Central Illinois Regional 2017

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2704 4645 3352 81 2338 1756 216 145
2709 171 3184 2039 4655 4500 80 252
2220 5442 4156 4296 4787 706 85 145
2826 4212 4096 3692 4241 1625 140 160
4143 2169 1736 2040 1329 2022 285 145
2081 5847 4213 4646 5822 3695 305 303
2481 706 111 2358 81 6237 205 75
2039 1625 5442 4296 4143 3352 143 253
2704 1756 3695 3692 5822 2169 195 235
4787 3184 4655 111 4241 2081 185 149
2022 2338 4500 4212 1329 2481 165 255
4096 4156 6237 171 4213 2040 245 186
4645 2220 2358 5847 2826 4646 51 240
1329 4296 1736 2709 111 4212 235 255
5822 4096 706 4500 171 3352 195 245
1756 2481 2022 4655 5442 2358 312 144
4646 3184 1625 2338 3695 5847 213 212
2039 2220 2169 2704 4213 4241 183 171
3692 1736 2081 4143 4645 6237 185 214
4156 4787 2040 81 2826 2709 90 145
5847 111 2704 5442 2481 4500 205 278
4645 4212 5822 706 2039 3352 145 230
1736 171 1625 2220 2081 4787 203 310
1756 2358 1329 4296 2040 3184 140 160
4655 2338 2826 4213 2169 81 288 250
4143 2022 4646 3692 2709 4156 214 115
3695 6237 5442 4096 4241 2039 170 145
111 3352 1756 5847 171 2220 185 200
1625 2040 706 4787 2022 3692 238 145
4296 6237 2709 4645 2169 2338 150 260
4213 4500 5822 4143 2358 4241 307 201
81 2481 4655 1736 4646 4096 285 220
2081 4212 3695 1329 4156 2704 185 145
3184 4500 6237 2022 4645 2826 260 185
4646 3692 81 171 5442 4296 205 290
2169 4655 2704 4212 1625 2358 305 148
2709 4096 2040 5822 5847 1756 156 248
1329 3184 3695 2220 4143 706 210 309
2481 2826 4241 3352 2081 4156 236 150
2039 2338 4213 4787 1736 111 105 149
4655 2022 2709 3184 2704 5822 250 260
1329 171 4241 1625 81 4645 195 198
4646 706 4156 2169 4096 111 265 290
2358 2081 4500 2338 2220 3692 255 213
4212 4296 2039 2826 1756 4143 95 271
5847 6237 2040 5442 4787 4213 265 215
3695 3352 2169 2481 1736 3184 235 299
5822 4156 4241 2338 111 1625 170 288
81 5847 2022 2081 2039 171 215 145
2040 3692 4143 4655 3352 2220 162 127
4787 2709 4645 2358 3695 4096 90 185
6237 4213 2481 4212 1756 706 333 280
1329 4500 2826 2704 4646 5442 255 265
4296 2358 4156 1736 5847 4655 205 270
3692 4213 4645 2481 2709 1625 190 300
2338 706 2081 2039 2704 2040 231 180
1736 3695 4241 1756 4296 4500 255 255
5822 4787 3352 1329 4646 6237 140 280
2220 81 4096 4212 3184 2022 161 285
5442 4143 111 171 2169 2826 285 235
706 1329 5847 6237 4655 4241 260 240
4213 3352 2709 2022 2081 4296 140 255
5442 3692 3184 2220 5822 1736 205 205
171 4143 4096 2481 2704 2338 309 297
2169 1625 1756 4787 4500 81 310 230
4645 2039 111 4646 2040 4212 310 235
2358 2826 5822 3695 4156 171 150 245


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2481 4143 2220
Alliance 2 5847 2169 4241
Alliance 3 3184 5822 4096
Alliance 4 6237 2081 4645 (5442)
Alliance 5 1625 1736 3352
Alliance 6 4500 4646 3695
Alliance 7 706 1756 2826
Alliance 8 111 2338 4655

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2220 2481 4143 2338 111 4655 299 115
2220 2481 4143 2338 111 4655 506 255
4645 6237 2081 1736 1625 3352 145 288
5442 6237 2081 1736 1625 3352 291 308
4241 5847 2169 1756 706 2826 225 285
4241 5847 2169 1756 706 2826 260 245
4241 5847 2169 1756 706 2826 305 255
4096 3184 5822 4646 4500 3695 361 182
4096 3184 5822 4646 4500 3695 285 305
4096 3184 5822 4646 4500 3695 310 255
2220 2481 4143 1736 1625 3352 368 195
2220 2481 4143 1736 1625 3352 360 300
4241 5847 2169 5822 3184 4096 250 249
4241 5847 2169 5822 3184 4096 250 249
2220 2481 4143 2169 5847 4241 360 160
2220 2481 4143 2169 5847 4241 332 305

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2481 2.30 2800 570 1240 1100 265 9-1-0 0 10 23
2 4143 1.80 2503 573 1180 1150 43 9-1-0 0 10 18
3 5847 1.60 2420 378 1040 1100 15 8-2-0 0 10 16
4 3184 1.60 2157 396 1200 700 52 7-2-1 0 10 16
5 6237 1.50 2232 346 980 950 47 7-3-0 0 10 15
6 1625 1.50 2201 360 1060 800 66 7-3-0 0 10 15
7 2169 1.40 2588 250 1200 1150 3 7-3-0 0 10 14
8 4500 1.40 2502 701 1340 950 47 6-3-1 0 10 14
9 706 1.40 2358 273 1120 1050 18 7-3-0 0 10 14
10 111 1.40 2321 188 1100 1000 26 7-3-0 0 10 14
11 4655 1.20 2346 374 1120 1000 31 6-4-0 0 10 12
12 2081 1.20 2170 321 1140 750 10 6-4-0 0 10 12
13 5442 1.20 2080 327 980 850 60 5-4-1 0 10 12
14 1736 1.10 2306 466 1180 850 51 4-4-2 0 10 11
15 2826 1.10 2145 281 1080 850 55 5-5-0 0 10 11
16 4296 1.10 2043 498 1120 700 3 5-4-1 0 10 11
17 4646 1.00 2440 645 1240 950 20 5-5-0 0 10 10
18 2022 1.00 2171 446 1140 800 11 5-5-0 0 10 10
19 4645 1.00 1859 182 900 750 9 5-5-0 0 10 10
20 1756 0.90 2341 391 1040 1050 21 4-5-1 0 10 9
21 3695 0.90 2195 258 960 1000 10 4-5-1 0 10 9
22 5822 0.90 2163 388 1120 750 23 4-5-1 0 10 9
23 2220 0.90 1844 372 1000 550 49 4-5-1 0 10 9
24 2704 0.80 2239 327 1060 950 19 4-6-0 0 10 8
25 2338 0.80 2204 274 960 1050 24 4-6-0 0 10 8
26 171 0.80 2088 362 1080 850 13 4-6-0 0 10 8
27 4096 0.80 2046 260 880 1000 31 4-6-0 0 10 8
28 4212 0.80 2023 136 1040 800 18 4-6-0 0 10 8
29 81 0.80 1909 374 1000 650 34 4-6-0 0 10 8
30 2040 0.80 1817 170 900 750 7 4-6-0 0 10 8
31 2039 0.80 1788 178 980 650 13 4-6-0 0 10 8
32 4787 0.80 1699 245 960 400 9 4-6-0 0 10 8
33 4213 0.70 2202 389 1040 950 47 3-7-0 0 10 7
34 3692 0.70 1815 240 920 600 5 3-6-1 0 10 7
35 2709 0.70 1681 239 920 550 41 3-7-0 0 10 7
36 1329 0.60 2120 263 1080 750 15 3-7-0 0 10 6
37 4241 0.60 1922 296 920 700 52 2-7-1 0 10 6
38 3352 0.60 1676 157 780 750 16 3-6-0 1 10 6
39 4156 0.40 1715 250 880 650 0 2-8-0 0 10 4
40 2358 0.40 1554 289 940 450 14 2-8-0 0 10 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Freeport, Illinois, USA
Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Platteville, Wisconsin, USA
Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Aurora, Illinois, USA
Rockford, Illinois, USA
Dunlap, Illinois, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Savage, Minnesota, USA
Eagan, Minnesota, USA
Oswego, Illinois, USA
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
Naperville, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Team Location Image
Burnsville, Minnesota, USA
Belvidere, Illinois, USA
Janesville, Wisconsin, USA
Yorkville, Illinois, USA
Champaign, Illinois, USA
Metamora, Illinois, USA
Springfield, Illinois, USA
Galesburg, Illinois, USA
Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Joliet, Illinois, USA
Gurnee, Illinois, USA
Clayton, Missouri, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Polk City, Iowa, USA
Rockton, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Washington, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Bradley, Illinois, USA
Neponset, Illinois, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2169
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2220
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Matthew Draear (2481)
Volunteer of the Year Asit Patel (1736)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Angela Rauch (5822)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Ava Langstaff (2704)
Regional Winners 2481
Regional Winners 4143
Regional Winners 2220
Regional Finalists 5847
Regional Finalists 2169
Regional Finalists 4241
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3184
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4096
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4500
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4646
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3352
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2826
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4143
Judges' Award 2338
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 4655
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2220
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 4645
Wildcard 5847
Wildcard 4241

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2481 137.33
4143 118.53
2169 118.52
4500 116.94
4655 107.25
4646 103.88
5847 93.82
2081 91.05
1625 91.00
706 89.95
111 87.65
4213 86.38
3695 82.33
4296 78.80
5822 77.72
6237 77.58
1756 77.08
2704 76.17
4096 74.04
171 71.38
2022 68.05
3184 66.79
1736 66.58
1329 65.34
2826 61.54
4212 60.29
4645 59.70
2338 59.17
5442 56.05
2220 51.49
4156 47.84
3692 46.37
4241 41.91
2040 40.63
81 40.58
3352 38.77
4787 35.00
2709 30.40
2039 29.09
2358 7.69


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 329 402 81.84%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 224 402 55.72%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 5 134 3.73%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 43 134 32.09%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 134 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 134 134 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 126 134 94.03%
Rotor 3 Engaged 70 134 52.24%
Rotor 4 Engaged 0 134 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
-- -- --

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 44 in Q47
High Score 333 in Q52
Average Match Score 212.36
Average Winning Score 247.10
Average Win Margin 69.49
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 12.28 -- --
Average Rotor Points 19.25 85.67 104.93
Average Fuel Points 2.25 0.97 3.22
Average High Goals 2.09 2.87 4.96
Average Low Goals 0.51 1.04 1.56
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 83.58 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 8.36
Average Score 33.78 170.22 212.36


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 81 96 84.38%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 78 96 81.25%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 4 32 12.50%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 21 32 65.62%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 24 32 75.00%
Rotor 4 Engaged 1 32 3.12%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
-- -- --

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 46 in QF1-2
High Score 506 in QF1-2
Average Match Score 276.81
Average Winning Score 321.69
Average Win Margin 89.75
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 12.66 -- --
Average Rotor Points 39.38 85.00 124.38
Average Fuel Points 7.69 0.84 8.53
Average High Goals 7.50 2.62 10.12
Average Low Goals 0.62 0.00 0.62
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 121.88 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.75
Average Score 59.72 213.34 276.81
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