FIM District - Waterford Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5650 4377 5478 5053 1718 67 56 124
2851 217 5216 503 2619 308 13 53
1 1250 5561 3098 5067 5046 24 19
4130 3414 5225 5662 3707 4737 30 44
1025 4851 5233 470 4819 5229 58 8
5048 3773 5642 4779 5703 2137 36 40
4507 3656 217 313 1 5225 53 53
5650 1025 3098 5046 2851 503 26 68
2137 5642 3707 67 5478 4779 62 88
5067 5233 5053 5703 1718 5216 22 10
4737 313 308 2619 5561 4819 57 80
3656 5048 3414 4851 470 4130 26 6
5229 5662 1250 4377 3773 4507 48 48
1718 1025 2137 5561 5067 313 66 19
503 470 3707 2619 1 5048 20 20
5229 2851 3414 5053 5703 1250 55 58
4377 4851 4779 5216 5225 4507 36 44
5478 3098 4737 3773 308 217 68 54
4819 5642 67 5662 5046 4130 112 61
5233 3656 5703 5650 2619 3707 12 4
3773 4737 5053 4851 2851 4507 49 27
5561 308 5478 4779 1025 3414 45 59
5216 4377 5046 5048 4130 3098 28 96
4819 1250 503 1 5662 1718 52 44
217 5650 470 3656 313 5642 78 68
5229 5233 5225 67 5067 2137 9 115
4819 5662 308 2851 1718 4779 73 102
5703 4851 503 4130 5478 1250 68 66
5048 5067 3707 3098 5561 5642 34 22
5233 313 3773 4377 1 3414 16 32
5216 470 4737 1025 67 4507 44 74
2137 5046 5229 2619 5225 3656 44 26
217 5053 4130 5650 5233 308 40 11
3098 5703 3707 470 313 67 14 18
1718 503 5048 5561 2851 5225 52 34
1 5642 5053 4377 1025 4819 54 122
1250 217 4779 5046 4851 3656 96 80
2619 5216 5067 2137 5478 3773 87 112
3414 5650 5662 5229 4737 4507 16 12
3656 67 4130 5053 3098 2851 126 75
1025 5216 308 4779 3707 1 132 48
5225 2137 4819 470 3773 3414 14 16
1718 5650 5229 5048 4737 217 50 106
5046 4507 313 5478 5067 503 40 6
2619 5703 5662 4377 5233 5561 28 4
4851 5642 5216 1250 1718 3414 48 77
1 5478 470 4737 5650 4819 98 94
5048 5046 67 2619 5053 1025 102 122
5662 5642 5067 4851 308 2137 27 74
4507 4130 5561 5225 5703 4377 30 14
1250 2851 3773 3707 217 313 82 60
3656 4779 5229 5233 3098 503 91 76
1 308 4507 5561 5650 5046 40 64
3707 67 4377 4851 217 3414 108 26
4130 4779 4819 313 5703 5229 47 100
4737 1718 5642 503 3773 5216 9 44
470 1250 3098 5225 5478 5053 54 58
5067 2851 3656 5233 5662 5048 39 8
2619 2137 217 1025 4130 1 132 132
3773 1718 5046 5703 470 308 98 86
4779 5561 5216 4851 5650 67 20 93
3414 503 4737 2137 5053 3656 56 152
5478 4819 3707 5229 4377 5067 58 78
2619 2851 5233 4507 1250 5642 52 26
1025 313 5048 3098 5225 5662 56 6
5650 503 1 5703 5067 3414 76 32
470 5561 5053 5642 5229 217 76 112
308 1718 4377 1250 3656 1025 100 88
3773 5662 4851 4130 2619 313 56 47
2137 5048 4507 5216 3098 4819 56 25
4737 4779 5225 5233 3707 5046 32 58
2851 67 1 5478 4851 5229 131 82
217 5703 1025 2137 1250 5650 122 67
5046 5225 308 5233 3414 5642 65 15
67 5561 503 4819 3656 3773 78 30
3098 2619 4507 3707 1718 4130 82 100
470 5067 4779 4377 4737 2851 91 45
5662 5478 313 5053 5216 5048 14 56


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 67 2137 3707
Alliance 2 1025 217 5046
Alliance 3 5053 1718 4779
Alliance 4 3656 5216 503
Alliance 5 308 5048 4737
Alliance 6 4130 3098 4819
Alliance 7 1 470 2619
Alliance 8 5478 5229 4377

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5216 3656 503 5048 308 4737 84 40
1718 5053 4779 3098 4130 4819 48 61
217 1025 5046 470 1 2619 96 67
2137 67 3707 5229 5478 4377 167 67
5216 3656 503 3098 4130 4819 66 86
1718 5053 4779 5048 308 4737 88 68
217 1025 5046 5229 5478 4377 101 51
2137 67 3707 470 1 2619 161 97
217 1025 5046 5216 3656 503 138 79
2137 67 3707 470 1 2619 130 101
217 1025 5046 470 1 2619 144 93
2137 67 3707 5216 3656 503 48 74
470 1 2619 5216 3656 503 105 87
2137 67 3707 217 1025 5046 129 133
217 1025 5046 2137 67 3707 96 143
217 1025 5046 2137 67 3707 125 139

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 67, 2137, 3707 164.00
2 1025, 217, 5046 98.50
3 1, 470, 2619 82.00
4 3656, 5216, 503 75.00
5 4130, 3098, 4819 73.50
6 5053, 1718, 4779 68.00
7 5478, 5229, 4377 59.00
8 308, 5048, 4737 54.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1025, 217, 5046 138.33
2 67, 2137, 3707 102.33
3 1, 470, 2619 99.67
4 3656, 5216, 503 80.00



Qual Avg.
1 67 97.4 200 68 392 320 195 0 12
2 1025 88.1 260 24 360 346 67 0 12
3 2137 77.8 160 8 332 302 132 0 12
4 217 74.3 360 8 196 194 146 0 12
5 5053 73.8 320 0 224 228 114 0 12
6 1718 69.3 280 20 148 244 176 0 12
7 3656 65.9 280 44 216 204 65 0 12
8 308 65.8 260 0 224 226 98 0 12
9 4130 65.1 320 12 208 180 73 0 12
10 1 62.7 240 20 180 236 82 0 12
11 5478 62.6 340 8 148 196 59 0 12
12 4779 62.5 220 24 208 212 92 0 12
13 1250 61.5 360 38 120 162 70 0 12
14 2619 61.1 240 4 176 214 105 0 12
15 5046 60.6 160 50 204 178 147 0 12
16 2851 60.2 200 24 112 208 197 0 12
17 4819 59.6 280 30 156 230 25 0 12
18 5229 57.4 320 4 120 140 111 0 12
19 4377 55.9 200 36 172 218 57 0 12
20 4851 54.5 200 40 172 164 96 0 12
21 503 54.1 120 18 184 182 145 0 12
22 5048 54.0 80 4 216 280 74 0 12
23 3773 53.4 240 32 112 168 101 0 12
24 5650 52.9 200 30 152 184 75 0 12
25 4737 51.3 240 8 124 202 60 0 12
26 3707 50.8 200 20 136 170 90 0 12
27 470 49.6 200 10 136 198 51 0 12
28 5642 49.2 200 0 148 190 77 0 12
29 5703 48.7 200 12 108 170 100 0 12
30 5067 47.4 80 14 168 212 101 0 12
31 3098 46.9 200 4 88 242 47 0 12
32 5216 45.9 120 6 160 226 39 0 12
33 313 45.7 240 12 60 144 98 0 12
34 4507 44.3 120 4 140 192 76 0 12
35 5561 41.3 100 16 120 192 68 0 12
36 3414 36.7 180 8 76 144 68 0 12
37 5662 35.4 200 4 44 154 47 0 12
38 5225 32.1 120 8 96 134 51 0 12
39 5233 28.4 40 0 108 140 71 0 12
Team Location Image
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Highland, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Walled Lake, Michigan, USA
Westland, Michigan, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Ferndale, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Armada, Michigan, USA
Oxford, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
Dexter, Michigan, USA
Brighton, Michigan, USA
Tecumseh, Michigan, USA
Richmond, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Boyne City, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA
Marine City, Michigan, USA
Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Memphis, Michigan, USA
Imlay City, Michigan, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Essexville, Michigan, USA
Eastpointe, Michigan, USA
Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Brooklyn, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Flushing, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Macomb, Michigan, USA
Dryden, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 2137
District Engineering Inspiration Award 1718
Rookie All Star Award 5650
District Event Winner 67
District Event Winner 2137
District Event Winner 3707
District Event Finalist 1025
District Event Finalist 217
District Event Finalist 5046
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4130
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3414
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4819
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 5703
Highest Rookie Seed 5478
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5053
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1025
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2619
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 217
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 67
Rookie Inspiration Award 5561
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3098
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 2137 20 30.0 16 10 76.0
2 67 22 30.0 16 5 73.0
3 1025 21 20 15 5 61
4 217 19 20 15 5 59
5 3707 11 30.0 1 0 42.0
6 3656 18 10 13 0 41
7 1718 18 0 14 8 40
8 5053 19 0 14 5 38
9 2619 15 10 7 5 37
10 5046 14 20 2 0 36
11 1 16 10 10 0 36
12 4130 17 0 11 5 33
13 5216 8 10 13 0 31
14 470 10 10 10 0 30
15 308 17 0 12 0 29
16 503 12 10 4 0 26
17 3098 9 0 11 5 25
18 5478 16 0 9 0 25
19 4819 14 0 6 5 25
20 5048 12 0 12 0 24
21 5229 13 0 9 0 22
22 4377 13 0 8 0 21
23 5650 11 0 0 8 19
24 4779 15 0 3 0 18
25 4737 11 0 5 0 16
26 1250 15 0 0 0 15
27 5703 10 0 0 5 15
28 2851 14 0 0 0 14
29 4851 13 0 0 0 13
30 3773 12 0 0 0 12
31 5561 7 0 0 5 12
32 3414 6 0 0 5 11
33 5642 10 0 0 0 10
34 5067 9 0 0 0 9
35 313 8 0 0 0 8
36 4507 7 0 0 0 7
37 5662 6 0 0 0 6
38 5225 5 0 0 0 5
39 5233 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
67 58.71
1025 48.23
217 36.43
2137 33.96
5053 32.70
308 32.50
5046 27.59
2619 27.28
5229 26.78
4130 26.10
3656 25.82
1718 25.57
1 25.25
5478 24.59
2851 22.91
1250 22.15
4779 20.68
4377 20.17
4737 19.23
503 18.55
4819 18.30
3773 18.22
3098 15.75
5642 13.91
4851 13.59
5048 13.41
5703 11.88
3707 11.49
5067 11.37
470 10.12
5650 9.75
5216 7.72
313 6.87
5561 4.46
5662 2.70
3414 0.56
4507 -0.96
5225 -3.48
5233 -6.00
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