Bordie In Show 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4089 5941 2928 9988 9998 9999 41 12
6390 1294 1778 9994 5827 2522 47 51
9036 948 4513 7461 4682 3663 31 59
4180 492 2976 2990 2980 4131 40 16
2557 1318 2412 2122 3218 1899 86 45
9450 9988 7627 4512 5920 5827 23 46
4131 7461 492 4089 9036 9998 32 59
2122 2990 4513 2976 948 3218 59 42
2980 9450 4512 3663 1899 2522 33 94
2928 6390 2412 7627 4180 2557 43 42
9999 5920 1778 1294 9994 1318 40 55
9450 2990 5941 4682 492 9036 22 53
3218 9988 3663 7627 6390 4131 52 56
1294 4512 4089 2976 2412 4513 38 47
9994 1899 9999 2522 2122 5920 38 85
948 1318 7461 5827 5941 4180 70 50
9998 4682 1778 2980 2928 2557 37 40
7627 492 3218 9994 2122 2976 73 18
1318 4089 1899 3663 948 6390 78 45
9998 2557 5827 2412 9999 2980 47 38
4180 2522 4682 4131 1294 5941 71 39
7461 9450 5920 1778 4512 2928 31 66
9988 4513 2980 9036 2557 2990 56 64
2522 2976 9998 948 492 5827 49 43
2928 2122 1294 9994 6390 4682 44 60
4180 4131 1899 1318 4512 4513 56 54
9999 4089 7461 2990 3663 7627 24 89
5920 2412 3218 9036 1778 9450 51 75
5941 9994 2980 9988 1318 2928 18 54
6390 4512 2990 4131 3663 9998 31 90
1294 9036 5827 492 2412 1899 34 67
1778 7461 2522 4513 3218 4180 20 51
9450 2122 9999 9988 5941 948 52 50
2976 4089 7627 2557 5920 4682 66 65
492 4513 9994 7461 5827 2412 51 46
4512 9999 5941 3218 2980 6390 18 50
9450 4180 2928 3663 4089 2122 69 117
2990 4682 1318 2522 9988 1294 61 34
948 2557 4131 9036 7627 5920 49 85
1778 2976 3663 1899 9998 7461 54 23
4682 2412 9988 1318 4180 6390 32 45
4513 2522 9999 4512 2557 492 58 73
9998 948 2980 3218 9994 9450 33 68
5827 4131 2122 1778 2990 4089 51 35
2976 5941 9036 1899 2928 7627 43 83
5920 9998 6390 7461 2980 1294 45 46
2522 9450 2557 492 1778 9988 60 31
1899 9036 4512 9999 2990 4180 73 36
3663 4513 1294 5941 7627 2122 80 55
2412 9994 948 4682 2928 4131 22 51
3218 5827 4089 1318 5920 2976 71 44
1899 1294 2557 2122 9988 7461 39 12
2990 9998 9994 6390 4513 9450 43 101
7627 1778 2412 4089 2980 492 66 34
5920 3663 4180 5827 9999 4682 56 44
2928 9036 3218 4512 2522 948 49 50
4131 2976 9988 5941 1318 1778 18 92
2122 6390 492 4513 1899 5920 82 54
2928 9999 3663 2412 2522 2990 60 41
4089 4131 9994 2557 7461 5941 40 50
4682 7627 4512 9998 3218 1318 67 86
2980 4180 9036 1294 2976 9450 59 64
5827 1899 9988 948 2928 2990 44 56
492 3663 1318 2557 1778 9994 107 65
5941 3218 2522 2412 9450 4089 61 38
2980 4682 2122 4180 7461 4512 32 46
6390 5827 2976 9999 4131 9036 48 48
5920 1294 948 4513 7627 9998 55 57


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1318 3663 4512
Alliance 2 7627 2522 7461
Alliance 3 2557 1778 948
Alliance 4 1899 9036 1294
Alliance 5 4513 3218 9450
Alliance 6 492 6390 4180
Alliance 7 2928 2412 9998
Alliance 8 4089 4682 2122

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 4512 1318 4089 4682 2122 98 65
1899 9036 1294 9450 4513 3218 70 83
7461 2522 7627 2412 9998 2928 77 79
2557 948 1778 492 4180 6390 62 73

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2122 4682 4089 1294 9036 1899 55 67
7461 2522 7627 1778 948 2557 44 74
3663 4512 1318 9450 4513 3218 103 83
2928 9998 2412 492 4180 6390 94 75

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3218 4513 9450 1778 948 2557 70 56
6390 4180 492 1294 9036 1899 106 64

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 4512 1318 2412 9998 2928 112 100
6390 4180 492 9450 4513 3218 96 67

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2928 9998 2412 492 4180 6390 79 98


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 4512 1318 492 4180 6390 99 60
3663 4512 1318 492 4180 6390 105 89

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 1318-3663-4512 1
8 4089-4682-2122 0
Match 7
1 1318-3663-4512 1
5 4513-3218-9450 0
Match 2
4 1899-9036-1294 0
5 4513-3218-9450 1
Match 11
1 1318-3663-4512 1
7 2928-2412-9998 0
Match 3
2 7627-2522-7461 0
7 2928-2412-9998 1
Match 8
7 2928-2412-9998 1
6 492-6390-4180 0
1 1318-3663-4512 2
6 492-6390-4180 0
Match 4
3 2557-1778-948 0
6 492-6390-4180 1
Match 13
7 2928-2412-9998 0
6 492-6390-4180 1
Match 10
6 492-6390-4180 1
4 1899-9036-1294 0
Match 5
8 4089-4682-2122 0
4 1899-9036-1294 1
Match 12
6 492-6390-4180 1
5 4513-3218-9450 0
Match 9
5 4513-3218-9450 1
3 2557-1778-948 0
Match 6
2 7627-2522-7461 0
3 2557-1778-948 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1318 2.67 0.75 67.75 24.08 7.08 10-2-0 0 12 32
2 3663 2.33 0.42 71.33 29.17 4.25 10-2-0 0 12 28
3 7627 2.25 0.42 60.67 22.17 7.17 8-4-0 0 12 27
4 2557 2.17 0.75 55.08 23.67 5.17 8-4-0 0 12 26
5 2522 2.00 0.67 51.25 23.08 4.33 8-4-0 0 12 24
6 1899 2.00 0.42 52.33 22.08 3.58 7-5-0 0 12 24
7 4513 2.00 0.33 55.00 23.75 3.42 7-5-0 0 12 24
8 492 1.92 0.58 53.33 18.42 4.67 8-4-0 0 12 23
9 3218 1.83 0.58 55.25 21.92 4.08 7-5-0 0 12 22
10 9036 1.83 0.58 53.83 18.50 4.17 6-5-1 0 12 22
11 2928 1.83 0.33 51.33 21.42 4.25 9-3-0 0 12 22
12 6390 1.75 0.67 50.83 19.67 4.75 7-4-1 0 12 21
13 4089 1.67 0.75 48.67 15.17 6.33 6-6-0 0 12 20
14 9998 1.58 0.75 47.58 17.92 4.50 6-6-0 0 12 19
15 2976 1.58 0.67 42.33 19.67 3.42 6-5-1 0 12 19
16 2122 1.58 0.33 50.33 19.25 3.58 6-6-0 0 12 19
17 9450 1.50 0.75 48.83 21.00 4.58 6-6-0 0 12 18
18 4512 1.50 0.58 46.58 18.17 3.58 6-6-0 0 12 18
19 4180 1.42 0.17 48.83 24.42 4.33 7-5-0 0 12 17
20 4131 1.33 0.67 41.50 18.50 3.33 5-6-1 0 12 16
21 1778 1.33 0.58 49.83 16.92 5.92 5-7-0 0 12 16
22 4682 1.33 0.42 49.00 22.58 2.67 6-6-0 0 12 16
23 9994 1.25 0.58 42.42 20.08 3.50 5-7-0 0 12 15
24 2412 1.25 0.50 45.33 18.33 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 15
25 2990 1.25 0.42 44.17 16.33 3.50 5-7-0 0 12 15
26 5827 1.17 0.58 45.17 20.25 2.50 5-6-1 0 12 14
27 5920 1.17 0.50 52.58 21.08 4.08 4-8-0 0 12 14
28 5941 1.08 0.58 41.92 17.08 4.00 4-8-0 0 12 13
29 1294 1.00 0.58 44.00 18.25 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 12
30 7461 1.00 0.50 36.00 14.33 3.92 5-7-0 0 12 12
31 948 0.92 0.50 43.50 18.08 3.33 3-9-0 0 12 11
32 9999 0.75 0.50 37.25 14.83 3.00 2-9-1 0 12 9
33 2980 0.58 0.42 35.83 14.17 5.58 3-9-0 0 12 7
34 9988 0.42 0.67 33.83 13.42 3.50 1-11-0 0 12 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Mountlake Terrace, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Oak Harbor, Washington, USA
Turner, Oregon, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Duvall, Washington, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Everett, Washington, USA
Medical Lake, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Kirkland, Washington, USA
Palouse, Washington, USA
Everett, Washington, USA
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Redmond, Washington, USA
Monroe, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Woodinville, Washington, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

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