Smoky Mountains Regional 2024

to Week 1
Knoxville Civic Auditorium in Knoxville, TN, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2010 9097 3140 3984 1014 4020 24 59
9152 3824 6302 4630 6517 3843 11 31
3966 7431 4265 2872 801 4462 41 57
1592 2393 7428 2783 9668 5744 43 35
6107 5005 1466 3139 7516 2856 41 16
234 538 6517 4630 3821 3140 63 20
2393 4462 7516 3824 3139 3984 23 49
5744 9097 538 234 801 6107 14 73
4020 6302 2783 4265 1592 2872 63 87
7431 1466 9152 1014 3821 3966 42 23
3843 9668 7428 2856 2010 5005 46 52
2872 6107 2393 801 7431 3821 33 40
1014 3140 3139 9152 4630 5744 34 30
2010 4265 3984 2783 7428 5005 50 51
9668 538 4462 6517 1466 4020 35 56
2856 3966 9097 3824 1592 3843 14 28
6302 7516 6107 234 9152 5005 18 29
5744 2010 2872 4265 4462 6517 41 58
1592 1466 801 3843 3140 3966 65 24
9668 3139 3821 3984 6302 9097 8 32
2783 538 4630 3824 2856 7431 51 41
2393 1014 234 7428 4020 7516 34 72
4462 3140 2783 6302 9668 5005 50 23
538 3843 4265 6107 4630 3984 26 44
1014 2856 1466 234 2872 3821 56 45
4020 7431 1592 7516 6517 9097 77 47
5744 3824 801 2010 2393 9152 36 31
7428 3966 234 3139 4462 6302 47 53
7516 9668 3984 4020 801 4630 29 50
3824 2872 2783 9152 3966 6517 38 40
9097 2393 1466 5005 7431 3140 38 60
1592 5744 1014 6107 538 2010 12 38
3821 3843 2856 3139 7428 4265 33 50
801 3984 3966 1466 5744 6302 60 29
2856 4265 2783 9097 234 3139 60 30
9668 1592 4630 9152 1014 2872 30 51
4462 3843 2010 7516 3821 538 67 8
6517 5005 3824 7431 7428 6107 49 49
3140 4020 5744 2393 2783 3843 38 50
5005 7516 2872 538 3966 1592 38 21
6107 3824 3821 9668 3140 801 43 58
6517 2393 3139 4265 6302 1014 56 41
4630 9097 7431 2010 7428 1466 32 102
4462 3984 9152 2856 4020 234 36 37
6302 6517 3140 7516 2783 7431 33 60
3139 2872 3843 4630 234 2010 48 44
3821 9152 7428 1466 3984 538 17 65
4265 6107 4020 3966 3824 2393 54 32
9097 1014 9668 4462 5744 2856 29 36
5005 1592 3139 801 9152 538 32 52
5744 4265 7516 3140 1466 3824 21 43
7428 801 6302 1592 2783 2010 59 56
7431 3843 234 3966 6107 9668 34 20
5005 4630 1014 4020 9097 4462 36 69
2872 2856 6517 3984 3821 2393 55 47
801 2010 7516 1466 4265 9668 40 23
3821 5005 4020 7431 3139 5744 51 43
3140 6107 9152 9097 2872 7428 28 31
3984 234 1592 1014 4462 3824 47 44
3966 6302 4630 538 2856 2393 16 39
2783 6517 801 3843 6107 1014 75 28


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 801 4020 4630
Alliance 2 6517 4265 1014
Alliance 3 7428 3984 3824
Alliance 4 2783 1466 3843
Alliance 5 5005 7431 2010
Alliance 6 2872 234 3140
Alliance 7 4462 1592 3139
Alliance 8 2856 2393 9152 538

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4630 801 4020 2856 2393 9152 83 39
3843 1466 2783 2010 5005 7431 27 62
6517 4265 1014 3139 1592 4462 70 52
3824 3984 7428 234 2872 3140 52 48

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
538 2393 2856 1466 2783 3843 43 75
4462 1592 3139 234 2872 3140 57 24
4630 801 4020 2010 5005 7431 67 57
6517 4265 1014 7428 3984 3824 62 53

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2010 5005 7431 3139 1592 4462 44 40
3824 3984 7428 1466 2783 3843 40 57

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4630 801 4020 1014 4265 6517 56 72
1466 2783 3843 2010 5005 7431 54 57

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4630 801 4020 2010 5005 7431 85 35


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6517 4265 1014 4020 801 4630 45 50
6517 4265 1014 4020 801 4630 48 69

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 801-4020-4630 1
8 2856-2393-9152-538 0
Match 7
1 801-4020-4630 1
5 5005-7431-2010 0
Match 2
4 2783-1466-3843 0
5 5005-7431-2010 1
Match 11
1 801-4020-4630 0
2 6517-4265-1014 1
Match 3
2 6517-4265-1014 1
7 4462-1592-3139 0
Match 8
2 6517-4265-1014 1
3 7428-3984-3824 0
2 6517-4265-1014 0
1 801-4020-4630 2
Match 4
3 7428-3984-3824 1
6 2872-234-3140 0
Match 13
1 801-4020-4630 1
5 5005-7431-2010 0
Match 10
3 7428-3984-3824 0
4 2783-1466-3843 1
Match 5
8 2856-2393-9152-538 0
4 2783-1466-3843 1
Match 12
4 2783-1466-3843 0
5 5005-7431-2010 1
Match 9
5 5005-7431-2010 1
7 4462-1592-3139 0
Match 6
7 4462-1592-3139 1
6 2872-234-3140 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 801 2.64 0.45 49.27 20.73 6.00 11-0-0 0 11 29
2 4020 2.36 0.27 54.45 21.27 5.27 9-2-0 0 11 26
3 6517 2.00 0.27 49.00 21.45 3.55 8-2-1 0 11 22
4 7428 1.91 0.64 42.27 14.82 5.82 7-3-1 0 11 21
5 2783 1.82 0.36 49.55 19.00 5.73 7-4-0 0 11 20
6 1466 1.82 0.27 42.18 18.91 5.55 8-3-0 0 11 20
7 3984 1.73 0.45 41.73 12.27 5.18 7-4-0 0 11 19
8 5005 1.73 0.45 38.18 13.91 3.91 7-3-1 0 11 19
9 2872 1.64 0.36 42.18 15.09 4.91 7-4-0 0 11 18
10 7431 1.55 0.18 45.09 19.36 5.55 6-4-1 0 11 17
11 4462 1.55 0.18 42.27 16.18 5.64 7-4-0 0 11 17
12 1592 1.45 0.45 39.91 15.45 5.09 6-5-0 0 11 16
13 2856 1.45 0.18 35.00 16.45 4.09 7-4-0 0 11 16
14 234 1.36 0.18 39.45 12.09 4.55 6-5-0 0 11 15
15 3139 1.27 0.45 32.00 11.27 3.00 6-5-0 0 11 14
16 3843 1.27 0.27 34.82 15.82 3.45 6-5-0 0 11 14
17 538 1.27 0.18 33.09 15.09 4.09 6-5-0 0 11 14
18 2010 1.18 0.55 38.27 17.18 3.73 5-6-0 0 11 13
19 4265 1.18 0.36 39.91 16.45 3.82 5-6-0 0 11 13
20 6107 1.18 0.09 32.45 11.64 3.82 5-5-1 0 11 13
21 3140 1.09 0.09 34.91 13.64 3.00 5-6-0 0 11 12
22 7516 1.00 0.18 30.82 12.73 3.64 4-7-0 0 11 11
23 9152 1.00 0.18 30.73 12.73 3.36 5-6-0 0 11 11
24 3824 1.00 0.09 30.91 13.45 4.73 4-6-1 0 11 11
25 6302 0.82 0.36 30.36 11.18 3.82 3-8-0 0 11 9
26 2393 0.82 0.18 36.82 17.64 3.82 4-7-0 0 11 9
27 4630 0.82 0.18 33.18 16.82 2.91 4-7-0 0 11 9
28 3821 0.64 0.36 26.82 12.09 2.82 2-9-0 0 11 7
29 3966 0.64 0.18 28.09 12.82 3.27 2-9-0 0 11 7
30 9097 0.64 0.09 30.36 14.09 3.00 3-8-0 0 11 7
31 1014 0.55 0.00 35.55 14.64 4.45 3-8-0 0 11 6
32 9668 0.45 0.45 27.91 10.64 2.64 1-10-0 0 11 5
33 5744 0.36 0.27 29.18 12.82 3.27 2-9-0 0 11 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Athens, Alabama, USA
Merritt Island, Florida, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
La Grange, Kentucky, USA
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Old Westbury, New York, USA
Oxford, Alabama, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Belfry, Kentucky, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Murray, Kentucky, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Team Location Image
Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Kingston, Tennessee, USA
Clinton, Tennessee, USA
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Greeneville, Tennessee, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Fort Payne, Alabama, USA
Melbourne, Florida, USA
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Berea, Kentucky, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 7428
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1014
Rookie All Star Award 9668
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Mike Bollenbacher (1466)
Volunteer of the Year Charlie Spencer
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Shailaja N (9097)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Silas R (4265)
Regional Winners 801
Regional Winners 4020
Regional Winners 4630
Regional Finalists 6517
Regional Finalists 4265
Regional Finalists 1014
Autonomous Award 801
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1466
Excellence in Engineering Award 6517
Gracious Professionalism Award 234
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 6107
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1592
Innovation in Control Award 4020
Judges' Award 3843
Quality Award 4265
Team Spirit Award 9097
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 7431

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