Washington DC Regional 2010

to Week 1
Walter E. Washington Conv. Ctr. in Washington, DC, USA
details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
48 2377 701 2537 3340 3246 4 0
207 2421 2914 3150 2534 611 1 0
2962 768 339 1418 3123 614 4 5
3373 2641 620 2010 116 2121 0 1
1900 1111 3283 449 623 1915 2 0
1370 2964 1885 2913 1024 3208 3 0
1712 346 1529 1829 612 3298 0 0
1727 1708 1849 2363 2819 45 0 1
3279 1446 1123 2963 2911 2900 0 0
2068 3154 339 2961 176 2912 4 2
1024 2964 48 116 3283 2914 0 0
3123 2534 207 1529 449 3373 2 0
2421 2962 612 3208 620 2363 0 3
1829 1708 2963 3340 2900 623 0 2
2912 2641 1123 768 2537 45 3 1
3150 2377 614 2961 2121 1727 0 3
3298 2819 1849 1885 1915 3246 0 1
1418 2010 2911 176 701 346 2 0
1712 1370 611 2068 1446 1111 0 2
2913 1900 3123 3279 3154 620 5 2
2914 2964 1123 612 2377 2363 0 5
1024 3373 623 2819 768 1885 5 1
2641 3246 346 1708 207 339 4 1
3150 2010 2068 3283 3340 1446 2 3
1712 1849 701 2962 1900 48 1 1
176 116 2534 2912 3298 1370 0 3
2961 1529 1418 2900 3279 2421 0 0
2963 2913 1915 614 45 611 1 3
2911 449 3154 3208 1829 1727 1 0
1111 2537 339 2121 2819 3150 4 0
3298 2363 1446 1024 1900 2641 2 0
2010 1123 623 207 2912 1849 1 4
45 701 612 1370 2534 2961 0 0
449 2913 2377 116 2900 1529 3 2
48 768 3279 3208 2068 1708 3 1
3246 2421 3283 614 2914 2911 2 0
3154 3340 1111 346 2962 3373 5 3
1418 620 1829 2537 611 1885 0 0
176 1727 3123 2964 1712 2963 4 4
2121 2363 3279 1915 207 1370 1 0
623 1708 2911 3298 2377 2961 0 0
2912 1900 3208 1111 1123 3373 0 2
346 2900 614 1885 45 2068 4 1
1829 2537 1024 2534 2962 2010 1 0
1712 2421 3150 3154 2964 1849 1 0
2121 2963 449 3246 612 1418 0 1
3340 2819 176 2914 768 2913 1 1
1727 3283 701 3123 2641 611 7 3
1915 48 1446 620 339 1529 0 3
116 2537 2068 1900 2421 1708 0 0
45 3246 2964 3279 1829 3373 3 1
1712 2912 1885 2914 449 2363 4 1
2534 768 2377 3283 346 3154 5 2
3298 1727 1418 1123 3340 620 6 2
2961 48 3123 2010 2913 1111 0 3
2962 3150 1915 2963 612 2641 0 2
611 1529 3208 623 2121 176 0 2
1370 2911 1024 1849 339 2900 1 3
116 614 1446 701 2819 207 0 3
45 620 3298 2068 449 2964 9 0
3154 1708 2641 1418 1885 1111 2 6
3246 3208 2534 1712 2010 1915 3 3
2363 2900 176 3373 3150 48 2 0
623 2914 1727 701 339 3279 3 3
2962 2961 611 2819 1123 116 0 1
2911 1900 3340 612 614 1529 1 1
1446 1829 2121 1849 768 2421 0 3
2963 2537 207 1370 3283 2913 3 2
346 1024 2377 3123 2912 1915 8 1
2534 623 2068 2964 1418 2641 2 3
3340 339 45 116 1712 3208 6 3
2010 2900 612 768 611 1727 6 4
2913 1123 701 3283 3150 1708 0 0
207 2377 620 1829 1111 176 3 0
346 2421 2819 449 1370 48 4 0
3246 2963 1529 2363 3154 1024 3 4
3373 614 1849 3279 2537 3298 3 1
2914 3123 1885 1446 1900 2961 3 0
2912 2911 45 2962 2121 207 7 1
2819 2641 3283 620 2900 1712 3 1
1111 1915 1529 2964 701 768 2 1
612 3154 2534 623 48 614 0 1
2914 2961 3208 1849 346 2537 0 5
449 3279 3340 611 1024 176 0 5
1418 2913 1708 3373 1446 2912 0 6
1727 1885 1900 1370 2962 3246 8 0
2421 339 3298 2010 2963 2377 4 1
2363 116 3150 1829 3123 2911 0 5
1123 2121 612 2068 2914 1024 0 2


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1727 3123 176
Alliance 2 339 768 1885
Alliance 3 1418 2377 346
Alliance 4 2912 449 2068
Alliance 5 45 3373 1829
Alliance 6 614 2010 612
Alliance 7 1111 3283 620
Alliance 8 2641 1024 701

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
176 1727 3123 1024 2641 701 8 4
3123 1727 176 701 2641 1024 1 0
2912 449 2068 45 3373 1829 1 0
449 2912 2068 45 1829 3373 0 3
2068 449 2912 3373 45 1829 5 4
1885 768 339 620 3283 1111 6 0
768 339 1885 1111 3283 620 5 3
2377 1418 346 612 614 2010 3 0
346 2377 1418 2010 612 614 3 1
3123 176 1727 2912 449 2068 7 2
176 3123 1727 2912 449 2068 0 2
3123 176 1727 2912 2068 449 5 4
768 339 1885 2377 346 1418 2 3
339 1885 768 346 1418 2377 0 2
3123 176 1727 346 2377 1418 0 2
3123 1727 176 2377 346 1418 7 2
3123 1727 176 346 1418 2377 7 5

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 1727 75 32 12 0 9 8.33
2 3123 74 32 0 0 9 8.22
3 339 71 34 2 0 9 7.89
4 1418 65 34 2 0 9 7.22
5 2912 64 22 0 0 9 7.11
6 45 63 26 2 0 9 7.00
7 614 55 28 0 0 9 6.11
8 2010 55 26 2 0 9 6.11
9 1111 55 26 0 0 9 6.11
10 2641 55 20 0 0 9 6.11
11 3246 54 24 0 0 9 6.00
12 2377 53 18 8 0 9 5.89
13 207 51 20 0 0 9 5.67
14 2964 51 20 0 0 9 5.67
15 3340 50 22 0 0 8 6.25
16 3154 50 16 0 0 9 5.56
17 346 50 14 2 0 9 5.56
18 2121 49 16 2 0 8 6.12
19 1024 47 16 2 0 9 5.22
20 1885 47 12 2 0 9 5.22
21 620 47 12 0 0 9 5.22
22 1712 46 22 0 0 9 5.11
23 768 46 10 14 0 9 5.11
24 3283 45 20 0 0 9 5.00
25 176 45 20 0 0 8 5.62
26 2913 45 16 2 0 9 5.00
27 2900 44 22 2 0 8 5.50
28 1849 44 18 0 0 9 4.89
29 3298 44 16 2 0 8 5.50
30 612 43 18 2 0 9 4.78
31 1123 42 12 0 0 9 4.67
32 2363 41 14 2 0 9 4.56
33 3373 41 8 0 0 9 4.56
34 701 40 18 2 0 9 4.44
35 1900 40 12 2 0 9 4.44
36 1915 40 12 0 0 9 4.44
37 3208 40 10 0 0 9 4.44
38 2068 39 8 0 0 9 4.33
39 2962 39 2 2 0 9 4.33
40 623 38 16 2 0 8 4.75
41 611 38 6 4 0 9 4.22
42 2421 37 18 0 0 9 4.11
43 2914 37 16 4 0 8 4.62
44 3279 37 10 2 0 9 4.11
45 2819 37 10 0 0 9 4.11
46 449 37 4 0 0 9 4.11
47 2537 35 10 2 0 9 3.89
48 1446 35 8 0 0 9 3.89
49 2534 34 10 2 0 9 3.78
50 2963 33 14 0 0 8 4.12
51 2911 32 8 0 0 9 3.56
52 116 31 8 0 0 9 3.44
53 48 30 8 4 0 9 3.33
54 1370 28 0 0 0 8 3.50
55 2961 27 4 2 0 9 3.00
56 1708 27 0 0 0 9 3.00
57 1529 26 10 0 0 9 2.89
58 1829 26 4 0 0 9 2.89
59 3150 25 0 0 0 8 3.12

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Herndon, Virginia, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Hawthorne, California, USA
Stafford, Virginia, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Mc Lean, Virginia, USA
Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Fairfield, California, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Edgewater, Maryland, USA
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Middletown, Delaware, USA
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Greenwood, Indiana, USA
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Ardmore, Pennsylvania, USA
Lutherville Timonium, Maryland, USA
Accomack County, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Burke, Virginia, USA
Baltimore , Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Oxon Hill, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Pottstown, PA, USA
Marriottsville, MD, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Clifton, VA, USA
Eureka, NV, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Clarksburg, Maryland, USA
Pipestone, Minnesota, USA
Union City, New Jersey, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 612
Engineering Inspiration 1111
Rookie All Star Award 3123
Woodie Flowers Award Greg Smith Team #116 (116)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year David Thompson and Kenneth Lesley
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Delia Votsch - Team 1712, Dawgma
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Chris Dorick - Team 2068, The Metal Jackets
Winner 1727
Winner 3123
Winner 176
Finalist 1418
Finalist 2377
Finalist 346
Coopertition Award 339
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2068
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 2421
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1712
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 116
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1418
Highest Rookie Seed 3123
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1024
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 2377
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2363
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 623
Judges Award 339
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1727
Rookie Inspiration Award 3279
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1111
Website Award 620

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1727 3.08
339 2.42
2912 2.30
346 2.17
3123 2.10
2377 2.00
1111 1.84
45 1.82
1024 1.66
1885 1.30
1418 1.23
3283 1.21
3373 1.20
3298 1.16
768 1.12
2363 1.11
2010 1.08
620 0.96
2963 0.96
3340 0.93
623 0.89
207 0.87
1712 0.75
2900 0.75
3246 0.71
3154 0.71
2421 0.55
2911 0.52
2641 0.51
1446 0.46
611 0.45
2913 0.44
614 0.42
2964 0.39
2068 0.39
2534 0.33
612 0.26
701 0.25
2121 0.23
1849 0.22
116 0.21
1900 0.21
2819 0.15
3279 0.10
48 0.09
3208 0.07
2962 -0.06
176 -0.08
1370 -0.15
1529 -0.18
2537 -0.28
1123 -0.31
2914 -0.37
449 -0.42
1915 -0.48
3150 -0.63
1829 -0.83
2961 -0.87
1708 -0.98
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