NE District - Reading Event 2015

New England District Event
to Week 2
Reading High School in Reading, MA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2713 5000 2876 4761 173 1761 38 19
5422 4929 2785 4151 190 1058 5 18
1153 1073 1100 1474 3566 5556 57 65
319 1965 4474 5347 5459 4311 15 1
4909 3466 4169 5687 4905 5563 60 59
1721 3467 5752 1289 509 1735 34 20
4041 3499 190 1768 246 4311 33 68
5000 1761 5347 5563 1058 5556 6 8
1153 5687 4151 1721 2876 1289 21 11
4041 2713 5459 3499 5422 3566 25 26
4474 246 4929 1474 2785 1100 67 64
173 4169 1768 319 5752 509 40 26
4761 1735 3467 4909 1965 4905 62 70
1073 1289 2713 3466 5459 3499 12 4
2876 173 5556 4311 4929 1721 56 44
1965 3566 1768 4169 1761 4905 98 74
5347 1058 3466 1735 246 4151 61 61
5422 319 190 5563 1153 3467 51 46
1073 2785 5752 5687 4474 1100 37 19
509 1474 5000 4761 4909 4041 54 63
3467 190 3566 1768 3466 1289 38 64
1761 2713 4311 1735 5347 1153 30 13
4761 4929 1474 1073 1965 5422 27 21
509 4169 2785 4151 319 1100 9 34
5563 1721 4474 4909 1058 246 0 80
4041 5000 173 4905 5459 5752 79 75
5556 3499 1761 2876 5687 2785 42 72
3566 4909 2713 1768 4929 4151 97 81
1474 173 246 3467 5000 4474 28 17
1735 4041 2876 4169 190 1100 29 70
5422 5752 1289 5347 1073 4905 69 81
509 5687 3499 1965 1058 4311 22 4
319 5459 5563 1153 4761 1721 34 3
5556 5000 4169 3466 246 2713 60 81
3467 4905 4311 4929 1100 3566 65 60
4474 2876 1058 5563 5752 4041 41 3
1761 5687 5422 173 509 3466 28 18
2785 4151 4909 1153 1289 1965 15 22
4761 190 5347 5459 1073 1768 52 74
3499 1474 1735 5556 319 1721 43 26
5563 1289 1761 4929 3467 4041 56 66
1768 4761 4905 2876 1153 246 127 82
1965 1721 1735 3566 2785 5000 57 51
190 1474 5459 1058 5687 4169 60 55
4311 319 173 1073 3466 4151 50 59
1100 4909 509 5347 2713 3499 36 48
5422 5556 1153 4474 5752 4169 24 14
1735 2785 4311 4761 5459 2876 45 75
4929 5347 319 5000 5687 3466 16 35
3499 1768 5563 4151 5752 1474 78 12
1289 5556 246 173 5422 4909 45 42
3566 4905 1721 2713 509 190 55 30
1965 3467 1761 4041 4474 1073 58 58
1058 173 1289 1100 5563 1735 38 26
1721 5459 246 5556 4929 5752 48 52
1073 4311 509 1768 4909 5000 76 120
4761 5422 1100 1761 190 3466 32 27
1965 5347 4169 2876 3467 3499 4 77
1153 319 3566 1058 4041 2785 77 28
4905 4474 4151 5687 2713 1474 4 30
1965 3466 5752 190 5556 4311 20 26
5000 1721 1073 4169 4041 5422 32 14
5459 5687 3566 1289 1474 5347 39 29
509 4905 2876 319 246 2785 45 90
3499 4151 4761 4474 1761 1735 32 15
1100 1058 3467 1768 1153 2713 38 44
5563 4909 2876 4929 173 1073 82 50
1289 4169 3566 4474 4761 4311 101 50
5687 5556 1768 1735 5422 5459 51 17
1153 1058 1474 3499 5000 4905 54 75
1965 2785 190 173 2713 5563 59 66
1100 4041 3466 4151 1721 5347 56 0
5752 246 1761 319 4909 3467 59 82
4929 1735 190 509 4474 1153 43 0
4041 1768 5347 2785 173 1721 32 47
5687 246 1073 1058 1761 3566 46 62
3466 2876 4311 4905 1474 5422 93 74
4151 509 5563 5556 5459 3467 22 39
1289 4909 4929 4169 2713 319 24 38
1100 3499 5752 5000 4761 1965 36 10


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1768 3467 1289
Alliance 2 4905 4909 1735
Alliance 3 3566 319 1474
Alliance 4 246 173 5687
Alliance 5 2876 1073 2713
Alliance 6 3466 5000 4169
Alliance 7 4761 1058 190
Alliance 8 4311 4041 1100

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
173 246 5687 1073 2876 2713 110 98
319 3566 1474 5000 3466 4169 59 40
4909 4905 1735 1058 4761 190 65 78
3467 1768 1289 4041 4311 1100 40 38
173 246 5687 5000 3466 4169 112 61
319 3566 1474 1073 2876 2713 84 74
4909 4905 1735 4041 4311 1100 74 48
3467 1768 1289 1058 4761 190 82 105
1058 4761 190 319 3566 1474 88 93
173 246 5687 1073 2876 2713 145 64
1058 4761 190 1073 2876 2713 101 110
173 246 5687 319 3566 1474 102 93
1073 2876 2713 319 3566 1474 96 106
173 246 5687 1058 4761 190 136 86
173 246 5687 319 3566 1474 61 75
173 246 5687 319 3566 1474 76 61
173 246 5687 319 3566 1474 101 65

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 246, 173, 5687 111.00
2 4761, 1058, 190 91.50
3 2876, 1073, 2713 86.00
4 3566, 319, 1474 71.50
5 4905, 4909, 1735 69.50
6 1768, 3467, 1289 61.00
7 3466, 5000, 4169 50.50
8 4311, 4041, 1100 43.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 246, 173, 5687 127.67
2 3566, 319, 1474 97.33
3 4761, 1058, 190 91.67
4 2876, 1073, 2713 90.00



Qual Avg.
1 1768 73.1 200 0 288 244 157 0 12
2 4905 67.0 340 6 152 172 140 0 12
3 4909 64.2 240 26 172 214 137 0 12
4 3566 64.1 200 36 140 176 241 0 12
5 246 62.9 200 20 164 194 177 0 12
6 2876 58.4 240 8 180 172 107 0 12
7 3467 51.8 140 20 160 216 98 0 12
8 1073 50.2 240 0 100 138 161 0 12
9 3466 48.2 160 6 84 158 170 0 12
10 5000 48.1 220 0 100 164 111 0 12
11 4761 46.0 240 0 64 140 126 0 12
12 4311 46.0 220 6 100 124 120 0 12
13 1474 45.0 240 6 32 118 150 0 12
14 4169 44.9 200 20 68 120 131 0 12
15 2713 44.9 80 0 84 136 251 0 12
16 319 44.9 0 94 124 166 167 0 12
17 4929 44.6 260 0 84 120 113 0 12
18 173 44.4 120 6 152 158 121 0 12
19 1100 44.0 100 0 116 140 196 0 12
20 2785 43.5 140 20 112 124 150 0 12
21 3499 43.0 80 6 112 114 210 0 12
22 190 42.2 80 10 36 116 265 0 12
23 5556 41.2 200 6 60 128 106 0 12
24 5459 40.9 200 0 88 106 121 0 12
25 1289 40.9 120 10 104 164 123 0 12
26 1058 40.6 120 0 112 156 111 0 12
27 4041 40.5 160 8 72 118 134 0 12
28 5563 40.0 120 0 116 144 136 0 12
29 5687 39.8 120 0 120 126 129 0 12
30 1761 39.7 160 0 68 130 124 0 12
31 1153 36.9 120 20 84 128 109 0 12
32 1965 36.5 140 10 56 130 114 0 12
33 5752 36.4 120 6 84 142 97 0 12
34 1735 35.9 140 8 16 106 185 0 12
35 5422 33.6 80 22 56 120 137 0 12
36 4151 29.9 80 0 64 108 134 0 12
37 509 29.8 80 6 40 98 146 0 12
38 1721 29.8 100 6 68 104 112 0 12
39 5347 28.6 120 4 36 68 130 0 12
40 4474 25.0 120 6 20 116 74 0 12
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Melrose, Massachusetts, USA
Kent, Connecticut, USA
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
Weymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA
Swampscott, Massachusetts, USA
Kingston, Massachusetts, USA
Reading, Massachusetts, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
Weston, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA
Amesbury, Massachusetts, USA
Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Beverly, Massachusetts, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 4905
District Engineering Inspiration Award 1735
Rookie All Star Award 5422
District Event Winner 246
District Event Winner 173
District Event Winner 5687
District Event Finalist 3566
District Event Finalist 319
District Event Finalist 1474
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1100
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4761
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1768
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4151
Highest Rookie Seed 5556
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4474
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3467
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1073
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 319
Judges' Award 1965
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 246
Rookie Inspiration Award 5687
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1058
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 246 19 30.0 13 5 67.0
2 173 13 30.0 13 0 56.0
3 319 14 20 14 5 53
4 3566 19 20 14 0 53
5 5687 10 30.0 4 5 49.0
6 4905 21 0 15 10 46
7 1073 17 10 12 5 44
8 1768 22 0 16 5 43
9 4761 16 10 10 5 41
10 2876 18 10 12 0 40
11 3467 18 0 16 5 39
12 1474 15 20 3 0 38
13 1058 11 10 10 5 36
14 4909 20 0 15 0 35
15 190 12 10 7 0 29
16 2713 14 10 5 0 29
17 3466 17 0 11 0 28
18 5000 16 0 11 0 27
19 1100 13 0 8 5 26
20 4311 16 0 9 0 25
21 4169 15 0 6 0 21
22 4041 11 0 9 0 20
23 1735 8 0 2 8 18
24 5422 7 0 0 8 15
25 4929 14 0 0 0 14
26 1965 9 0 0 5 14
27 2785 13 0 0 0 13
28 4151 7 0 0 5 12
29 5556 12 0 0 0 12
30 1289 11 0 1 0 12
31 5459 12 0 0 0 12
32 3499 12 0 0 0 12
33 5563 10 0 0 0 10
34 1761 9 0 0 0 9
35 1153 9 0 0 0 9
36 4474 4 0 0 5 9
37 5752 8 0 0 0 8
38 509 6 0 0 0 6
39 1721 6 0 0 0 6
40 5347 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1768 42.86
4905 39.73
246 34.94
3566 33.99
2876 31.27
4909 30.18
1073 26.85
3467 22.02
319 21.82
3466 19.19
1474 18.95
4761 18.21
190 17.82
4169 16.50
5000 16.38
1100 16.17
4311 15.19
4929 13.78
1735 13.65
2785 13.48
3499 12.73
5563 12.72
1058 11.82
173 11.56
1761 11.08
5752 10.56
2713 10.54
1289 10.09
4041 9.76
1153 8.82
5556 8.75
5687 7.63
5459 5.18
1965 3.58
5422 1.84
1721 -0.59
509 -1.41
5347 -1.57
4151 -2.04
4474 -4.87
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