Curiosity Open 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
120 8243 9622 9415 2172 4601 31 8
2603 5413 48 2010 9194 1308 63 31
8140 3193 8222 4150 2399 2656 34 50
695 5740 4121 9643 1038 1787 44 15
8145 9622 2603 8243 5413 2172 65 13
3193 1308 48 9415 8140 120 60 22
2010 5740 4601 4121 4150 1038 23 47
9194 695 9643 2399 8222 8145 41 63
1308 1787 120 3193 2656 9622 26 42
2603 1038 9415 2172 4121 8140 34 37
5740 8145 5413 48 4601 8222 16 45
4150 1787 9194 2656 9643 8243 37 27
4121 2010 2399 9622 1308 695 62 36
1038 8222 5740 120 2603 3193 24 55
5413 2656 9415 2172 4150 9643 21 32
1787 8140 2010 4601 8145 9194 44 34
8243 48 4121 2399 695 3193 64 53
9622 2172 1038 8222 9643 1308 17 24
8145 9415 2010 2656 9194 5740 44 47
4601 2603 4150 1787 48 695 46 63
8140 2399 8243 1038 120 5413 43 31


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 48 1787 4601
Alliance 2 4121 2399 9194
Alliance 3 3193 695 5413
Alliance 4 2603 8145 2172
Alliance 5 4150 2656 9643
Alliance 6 9622 8243 5740
Alliance 7 8222 120 2010
Alliance 8 8140 1308 1038

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4601 1787 48 1038 8140 1308 88 40
2172 2603 8145 4150 9643 2656 43 41
9194 4121 2399 120 2010 8222 56 45
5413 695 3193 8243 5740 9622 34 31

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1308 8140 1038 4150 9643 2656 20 28
8222 2010 120 8243 5740 9622 37 22
4601 1787 48 8145 2603 2172 70 62
9194 4121 2399 3193 695 5413 58 68

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2172 2603 8145 120 2010 8222 63 63
9194 4121 2399 4150 9643 2656 59 21

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4601 1787 48 3193 695 5413 74 68
9194 4121 2399 120 2010 8222 60 50

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5413 695 3193 2399 4121 9194 100 47


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4601 1787 48 3193 695 5413 75 55
4601 1787 48 3193 695 5413 91 50

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 48-1787-4601 1
8 8140-1308-1038 0
Match 7
1 48-1787-4601 1
4 2603-8145-2172 0
Match 2
4 2603-8145-2172 1
5 4150-2656-9643 0
Match 11
1 48-1787-4601 1
3 3193-695-5413 0
Match 3
2 4121-2399-9194 1
7 8222-120-2010 0
Match 8
2 4121-2399-9194 0
3 3193-695-5413 1
1 48-1787-4601 2
3 3193-695-5413 0
Match 4
3 3193-695-5413 1
6 9622-8243-5740 0
Match 13
3 3193-695-5413 1
2 4121-2399-9194 0
Match 10
2 4121-2399-9194 1
5 4150-2656-9643 0
Match 5
8 8140-1308-1038 0
5 4150-2656-9643 1
Match 12
2 4121-2399-9194 1
7 8222-120-2010 0
Match 9
4 2603-8145-2172 0
7 8222-120-2010 1
Match 6
7 8222-120-2010 1
6 9622-8243-5740 0
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 48 2.60 0.40 59.00 16.80 5.20 5-0-0 0 5 13
2 4121 2.40 0.40 46.80 19.40 5.00 5-0-0 0 5 12
3 2399 2.00 0.20 49.40 20.00 3.40 4-1-0 0 5 10
4 3193 1.80 0.40 44.60 8.40 3.60 3-2-0 0 5 9
5 2603 1.80 0.20 49.20 15.00 3.20 3-2-0 0 5 9
6 4150 1.80 0.20 41.40 17.00 3.80 4-1-0 0 5 9
7 9622 1.60 0.20 35.80 7.40 4.40 3-2-0 0 5 8
8 8222 1.60 0.00 33.20 5.00 5.00 3-2-0 0 5 8
9 695 1.40 0.60 44.60 13.40 4.80 2-3-0 0 5 7
10 1787 1.40 0.60 35.00 12.00 5.80 3-2-0 0 5 7
11 8243 1.40 0.20 35.20 16.20 3.60 3-2-0 0 5 7
12 8145 1.40 0.00 37.60 11.20 2.80 2-3-0 0 5 7
13 8140 1.40 0.00 33.00 13.40 3.80 3-2-0 0 5 7
14 2656 1.20 0.20 37.00 15.00 2.80 3-2-0 0 5 6
15 1308 1.00 0.20 34.40 7.40 3.60 2-3-0 0 5 5
16 5740 1.00 0.20 28.40 11.20 4.80 2-3-0 0 5 5
17 120 0.80 0.20 31.20 6.60 5.00 2-3-0 0 5 4
18 9643 0.80 0.20 27.80 10.00 3.60 2-3-0 0 5 4
19 9194 0.80 0.00 36.00 13.00 3.80 2-3-0 0 5 4
20 2010 0.80 0.00 35.20 16.40 3.00 2-3-0 0 5 4
21 2172 0.80 0.00 20.60 9.60 2.40 2-3-0 0 5 4
22 4601 0.60 0.20 30.80 9.60 3.40 1-4-0 0 5 3
23 1038 0.40 0.20 26.40 10.20 6.40 1-4-0 0 5 2
24 5413 0.40 0.00 28.00 9.60 2.80 1-4-0 0 5 2
25 9415 0.00 0.00 23.40 9.80 2.60 0-5-0 0 5 0

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Warren, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Beachwood, Ohio, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Pepper Pike, Ohio, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Lakewood, Ohio, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Medina, Ohio, USA
Monroeville, Pennsylvania, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
North Canton, Ohio, USA
Murrysville, Pennsylvania, USA
Canfield, Ohio, USA
Shelby, Ohio, USA
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Kent, Ohio, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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