West Australian Robotics Playoffs 2021

Curtin Stadium in Bentley, WA, Australia

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9230 9069 9164 7779 8613 4788 12 10
7113 9788 9012 9147 6524 9065 0 17
9153 9230 8613 9012 9065 9788 12 15
6524 4788 9153 7113 9147 9069 22 11
6524 9147 8613 7779 9164 9153 16 20
9164 9065 7779 9788 9069 4788 21 36
7779 9230 9069 8613 9012 7113 19 17
9012 9788 9153 9065 9147 9164 38 50
4788 7113 9230 6524 9788 9164 24 23
8613 9069 6524 9230 9012 9147 34 19
7113 9153 7779 4788 9065 6524 3 74
9012 4788 9164 9065 9230 9147 38 35
7113 9153 9069 8613 7779 9788 20 25
8613 6524 4788 9065 9230 7113 74 13
9069 9012 9788 9147 7779 9153 40 25
9153 6524 9147 4788 9164 9069 16 40
9065 8613 9164 7113 7779 9230 73 6
7779 9147 9788 9230 4788 9012 33 96
9065 9153 9788 9012 9069 6524 23 76
9069 9164 9065 9012 7113 8613 49 8
9153 7113 4788 9164 8613 9147 75 28
9230 9012 7779 6524 9788 9065 24 35
4788 9147 9230 9788 6524 8613 53 44
9230 7779 9069 9153 7113 9164 30 29
4788 9065 9147 8613 9788 7779 42 38
9164 6524 7113 9069 9153 9012 76 34
8613 9012 6524 9153 4788 7779 84 36
9788 9164 7113 9069 9065 9230 51 33
9147 7779 4788 6524 9012 9069 38 103
9147 9230 9065 9164 9153 7113 26 20
9788 8613 9012 9147 9164 4788 25 45
Ranking Score
End Game
Teleop Cell + CPanel
Total Ranking Points*
1 4788 1.60 203 210 347 0 15 24
2 9069 1.43 160 205 287 0 14 20
3 6524 1.43 98 345 491 0 14 20
4 9164 1.33 179 190 267 0 15 20
5 9065 1.29 145 155 223 0 14 18
6 9230 1.00 140 115 187 0 14 14
7 9012 0.93 92 245 357 0 15 14
8 9788 0.86 73 160 278 0 14 12
9 9147 0.80 120 150 241 0 15 12
10 8613 0.71 86 205 324 0 14 10
11 7113 0.57 94 140 211 0 14 8
12 7779 0.57 72 115 205 0 14 8
13 9153 0.43 74 135 206 0 14 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Warnbro, Western Australia, Australia
Seville Grove, Western Australia, Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Team Location Image
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
4788 26.49
6524 26.41
9012 20.77
9164 17.53
9065 13.26
9069 12.66
8613 7.73
9230 6.44
7779 4.63
9788 4.07
9153 3.60
9147 3.21
7113 2.09
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