FIM District Ferndale Event presented by Magna 2025

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
10285 4680 5642 6618 5530 3175 27 123
6567 5050 8280 5167 8774 247 20 64
5467 2851 1188 5708 9528 9148 44 36
5498 7856 5436 68 3604 3414 58 101
3538 7597 5577 5860 6570 7769 111 92
1250 1025 9679 33 1701 10577 31 93
302 5090 1188 4384 6566 5167 64 33
8280 3414 10285 9148 7856 2851 42 20
5642 68 3538 5708 3604 4680 100 99
5530 1250 7769 5050 5577 9528 104 51
247 6566 302 7597 1025 3175 68 83
5860 4384 1701 6618 5467 6567 87 29
10577 6570 8774 5436 5090 33 40 85
1188 9679 5050 5498 8280 5642 50 59
5708 3175 7856 1250 5167 7597 79 47
302 3538 5467 6566 6567 5530 100 68
3604 6570 2851 1701 5090 247 81 117
10285 8774 5498 4384 6618 9148 45 59
3414 4680 5577 9679 10577 5436 89 85
7769 9528 68 5860 33 1025 96 185
5530 8280 5090 1701 3175 6570 68 88
3604 1250 5050 6567 10285 1188 77 60
7597 6566 10577 5167 5498 5708 48 27
7769 5436 4384 3538 3414 1025 87 134
8774 5860 5467 9679 302 7856 8 83
247 5642 9148 68 33 5577 72 156
6618 4680 5167 9528 2851 1250 75 36
1188 1025 4384 5050 7597 5530 77 64
10285 5436 6566 9679 5498 6567 61 45
247 10577 5467 7856 3538 5860 74 76
3175 68 5090 3414 5642 7769 122 112
5577 3604 1701 4680 9528 8774 107 46
33 2851 6618 302 5708 8280 145 71
5436 7597 6570 9148 10285 1250 68 41
5090 3414 6567 5167 7769 9679 31 86
8774 1188 5530 247 68 5860 127 121
5498 1701 2851 5642 5467 7856 93 34
1025 5708 6618 8280 3538 9528 81 117
9148 33 6570 4680 5050 6566 122 49
5577 3175 302 10577 4384 3604 132 86
7856 5167 68 5467 7769 1701 70 115
5530 2851 3538 7597 9679 5090 108 47
6566 6618 8774 6570 1025 4680 42 121
1250 8280 4384 33 247 3604 53 153
9528 6567 5642 5050 10577 9148 34 31
3414 3175 5498 5577 1188 5860 77 103
68 5708 5436 10285 302 1701 150 116
9679 5530 3604 7769 247 6618 96 147
6567 1250 33 1025 5642 2851 85 50
4680 9148 7597 4384 5498 5577 61 89
5860 10285 3175 3538 8774 5708 68 96
5090 5467 9528 5436 302 5050 39 74
6566 8280 6570 10577 3414 7856 102 54
5167 5530 33 1701 1188 4680 115 133
9148 5860 9679 3175 1250 3538 32 102
5577 6567 5708 5090 4384 5050 58 71
6570 247 3414 5498 9528 302 101 58
2851 5167 10577 8280 8774 68 28 95
7769 6566 1025 3604 5467 10285 97 51
1188 7856 7597 5642 6618 5436 66 64
1250 1701 3414 6567 3538 247 138 118
5090 5708 10577 5530 9148 5498 44 101
1025 3604 8280 4680 5860 302 92 60
5642 1188 5167 6570 5577 10285 70 85
3175 5050 7769 2851 5436 8774 87 58
4384 7856 9528 68 9679 6566 50 129
5467 33 3414 6618 7597 3604 122 85
5708 10285 247 10577 4680 5530 98 103
302 7769 6567 8280 9148 1188 107 74
5050 5498 68 6570 9679 3538 92 124
5436 5167 5860 33 5642 6566 92 90
9528 1701 7597 8774 4384 3175 101 63
7856 6618 1250 1025 5577 5090 75 98
2851 247 9679 5467 6570 5708 74 71
3538 10577 5498 1188 7769 33 95 171
8774 5050 5642 3414 302 4384 27 63
3604 9148 5167 7856 5530 1025 52 120
3175 6567 4680 7597 68 5467 80 62
9528 5860 6618 2851 5090 10285 60 40
1701 5436 8280 6566 5577 1250 114 121


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 33 3538 1250
Alliance 2 1701 7769 4384
Alliance 3 5577 68 5708
Alliance 4 1025 5530 4680
Alliance 5 3175 1188 2851
Alliance 6 3414 5436 8280
Alliance 7 6570 302 6618
Alliance 8 5090 3604 247

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
33 1250 3538 5090 247 3604 148 90
5530 4680 1025 3175 1188 2851 109 99
7769 4384 1701 6570 6618 302 99 114
68 5577 5708 8280 3414 5436 133 134

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5090 247 3604 3175 1188 2851 88 105
7769 4384 1701 68 5577 5708 137 128
33 1250 3538 5530 4680 1025 184 133
6570 6618 302 8280 3414 5436 124 147

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5530 4680 1025 7769 4384 1701 142 104
6570 6618 302 3175 1188 2851 113 108

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
33 1250 3538 8280 3414 5436 165 94
6570 6618 302 5530 4680 1025 142 69

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8280 3414 5436 6570 6618 302 121 120


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
33 1250 3538 8280 3414 5436 158 108
33 1250 3538 8280 3414 5436 103 99

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 33-3538-1250 1
8 5090-3604-247 0
Match 7
1 33-3538-1250 1
4 1025-5530-4680 0
Match 2
4 1025-5530-4680 1
5 3175-1188-2851 0
Match 11
1 33-3538-1250 1
6 3414-5436-8280 0
Match 3
2 1701-7769-4384 0
7 6570-302-6618 1
Match 8
7 6570-302-6618 0
6 3414-5436-8280 1
1 33-3538-1250 2
6 3414-5436-8280 0
Match 4
3 5577-68-5708 0
6 3414-5436-8280 1
Match 13
6 3414-5436-8280 1
7 6570-302-6618 0
Match 10
7 6570-302-6618 1
5 3175-1188-2851 0
Match 5
8 5090-3604-247 0
5 3175-1188-2851 1
Match 12
7 6570-302-6618 1
4 1025-5530-4680 0
Match 9
4 1025-5530-4680 1
2 1701-7769-4384 0
Match 6
2 1701-7769-4384 1
3 5577-68-5708 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Barge
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 33 4.50 0.25 118.00 22.58 15.83 10-2-0 0 12 54
2 1701 3.67 0.25 106.17 27.83 5.33 10-2-0 0 12 44
3 3538 3.67 0.00 105.08 30.50 4.67 10-2-0 0 12 44
4 5577 3.58 0.17 94.83 15.50 4.83 10-2-0 0 12 43
5 1025 3.58 0.08 91.25 22.58 9.67 9-3-0 0 12 43
6 68 3.50 0.42 103.83 19.42 12.83 7-5-0 0 12 42
7 7769 3.50 0.25 107.08 20.25 13.67 8-4-0 0 12 42
8 3175 3.42 0.17 91.50 18.25 5.83 9-3-0 0 12 41
9 3414 3.33 0.08 84.17 21.25 7.67 8-4-0 0 12 40
10 6570 3.17 0.08 88.58 14.25 10.83 8-4-0 0 12 38
11 5530 3.17 0.00 94.75 19.92 10.33 7-5-0 0 12 38
12 1188 3.17 0.00 82.42 14.58 6.00 8-4-0 0 12 38
13 5436 3.00 0.08 80.17 17.25 12.67 6-6-0 0 12 36
14 302 2.92 0.25 78.33 17.75 3.00 7-5-0 0 12 35
15 5090 2.92 0.17 67.33 17.58 7.67 6-6-0 0 12 35
16 9679 2.75 0.00 65.83 17.08 9.50 5-7-0 0 12 33
17 247 2.67 0.17 96.92 17.75 9.83 6-6-0 0 12 32
18 5860 2.58 0.08 75.17 17.75 4.67 6-6-0 0 12 31
19 6566 2.58 0.00 68.33 12.75 9.17 6-6-0 0 12 31
20 8280 2.50 0.08 74.25 18.00 6.00 6-6-0 0 12 30
21 6618 2.42 0.08 80.08 14.75 7.67 6-6-0 0 12 29
22 4384 2.42 0.08 66.67 14.25 3.83 6-6-0 0 12 29
23 3604 2.33 0.17 87.50 16.33 7.50 5-7-0 0 12 28
24 2851 2.33 0.17 63.42 14.33 6.17 5-7-0 0 12 28
25 1250 2.33 0.00 70.67 16.25 7.67 6-6-0 0 12 28
26 7597 2.33 0.00 64.75 13.58 7.17 6-6-0 0 12 28
27 7856 2.17 0.08 61.25 16.92 5.50 5-7-0 0 12 26
28 10577 2.08 0.08 61.58 15.67 7.00 3-9-0 0 12 25
29 4680 2.08 0.00 75.58 11.67 3.83 6-6-0 0 12 25
30 5467 1.83 0.08 59.08 14.25 6.17 4-7-0 1 12 22
31 5167 1.83 0.08 57.58 13.33 6.33 4-8-0 0 12 22
32 5498 1.83 0.00 67.75 16.00 4.00 4-8-0 0 12 22
33 6567 1.83 0.00 55.08 13.83 6.00 4-8-0 0 12 22
34 5708 1.58 0.17 75.67 13.50 5.67 3-9-0 0 12 19
35 10285 1.58 0.08 55.83 13.33 5.17 3-9-0 0 12 19
36 5050 1.58 0.00 54.75 11.17 5.00 4-8-0 0 12 19
37 5642 1.50 0.17 60.58 12.17 7.17 3-9-0 0 12 18
38 8774 1.50 0.00 58.08 10.83 7.33 4-8-0 0 12 18
39 9528 1.42 0.00 50.83 13.33 3.00 4-7-0 1 12 17
40 9148 1.17 0.08 54.08 10.58 5.33 3-9-0 0 12 14

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Ortonville, Michigan, USA
Berkley, Michigan, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
Ferndale, Michigan, USA
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Carleton, Michigan, USA
Trenton, Michigan, USA
Marysville, Michigan, USA
Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Grosse Ile, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Algonac, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Saint Clair Shores, Michigan, USA
Ottawa Lake, Michigan, USA
Flat Rock, Michigan, USA
Fraser, Michigan, USA
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Roseville, Michigan, USA
Westland, Michigan, USA
Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 3604
District Engineering Inspiration Award 1188
Rookie All Star Award 10285
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Nicholas A (5530)
District Event Winner 33
District Event Winner 3538
District Event Winner 1250
District Event Finalist 3414
District Event Finalist 5436
District Event Finalist 8280
Autonomous Award 3538
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 302
Excellence in Engineering Award 3414
Gracious Professionalism Award 6570
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5090
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 68
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by nVent 7769
Judges' Award 5498
Quality Award 2851
Rising All-Star Award 8280
Team Spirit Award 4680
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 5436
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 3538 20 30 16 5 71
2 33 22 30 16 0 68
3 3414 17 20 11 5 53
4 5436 15 20 11 5 51
5 8280 13 20 6 5 44
6 6570 16 13 10 5 44
7 302 15 13 10 5 43
8 1250 11 30 1 0 42
9 1025 19 7 13 0 39
10 7769 18 0 15 5 38
11 68 18 0 14 5 37
12 5530 16 7 13 0 36
13 1701 21 0 15 0 36
14 1188 16 0 12 8 36
15 5577 19 0 14 0 33
16 6618 12 13 7 0 32
17 3604 12 0 9 10 31
18 3175 17 0 12 0 29
19 5090 14 0 9 5 28
20 4680 10 7 4 5 26
21 247 14 0 8 0 22
22 2851 12 0 5 5 22
23 10285 7 0 0 8 15
24 4384 12 0 2 0 14
25 9679 14 0 0 0 14
26 5498 9 0 0 5 14
27 5860 13 0 0 0 13
28 6566 13 0 0 0 13
29 5708 8 0 3 0 11
30 7856 11 0 0 0 11
31 7597 11 0 0 0 11
32 10577 10 0 0 0 10
33 5467 9 0 0 0 9
34 5167 9 0 0 0 9
35 6567 8 0 0 0 8
36 5050 7 0 0 0 7
37 8774 6 0 0 0 6
38 5642 6 0 0 0 6
39 9528 5 0 0 0 5
40 9148 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 108 160 67.50%
Barge RP 54 160 33.75%
Coral RP 8 160 5.00%
Coopertition 46 160 28.75%
6 RP 6 160 3.75%

Match Statistics

High Score 185 in Q20
Average Match Score 80.19
Average Winning Score 98.66
Average Win Margin 36.95


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 0 30 0.00%
Barge RP 0 30 0.00%
Coral RP 0 30 0.00%
Coopertition 0 30 0.00%
6 RP 0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 184 in SF7-1
Average Match Score 120.60
Average Winning Score 134.80
Average Win Margin 28.40
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