Wisconsin Regional 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2202 1714 3692 8847 9760 8701 68 29
3381 1732 6381 9425 4531 2077 69 46
5586 6823 8744 1675 537 6643 59 31
1091 2830 930 2667 7103 8531 40 53
6574 1792 9676 4786 4645 2220 48 24
93 4787 7900 6421 2062 9535 33 87
5148 2506 3630 8029 3891 3197 70 32
2194 706 3734 8096 1259 6223 45 67
1306 2358 1781 3596 8802 5096 58 28
537 1732 5586 2667 2830 1714 55 96
4645 1792 8847 4531 8701 6823 37 39
9535 8531 6643 2077 9676 93 29 49
2220 9425 5148 7103 3692 8744 42 47
4787 1259 706 4786 9760 8029 11 35
6223 2202 2358 1781 7900 3381 47 42
3197 3734 6574 1306 1091 2062 60 39
3891 3630 3596 8096 6421 8802 78 48
2506 6381 1675 930 2194 5096 49 69
5586 8847 8531 7103 1732 1792 29 83
9760 4787 2077 2220 2667 8701 25 47
9425 1781 1259 4645 7900 537 66 25
5148 2202 9676 2358 3197 706 37 38
6421 4786 3381 8744 6643 1306 58 53
2830 3891 1675 93 1091 2194 51 63
2506 8096 3596 3692 6223 6381 46 55
8802 6823 8029 4531 2062 3734 48 70
1714 5096 6574 9535 3630 930 25 81
5586 9760 1781 9676 8701 8531 73 29
537 3381 2220 3197 5148 6421 29 57
3891 4787 2194 706 4645 9425 55 31
2506 1306 2077 7103 1675 2202 37 41
3692 1091 1732 6223 7900 6823 37 51
4786 1714 8744 3734 2667 3596 89 31
6643 5096 8096 930 6574 4531 18 85
2062 3630 8802 8847 93 1259 67 71
8029 9535 2358 2830 1792 6381 42 69
537 8531 1781 1306 3381 3891 42 45
6823 2077 3692 2194 5586 6421 36 70
1675 8701 706 7103 3596 7900 33 55
5148 6574 1732 2202 2506 4787 63 54
6643 3734 6223 5096 8847 2220 54 37
4531 2358 1091 3630 4786 1259 34 69
2667 8096 8029 9535 93 4645 40 63
2830 2062 9676 1714 6381 9425 62 83
1792 3197 8802 9760 930 8744 49 60
8531 3381 6823 3596 1675 4787 41 37
1781 5148 8847 2077 2194 6574 62 42
2202 5586 5096 1091 3891 4786 15 47
2220 7103 8029 8096 1732 7900 32 74
8701 6223 1306 3630 2830 9425 50 34
93 3197 1714 1259 3692 1792 96 22
6381 9676 9535 8744 537 8802 74 47
6643 4531 2667 2062 706 2506 36 65
3734 930 4645 2358 6421 9760 54 46
8096 2220 4787 6823 1781 1091 30 51
3596 8531 4786 7900 5148 2194 25 45
5096 8029 2830 3197 8847 9425 28 40
6381 8744 93 8701 2202 1732 69 57
3891 8802 7103 2062 1714 6643 47 37
1306 706 930 2077 9535 5586 45 44
3692 4645 3630 1675 3734 3381 28 60
6223 4531 9760 6574 2358 537 47 32
1792 6421 2667 1259 9676 2506 53 47
6381 1781 3197 1732 6823 4786 36 59
8701 9425 1091 8802 6643 5148 47 47
930 8096 8847 4787 5586 1306 44 23
4645 2077 2062 8744 3596 2830 38 66
3381 7103 2358 6574 93 9760 39 55
9535 537 706 2506 3734 3692 49 39
7900 5096 6421 1792 1714 4531 38 58
9676 2667 3891 8029 6223 1675 49 53
8531 1259 2194 3630 2220 2202 58 72
9425 4786 930 6823 3596 8847 59 46
9760 1306 4645 1091 6381 5148 32 59
537 2062 8096 2358 2077 8701 61 37
706 3381 93 5096 2506 1792 41 31
6421 8744 1675 1714 8029 1781 58 81
3692 8802 2667 8531 6574 2202 40 66
3734 7900 3630 9676 6643 5586 55 47
1259 2220 3891 1732 2830 9535 53 79
4531 4787 7103 2194 6223 3197 60 98
93 930 2062 4786 5148 537 71 34
9760 9425 2506 1781 1675 8096 47 89
8847 6421 1714 706 6381 8531 72 35
1792 8029 3596 1091 6643 2202 28 38
7900 6574 8701 2077 3891 3734 36 35
2220 2194 2358 1732 1306 2667 46 54
3630 8744 4531 4787 3692 2830 92 41
8802 9535 6223 3197 5586 4645 77 40
9676 6823 7103 3381 1259 5096 62 62


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 6223 3630 3891
Alliance 2 93 6421 2062 3734
Alliance 3 1714 8744 2830
Alliance 4 1732 930 4786
Alliance 5 6381 8096 3197
Alliance 6 9535 2194 6574
Alliance 7 6823 1781 1259
Alliance 8 3381 7103 5586

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3630 3891 6223 5586 7103 3381 88 56
930 4786 1732 8096 3197 6381 92 57
2062 93 6421 1781 6823 1259 87 84
2830 8744 1714 6574 2194 9535 87 84

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5586 7103 3381 8096 3197 6381 46 47
1781 6823 1259 6574 2194 9535 41 64
3630 3891 6223 1732 4786 930 81 86
6421 93 2062 1714 8744 2830 66 109

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3630 3891 6223 6574 2194 9535 67 95
3734 93 2062 8096 3197 6381 72 90

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
930 4786 1732 1714 8744 2830 97 77
6381 3197 8096 6574 2194 9535 69 75

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2830 8744 1714 6574 2194 9535 113 89


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
930 4786 1732 1714 8744 2830 91 81
930 4786 1732 1714 8744 2830 85 78

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 6223-3630-3891 1
8 3381-7103-5586 0
Match 7
1 6223-3630-3891 0
4 1732-930-4786 1
Match 2
4 1732-930-4786 1
5 6381-8096-3197 0
Match 11
4 1732-930-4786 1
3 1714-8744-2830 0
Match 3
2 93-6421-2062-3734 1
7 6823-1781-1259 0
Match 8
2 93-6421-2062-3734 0
3 1714-8744-2830 1
4 1732-930-4786 2
3 1714-8744-2830 0
Match 4
3 1714-8744-2830 1
6 9535-2194-6574 0
Match 13
3 1714-8744-2830 1
6 9535-2194-6574 0
Match 10
2 93-6421-2062-3734 0
5 6381-8096-3197 1
Match 5
8 3381-7103-5586 0
5 6381-8096-3197 1
Match 12
5 6381-8096-3197 0
6 9535-2194-6574 1
Match 9
1 6223-3630-3891 0
6 9535-2194-6574 1
Match 6
7 6823-1781-1259 0
6 9535-2194-6574 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 6223 2.80 0.50 53.30 23.00 5.50 10-0-0 0 10 28
2 93 2.70 0.90 58.00 14.10 6.30 9-1-0 0 10 27
3 1714 2.50 0.70 63.30 22.00 4.80 8-2-0 0 10 25
4 1732 2.50 0.70 60.50 17.60 6.10 7-3-0 0 10 25
5 6381 2.30 0.70 57.90 17.60 6.30 7-3-0 0 10 23
6 9535 2.30 0.70 57.80 19.30 5.20 7-3-0 0 10 23
7 930 2.30 0.60 55.20 21.60 4.00 9-1-0 0 10 23
8 6823 2.20 0.80 45.10 17.60 4.10 6-3-1 0 10 22
9 3630 2.10 0.70 57.20 25.20 3.10 7-3-0 0 10 21
10 3381 2.10 0.50 45.00 12.60 4.10 6-3-1 0 10 21
11 8744 2.10 0.30 59.80 26.80 3.20 7-3-0 0 10 21
12 6421 2.00 0.80 50.80 19.80 4.10 6-4-0 0 10 20
13 2194 2.00 0.60 55.70 20.20 5.10 6-4-0 0 10 20
14 1781 2.00 0.60 54.80 17.60 4.90 7-3-0 0 10 20
15 4786 2.00 0.40 42.80 15.80 3.10 7-3-0 0 10 20
16 6574 1.90 0.30 44.30 14.40 3.60 7-3-0 0 10 19
17 1259 1.80 0.70 49.60 17.20 4.80 4-5-1 0 10 18
18 3197 1.80 0.50 52.90 18.90 5.80 6-4-0 0 10 18
19 2062 1.80 0.50 51.40 16.20 5.50 5-5-0 0 10 18
20 3734 1.80 0.50 43.50 15.80 4.90 6-4-0 0 10 18
21 5148 1.80 0.40 47.30 19.80 3.60 6-3-1 0 10 18
22 3891 1.70 0.80 44.50 16.20 3.90 5-5-0 0 10 17
23 1091 1.60 0.70 41.70 15.70 5.20 5-4-1 0 10 16
24 2830 1.60 0.50 54.00 24.50 4.50 4-6-0 0 10 16
25 2202 1.60 0.50 45.40 16.70 4.10 6-4-0 0 10 16
26 7103 1.60 0.30 49.20 21.20 5.20 6-3-1 0 10 16
27 4531 1.60 0.10 51.50 22.90 6.60 6-4-0 0 10 16
28 1675 1.50 0.70 48.80 17.70 2.90 4-6-0 0 10 15
29 9676 1.50 0.70 46.50 14.40 5.00 3-6-1 0 10 15
30 1792 1.50 0.60 45.40 19.90 3.90 5-5-0 0 10 15
31 2667 1.50 0.50 48.00 21.50 4.40 5-5-0 0 10 15
32 8847 1.50 0.50 41.90 17.90 5.20 5-5-0 0 10 15
33 1306 1.40 0.90 42.00 15.10 3.50 5-5-0 0 10 14
34 8096 1.40 0.60 48.50 22.30 5.00 5-5-0 0 10 14
35 7900 1.40 0.50 43.70 16.50 5.00 6-4-0 0 10 14
36 706 1.40 0.50 35.20 11.80 3.20 5-5-0 0 10 14
37 5586 1.20 0.90 39.80 13.60 3.50 3-7-0 0 10 12
38 9760 1.20 0.20 36.70 14.80 3.00 5-5-0 0 10 12
39 9425 1.10 0.30 44.60 20.20 4.50 4-5-1 0 10 11
40 3596 1.00 0.60 38.10 16.80 3.10 3-7-0 0 10 10
41 8701 1.00 0.40 39.30 15.30 4.90 4-5-1 0 10 10
42 2506 0.90 0.70 44.30 18.20 5.10 2-8-0 0 10 9
43 8531 0.90 0.70 37.50 11.20 3.20 3-7-0 0 10 9
44 2358 0.90 0.20 39.20 13.50 3.10 3-7-0 0 10 9
45 8029 0.80 0.50 41.00 18.80 2.00 3-7-0 0 10 8
46 3692 0.80 0.50 38.60 16.50 3.90 3-7-0 0 10 8
47 537 0.70 0.60 39.20 10.30 3.30 2-8-0 0 10 7
48 2220 0.70 0.50 38.30 15.20 4.20 2-8-0 0 10 7
49 6643 0.70 0.40 34.50 16.90 3.30 2-7-1 0 10 7
50 8802 0.70 0.30 43.40 18.60 3.10 2-7-1 0 10 7
51 5096 0.50 0.70 32.60 14.20 3.10 1-8-1 0 10 5
52 2077 0.50 0.50 35.00 13.10 6.10 1-9-0 0 10 5
53 4787 0.50 0.40 33.70 15.00 5.20 1-9-0 0 10 5
54 4645 0.50 0.20 34.50 12.70 4.00 2-8-0 0 10 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Sussex, Wisconsin, USA
Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Hartford, Wisconsin, USA
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Middleton, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Wales, Wisconsin, USA
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Eagan, Minnesota, USA
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
Franklin, Wisconsin, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Janesville, Wisconsin, USA
Lake Forest, Illinois, USA
Team Location Image
Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA
Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Germantown, Wisconsin, USA
New Berlin, Wisconsin, USA
Kiel, Wisconsin, USA
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Muskego, Wisconsin, USA
Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Barrington, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Greendale, Wisconsin, USA
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 930
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 4786
Rookie All Star Award 9535
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Brian Scharles (930)
Volunteer of the Year Jeff Paul (5148)
Volunteer of the Year Jeff Pahl (5148)
Volunteer of the Year Erik Orlowski (2830)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Nidhi G (706)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Noah R (2202)
Regional Winners 1732
Regional Winners 930
Regional Winners 4786
Regional Finalists 1714
Regional Finalists 8744
Regional Finalists 2830
Autonomous Award 1732
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 8096
Excellence in Engineering Award 6381
Gracious Professionalism Award 2506
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4531
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1714
Innovation in Control Award 2194
Judges' Award 8744
Quality Award 2220
Rookie Inspiration Award 9676
Team Spirit Award 6643
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 2202
Wildcard 9535
Wildcard 1714

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