FIRST North Carolina District State Championship 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9496 6639 8304 6502 2640 900 78 57
3196 5160 1225 7763 4795 6004 61 92
8429 9298 9150 9032 3459 6729 27 62
6932 9297 4828 3506 4561 3737 61 54
2059 6500 9008 2642 8757 6894 56 58
8738 4829 3229 7890 587 4534 82 60
4290 2640 8727 5160 7443 1533 46 53
3737 8429 9496 9150 4795 6502 67 45
8304 2059 3506 3459 3196 6639 47 66
8738 4828 2642 9008 900 9032 81 52
7443 7890 8757 1225 4829 6004 39 60
6729 3229 587 4290 6894 6932 43 29
4561 4534 1533 9298 8727 7763 76 75
9032 9297 9150 6500 8304 3196 50 40
5160 4829 2059 3737 2640 1225 70 44
4795 3506 900 7890 8429 6894 77 36
4534 6932 6004 4828 9008 6502 41 68
1533 4290 7763 6639 6500 4561 51 81
6729 8738 9298 8727 587 8757 58 56
3459 9496 7443 2642 3229 9297 72 86
9032 6004 3196 4534 3737 9150 62 32
6500 900 7763 7890 5160 6932 72 42
587 9008 1533 2640 2059 4795 77 85
6502 6894 8727 2642 3459 9298 83 58
4829 3506 6639 7443 8304 3229 45 37
8738 4290 8429 4828 4561 9496 45 83
9008 1225 9297 8757 6729 900 35 90
8727 2059 6932 4795 9032 7890 60 116
6894 3459 2640 7763 3737 7443 74 90
6004 3506 6502 587 4829 6500 62 70
4290 1225 9496 9297 4534 8429 46 60
9150 4561 8738 9298 6639 5160 61 66
3229 8757 4828 1533 8304 2642 51 59
6729 6502 4829 3196 7443 900 70 62
6500 6004 4290 9496 8727 3506 31 87
9032 6894 9298 2640 9297 5160 78 38
6932 1533 3459 9150 9008 8757 48 39
4561 6729 2642 3229 3737 4795 88 101
8304 8738 587 7763 3196 8429 64 81
4828 4534 6639 2059 1225 7890 79 27
5160 900 9496 1533 3506 9032 95 91
2642 4795 4290 9150 2640 4829 80 79
6894 6729 6500 8738 3196 9297 75 82
8304 8727 7890 587 6932 3737 75 63
4561 3229 6004 6502 2059 3459 86 75
4534 9298 8757 8429 6639 7443 48 70
9008 7763 3506 4828 1225 9150 76 72
8727 5160 4795 9297 6729 4290 107 35
2059 587 9032 4829 4561 8304 96 60
8757 3459 3737 900 8738 4534 70 52
2640 3229 8429 3196 6932 9298 43 44
7890 6502 1533 7443 2642 1225 58 67
6894 7763 6639 9496 6004 9008 69 79
6500 5160 3459 4795 587 4828 62 112
3506 4290 3196 6932 8757 2640 70 23
7443 6502 9297 2059 1533 8738 62 63
9496 4534 2642 9008 6894 4561 98 50
900 9150 8304 6004 9298 7890 37 52
3229 6639 1225 3737 6500 9032 26 80
8727 8429 6729 4829 4828 7763 88 75
587 7443 4561 1533 9496 3196 49 78
3506 8738 6932 6004 9150 2059 57 56
3737 8304 9008 3229 4290 5160 61 36
8429 2642 6500 4534 7763 6729 89 93
9298 900 4828 4829 4795 6894 39 101
6639 7890 2640 3459 9297 8727 61 86
8757 9032 4561 1225 6502 587 56 62
6004 2642 3737 5160 8429 3506 79 76
6932 9150 3229 6894 4828 7443 22 80
9297 9496 2059 900 8727 4829 79 64
7763 7890 3459 4290 8757 6502 60 30
9298 9008 2640 1225 6500 8738 60 44
6729 1533 4795 8304 9032 4534 70 43
3196 9150 587 6639 2642 8727 51 75
8757 7763 5160 6502 9496 3229 73 90
9297 7890 4829 8429 6932 9008 49 60
1225 1533 6894 3459 6004 8304 57 58
2640 3196 4534 3506 4828 6729 64 94
4795 7443 6500 6639 9032 8738 105 88
900 3737 2059 4561 9298 4290 60 60


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 9496 4795 1533 6639
Alliance 2 6729 4829 9008
Alliance 3 2642 8738 6894
Alliance 4 3737 9032 2059
Alliance 5 7763 587 3459
Alliance 6 4828 4561 4534
Alliance 7 8727 3196 5160 9297
Alliance 8 6004 3506 900

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4795 1533 9496 900 3506 6004 109 83
9032 3737 2059 587 3459 7763 78 108
6729 4829 9008 5160 8727 3196 66 92
2642 6894 8738 4561 4828 4534 126 83

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6004 3506 900 2059 3737 9032 71 64
6729 4829 9008 4561 4828 4534 80 83
4795 6639 9496 587 3459 7763 84 73
3196 8727 5160 8738 6894 2642 87 108

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7763 3459 587 4561 4828 4534 66 76
3196 8727 5160 900 3506 6004 84 62

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9496 1533 4795 8738 6894 2642 96 92
3196 8727 9297 4561 4828 4534 73 80

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2642 6894 8738 4561 4828 4534 110 59


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4795 1533 9496 8738 6894 2642 118 114
4795 1533 9496 8738 6894 2642 104 68

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 9496-4795-1533-6639 1
8 6004-3506-900 0
Match 7
1 9496-4795-1533-6639 1
5 7763-587-3459 0
Match 2
4 3737-9032-2059 0
5 7763-587-3459 1
Match 11
1 9496-4795-1533-6639 1
3 2642-8738-6894 0
Match 3
2 6729-4829-9008 0
7 8727-3196-5160-9297 1
Match 8
7 8727-3196-5160-9297 0
3 2642-8738-6894 1
1 9496-4795-1533-6639 2
3 2642-8738-6894 0
Match 4
3 2642-8738-6894 1
6 4828-4561-4534 0
Match 13
3 2642-8738-6894 1
6 4828-4561-4534 0
Match 10
7 8727-3196-5160-9297 1
8 6004-3506-900 0
Match 5
8 6004-3506-900 1
4 3737-9032-2059 0
Match 12
7 8727-3196-5160-9297 0
6 4828-4561-4534 1
Match 9
5 7763-587-3459 0
6 4828-4561-4534 1
Match 6
2 6729-4829-9008 0
6 4828-4561-4534 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 9496 3.00 0.67 72.58 27.00 3.67 10-2-0 0 12 36
2 4795 2.92 0.50 84.58 31.00 4.50 11-1-0 0 12 35
3 6729 2.50 1.00 64.33 23.58 4.00 9-3-0 0 12 30
4 2642 2.42 1.00 72.75 22.00 4.17 9-3-0 0 12 29
5 3737 2.42 0.92 62.33 20.25 4.75 7-4-1 0 12 29
6 7763 2.33 0.83 71.67 21.75 2.75 7-5-0 0 12 28
7 4828 2.33 0.83 70.33 24.00 4.92 8-4-0 0 12 28
8 8727 2.25 0.67 70.58 28.00 4.17 7-5-0 0 12 27
9 9032 2.08 0.92 63.08 27.58 5.17 7-5-0 0 12 25
10 4829 1.92 0.67 63.83 22.42 3.75 7-5-0 0 12 23
11 6004 1.92 0.67 57.92 19.75 3.25 8-4-0 0 12 23
12 3506 1.92 0.58 64.00 21.33 3.25 7-5-0 0 12 23
13 6639 1.92 0.50 63.00 21.83 3.83 8-4-0 0 12 23
14 9297 1.83 0.92 56.50 25.33 3.08 7-5-0 0 12 22
15 6500 1.83 0.83 60.50 20.08 4.58 5-7-0 0 12 22
16 3459 1.83 0.67 62.83 25.33 4.17 7-5-0 0 12 22
17 3196 1.83 0.58 60.17 22.08 3.58 7-5-0 0 12 22
18 7443 1.83 0.42 61.83 22.58 4.42 6-6-0 0 12 22
19 9008 1.75 0.83 57.67 20.75 3.33 6-6-0 0 12 21
20 8738 1.67 0.83 62.42 25.33 5.42 6-6-0 0 12 20
21 4561 1.67 0.83 61.83 21.67 2.67 4-7-1 0 12 20
22 2059 1.67 0.83 60.50 24.83 4.50 5-6-1 0 12 20
23 6894 1.67 0.67 59.92 24.42 3.83 5-7-0 0 12 20
24 8429 1.67 0.67 59.17 24.25 3.50 6-6-0 0 12 20
25 1533 1.67 0.50 57.83 24.75 3.92 7-5-0 0 12 20
26 6502 1.58 0.83 57.67 22.67 4.50 5-7-0 0 12 19
27 587 1.58 0.75 62.50 19.67 4.50 5-7-0 0 12 19
28 900 1.58 0.75 57.50 22.00 3.50 4-7-1 0 12 19
29 3229 1.58 0.67 52.50 17.75 3.08 6-6-0 0 12 19
30 9298 1.58 0.67 52.25 22.00 3.25 6-5-1 0 12 19
31 5160 1.42 0.83 61.50 20.58 4.17 5-7-0 0 12 17
32 4534 1.33 0.75 58.75 21.25 4.08 5-7-0 0 12 16
33 6932 1.33 0.67 43.83 16.42 3.92 5-7-0 0 12 16
34 8304 1.25 0.67 52.25 21.00 3.00 5-7-0 0 12 15
35 7890 1.00 0.67 52.25 22.83 4.25 4-8-0 0 12 12
36 8757 1.00 0.67 47.83 17.58 3.83 3-9-0 0 12 12
37 2640 0.92 0.50 53.42 21.00 4.83 2-10-0 0 12 11
38 1225 0.83 0.75 46.42 19.58 4.08 3-9-0 0 12 10
39 4290 0.83 0.75 44.75 15.25 2.50 2-9-1 0 12 10
40 9150 0.58 0.75 42.67 16.50 3.33 1-11-0 0 12 7

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Apex, North Carolina, USA
Reidsville, North Carolina, USA
Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Mooresville, North Carolina, USA
Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA
Cary, North Carolina, USA
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Cary, North Carolina, USA
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Selma, North Carolina, USA
Team Location Image
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Hickory, North Carolina, USA
Lumberton, North Carolina, USA
Mount Holly, North Carolina, USA
Sylva, North Carolina, USA
Spring Lake, North Carolina, USA
Carrboro, North Carolina, USA
Burlington, North Carolina, USA
Morehead City, North Carolina, USA
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, USA
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Clayton, North Carolina, USA
Cary, North Carolina, USA
Morganton, North Carolina, USA
Hampstead, North Carolina, USA
Arden, North Carolina, USA
Spindale, North Carolina, USA
Graham, North Carolina, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 3506
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 9008
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2642
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 9496
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 9707
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Steve Edwards (5518)
Volunteer of the Year Laura Schoppe
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Claire F (9008)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Ditya V (4828)
District Championship Winner 9496
District Championship Winner 4795
District Championship Winner 1533
District Championship Winner 6639
District Championship Finalist 2642
District Championship Finalist 8738
District Championship Finalist 6894
Autonomous Award 9032
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 900
Excellence in Engineering Award 3229
Gracious Professionalism Award 1533
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2640
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4828
Innovation in Control Award 3459
Judges' Award 6729
Quality Award 3737
Team Spirit Award 7890
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 8727
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 9496 66 90 48 24 228
2 4795 63 90 48 0 201
3 2642 57 60 42 24 183
4 8738 39 60 42 0 141
5 4828 54 39 33 15 141
6 1533 33 72 3 15 123
7 6729 60 0 45 15 120
8 8727 51 21 30 15 117
9 3737 57 0 39 15 111
10 4561 36 39 33 0 108
11 6894 36 60 9 0 105
12 9032 51 0 39 15 105
13 3506 48 0 27 30 105
14 3196 42 21 30 0 93
15 4829 48 0 45 0 93
16 7763 54 0 36 0 90
17 4534 27 39 18 0 84
18 6004 48 0 27 0 75
19 3459 42 0 15 15 72
20 5160 27 21 21 0 69
21 587 33 0 36 0 69
22 900 30 0 24 15 69
23 9008 39 0 6 24 69
24 6639 45 21 0 0 66
25 2059 36 0 12 0 48
26 9297 45 0 0 0 45
27 3229 30 0 0 15 45
28 6500 42 0 0 0 42
29 7443 39 0 0 0 39
30 8429 36 0 0 0 36
31 7890 21 0 0 15 36
32 6502 33 0 0 0 33
33 2640 18 0 0 15 33
34 9298 27 0 0 0 27
35 8304 24 0 0 0 24
36 6932 24 0 0 0 24
37 9707 0 0 0 24 24
38 8757 21 0 0 0 21
39 1225 18 0 0 0 18
40 4290 15 0 0 0 15
41 9150 12 0 0 0 12

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

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