Washington Girl’s Generation 2024

Tahoma High School in Maple Valley, WA, USA
https://tahomarobotics.org/2024-wa-girls-generation - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5937 3219 5827 4469 5683 360 35 55
8248 4180 2046 1294 2980 2930 65 44
4450 4915 2412 2522 2903 948 25 28
9450 492 2910 9023 9036 2926 88 36
1318 5588 6350 1983 3786 1899 44 25
2980 4512 4469 3588 360 4180 56 45
8248 5937 9023 4450 948 5827 32 54
9450 2522 5588 2046 1983 2903 44 43
1294 4512 3588 2910 2926 1899 19 51
492 5683 1318 2930 4915 3786 58 54
9036 3219 4180 6350 2412 8248 44 18
360 2926 4450 1899 5588 3588 65 18
1294 492 1983 5827 2522 9023 49 52
948 2980 1318 5683 6350 9036 73 41
2412 2930 4512 9450 3219 3786 54 42
2910 4469 2046 5937 4915 2903 89 17
2522 1294 5683 6350 492 360 36 79
3786 2926 5827 9023 9450 4450 46 57
3588 2046 5937 2412 9036 1983 43 31
4512 2903 1318 2930 1899 8248 34 54
4915 2910 948 5588 2980 3219 59 24
2926 4180 1983 4469 4450 492 52 69
1294 6350 5827 9450 2930 5937 36 78
360 8248 2910 2046 948 3219 52 74
2903 1899 3786 2980 2412 5683 40 46
9023 1318 4469 4915 4180 4512 92 35
5588 9036 5937 2522 6350 3588 43 35
1899 360 2046 3219 1294 4450 75 21
2412 2903 492 1318 5827 4180 61 69
4915 1983 2980 4512 9450 2926 36 80
9036 2930 948 4469 2522 3786 67 46
5588 9023 8248 2910 5683 3588 47 54
2980 5827 9450 1318 5937 1899 78 39
2903 4469 9036 2926 6350 948 40 76
4180 4450 2930 5588 4915 2910 67 37
9023 3588 1983 2046 2412 1294 36 57
4512 3786 5683 3219 492 2522 49 74
8248 9450 4915 360 4450 2980 41 58
5827 4469 2930 1899 9036 1294 77 30
2926 3219 2412 1983 2910 6350 17 55
4180 3786 9023 1318 8248 2522 34 66
2903 360 5588 492 5937 4512 58 51
948 3588 4469 5683 2046 4915 46 94
3786 2910 1294 9036 5827 8248 63 56
3219 1318 360 2522 2980 2926 71 52
948 1983 5683 2903 3588 2930 45 50
1899 2412 9450 4180 5588 492 55 78
6350 4450 5937 4512 9023 2046 18 64
5827 2903 2980 3588 2930 3219 64 48
4915 1294 360 3786 1318 9036 46 53
6350 4180 9450 948 4512 5588 68 62
4450 5683 1899 2412 9023 2910 59 41
1983 5937 2522 4469 8248 2926 31 45
492 3588 9036 2046 1318 9450 66 71
5683 9023 3219 4180 1294 2903 45 46
360 2522 2412 2910 5827 4512 49 78
2930 2046 6350 492 2926 4915 68 77
8248 3786 4450 1983 5588 4469 16 59
2980 1899 4180 5937 948 1294 41 43
9036 2910 2522 5683 9450 2903 57 39
3219 4512 6350 4450 1983 1318 30 66
3786 948 492 3588 8248 2980 52 38
2926 2046 5588 5827 1899 4915 61 69
5937 4469 2412 2930 360 9023 50 52


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2046 2910 5937
Alliance 2 1318 360 2412
Alliance 3 492 2930 9036 1294
Alliance 4 9450 4469 2522
Alliance 5 948 5827 1899
Alliance 6 4450 9023 2926
Alliance 7 2980 4180 1983 2903
Alliance 8 5683 4512 5588

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5937 2910 2046 4512 5683 5588 117 38
9450 4469 2522 5827 948 1899 62 54
360 2412 1318 1983 2980 4180 78 52
2930 9036 492 9023 4450 2926 76 48

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5588 5683 4512 5827 948 1899 42 74
4180 2980 1983 9023 4450 2926 78 56
5937 2046 2910 2522 4469 9450 45 70
360 2412 1318 492 9036 2930 70 101

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5937 2046 2910 1983 2980 4180 46 63
360 2412 1318 5827 948 1899 84 56

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9450 4469 2522 492 9036 2930 52 83
1318 2412 360 1983 2903 4180 62 49

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9450 4469 2522 360 2412 1318 67 69


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2930 1294 492 360 2412 1318 84 66
1294 9036 492 360 2412 1318 79 83
2930 1294 492 360 2412 1318 70 69

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2046-2910-5937 1
8 5683-4512-5588 0
Match 7
1 2046-2910-5937 0
4 9450-4469-2522 1
Match 2
4 9450-4469-2522 1
5 948-5827-1899 0
Match 11
4 9450-4469-2522 0
3 492-2930-9036-1294 1
Match 3
2 1318-360-2412 1
7 2980-4180-1983-2903 0
Match 8
2 1318-360-2412 0
3 492-2930-9036-1294 1
3 492-2930-9036-1294 2
2 1318-360-2412 1
Match 4
3 492-2930-9036-1294 1
6 4450-9023-2926 0
Match 13
4 9450-4469-2522 0
2 1318-360-2412 1
Match 10
2 1318-360-2412 1
5 948-5827-1899 0
Match 5
8 5683-4512-5588 0
5 948-5827-1899 1
Match 12
2 1318-360-2412 1
7 2980-4180-1983-2903 0
Match 9
1 2046-2910-5937 0
7 2980-4180-1983-2903 1
Match 6
7 2980-4180-1983-2903 1
6 4450-9023-2926 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2046 2.42 0.42 55.67 20.33 4.33 9-3-0 0 12 29
2 1318 2.42 0.25 55.17 25.92 7.50 10-2-0 0 12 29
3 492 2.25 0.25 63.67 19.00 4.58 8-4-0 0 12 27
4 360 2.17 0.75 53.67 22.67 5.67 8-4-0 0 12 26
5 9450 2.17 0.58 53.75 24.67 5.17 8-4-0 0 12 26
6 4469 2.17 0.33 58.50 20.92 6.00 8-4-0 0 12 26
7 948 2.08 0.42 50.25 25.50 3.75 9-3-0 0 12 25
8 2910 2.00 0.42 56.83 24.25 3.67 9-3-0 0 12 24
9 2930 2.00 0.33 54.58 26.75 4.33 8-4-0 0 12 24
10 5827 1.92 0.42 53.50 22.42 5.58 8-4-0 0 12 23
11 4450 1.75 0.33 44.83 17.50 2.92 8-4-0 0 12 21
12 2980 1.67 0.42 43.83 17.00 5.67 6-6-0 0 12 20
13 5683 1.58 0.33 48.08 22.17 4.33 6-6-0 0 12 19
14 2522 1.58 0.33 44.58 21.83 5.00 6-6-0 0 12 19
15 4180 1.58 0.17 49.58 19.00 4.67 7-5-0 0 12 19
16 2926 1.42 0.42 49.50 19.67 3.58 6-6-0 0 12 17
17 5588 1.42 0.42 43.83 20.58 5.00 6-6-0 0 12 17
18 4512 1.33 0.50 45.42 16.17 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 16
19 9023 1.25 0.33 44.50 22.17 3.25 5-7-0 0 12 15
20 1899 1.25 0.25 42.83 21.58 3.92 5-7-0 0 12 15
21 9036 1.17 0.42 46.42 21.75 4.83 5-7-0 0 12 14
22 6350 1.17 0.25 44.17 17.75 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 14
23 2903 1.17 0.25 38.75 17.00 4.92 5-7-0 0 12 14
24 4915 1.08 0.42 44.25 18.00 4.42 4-8-0 0 12 13
25 3219 1.00 0.42 40.25 17.42 3.83 4-8-0 0 12 12
26 2412 1.00 0.33 40.25 17.08 3.17 3-9-0 0 12 12
27 1294 1.00 0.25 38.83 17.17 2.92 4-8-0 0 12 12
28 5937 0.92 0.17 37.25 16.50 3.42 4-8-0 0 12 11
29 3588 0.75 0.50 38.00 17.25 3.92 3-9-0 0 12 9
30 8248 0.75 0.25 40.42 19.33 3.92 4-8-0 0 12 9
31 3786 0.67 0.33 41.42 18.83 3.17 3-9-0 0 12 8
32 1983 0.67 0.25 40.17 16.83 4.42 3-9-0 0 12 8

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Tacoma, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Arlington, Washington, USA
Mill Creek, Washington, USA
Wapato, Washington, USA
Snohomish, Washington, USA
Oak Harbor, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Kent, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Olympia, Washington, USA
Federal Way, Washington, USA
Everett, Washington, USA
Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Kirkland, Washington, USA
Mercer Island, Washington, USA
Enumclaw, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Woodinville, Washington, USA

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR