Mukwonago Robotics Offseason Competition 2024

Mukwonago High School in Mukwonago, WI, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8701 9997 6643 9993 93 2202 46 45
706 9992 6574 4531 8744 9990 19 53
5148 1091 8880 1732 3197 2506 45 108
6381 7021 1792 4655 930 3596 61 55
9994 1259 9991 2194 1714 6421 21 78
1675 9990 706 2202 9992 2506 41 52
8744 9993 9997 930 1732 8701 56 90
3596 9991 1091 1792 5148 4531 29 46
4655 6421 1259 93 9994 1675 37 48
1714 7021 6574 8880 6643 6381 62 26
5148 3197 8744 9990 2194 9997 63 66
8701 9994 4531 2506 1792 4655 43 39
6421 9993 7021 706 6381 1714 37 90
9992 1675 8880 2202 1091 3197 31 61
93 2194 930 9991 6643 6574 80 28
1732 3596 9994 9997 706 1259 30 53
4655 5148 1714 3197 8701 9990 42 74
2194 1675 9993 9991 8744 8880 42 55
1792 6421 6643 1091 9992 6381 60 28
2202 4531 1732 6574 930 1259 56 44
8701 93 2506 7021 3596 1675 50 41
6381 9991 3197 8880 9997 9994 51 46
9990 6643 4655 1732 6574 6421 50 44
9992 4531 9993 1259 3596 5148 22 47
1714 1792 1091 2202 706 2194 86 43
8744 2506 930 7021 93 3197 64 90
8701 6574 9993 9994 6421 9992 39 50
6643 1675 2202 9997 1714 4531 31 68
930 7021 1091 93 9990 1259 81 41
3596 8880 2194 9991 1732 4655 41 79
2506 6381 5148 706 8744 1792 45 66
7021 9990 2202 9993 9994 1091 38 17
1714 9991 9992 4531 930 1675 45 66
8880 4655 6574 9997 5148 93 63 56
1792 1259 1732 6421 8701 8744 84 81
2506 706 3596 2194 3197 6643 46 70
6381 2202 9994 1675 9991 5148 24 57
4531 6421 93 1732 8880 1714 90 59
930 706 6643 1091 4655 8701 79 44
3596 9993 1792 6574 2506 9990 26 61
3197 9997 9992 1259 2194 7021 33 76
4655 6381 93 8744 2202 1714 73 57
9990 930 9991 8701 8880 706 84 46
9997 6574 3596 1091 1675 6421 29 60
2506 4531 2194 9993 1259 6381 72 59
6643 1732 8744 7021 5148 9992 82 67
3197 9994 706 6574 1792 93 31 97
1675 4655 9997 9993 2506 9991 34 43
2194 8701 6381 9992 9990 1732 53 74
5148 2202 930 6421 3197 3596 53 76
9994 8744 7021 6643 1091 4531 64 54
1259 1714 8701 1792 8880 2506 72 80


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1792 7021 2202
Alliance 2 1732 930 9991
Alliance 3 9990 6421 3596
Alliance 4 93 3197 1675 6643
Alliance 5 4531 8744 706
Alliance 6 2506 6574 6381
Alliance 7 1714 1259 8701
Alliance 8 2194 9992 4655

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2202 1792 7021 4655 2194 9992 59 77
93 1675 3197 706 4531 8744 74 54
930 9991 1732 1714 8701 1259 117 77
9990 3596 6421 6574 2506 6381 39 64

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2202 1792 7021 706 4531 8744 105 44
1259 8701 1714 6421 3596 9990 79 70
9992 2194 4655 6643 3197 93 69 64
930 9991 1732 6574 2506 6381 111 53

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
93 3197 6643 1714 8701 1259 45 81
6381 2506 6574 1792 7021 2202 80 66

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9992 2194 4655 1732 9991 930 67 122
6381 2506 6574 1714 8701 1259 67 72

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9992 2194 4655 1714 8701 1259 77 77


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1732 9991 930 1714 8701 1259 *
1732 9991 930 1714 8701 1259 *
1732 9991 930 1714 8701 1259 *

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 1792-7021-2202 0
8 2194-9992-4655 1
Match 7
8 2194-9992-4655 1
4 93-3197-1675-6643 0
Match 2
4 93-3197-1675-6643 1
5 4531-8744-706 0
Match 11
8 2194-9992-4655 0
2 1732-930-9991 1
Match 3
2 1732-930-9991 1
7 1714-1259-8701 0
Match 8
2 1732-930-9991 1
6 2506-6574-6381 0
2 1732-930-9991
7 1714-1259-8701
Match 4
3 9990-6421-3596 0
6 2506-6574-6381 1
Match 13
8 2194-9992-4655 0
7 1714-1259-8701 1
Match 10
6 2506-6574-6381 1
1 1792-7021-2202 0
Match 5
1 1792-7021-2202 1
5 4531-8744-706 0
Match 12
6 2506-6574-6381 0
7 1714-1259-8701 1
Match 9
4 93-3197-1675-6643 0
7 1714-1259-8701 1
Match 6
7 1714-1259-8701 1
3 9990-6421-3596 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1792 2.60 0.50 54.60 22.80 5.70 8-2-0 0 10 26
2 1732 2.50 0.50 62.20 27.10 8.40 7-3-0 0 10 25
3 9990 2.50 0.40 51.80 18.40 4.50 8-2-0 0 10 25
4 93 2.40 0.70 63.60 18.80 6.70 7-3-0 0 10 24
5 4531 2.40 0.50 54.30 21.90 6.50 8-2-0 0 10 24
6 2506 2.20 0.50 56.30 21.20 6.30 7-3-0 0 10 22
7 7021 2.20 0.30 60.40 25.70 6.60 7-3-0 0 10 22
8 1714 2.10 0.60 58.90 27.40 4.20 5-5-0 0 10 21
9 930 2.10 0.50 64.90 24.20 5.90 6-4-0 0 10 21
10 2194 2.10 0.40 60.40 22.30 6.20 6-4-0 0 10 21
11 3197 2.10 0.40 59.10 19.50 5.30 7-3-0 0 10 21
12 6643 1.90 0.50 49.70 21.80 2.80 6-4-0 0 10 19
13 8744 1.80 0.60 57.60 20.30 4.90 5-5-0 0 10 18
14 6421 1.80 0.40 58.70 26.30 3.40 6-4-0 0 10 18
15 9991 1.70 0.40 41.90 16.60 4.30 6-4-0 0 10 17
16 1259 1.60 0.40 46.80 18.80 4.20 4-6-0 0 10 16
17 8701 1.50 0.60 54.80 20.80 3.20 4-6-0 0 10 15
18 6381 1.40 0.40 46.80 18.30 3.20 4-6-0 0 10 14
19 4655 1.30 0.60 48.30 17.70 6.00 4-6-0 0 10 13
20 706 1.30 0.50 47.00 21.90 3.70 4-6-0 0 10 13
21 8880 1.30 0.50 46.30 16.40 5.60 3-7-0 0 10 13
22 1091 1.30 0.50 44.20 18.00 4.00 4-6-0 0 10 13
23 6574 1.30 0.40 47.50 18.80 4.70 4-6-0 0 10 13
24 9997 1.30 0.20 44.10 17.90 3.20 4-6-0 0 10 13
25 5148 1.20 0.40 45.20 17.80 4.90 3-7-0 0 10 12
26 9994 1.20 0.30 34.50 17.00 4.30 4-6-0 0 10 12
27 9992 1.10 0.50 38.00 16.00 3.60 3-7-0 0 10 11
28 1675 1.10 0.30 40.10 20.80 2.70 4-6-0 0 10 11
29 2202 1.10 0.20 40.60 16.50 4.90 4-6-0 0 10 11
30 3596 0.60 0.00 39.60 17.70 3.40 2-8-0 0 10 6
31 9993 0.40 0.20 35.90 14.40 3.10 1-9-0 0 10 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Hartford, Wisconsin, USA
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Franklin, Wisconsin, USA
Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA
Rockton, Illinois, USA
Team Location Image
New Berlin, Wisconsin, USA
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Muskego, Wisconsin, USA
Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Arcadia, Wisconsin, USA
Greendale, Wisconsin, USA
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Lombard, Illinois, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Award Winner
Event Winner 1732
Event Winner 930
Event Winner 9991
Event Winner 1091
Event Finalist 1714
Event Finalist 1259
Event Finalist 8701
Breakthrough Award 4655
Breakthrough Award 1792
Engineering Design Award 93
Judges Award 6643
Programming Award 2194

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