 155 170
6017 4400 3933 4371 5312 7161 452 243
7037 2283 6608 4401 6832 5526 277 172
5705 4735 7217 7018 4010 6896 15 274
4262 6604 6708 4403 5093 3472 15 283
4723 3794 6444 4635 5959 6837 120 414
5705 4603 3354 4400 7046 6606 327 196
7299 6702 5526 3472 6608 4735 153 340
6837 5093 6017 6199 2283 7217 25 297
5959 3794 3480 4401 7037 4603 159 209
7046 3933 7161 6708 4010 6647 104 244
4723 6896 3354 6444 4371 4355 342 213
6832 4403 5312 7040 7018 6606 15 188
6604 6017 6608 4262 4010 4635 149 346
7299 6708 5705 7217 4400 3794 230 652
6444 4403 7037 4603 4371 2283 94 283
5312 4262 3354 6896 6647 6832 275 262
7161 6606 4735 6199 4635 4401 60 469
7046 5093 7040 5959 6702 7018 130 263
5526 3933 4355 6604 6837 3472 372 103
6647 3480 4403 4723 6608 4400 434 66
4401 6444 7040 6017 6606 2283 252 242
4371 7217 6896 6702 3794 5312 223 109
7018 3354 7161 5959 4262 4603 275 189
3480 6708 3933 5526 5705 4635 253 294
7037 6837 4010 4735 5093 7299 138 278
6832 3472 4723 6199 6604 7046 50 65
4355 2283 5959 6708 7217 6017 409 65
3480 6608 7018 3354 6444 7299 219 181
6606 4401 3472 3794 3933 6896 300 258
4355 5312 6604 4403 6199 5705 247 204
4010 7161 6702 7037 7046 4723 253 203
4400 7040 4603 6837 4735 4262 333 136
4371 4635 6832 6647 5526 5093 232 206
6702 7037 3472 7018 6017 6444 202 261
6837 7040 3480 6708 6896 6606 213 214
5093 4401 6604 3354 4400 4735 264 116
3794 7161 4403 6832 6608 4010 91 198
4371 5959 5705 7299 4635 6647 196 428
4603 6199 5526 4355 7217 7046 337 155
2283 4262 4400 5312 4723 3933 397 256
3354 6708 5959 4735 6832 7037 298 171
6017 6896 7046 5093 4371 6608 314 206
4010 4723 7299 5312 4603 6606 153 323
7161 3472 4635 7040 4403 7217 385 79
2283 6837 6647 6604 5705 6702 353 271
4262 3794 5526 3480 6444 6199 94 261
4401 4355 6708 3933 7299 7018 237 242
6832 6606 6604 7217 6702 6608 116 280
7040 4735 5312 3794 3354 4371 363 184
4403 4401 6017 3480 5705 4262 128 303
4603 7046 4635 6896 3472 2283 348 198
4723 4355 6837 7161 7037 5093 201 67
6199 3933 4010 6647 5959 6444 204 380
7018 4400 6832 5526 6017 3480 306 273
5093 4603 4723 6608 5705 7040 335 110
7217 4635 3933 6702 3354 4403 305 201
6837 6199 4371 2283 6708 7018 35 432
6896 7299 5959 6604 7161 4400 221 253
6606 7037 3794 6647 4355 4262 30 407
6444 5526 5312 7046 4401 4735 277 331
4010 2283 5093 3472 3480 4400 339 289
4603 7018 6604 4635 3794 6708 200 364
6837 7217 7299 4403 4262 7046 231 180
6896 4735 5526 6017 6647 4723 266 350
5312 6608 6199 3933 7040 7037 233 134
3472 6444 5705 7161 6832 5959 353 154
6702 4371 4401 6606 4355 4010 307 262
3354 5526 2283 6608 6837 3794 568 204


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4635 2283 6702
Alliance 2 4603 4400 4735
Alliance 3 7018 4401 3472
Alliance 4 6647 3480 6708
Alliance 5 5526 3354 6896
Alliance 6 6199 4262 6608
Alliance 7 4010 3933 5312
Alliance 8 4355 5705 4371

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2283 4635 6702 5705 4355 4371 422 128
2283 4635 6702 5705 4355 4371 436 197
3480 6647 6708 3354 5526 6896 304 347
3480 6647 6708 3354 5526 6896 395 118
3480 6647 6708 3354 5526 6896 425 164
4400 4603 4735 3933 4010 5312 486 196
4400 4603 4735 3933 4010 5312 410 226
4401 7018 3472 4262 6199 6608 386 181
4401 7018 3472 4262 6199 6608 417 223
2283 4635 6702 3480 6647 6708 391 279
2283 4635 6702 3480 6647 6708 419 352
4400 4603 4735 4401 7018 3472 247 355
4400 4603 4735 4401 7018 3472 266 426
2283 4635 6702 4401 7018 3472 426 363
2283 4635 6702 4401 7018 3472 392 252

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 4635 2.63 375 348 2747 270 11-0-0 0 11 29
2 2283 2.00 455 202 2404 365 9-2-0 0 11 22
3 4603 1.81 345 185 2429 250 9-2-0 0 11 20
4 7018 1.72 245 191 2259 125 9-2-0 0 11 19
5 6647 1.63 405 227 2493 290 7-4-0 0 11 18
6 5526 1.63 345 291 1982 210 5-6-0 0 11 18
7 6199 1.63 275 212 1814 165 7-4-0 0 11 18
8 3354 1.54 500 171 1911 220 7-4-0 0 11 17
9 4401 1.54 480 188 1825 140 8-3-0 0 11 17
10 4010 1.54 240 215 1908 110 6-5-0 0 11 17
11 4355 1.45 435 216 1863 260 6-5-0 0 11 16
12 3480 1.36 545 226 1818 215 6-5-0 0 11 15
13 6708 1.36 455 208 1548 210 5-6-0 0 11 15
14 6608 1.36 310 191 1327 200 6-5-0 0 11 15
15 3472 1.27 440 181 1847 225 6-5-0 0 11 14
16 3933 1.27 360 206 2071 190 5-6-0 0 11 14
17 6444 1.27 330 178 1932 170 6-5-0 0 11 14
18 5959 1.27 320 189 2076 245 6-5-0 0 11 14
19 5312 1.27 315 205 1668 260 5-6-0 0 11 14
20 7217 1.27 260 193 1531 170 6-5-0 0 11 14
21 4400 1.18 515 173 1860 235 6-5-0 0 11 13
22 4723 1.18 305 178 1643 145 5-6-0 0 11 13
23 6606 1.09 325 203 1281 190 5-6-0 0 11 12
24 6604 1.09 320 194 1130 170 5-6-0 0 11 12
25 6896 1.09 310 150 2032 180 5-6-0 0 11 12
26 5093 1.09 300 152 1619 180 5-6-0 0 11 12
27 4735 1.00 410 139 1390 160 5-6-0 0 11 11
28 4262 1.00 400 174 1667 205 5-6-0 0 11 11
29 6017 1.00 350 190 1524 140 4-7-0 0 11 11
30 6702 1.00 335 171 1653 110 5-6-0 0 11 11
31 7299 1.00 290 151 1712 150 5-6-0 0 11 11
32 7161 0.90 375 173 1275 145 4-7-0 0 11 10
33 7040 0.90 325 126 1384 145 5-6-0 0 11 10
34 7046 0.90 320 169 1388 175 4-7-0 0 11 10
35 6837 0.90 290 179 1708 180 5-6-0 0 11 10
36 5705 0.81 420 166 1538 280 4-7-0 0 11 9
37 4371 0.72 320 131 1619 160 4-7-0 0 11 8
38 4403 0.54 360 151 1157 165 3-8-0 0 11 6
39 3794 0.54 245 180 1326 130 2-9-0 0 11 6
40 6832 0.54 195 152 1101 110 3-8-0 0 11 6
41 7037 0.36 165 95 1170 85 2-9-0 0 11 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Queretaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico, Mexico
León, Guanajuato, Mexico
METEPEC, Mexico, Mexico
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Tlalpan, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Laguna del Rey Coahuila, Coahuila, Mexico
Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico
Gomez Palacio , Durango, Mexico
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico
Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
CULIACAN, Sinaloa, Mexico
Metepec, Mexico, Mexico
Guadalajara , Jalisco, Mexico
MONTERREY, Nuevo León, Mexico
Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico
Almoloya del Rio, Mexico, Mexico
San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo León, Mexico
Azcapotzalco, Mexico
Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
El Espinal, Oaxaca, Mexico
TURUACHI, Chihuahua, Mexico
San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Zacazonapan, Mexico, Mexico
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 4010
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 4635
Rookie All Star Award 7018
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Max Cuevas Elizalde (4400)
Volunteer of the Year Prepa Tec
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Mauricio Palomares Herrera (5312)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Pamela Luna (6606)
Regional Winners 4635
Regional Winners 2283
Regional Winners 6702
Regional Finalists 7018
Regional Finalists 4401
Regional Finalists 3472
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 6608
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4400
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3354
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4401
Highest Rookie Seed 7018
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5959
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2283
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 6647
Judges' Award 6199
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5526
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 7046
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 5959
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 7037
Wildcard 4401

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
4635 208.28
2283 186.89
6647 169.81
4400 159.56
4401 143.82
4603 129.71
3354 125.94
3933 116.16
5312 112.20
3480 104.57
7018 104.45
3472 101.90
4355 100.79
5959 99.11
6896 97.13
6444 89.55
4010 87.53
5526 87.04
6702 79.29
5705 75.06
6608 73.30
5093 72.15
4735 70.58
7217 69.14
7046 53.35
6199 49.19
4723 45.47
6017 45.26
3794 44.12
6708 43.02
6837 42.73
6606 42.60
4262 34.09
7299 33.07
4403 32.70
4371 28.72
7161 27.82
7040 16.97
6604 12.59
7037 0.88
6832 -8.99


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 348 456 76.32%
Auto Switch Owned 50 152 32.89%
Auto Quest * 31 152 20.39%
Force Played 43 152 28.29%
Levitate Played 74 152 48.68%
Boost Played 78 152 51.32%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 51 456 11.18%
Face the Boss * 1 152 0.66%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 152 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 652 in Q22
Average Match Score 234.98
Average Winning Score 309.79
Average Win Margin 149.62
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 11.45 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.14 49.84 49.98
Average Switch Ownership Points 5.25 95.89 101.14
Scale Neutral % 99.04% 26.17% 33.46%
Winner Scale Ownership % 0.26% 60.30% 54.30%
Winner Switch Ownership % 20.88% 84.68% 78.30%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 28.90% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.81 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.85 --
Average Vault Points -- 17.11 --
Average Endgame Points -- 31.68 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 18.45
Average Score 16.84 199.69 234.98


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 81 90 90.00%
Auto Switch Owned 19 30 63.33%
Auto Quest * 16 30 53.33%
Force Played 21 30 70.00%
Levitate Played 22 30 73.33%
Boost Played 24 30 80.00%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 17 90 18.89%
Face the Boss * 1 30 3.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
1 30 3.33%

Match Statistics

High Score 486 in QF3-1
Average Match Score 320.97
Average Winning Score 408.87
Average Win Margin 175.80
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.50 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 2.20 60.77 62.97
Average Switch Ownership Points 10.33 124.03 134.37
Scale Neutral % 85.33% 9.98% 17.51%
Winner Scale Ownership % 11.56% 80.00% 73.16%
Winner Switch Ownership % 45.33% 98.42% 93.11%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 0.99% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.05 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.38 --
Average Vault Points -- 30.50 --
Average Endgame Points -- 45.50 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 22.83
Average Score 26.03 272.10 320.97
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