Northeast Utilities FIRST Connecticut Regional 2010

to Week 5
Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
238 809 173 270 236 1991 5 0
40 1784 228 3146 716 195 2 4
178 714 694 175 839 3104 4 2
383 533 176 663 2836 3141 3 4
335 237 2064 2170 2168 181 4 4
3125 61 558 2067 1501 1665 0 5
1071 999 102 303 230 241 2 6
1699 1027 2862 1740 177 95 1 1
3182 571 2791 3412 1073 126 1 8
222 176 270 1124 178 2168 3 4
175 195 181 663 238 383 4 4
241 1501 3104 1784 2064 2836 5 4
2067 714 3125 230 2170 1699 4 1
1027 2791 3141 1665 335 228 2 0
999 1740 533 839 694 571 5 5
3412 3146 237 558 1991 102 4 6
40 126 236 61 1124 1073 6 9
716 303 809 95 3182 2862 6 0
1071 177 2791 222 173 2067 8 2
3125 1784 241 663 694 228 3 2
238 3412 558 335 3141 2170 11 4
1665 2064 533 126 270 3146 0 4
2836 236 178 1699 95 303 8 4
716 237 1991 571 222 1124 1 5
2862 1073 177 714 383 61 8 9
2168 1740 1071 195 809 3104 1 2
181 3182 230 839 1501 176 7 3
175 999 1027 173 40 102 7 2
694 2067 126 335 222 303 3 6
571 663 1784 236 1665 238 2 2
1124 177 237 241 1071 3412 11 4
178 1991 3125 3182 3141 195 4 1
61 228 3104 175 95 230 2 8
2170 839 40 2168 2862 383 9 5
1027 1073 102 1501 533 270 4 5
181 2791 2836 3146 809 999 11 2
2064 173 1740 176 714 558 4 6
716 1665 61 1699 241 238 0 5
1784 175 2862 571 335 1991 4 5
222 839 177 3104 1073 95 11 2
2836 809 270 2170 237 694 3 4
1124 383 3125 1027 303 2064 11 4
714 3141 126 2168 716 102 2 5
173 1501 181 40 1071 533 8 2
195 1699 558 176 2791 999 3 5
663 3412 1740 228 2067 178 1 5
230 3146 3104 3182 236 335 5 6
839 95 102 571 2064 3125 5 3
237 2836 1071 238 40 1027 7 4
2170 175 716 1665 176 177 7 6
1501 126 1699 181 1991 3412 6 5
178 230 383 558 809 1784 10 7
3141 2067 1073 3146 173 694 0 4
222 2168 195 241 2862 236 0 5
270 303 663 2791 61 1740 3 5
3182 533 714 1124 228 999 5 5
839 335 558 716 2836 126 7 7
1665 1991 2170 1071 230 1073 1 7
571 2067 40 241 3141 809 6 4
102 1784 694 177 663 181 7 3
222 3182 3146 1027 714 1740 4 6
3104 173 237 3125 303 195 2 10
1501 1124 238 2862 2791 178 8 4
176 236 228 383 270 999 3 8
95 533 2168 1699 3412 175 3 7
61 222 3141 2064 809 839 5 7
181 1073 1740 230 3125 716 5 3
126 1027 173 2170 1784 178 6 0
228 571 303 558 1501 177 8 6
2862 176 238 533 3104 2067 3 0
40 3412 2791 175 236 694 7 13
3146 335 95 237 241 383 4 9
1665 2836 1124 195 61 102 11 8
663 2168 2064 3182 999 1991 2 0
1699 714 839 1071 270 1784 2 2
236 1501 3141 175 126 1740 7 6
335 809 2862 173 176 3412 1 1
1124 195 95 3146 2067 2170 6 3
61 2168 303 1027 181 571 6 2
3104 716 178 1665 999 237 2 4
2064 228 177 238 1073 2836 2 11
241 1991 714 2791 533 3125 1 5
694 1699 1071 102 3182 383 6 0
270 230 558 222 663 40 8 4
3141 1784 999 2862 237 61 5 0
236 2067 3412 716 1027 839 1 3
178 195 335 533 571 177 2 6
3146 238 2168 1501 694 3125 6 9
809 1073 228 1124 663 1699 6 6
303 40 1665 2064 176 1991 8 1
383 2791 2170 1740 3104 102 14 5
241 558 95 181 270 714 4 4
3182 173 175 230 222 2836 5 13
1071 3125 238 126 663 335 6 5


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1124 383 102
Alliance 2 2836 1073 228
Alliance 3 1501 230 61
Alliance 4 694 175 178
Alliance 5 2791 177 173
Alliance 6 303 558 2067
Alliance 7 839 40 126
Alliance 8 1071 238 533

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
383 1124 102 1071 238 533 16 10
1124 102 383 533 1071 238 14 3
178 694 175 173 2791 177 8 5
175 178 694 173 177 2791 3 4
694 178 175 177 2791 173 5 8
228 1073 2836 839 126 40 4 7
1073 228 2836 40 126 839 7 5
228 1073 2836 40 126 839 6 9
230 61 1501 303 558 2067 10 9
1501 61 230 303 2067 558 12 11
102 383 1124 2791 177 173 10 5
383 1124 102 173 2791 177 14 4
40 126 839 61 1501 230 3 6
839 40 126 230 61 1501 10 6
839 126 40 230 61 1501 5 6
102 383 1124 230 1501 61 10 7
102 1124 383 61 230 1501 7 4

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 1124 216 100 6 0 10 21.60
2 2836 197 80 16 0 10 19.70
3 383 186 72 18 0 10 18.60
4 1501 179 70 4 0 10 17.90
5 694 176 80 12 0 10 17.60
6 230 161 52 16 0 10 16.10
7 2791 154 40 8 0 10 15.40
8 175 153 52 14 0 10 15.30
9 303 153 44 4 0 10 15.30
10 839 152 66 6 0 10 15.20
11 1071 146 58 6 0 10 14.60
12 237 146 56 4 0 10 14.60
13 236 146 54 4 0 10 14.60
14 558 145 56 16 0 9 16.11
15 1073 141 40 8 0 10 14.10
16 714 139 62 16 0 10 13.90
17 2170 138 46 8 0 10 13.80
18 241 135 44 2 0 10 13.50
19 177 135 34 8 0 10 13.50
20 61 132 40 12 0 10 13.20
21 571 131 50 2 0 10 13.10
22 999 130 52 6 0 9 14.44
23 238 130 38 4 0 10 13.00
24 178 129 40 6 0 10 12.90
25 181 128 46 8 0 10 12.80
26 1699 124 54 8 0 10 12.40
27 126 123 38 12 0 10 12.30
28 222 122 26 10 0 10 12.20
29 716 119 42 6 0 10 11.90
30 335 118 48 6 0 10 11.80
31 40 118 22 8 0 10 11.80
32 3125 116 30 6 0 9 12.89
33 195 114 34 4 0 10 11.40
34 809 114 32 2 0 10 11.40
35 102 114 28 6 0 9 12.67
36 1665 112 34 4 0 10 11.20
37 228 111 40 2 0 10 11.10
38 270 110 40 6 0 10 11.00
39 95 109 32 4 0 9 12.11
40 1027 107 28 10 0 10 10.70
41 3412 106 20 4 0 10 10.60
42 173 106 18 8 0 10 10.60
43 1740 103 32 10 0 10 10.30
44 533 102 34 14 0 10 10.20
45 3141 102 26 2 0 10 10.20
46 2168 101 24 8 0 10 10.10
47 3146 101 16 0 0 10 10.10
48 3182 100 26 10 0 10 10.00
49 663 92 32 10 0 10 9.20
50 3104 92 12 4 0 10 9.20
51 2064 91 18 4 0 10 9.10
52 1784 90 24 4 0 10 9.00
53 1991 90 20 2 0 10 9.00
54 2067 89 18 0 0 10 8.90
55 176 87 18 6 0 10 8.70
56 2862 67 10 2 0 9 7.44

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Manchester, NH, USA
Upton, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Somerville, New Jersey, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Enfield, Connecticut, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Derry, NH, USA
Deer Park, NY, USA
Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Lindenhurst, New York, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
New York, New York, USA
Team Location Image
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Manchester, CT, USA
Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
West Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Avon, Connecticut, USA
Huntington, Indiana, USA
Hudson, New York, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
Ledyard, Connecticut, USA
Litchfield, CT, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Southbury / Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Woodbury, Connecticut, USA
Stamford, CT, USA
Stamford, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, CT, USA
Torrington, CT, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Wilbraham, MA, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 694
Engineering Inspiration 558
Rookie All Star Award 3125
Woodie Flowers Award William Pease
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Mike Betts
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Katherine Desy (177)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Emily Spoldi (230)
Winner 1124
Winner 383
Winner 102
Finalist 230
Finalist 1501
Finalist 61
Coopertition Award 1124
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 303
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1071
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1501
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 230
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 571
Highest Rookie Seed 3125
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 241
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 383
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1699
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1124
Judges Award 2836
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 230
Rookie Inspiration Award 3182
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 228
Website Award 228

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2836 4.87
383 4.65
1124 4.32
303 4.24
175 3.91
177 3.37
230 3.33
2791 3.33
1501 3.29
694 2.94
1073 2.93
558 2.89
238 2.57
236 2.36
839 2.25
222 2.20
40 2.12
126 2.11
714 2.01
3412 1.91
181 1.87
102 1.86
335 1.77
999 1.72
2170 1.54
3146 1.52
3125 1.46
241 1.34
809 1.28
237 1.28
571 1.16
195 1.04
1740 1.00
173 0.94
61 0.93
533 0.91
178 0.76
1784 0.70
1071 0.67
2168 0.56
2064 0.51
228 0.51
716 0.49
1027 0.38
3141 0.16
1699 0.09
1665 0.05
95 0.05
270 0.02
1991 -0.03
2862 -0.06
176 -0.14
2067 -0.16
3104 -0.25
3182 -0.57
663 -0.70
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