Quals 61 The Remix 2024

Teams Score
3526 4587 8177 26
2714 8515 6017 85

Detailed Results

(+2) Auto Leave (+4)
0 Auto Amp Note Count 0
2 Auto Speaker Note Count 5
10 Auto Note Points 25
12 Total Auto 29
5 Teleop Amp Note Count 5
3 / 0 Teleop Speaker Note Count 6 / 4
11 Teleop Note Points 37
Park (+1) Robot 1 Endgame
Robot 2 Endgame Park (+1)
Robot 3 Endgame Onstage (+3)
0 Harmony Points 0
0 Trap Points 0
12 Total Teleop 41
Coopertition Criteria Met
Melody Bonus (+1 RP)
Ensemble Bonus
1 (+2) / 0 Fouls / Tech Fouls 0 / 3 (+15)
0 Adjustments 0
26 Total Score 85
+0 RP Ranking Points +3 RP


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