Great Lakes Bot Bash 2023

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5424 6631 9984 9995 9996 6067 63 46
2145 9245 9998 2832 6071 5712 119 172
2619 1504 3770 3537 8286 7211 67 47
5216 894 6642 5603 6753 5166 116 126
5231 5046 1684 3538 8873 5509 79 71
5229 9995 6631 5534 2832 3537 68 110
9984 2619 7211 6071 894 2145 121 67
9998 6067 5231 5046 8286 5216 39 112
5603 1504 5424 5712 1684 9245 86 173
5534 3538 6753 3770 8873 5166 128 88
9996 5509 5046 6642 5229 6071 33 74
5216 3537 5712 2832 7211 1684 90 167
3538 5424 2145 3770 9998 5603 135 57
8286 6642 9995 894 5229 8873 68 59
5231 5166 6631 1504 6753 9984 68 89
9996 5534 2619 6067 5509 9245 115 63
5229 3538 8286 6071 5216 5424 89 128
1684 6631 6642 2145 3770 5231 69 48
5046 9998 2832 1504 5534 894 89 51
7211 5166 5509 9245 9995 5603 119 130
6753 3537 8873 5712 9984 9996 85 85
6067 2832 1504 6642 2619 3538 102 71
7211 5603 6071 5424 5231 5534 85 88
8286 2145 6753 3537 9245 5046 96 52
5509 5712 894 6631 6067 3770 138 54
2619 1684 5229 5166 9984 9998 88 128
8873 9996 1504 9995 2145 5216 67 74
894 5424 2832 5509 5231 3537 145 60
1684 6071 6067 6753 7211 5229 112 82
8873 5046 9995 6631 5603 2619 93 44
9998 5712 8286 5166 6642 9996 144 115
9245 3770 5534 9984 5216 3538 73 129


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 2832 5712 3770 9996
Alliance 2 5424 5166 5229 6642
Alliance 3 9984 2619 5603 8873
Alliance 4 1684 7211 9245 6067
Alliance 5 5216 3538 9995 3537
Alliance 6 6071 6753 1504 5231
Alliance 7 8286 9998 5046 5509
Alliance 8 5534 2145 894 6631

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3770 5712 2832 894 5534 2145 148 97
9245 1684 7211 3538 5216 9995 136 136
5229 5166 5424 8286 5046 9998 111 93
5603 9984 2619 1504 6071 5231 113 71

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6631 5534 894 1684 7211 9245 107 164
9998 5046 8286 1504 6071 6753 131 82
3770 5712 2832 3538 5216 3537 151 134
6642 5166 5424 2619 9984 5603 94 109

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9995 5216 3538 8286 5046 9998 152 92
6642 5166 5424 1684 7211 9245 109 156

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3770 5712 2832 2619 9984 5603 126 93
9245 7211 1684 3538 5216 9995 145 128

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8873 9984 2619 1684 7211 9245 75 138


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3770 5712 2832 1684 7211 9245 161 157
3770 5712 2832 1684 7211 9245 167 158
5712 2832 3770 7211 1684 9245 *

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2832-5712-3770-9996 1
8 5534-2145-894-6631 0
Match 7
1 2832-5712-3770-9996 1
5 5216-3538-9995-3537 0
Match 2
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 0
5 5216-3538-9995-3537 1
Match 11
1 2832-5712-3770-9996 1
3 9984-2619-5603-8873 0
Match 3
2 5424-5166-5229-6642 1
7 8286-9998-5046-5509 0
Match 8
2 5424-5166-5229-6642 0
3 9984-2619-5603-8873 1
1 2832-5712-3770-9996 2
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 0
Match 4
3 9984-2619-5603-8873 1
6 6071-6753-1504-5231 0
Match 13
3 9984-2619-5603-8873 0
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 1
Match 10
2 5424-5166-5229-6642 0
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 1
Match 5
8 5534-2145-894-6631 0
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 1
Match 12
4 1684-7211-9245-6067 1
5 5216-3538-9995-3537 0
Match 9
5 5216-3538-9995-3537 1
7 8286-9998-5046-5509 0
Match 6
7 8286-9998-5046-5509 1
6 6071-6753-1504-5231 0
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2832 3.50 122.66 33.00 33.83 6-0-0 0 6 21
2 5712 3.00 126.33 32.66 30.33 4-1-1 0 6 18
3 5424 3.00 105.00 33.00 29.16 5-1-0 0 6 18
4 9984 3.00 98.83 29.33 30.66 5-0-1 0 6 18
5 1684 2.83 108.83 32.33 28.83 5-1-0 0 6 17
6 5216 2.50 106.50 34.33 28.00 4-2-0 0 6 15
7 6071 2.33 100.66 24.00 21.66 4-2-0 0 6 14
8 6753 2.33 94.50 31.66 29.00 4-1-1 0 6 14
9 8286 2.33 91.83 29.66 27.50 4-2-0 0 6 14
10 9998 2.16 93.16 30.66 24.66 3-3-0 0 6 13
11 5534 2.16 92.50 30.00 27.00 4-2-0 0 6 13
12 3538 2.00 101.33 27.00 33.00 3-3-0 0 6 12
13 2145 2.00 88.16 27.66 24.16 3-3-0 0 6 12
14 2619 2.00 84.33 27.33 27.66 3-3-0 0 6 12
15 5166 1.83 103.66 34.00 29.16 2-4-0 0 6 11
16 6642 1.83 83.83 29.66 22.33 3-3-0 0 6 11
17 9995 1.83 76.16 18.00 26.00 4-2-0 0 6 11
18 5046 1.83 71.83 25.66 30.50 4-2-0 0 6 11
19 9245 1.66 97.50 27.66 25.16 2-4-0 0 6 10
20 1504 1.66 73.33 25.66 24.16 3-3-0 0 6 10
21 7211 1.50 100.16 21.00 30.33 2-4-0 0 6 9
22 894 1.50 92.66 20.33 21.66 2-4-0 0 6 9
23 5603 1.33 80.66 18.00 23.16 2-4-0 0 6 8
24 9996 1.16 76.83 21.66 25.50 1-4-1 0 6 7
25 5231 1.16 60.33 27.66 17.50 2-4-0 0 6 7
26 3537 1.00 74.00 24.00 19.83 1-4-1 0 6 6
27 6067 1.00 66.83 20.33 19.83 2-4-0 0 6 6
28 5509 0.83 76.50 20.66 20.16 1-5-0 0 6 5
29 5229 0.83 75.83 23.00 23.66 1-5-0 0 6 5
30 8873 0.83 71.83 17.00 22.66 1-4-1 0 6 5
31 3770 0.83 60.00 24.00 25.00 1-5-0 0 6 5
32 6631 0.66 59.33 17.00 20.83 2-4-0 0 6 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Flint, Michigan, USA
Okemos, Michigan, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Linden, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Indian River, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Memphis, Michigan, USA
Freeland, Michigan, USA
Essexville, Michigan, USA
Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Shepherd, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Onaway, Michigan, USA
Auburn, Michigan, USA
Hemlock, Michigan, USA
Saint Charles, Michigan, USA
Bay City, Michigan, USA
Reese, Michigan, USA
Harrison, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Holly, Michigan, USA
Farwell, Michigan, USA
Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA
Pigeon, Michigan, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 129 192 67.19%
Auto Docked 41 64 64.06%
Auto Engaged 38 64 59.38%
Coopertition Criteria Met 49 64 76.56%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 15 64 23.44%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 38 64 59.38%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
13 64 20.31%

Match Statistics

High Score 173 in Q9
Average Match Score 91.39
Average Winning Score 110.91
Average Win Margin 39.03
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.05 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 12.17 30.95 --
Average Park Points -- 1.31 --
Average Charge Station Points 7.50 18.69 --
Average Link Points -- -- 11.33
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.39
Average Score 25.72 50.95 91.39


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 69 90 76.67%
Auto Docked 25 30 83.33%
Auto Engaged 22 30 73.33%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 30 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 167 in F2
Average Match Score 124.47
Average Winning Score 140.53
Average Win Margin 32.13
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.90 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 16.30 45.27 --
Average Park Points -- 0.40 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.60 23.93 --
Average Link Points -- -- 19.17
Average Foul Points -- -- 2.90
Average Score 32.80 69.60 124.47