Miami Valley Regional 2023

to Week 3
Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
144 1038 4085 1317 6032 5492 81 77
2783 1787 2252 325 4028 3201 93 107
3324 451 4467 4145 554 1708 87 94
3492 4504 2603 2051 695 6936 80 83
3484 6964 3814 5667 3193 5811 70 66
7165 3984 3260 3504 5413 4121 66 83
2399 2614 4611 128 4601 7111 128 35
3140 4020 1732 1014 7515 4269 134 51
2783 6834 4028 9097 144 451 94 50
695 1317 554 5492 4145 3814 126 96
7165 5811 3484 6032 3492 1708 44 70
3193 128 1787 2051 3504 4601 100 18
1014 4504 2614 325 4121 1038 104 113
3201 6964 2399 9097 3260 3140 98 48
5667 7515 7111 4020 5413 2252 50 94
6936 3324 6834 3984 4611 1732 42 134
451 4085 4269 128 2603 4467 27 110
144 4028 4121 3484 2051 3193 117 44
2614 3504 3140 325 9097 1014 91 65
4145 3492 2399 1038 4020 6964 71 94
1732 4504 5413 3814 2783 1317 72 69
2603 554 4269 7515 4611 4601 74 61
4085 6834 1708 695 1787 5667 58 111
7111 3984 3324 6032 3201 7165 35 116
2252 5492 5811 3260 4467 6936 106 86
3492 2051 1732 2614 5413 325 102 123
1317 3504 2399 4028 4611 2603 102 131
4121 4601 6964 1708 4020 695 66 127
128 6834 5667 3324 1038 3140 38 102
5811 9097 554 3984 3484 4085 85 52
3260 6032 2252 451 3193 1014 120 33
4269 3814 6936 7111 7165 1787 91 109
7515 4467 4145 4504 3201 144 99 68
5492 3140 3492 2783 1732 3504 89 141
5413 2051 9097 1038 1708 4611 62 85
554 6032 4028 2252 6964 2614 108 124
2603 3484 4020 3814 3260 6834 118 47
1787 4121 7515 4145 1014 128 92 61
4601 5492 3984 5667 451 4504 64 22
144 3324 2783 5811 7111 695 56 107
6936 7165 1317 3193 325 4467 95 99
3201 4269 6834 2399 4085 5413 72 108
3814 1787 9097 3484 4121 6032 108 64
554 4020 451 4504 3140 4028 98 96
3504 7111 3260 1732 5667 4145 71 119
1038 2614 2603 144 1708 7165 143 80
2051 2252 3201 4269 5811 1317 117 85
3193 3492 695 2399 128 3984 133 92
4601 1014 6936 2783 4467 4085 49 82
6964 325 7515 3324 5492 4611 85 89
4504 7111 1038 1787 3140 451 78 97
1708 4028 5667 2603 3201 5811 102 113
3484 128 9097 5413 4145 1317 70 86
695 1732 2399 4467 7165 554 153 136
2252 4601 3324 3492 3814 3504 91 88
325 2783 2051 7515 3984 6032 95 64
5492 6936 3193 2614 4269 4020 31 126
4121 4085 1014 6964 6834 144 64 58
4611 9097 695 3260 1787 5811 50 106
1038 1732 4601 4028 2252 3484 96 134
3140 6032 4145 5413 2603 3984 70 92
1708 325 3814 7515 2399 5492 117 109
3193 1317 7111 6834 554 1014 78 56
144 3260 4020 4085 3324 2051 119 43
4269 7165 128 6964 2783 4504 84 72
4467 4611 5667 4121 2614 3492 114 96
451 3201 7515 3504 6936 3484 71 74
1014 4028 1038 3984 695 3814 111 122
2603 5492 1708 9097 2252 7111 68 94
4145 5811 2051 6834 4601 7165 107 55
4611 3140 2783 4085 3193 2614 114 72
3492 325 128 554 3260 3201 110 122
1317 1732 4121 6936 451 6964 135 69
4467 144 5413 4020 3504 1787 109 136
6032 5667 3324 4504 2399 4269 74 94
3484 1014 5492 7165 2603 2051 59 95
7111 4145 325 4028 4085 3492 60 103
6834 1317 3984 2614 7515 3260 101 114
2252 3814 4467 3140 128 144 161 92
3201 695 3504 4020 6936 6032 128 101
451 1038 5413 5811 3324 6964 77 72
1787 2399 554 4121 5667 2783 113 81
9097 1708 4504 1732 4269 3193 39 111
4611 144 325 4601 3484 3140 115 59


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 695 1732 1708
Alliance 2 4020 4028 3504
Alliance 3 2252 2614 1317
Alliance 4 1787 325 3984
Alliance 5 2603 4467 554 4121
Alliance 6 4611 2399 144
Alliance 7 5413 4145 3814
Alliance 8 3201 1038 7165

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1708 695 1732 1038 3201 7165 102 67
325 1787 3984 4467 2603 554 130 107
3504 4028 4020 5413 4145 3814 125 62
1317 2252 2614 144 2399 4611 0 154

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1038 3201 7165 4467 2603 4121 110 103
3814 4145 5413 2614 2252 1317 81 117
1708 695 1732 325 1787 3984 141 140
3504 4028 4020 144 2399 4611 134 129

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
325 1787 3984 2614 2252 1317 147 124
4611 2399 144 1038 3201 7165 121 126

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1708 695 1732 4020 4028 3504 120 192
1038 3201 7165 325 1787 3984 140 132

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1708 695 1732 1038 3201 7165 139 118


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3504 4028 4020 1732 695 1708 127 150
3504 4028 4020 1732 695 1708 129 137

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 695-1732-1708 1
8 3201-1038-7165 0
Match 7
1 695-1732-1708 1
4 1787-325-3984 0
Match 2
4 1787-325-3984 1
5 2603-4467-554-4121 0
Match 11
1 695-1732-1708 0
2 4020-4028-3504 1
Match 3
2 4020-4028-3504 1
7 5413-4145-3814 0
Match 8
2 4020-4028-3504 1
6 4611-2399-144 0
2 4020-4028-3504 0
1 695-1732-1708 2
Match 4
3 2252-2614-1317 0
6 4611-2399-144 1
Match 13
1 695-1732-1708 1
8 3201-1038-7165 0
Match 10
6 4611-2399-144 0
8 3201-1038-7165 1
Match 5
8 3201-1038-7165 1
5 2603-4467-554-4121 0
Match 12
8 3201-1038-7165 1
4 1787-325-3984 0
Match 9
4 1787-325-3984 1
3 2252-2614-1317 0
Match 6
7 5413-4145-3814 0
3 2252-2614-1317 1
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 695 3.00 108.50 27.40 26.20 9-1-0 0 10 30
2 1732 2.90 110.80 28.40 25.50 8-2-0 0 10 29
3 4020 2.90 109.20 32.40 30.60 9-1-0 0 10 29
4 2252 2.90 106.00 27.80 35.70 9-1-0 0 10 29
5 1787 2.70 105.00 27.80 28.40 9-1-0 0 10 27
6 2614 2.60 106.60 31.00 33.40 7-3-0 0 10 26
7 2603 2.60 97.40 28.60 24.60 8-2-0 0 10 26
8 4611 2.50 92.70 26.00 22.00 8-2-0 0 10 25
9 5413 2.50 87.60 30.40 21.00 8-2-0 0 10 25
10 325 2.40 97.40 29.00 29.20 7-3-0 0 10 24
11 3201 2.40 96.20 28.20 27.20 7-3-0 0 10 24
12 4028 2.30 107.80 26.40 31.00 6-4-0 0 10 23
13 554 2.30 95.70 27.00 27.00 7-3-0 0 10 23
14 1038 2.30 95.00 26.60 28.90 7-3-0 0 10 23
15 4467 2.20 99.90 28.20 28.20 6-4-0 0 10 22
16 3504 2.20 88.70 27.20 23.80 6-4-0 0 10 22
17 2399 2.10 103.80 31.00 30.50 6-4-0 0 10 21
18 4121 2.00 87.10 29.20 28.20 6-4-0 0 10 20
19 1317 1.90 92.40 28.60 28.20 4-6-0 0 10 19
20 4145 1.80 81.30 28.40 24.50 5-5-0 0 10 18
21 3814 1.70 89.80 26.40 26.20 5-5-0 0 10 17
22 3193 1.70 69.50 24.20 17.30 5-5-0 0 10 17
23 3260 1.60 82.90 24.40 23.10 5-5-0 0 10 16
24 5811 1.60 81.40 24.40 22.90 6-4-0 0 10 16
25 4269 1.60 76.50 24.40 24.10 5-5-0 0 10 16
26 2051 1.60 74.10 23.40 18.70 5-5-0 0 10 16
27 3492 1.50 88.70 26.00 25.00 3-7-0 0 10 15
28 3140 1.50 85.60 28.60 24.50 4-6-0 0 10 15
29 7165 1.50 84.00 24.40 25.00 4-6-0 0 10 15
30 1708 1.50 81.00 21.00 21.50 5-5-0 0 10 15
31 2783 1.40 85.20 21.60 22.70 5-5-0 0 10 14
32 3984 1.40 78.80 22.80 16.60 4-6-0 0 10 14
33 128 1.40 75.20 25.20 21.20 3-7-0 0 10 14
34 3484 1.40 70.20 23.40 15.10 4-6-0 0 10 14
35 4085 1.40 68.00 24.80 20.90 5-5-0 0 10 14
36 6032 1.30 82.40 24.80 24.90 3-7-0 0 10 13
37 7111 1.30 69.70 21.40 17.60 4-6-0 0 10 13
38 6964 1.20 76.10 22.20 24.50 4-6-0 0 10 12
39 5667 1.20 73.00 22.00 20.30 3-7-0 0 10 12
40 7515 1.10 76.10 24.20 20.30 3-7-0 0 10 11
41 144 1.00 76.80 22.40 24.80 3-7-0 0 10 10
42 9097 1.00 62.60 19.20 18.10 3-7-0 0 10 10
43 451 1.00 59.10 17.60 15.50 3-7-0 0 10 10
44 5492 0.90 75.80 23.60 19.20 3-7-0 0 10 9
45 3324 0.90 65.60 19.60 15.00 3-7-0 0 10 9
46 6936 0.70 63.40 18.60 18.30 2-7-0 1 10 7
47 1014 0.70 62.80 19.60 20.50 1-9-0 0 10 7
48 4504 0.60 69.00 18.60 17.70 2-8-0 0 10 6
49 4601 0.60 56.90 16.20 14.40 2-8-0 0 10 6
50 6834 0.40 59.10 16.20 16.40 1-9-0 0 10 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, USA
Beachwood, Ohio, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
Westerville, Ohio, USA
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Pepper Pike, Ohio, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Allison Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Milan, Ohio, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Medina, Ohio, USA
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
La Grange, Kentucky, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Marysville, Ohio, USA
Winfield, West Virginia, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Erlanger, Kentucky, USA
Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
North Canton, Ohio, USA
Worthington, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Maryville, Tennessee, USA
Canfield, Ohio, USA
Delaware, Ohio, USA
Shelby, Ohio, USA
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
New Albany, Ohio, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Pataskala, Ohio, USA
Beavercreek, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Sandusky, Ohio, USA
Williamstown, West Virginia, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 1038
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2614
Rookie All Star Award 9097
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Sandra Mejia Gerbacio (1732)
Volunteer of the Year Alex Hummel (2010)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Koah Ghrist (2783)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Arwen Zhang (1014)
Regional Winners 695
Regional Winners 1732
Regional Winners 1708
Regional Finalists 4020
Regional Finalists 4028
Regional Finalists 3504
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 4020
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 554
Excellence in Engineering Award 144
Gracious Professionalism Award 4467
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 325
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4028
Innovation in Control Award 1732
Judges' Award 6936
Quality Award 695
Team Spirit Award 2603
Team Sustainability Award 2399
Wildcard 9097
Wildcard 4020

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 293 504 58.13%
Auto Docked 122 168 72.62%
Auto Engaged 97 168 57.74%
Coopertition Criteria Met 124 168 73.81%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 26 168 15.48%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 92 168 54.76%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
15 168 8.93%

Match Statistics

High Score 161 in Q79
Average Match Score 88.32
Average Winning Score 106.04
Average Win Margin 35.43
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 5.23 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 10.01 30.50 --
Average Park Points -- 1.56 --
Average Charge Station Points 8.12 16.70 --
Average Link Points -- -- 11.67
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.54
Average Score 23.36 48.76 88.32


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 70 90 77.78%
Auto Docked 25 30 83.33%
Auto Engaged 21 30 70.00%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 30 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 192 in SF11-1
Average Match Score 120.13
Average Winning Score 136.27
Average Win Margin 32.27
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 7.00 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 15.73 43.57 --
Average Park Points -- 0.93 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.47 23.00 --
Average Link Points -- -- 18.67
Average Foul Points -- -- 6.50
Average Score 32.20 67.50 120.13
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