Bayou Regional 2024

to Week 6
Pontchartrain Center in Kenner, LA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4738 5665 2221 3478 364 7483 77 90
1421 8044 4065 9699 3468 5965 95 24
6068 7094 7288 9717 6424 3753 31 52
9708 3606 8808 4336 9084 4531 34 85
2383 1818 3616 5971 3039 5526 58 37
9405 4087 9309 2556 8067 9660 18 41
9456 5276 6017 2080 1912 5785 53 44
9761 9153 2283 4107 2183 5472 51 84
456 6184 3468 9084 7288 2992 41 78
4531 8044 5665 5971 4738 6424 60 90
8067 9405 3039 5526 6068 1421 26 43
1818 4336 9309 7094 5785 3478 44 52
5472 4087 364 5276 8808 4107 40 70
6017 2992 2221 9456 9660 9761 56 10
2080 3616 6184 4065 9708 2556 45 53
7483 3753 1912 9699 456 2183 42 44
5965 9717 2283 3606 9153 2383 20 57
3468 5472 7288 6068 5665 9405 26 27
5971 6017 8044 2992 7094 8067 37 43
1818 4107 1421 4531 2080 4738 45 66
5526 1912 3616 2221 9309 9084 85 72
8808 5965 5785 3753 3039 9761 48 28
5276 6424 2183 3606 2556 456 85 48
4087 9660 9717 7483 2283 9708 27 52
2383 9699 6184 3478 4336 9456 59 77
9153 364 5971 4065 3468 5526 49 76
9309 8044 5965 6068 8808 1818 52 51
3606 4738 5276 3616 9761 9405 93 40
1912 2283 7094 1421 5665 2992 57 76
5785 2383 6424 4107 6184 2221 64 74
9660 7483 7288 2080 2183 3039 26 54
4065 6017 4336 5472 456 3478 81 95
3753 4087 9708 9456 4531 9153 18 57
364 2556 9699 9717 8067 9084 47 65
9405 2283 4738 1912 6184 8808 81 59
5276 5971 6068 2221 1421 3606 24 36
7288 2383 4065 6017 7483 9309 64 29
3478 9761 6424 3616 9708 9153 107 35
2556 9084 4107 3753 9660 8044 94 48
5526 2183 4087 4336 3468 5665 43 64
5785 9717 9699 2992 2080 5472 17 85
3039 1818 9456 456 364 8067 21 71
9708 7094 4531 5965 2221 9405 50 26
9761 6068 7483 6184 5971 9084 24 82
9660 5526 3606 8044 3478 1912 43 111
2556 6424 4087 5472 1421 2383 56 96
8067 5785 9456 2183 4065 5665 34 76
4336 2080 3753 9309 5276 2283 44 46
8808 456 7094 3616 4107 3468 81 91
9717 3039 6017 4531 9699 1818 83 37
4738 2992 364 9153 5965 7288 89 11
8044 3606 8067 6184 5785 5472 51 45
2221 9761 4336 5665 2556 3753 49 49
3468 7483 8808 6424 9456 5526 67 47
456 3616 4531 2283 9699 6068 88 24
9084 9153 9660 7094 2383 5276 23 67
9708 2992 3039 9309 4738 2183 58 90
5971 3478 2080 4087 1912 5965 55 48
4107 9405 4065 1818 7288 9717 65 19
364 1421 3616 6017 3753 6184 82 54
2283 4531 5785 9084 5526 7483 52 80
3468 8067 5276 2383 9708 4738 49 74
3039 5472 2556 7094 9456 5971 76 34
1912 7288 9699 4087 1818 9761 31 34
2183 3478 1421 8808 9717 364 96 54
9153 2221 456 8044 9405 2080 46 57
5665 9309 4107 5965 3606 6017 66 37
9660 4336 2992 6424 4065 6068 56 59
9699 5526 7094 7288 5276 9708 62 25
9761 5472 1912 364 4531 2383 52 78
9405 5971 3468 2283 3753 3478 48 101
5665 9456 456 1421 9309 9717 65 38
6184 5965 1818 2183 2221 9660 21 41
4738 6068 9153 5785 6017 2556 59 48
6424 9084 3606 3039 4065 4087 91 86
2992 4107 8044 7483 3616 4336 102 57
7288 8808 2080 8067 5665 5971 38 56


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3478 4738 1912
Alliance 2 4065 9084 5526
Alliance 3 2183 8044 6017 2556
Alliance 4 4107 2992 2283
Alliance 5 6424 2383 4336
Alliance 6 1421 364 3039
Alliance 7 5665 456 5472
Alliance 8 4531 8808 3616

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4738 1912 3478 3616 4531 8808 108 81
4107 2992 2283 2383 6424 4336 89 111
9084 5526 4065 456 5665 5472 76 64
2183 6017 8044 1421 364 3039 102 45

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8808 4531 3616 4107 2992 2283 73 67
5665 456 5472 1421 364 3039 90 72
4738 1912 3478 2383 6424 4336 119 103
9084 5526 4065 8044 6017 2556 108 82

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4336 6424 2383 5472 456 5665 80 92
2183 6017 8044 3616 4531 8808 110 94

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4738 1912 3478 4065 5526 9084 120 82
2183 6017 8044 5472 456 5665 70 69

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9084 5526 4065 8044 6017 2183 77 88


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4738 1912 3478 8044 6017 2183 118 76
4738 1912 3478 8044 6017 2183 131 84

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 3478-4738-1912 1
8 4531-8808-3616 0
Match 7
1 3478-4738-1912 1
5 6424-2383-4336 0
Match 2
4 4107-2992-2283 0
5 6424-2383-4336 1
Match 11
1 3478-4738-1912 1
2 4065-9084-5526 0
Match 3
2 4065-9084-5526 1
7 5665-456-5472 0
Match 8
2 4065-9084-5526 1
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 0
1 3478-4738-1912 2
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 0
Match 4
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 1
6 1421-364-3039 0
Match 13
2 4065-9084-5526 0
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 1
Match 10
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 1
8 4531-8808-3616 0
Match 5
8 4531-8808-3616 1
4 4107-2992-2283 0
Match 12
3 2183-8044-6017-2556 1
7 5665-456-5472 0
Match 9
5 6424-2383-4336 0
7 5665-456-5472 1
Match 6
7 5665-456-5472 1
6 1421-364-3039 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3478 3.44 0.67 78.11 21.44 10.67 9-0-0 0 9 31
2 4738 3.00 0.78 72.56 29.22 6.11 8-1-0 0 9 27
3 4065 3.00 0.67 67.89 17.89 6.22 7-2-0 0 9 27
4 2183 3.00 0.67 59.89 15.44 5.44 8-1-0 0 9 27
5 4107 3.00 0.56 72.78 24.44 5.89 8-1-0 0 9 27
6 9084 2.89 0.33 68.22 29.56 8.00 7-2-0 0 9 26
7 6424 2.67 0.78 66.22 27.78 7.33 6-3-0 0 9 24
8 2383 2.67 0.67 66.11 25.00 5.00 7-2-0 0 9 24
9 2992 2.67 0.56 67.11 22.44 5.44 7-2-0 0 9 24
10 1421 2.67 0.56 61.44 15.33 7.00 7-2-0 0 9 24
11 5665 2.56 0.78 62.00 16.78 3.67 6-2-1 0 9 23
12 8044 2.44 0.56 63.56 19.78 8.22 6-3-0 0 9 22
13 4531 2.44 0.44 59.33 23.33 7.78 6-3-0 0 9 22
14 456 2.22 0.67 62.22 24.00 4.78 5-4-0 0 9 20
15 2556 2.00 0.67 54.00 20.78 4.33 4-4-1 0 9 18
16 5472 2.00 0.56 64.67 24.33 5.89 5-4-0 0 9 18
17 5276 1.89 0.44 52.33 22.22 5.33 6-3-0 0 9 17
18 364 1.89 0.11 61.33 23.44 5.11 5-4-0 0 9 17
19 2080 1.78 0.78 51.00 18.67 6.11 5-4-0 0 9 16
20 3616 1.78 0.44 61.89 20.22 6.22 5-4-0 0 9 16
21 5526 1.78 0.33 52.22 16.44 2.78 5-4-0 0 9 16
22 3606 1.67 0.56 51.56 20.89 3.78 5-4-0 0 9 15
23 8067 1.67 0.44 46.33 17.44 4.33 6-3-0 0 9 15
24 4336 1.56 0.67 59.22 22.78 6.78 3-5-1 0 9 14
25 3039 1.56 0.44 48.78 13.22 5.00 3-6-0 0 9 14
26 2221 1.56 0.22 50.33 16.33 3.00 4-4-1 0 9 14
27 5971 1.44 0.56 49.44 17.89 6.67 4-5-0 0 9 13
28 3468 1.44 0.44 51.33 19.11 4.11 4-5-0 0 9 13
29 7094 1.44 0.33 48.89 19.00 4.56 5-4-0 0 9 13
30 8808 1.33 0.67 52.11 23.00 3.78 3-6-0 0 9 12
31 9309 1.33 0.67 44.44 17.33 4.56 4-5-0 0 9 12
32 9456 1.33 0.67 42.00 12.67 4.11 4-5-0 0 9 12
33 7483 1.33 0.33 50.44 16.00 4.44 4-5-0 0 9 12
34 2283 1.33 0.22 52.56 22.56 5.78 4-5-0 0 9 12
35 6017 1.22 0.67 48.56 14.00 5.00 3-6-0 0 9 11
36 1912 1.22 0.56 55.22 18.00 5.44 2-7-0 0 9 11
37 9708 1.22 0.56 43.00 14.67 2.67 4-5-0 0 9 11
38 9405 1.22 0.44 42.67 16.00 3.22 4-5-0 0 9 11
39 9153 1.11 0.33 41.56 17.22 5.22 3-6-0 0 9 10
40 6068 1.11 0.33 35.33 13.78 3.22 4-5-0 0 9 10
41 3753 1.11 0.22 46.67 17.22 4.11 2-6-1 0 9 10
42 6184 1.00 0.67 51.67 21.44 4.22 2-7-0 0 9 9
43 9717 1.00 0.56 37.44 15.33 5.00 3-6-0 0 9 9
44 4087 0.89 0.33 40.00 13.78 5.56 1-8-0 0 9 8
45 9761 0.78 0.22 42.33 13.67 5.22 2-6-1 0 9 7
46 9660 0.78 0.22 32.56 12.22 4.11 2-7-0 0 9 7
47 5785 0.67 0.78 39.22 16.89 3.44 2-7-0 0 9 6
48 1818 0.67 0.67 35.11 13.44 3.44 2-7-0 0 9 6
49 9699 0.67 0.44 35.56 14.00 3.00 2-7-0 0 9 6
50 7288 0.67 0.44 35.22 12.33 3.67 2-7-0 0 9 6
51 5965 0.67 0.33 28.67 11.33 4.22 2-7-0 0 9 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA
Picayune, Mississippi, USA
Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Hammond, Louisiana, USA
Boutte, Louisiana, USA
Mandeville, Louisiana, USA
Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Niceville, Florida, USA
Mandeville, Louisiana, USA
Destrehan, Louisiana, USA
West Monroe, Louisiana, USA
San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Minneola, Florida, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Long Beach, Mississippi, USA
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Tampa, Florida, USA
Delray Beach, Florida, USA
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Team Location Image
ISTANBUL, Istanbul, Türkiye
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Marrero, Louisiana, USA
Metairie, Louisiana, USA
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico
Indianola, Mississippi, USA
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Knob Noster, Missouri, USA
Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Viola, Arkansas, USA
Denham Springs, Louisiana, USA
Longueuil, Québec, Canada
Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Goleta, California, USA
Ruston, Louisiana, USA
Rosedale, Louisiana, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Chalmette, Louisiana, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Schriever, Louisiana, USA
Bogalusa, Louisiana, USA
Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Forest, Mississippi, USA
Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 6017
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 456
Rookie All Star Award 9405
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Danny Thomasson (8044)
Volunteer of the Year Dr. Annette Oertling
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Paola A (3478)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Lily M (4065)
Regional Winners 3478
Regional Winners 4738
Regional Winners 1912
Regional Finalists 2183
Regional Finalists 8044
Regional Finalists 6017
Regional Finalists 2556
Autonomous Award 8808
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4336
Excellence in Engineering Award 8044
Gracious Professionalism Award 3478
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4531
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 6424
Innovation in Control Award 2556
Judges' Award 9153
Quality Award 4738
Rookie Inspiration Award 9717
Team Spirit Award 2080
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 5665

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