Utah Regional sponsored by NASA & Platt 2010

to Week 3
Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City, UT, USA
details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2226 3288 3326 3374 1566 1538 2 6
585 2484 3245 1695 3225 3191 2 0
753 1569 597 1158 3334 3241 0 0
3207 3006 3251 3239 3289 3405 1 0
3243 1891 3216 3253 1696 3230 1 2
2993 585 597 2594 2122 3326 2 0
3239 1696 1891 3289 3288 3230 6 1
3207 3334 3253 753 3006 2484 0 4
1569 3191 3374 1566 3243 2594 0 0
3405 2226 2122 3251 3241 3216 1 0
3245 1538 1695 3225 1158 2993 2 3
3230 597 3405 1566 3191 3239 2 0
3207 753 3289 2594 3225 1538 4 4
3243 3006 1158 2226 1891 1695 2 0
1569 585 2122 3241 3288 3253 4 0
3326 3374 3334 2993 2484 3216 5 2
3245 3251 2594 1696 2122 3241 0 6
3334 3230 3191 1158 597 3374 0 0
3251 1696 3243 3253 1569 2993 2 1
2484 3289 2226 585 3288 3405 2 1
1538 3216 753 3239 3006 3245 6 1
1695 1566 3207 3225 3326 1891 2 1
3230 1538 3006 2594 1696 585 7 6
1695 3243 3253 3334 3405 1566 0 0
3239 1569 3241 3374 1891 3207 0 0
3326 2993 3289 3191 753 2226 2 9
3225 597 2484 2122 3216 3288 2 0
3251 1566 3253 1158 3245 3289 0 1
1538 2484 1891 1569 2226 3334 5 0
3225 585 3207 597 3216 1696 0 6
3243 3405 3326 3230 753 3245 1 3
3288 3251 3374 2122 3006 3191 2 6
1695 1158 3239 3241 2594 2993 2 1
3207 3288 597 2226 3245 3243 0 4
3374 3225 1696 3405 1569 1158 0 3
1891 585 1566 2993 753 3251 1 5
3230 3239 2122 1695 3289 3334 3 2
1538 3241 3326 2484 3253 3191 5 2
2594 3006 3288 3216 1566 1158 2 5
2226 2993 3230 1569 1696 3207 2 7
3374 3253 3289 2122 597 1695 1 2
3006 3241 3225 1538 3334 3243 1 3
3191 3245 3405 753 2594 1891 0 3
3216 3326 585 3251 2484 3239 3 7
2122 753 1566 1538 2226 597 5 3
3374 3245 2993 3006 3253 585 3 0
1696 3191 1158 3239 3207 3326 5 3
3288 3334 3225 3251 3230 1891 0 4
3289 2594 3216 3243 2484 1569 5 3
3241 3405 753 1695 2993 3288 3 4
1569 3006 1891 3245 597 3326 3 0
1158 2484 2122 3243 3207 3230 0 2
1695 3405 3216 3191 3251 1538 3 0
1566 3289 1696 3374 585 3241 4 1
2594 3334 3239 3253 3225 2226 0 1

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1538 3241 753 3239 3243 1695 7 1
1538 753 3241 3239 1695 3243 6 0
3230 2484 3251 1566 1569 3289 6 5
3251 2484 3230 3289 1566 1569 0 1
2484 3251 3230 1566 1569 3289 3 8
2122 3405 1696 2226 585 3006 3 2
1696 3405 2122 2226 3207 3006 6 3
2993 3191 3216 3374 1891 1158 4 5
2993 3216 3191 3374 1158 1891 4 3
2993 3191 3216 1891 1158 3374 0 8
1538 3241 753 3289 1566 1569 6 3
1538 753 3241 1569 1566 3289 4 1
3405 2122 1696 3374 1891 1158 2 6
1696 2122 3405 1158 1891 3374 4 3
1696 3405 2122 1891 3374 1158 3 0
1538 3241 753 3405 2122 1696 2 6
1538 3241 753 1696 3405 2122 4 2
753 3241 1538 1696 3405 2122 3 5

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 1538 114 36 0 0 10 11.40
2 753 110 32 0 0 10 11.00
3 1696 110 22 0 0 10 11.00
4 2122 93 22 4 0 10 9.30
5 3216 87 24 0 0 9 9.67
6 2484 85 16 0 0 10 8.50
7 1566 80 24 0 0 10 8.00
8 1158 80 22 0 0 10 8.00
9 3006 80 16 2 0 9 8.89
10 2226 80 12 0 0 10 8.00
11 2993 79 18 0 0 9 8.78
12 3251 78 16 0 0 10 7.80
13 3239 76 18 2 0 10 7.60
14 1695 74 24 0 0 10 7.40
15 3230 71 22 2 0 7 10.14
16 3289 67 20 0 0 8 8.38
17 3191 66 16 2 0 10 6.60
18 3207 66 16 0 0 9 7.33
19 2594 66 14 0 0 10 6.60
20 1891 66 8 0 0 10 6.60
21 3245 66 4 0 0 10 6.60
22 1569 60 10 0 0 10 6.00
23 3288 60 10 0 0 10 6.00
24 3225 59 12 0 0 9 6.56
25 585 58 0 0 0 10 5.80
26 3405 57 12 0 0 10 5.70
27 3374 56 12 0 0 10 5.60
28 597 50 2 0 0 9 5.56
29 3241 47 4 0 0 10 4.70
30 3326 44 4 0 0 6 7.33
31 3243 41 2 0 0 8 5.12
32 3334 38 8 0 0 8 4.75
33 3253 14 0 0 0 5 2.80

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Tehachapi, California, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Bend, Oregon, USA
Collbran, CO, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Helena, Montana, USA
Sun River, MT, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Blanding, UT, USA
Woods Cross, Utah, USA
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Logan, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Ogden, UT, USA
Missoula, Montana, USA
West Valley City, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Layton, Utah, USA
Ogden, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Salmon, Idaho, USA
Great Falls, MT, USA
Big Piney, Wyoming, USA
Draper, Utah, USA
Kaysville, UT, USA
Salt Lake, UT, USA
Jackson, Wyoming, USA
Salem, Utah, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 597
Engineering Inspiration 3006
Rookie All Star Award 3207
Woodie Flowers Award Richard Anderson
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Taylor Wood of 585
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Dirk Stahlecker of 1569
Winner 1696
Winner 2122
Winner 3405
Finalist 1538
Finalist 753
Finalist 3241
Coopertition Award 1538
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2993
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1538
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1566
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 3374
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1891
Highest Rookie Seed 3216
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3207
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 2122
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 597
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1569
Judges Award 3239
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1696
Rookie Inspiration Award 3334
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1569
Website Award 597

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1696 3.62
1538 2.87
753 2.78
2484 1.48
3006 1.47
2993 1.34
3216 1.29
3326 1.17
2226 1.17
3230 1.04
2122 0.83
1158 0.79
3239 0.79
585 0.76
1695 0.72
1566 0.64
3374 0.64
1569 0.54
3207 0.54
3289 0.44
3191 0.37
2594 0.32
3251 0.25
1891 0.22
3288 0.18
3405 0.13
3243 0.08
3334 -0.11
3241 -0.15
3245 -0.22
3225 -0.42
597 -0.43
3253 -0.76
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