FIT District Fort Worth Event 2023

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7506 8816 6526 8528 7321 7503 21 36
7534 5613 9105 8749 4192 7271 45 48
8858 2714 6672 9128 3310 9156 123 106
7119 7535 7540 5411 5431 6369 57 74
4251 4206 3005 4153 4641 148 104 68
7506 6974 9299 9088 9080 7534 34 55
5613 9156 8749 7321 5411 7119 76 27
4153 7271 6672 8528 6369 9128 98 78
4641 4206 4192 9299 6526 5431 101 32
9088 3005 3310 9080 7540 9105 152 54
6974 8858 7503 2714 4251 8816 81 43
148 9128 7534 5431 7535 5613 98 43
6369 7506 4153 9156 9105 9088 79 50
4192 5411 8816 4641 8858 3005 58 98
7321 3310 7535 4206 8749 8528 127 112
2714 9080 6974 7271 4251 7119 68 11
6526 7540 7503 6672 148 9299 68 144
5411 8528 3310 7506 9156 4206 96 107
7119 6974 9128 6369 7321 3005 55 130
8858 7271 5431 4192 7503 7535 64 68
8749 7534 7540 9105 6526 4153 87 70
2714 9299 9088 148 5613 4251 104 96
4641 6672 9156 8816 9080 7271 113 30
3310 9105 7503 4153 3005 7535 101 127
5431 7540 2714 5613 8858 6526 93 52
7506 8528 148 5411 4641 8749 122 75
7534 4251 4192 6672 7321 6974 38 89
7119 9080 4206 9299 8816 6369 110 36
7503 9088 5411 9128 9105 2714 87 124
148 7535 8858 7271 7321 7506 121 40
4251 4153 7540 4206 5613 8816 54 85
9156 6369 7534 6672 7119 6526 52 124
9128 9299 4641 6974 3310 8749 19 135
9080 3005 8528 4192 5431 9088 107 79
6526 148 4206 9105 6672 7535 54 131
7321 8816 4641 2714 4153 7534 40 106
8858 7540 8528 7271 9156 9299 87 32
7119 4192 3310 4251 9088 9128 115 97
6369 6974 5613 8749 7503 7506 59 112
7534 3005 5431 9080 5411 8858 117 107
148 9105 7321 9156 8528 7119 99 62
7535 4206 7271 6974 6526 9088 53 50
6672 7506 4192 3005 8749 2714 94 126
9128 4153 5411 7503 5431 4251 92 54
6369 4641 9080 9299 3310 7540 63 129
5613 9088 7506 8816 7534 6974 77 16
7321 5431 9156 3005 7503 6672 81 161
6526 4251 8528 7535 9128 9080 24 81
8816 8749 8858 3310 148 6369 95 114
4641 7119 9105 7540 4192 5613 92 75
7271 2714 5411 4206 4153 9299 91 65
9088 6672 8749 8858 7534 3310 147 68
9156 6526 9080 8816 7503 9128 111 104
9105 9299 4251 5431 7506 4641 50 60
6974 8528 4153 3005 5613 7119 71 119
4206 2714 7321 7540 7271 5411 126 88
7535 6369 4251 4192 148 9156 48 121
9299 7119 8858 3005 7506 9105 56 142
8749 9128 7321 7540 9088 4206 95 90
5411 6974 148 9080 4192 4153 96 56
3310 7271 5613 5431 6672 8816 71 133
7503 2714 6369 8528 7534 4641 106 62
6526 9128 4192 7535 5411 7506 56 78
5613 9299 9080 4153 8858 7321 60 88
9105 8749 5431 4251 9156 6974 101 63
9088 6369 7271 3310 4641 6526 105 112
7540 8816 3005 8528 7535 2714 115 66
7534 4206 6672 7503 7119 148 130 79


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3005 6672 5613
Alliance 2 2714 3310 9156
Alliance 3 8749 4206 7534 9080
Alliance 4 148 9128 9105
Alliance 5 7506 5431 9088 7535
Alliance 6 4153 7540 4641
Alliance 7 8858 4192 6369
Alliance 8 7321 7503 5411

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6672 5613 3005 7503 5411 7321 173 91
9105 148 9128 9088 5431 7506 140 102
9156 3310 2714 8858 6369 4192 126 117
7534 4206 8749 7540 4153 4641 114 99

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7321 5411 7503 7535 5431 7506 69 81
4192 6369 8858 7540 4153 4641 123 123
6672 5613 3005 9128 148 9105 162 105
9156 3310 2714 8749 4206 9080 140 116

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9105 148 9128 7540 4153 4641 135 100
9080 4206 8749 9088 5431 7506 112 75

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6672 5613 3005 2714 3310 9156 154 118
9080 4206 8749 9128 148 9105 91 172

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9156 3310 2714 9128 148 9105 144 148


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6672 5613 3005 9128 148 9105 140 149
6672 5613 3005 9128 148 9105 150 96
6672 5613 3005 9128 148 9105 176 152

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 3005-6672-5613 1
8 7321-7503-5411 0
Match 7
1 3005-6672-5613 1
4 148-9128-9105 0
Match 2
4 148-9128-9105 1
5 7506-5431-9088-7535 0
Match 11
1 3005-6672-5613 1
2 2714-3310-9156 0
Match 3
2 2714-3310-9156 1
7 8858-4192-6369 0
Match 8
2 2714-3310-9156 1
3 8749-4206-7534-9080 0
1 3005-6672-5613 2
4 148-9128-9105 1
Match 4
3 8749-4206-7534-9080 1
6 4153-7540-4641 0
Match 13
2 2714-3310-9156 0
4 148-9128-9105 1
Match 10
3 8749-4206-7534-9080 1
5 7506-5431-9088-7535 0
Match 5
8 7321-7503-5411 0
5 7506-5431-9088-7535 1
Match 12
3 8749-4206-7534-9080 0
4 148-9128-9105 1
Match 9
4 148-9128-9105 1
6 4153-7540-4641 0
Match 6
7 8858-4192-6369 0
6 4153-7540-4641 1
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3005 3.58 122.75 28.33 28.33 12-0-0 0 12 43
2 6672 3.16 118.91 25.83 34.33 11-1-0 0 12 38
3 2714 2.75 95.50 28.00 25.16 10-2-0 0 12 33
4 8749 2.41 96.16 24.66 20.16 9-3-0 0 12 29
5 148 2.25 98.91 25.83 28.58 8-4-0 0 12 27
6 4206 2.16 87.66 23.83 21.16 8-4-0 0 12 26
7 7506 2.00 78.41 18.66 18.75 8-4-0 0 12 24
8 4153 2.00 78.25 29.33 19.33 6-6-0 0 12 24
9 3310 1.91 101.08 25.50 25.66 7-5-0 0 12 23
10 8858 1.83 84.16 26.33 19.41 6-6-0 0 12 22
11 7321 1.83 77.00 20.66 20.33 8-4-0 0 12 22
12 7535 1.75 77.16 20.00 19.75 8-4-0 0 12 21
13 7534 1.75 69.50 21.66 14.08 6-6-0 0 12 21
14 7503 1.66 83.50 25.16 21.08 6-6-0 0 12 20
15 5431 1.66 75.50 19.16 19.75 6-6-0 0 12 20
16 4192 1.58 72.00 20.16 16.33 5-7-0 0 12 19
17 4641 1.58 71.08 23.83 21.83 6-6-0 0 12 19
18 6369 1.50 69.25 22.66 17.25 5-6-0 1 12 18
19 9080 1.50 68.83 22.00 13.58 6-6-0 0 12 18
20 9088 1.41 88.58 23.66 17.16 5-7-0 0 12 17
21 9105 1.41 84.08 22.16 22.08 6-6-0 0 12 17
22 5411 1.41 78.25 22.16 17.83 5-7-0 0 12 17
23 9156 1.41 76.91 23.16 21.91 5-7-0 0 12 17
24 7540 1.41 76.50 21.50 15.75 5-7-0 0 12 17
25 6974 1.33 66.00 17.00 15.33 5-7-0 0 12 16
26 7119 1.25 71.41 15.00 19.83 5-7-0 0 12 15
27 8528 1.25 70.25 22.83 15.33 4-8-0 0 12 15
28 9128 1.16 80.41 17.50 16.75 5-7-0 0 12 14
29 8816 1.16 62.58 21.50 16.58 3-9-0 0 12 14
30 5613 1.08 68.58 21.33 12.16 4-8-0 0 12 13
31 7271 1.08 59.66 21.33 14.58 4-8-0 0 12 13
32 6526 1.08 59.41 18.33 12.91 3-9-0 0 12 13
33 9299 0.66 54.41 13.83 18.83 3-8-0 1 12 8
34 4251 0.33 53.91 12.83 10.91 1-11-0 0 12 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Greenville, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Heath, Texas, USA
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Flower Mound, Texas, USA
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Gallup, New Mexico, USA
Red Oak, Texas, USA
Prosper, Texas, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA
McKinney, Texas, USA
Garland, Texas, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Team Location Image
Roswell, New Mexico, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Frisco, Texas, USA
Arlington, Texas, USA
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Arlington, Texas, USA
Sandia Park, New Mexico, USA
Tularosa, New Mexico, USA
Farmersville, Texas, USA
Frisco, Texas, USA
Wylie, Texas, USA
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Frisco, Texas, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Carrollton, Texas, USA
Hagerman, New Mexico, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 2714
District Engineering Inspiration Award 4153
Rookie All Star Award 9080
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist James Novinski (6672)
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Jack Cooksey (9105)
District Event Winner 3005
District Event Winner 6672
District Event Winner 5613
District Event Finalist 148
District Event Finalist 9128
District Event Finalist 9105
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 6672
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 6974
Excellence in Engineering Award 3005
Gracious Professionalism Award 7540
Highest Rookie Seed 9080
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 7506
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3310
Innovation in Control Award 5411
Judges' Award 7503
Quality Award 9088
Rookie Inspiration Award 9128
Team Spirit Award 5431
Team Sustainability Award 8816
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 3005 22 30 16 5 73
2 6672 21 30 16 5 72
3 2714 20 13 15 10 58
4 148 18 20 13 0 51
5 3310 16 13 15 5 49
6 9128 8 20 13 5 46
7 8749 19 7 14 0 40
8 4206 18 7 14 0 39
9 5613 7 30 1 0 38
10 4153 17 0 11 8 36
11 9105 11 20 4 0 35
12 7506 17 0 12 5 34
13 5431 14 0 12 5 31
14 7503 14 0 9 5 28
15 9156 11 13 2 0 26
16 7540 10 0 11 5 26
17 8858 16 0 10 0 26
18 9080 12 4 0 8 24
19 7321 15 0 9 0 24
20 5411 11 0 8 5 24
21 4192 13 0 10 0 23
22 9088 12 0 5 5 22
23 7534 14 4 3 0 21
24 6369 12 0 7 0 19
25 4641 13 0 6 0 19
26 7535 15 0 0 0 15
27 6974 10 0 0 5 15
28 8816 8 0 0 5 13
29 7119 9 0 0 0 9
30 8528 9 0 0 0 9
31 7271 7 0 0 0 7
32 6526 6 0 0 0 6
33 9299 5 0 0 0 5
34 4251 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 162 408 39.71%
Auto Docked 82 136 60.29%
Auto Engaged 60 136 44.12%
Coopertition Criteria Met 103 136 75.74%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 28 136 20.59%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 62 136 45.59%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
19 136 13.97%

Match Statistics

High Score 161 in Q47
Average Match Score 82.96
Average Winning Score 103.99
Average Win Margin 42.04
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 3.57 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 9.10 30.78 --
Average Park Points -- 1.62 --
Average Charge Station Points 6.59 15.43 --
Average Link Points -- -- 11.88
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.00
Average Score 19.26 47.82 82.96


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 58 96 60.42%
Auto Docked 27 32 84.38%
Auto Engaged 23 32 71.88%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 32 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 176 in F3
Average Match Score 124.78
Average Winning Score 140.94
Average Win Margin 32.31
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 5.44 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 13.56 47.09 --
Average Park Points -- 0.75 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.62 22.88 --
Average Link Points -- -- 20.62
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.81
Average Score 28.62 70.72 124.78
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