FIM District Macomb Community College Event 2020

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3875 7226 7188 6567 7788 7789 91 16
8380 5114 3641 3539 5860 5502 75 90
8398 6616 4961 6033 7196 217 14 15
5424 1718 5555 3175 135 2834 48 42
302 7762 3302 5436 4827 4680 42 76
772 6077 6190 910 1188 7197 79 100
3641 5555 5843 5066 6033 5502 77 51
3539 8380 7789 2834 7788 5114 39 92
7226 6616 217 7188 3302 3175 89 34
135 5860 7762 4961 6567 6190 41 55
4680 5066 3875 910 8398 1718 91 110
6077 5424 7196 772 302 5843 114 107
3641 1188 5436 4827 7197 7788 189 30
217 4680 1718 5555 8380 3875 113 66
6616 3175 772 5502 4961 7762 61 103
5843 2834 7196 7197 5424 5114 104 138
3539 910 6033 4827 7188 7789 132 81
8398 6190 3302 5860 302 1188 15 153
5066 6567 7226 5436 6077 135 37 160
1718 7762 7196 3641 6033 5424 109 130
6190 7788 6616 217 3539 7197 32 78
4680 6567 7188 8380 7226 772 128 51
5436 5066 302 3875 7789 135 74 56
4827 5843 5114 5555 3302 6077 138 60
1188 5502 2834 5860 4961 910 123 63
8380 3175 7197 8398 772 5066 81 81
5555 3539 7762 7226 7196 4680 104 71
6077 910 2834 135 6033 6616 86 51
5860 7789 3641 5843 3875 3175 86 87
302 5502 6567 3302 217 4961 53 75
5424 7188 5436 1718 4827 1188 111 129
5114 7762 6190 135 8398 7788 154 45
2834 7789 4961 4680 3641 6077 106 146
5502 1718 7226 4827 6616 3875 133 111
5436 772 7788 5843 217 5860 77 56
7188 5114 3539 3175 910 302 129 44
5424 5066 8380 6033 7197 6190 110 51
3302 1188 6567 8398 7196 5555 93 33
302 4961 4827 7788 5843 910 102 55
2834 6190 5860 5066 1718 7188 54 90
5424 772 217 3641 3539 7226 102 105
3175 6033 8398 5114 135 4680 62 117
7197 5436 6567 7789 5502 5555 105 120
6077 3875 1188 6616 7762 8380 84 66
3302 135 1718 3539 5066 7196 87 121
910 7226 5555 302 3641 7188 97 110
7788 4961 8380 7789 5424 6616 69 92
772 5114 6033 217 4827 6567 174 55
5843 5502 5436 6077 8398 7762 98 103
4680 2834 3302 1188 6190 3175 72 86
5860 5424 3875 7196 7197 772 133 89
6567 5843 8398 6616 1718 3539 57 129
135 217 5502 1188 4680 7788 98 83
6033 5555 4827 6190 302 7789 67 57
7762 910 3641 8380 5436 2834 105 180
3175 6077 5066 7196 7188 5860 89 30
4961 3875 7197 5114 3302 7226 147 95
302 2834 1718 6567 5555 772 105 51
6190 7196 135 5502 3641 4827 113 150
3875 5436 3539 4961 6077 5114 142 133
7789 1188 8398 7226 3175 5424 93 88
7188 7197 6616 7762 5843 4680 42 87
7788 5860 6033 3302 8380 910 64 59
217 8398 302 5066 2834 3641 44 268
7197 135 5843 1188 7188 4961 86 125
7789 7226 6033 5502 3302 5424 64 103
6190 4680 8380 7196 5114 5436 61 118
772 5860 4827 5555 6616 5066 140 60
7762 217 3175 1718 6567 6077 76 104
910 3875 5502 7788 3539 5424 130 97
4961 5555 135 7188 8380 8398 128 45
6033 4680 302 6616 5436 5860 110 104
5114 7789 5066 7762 772 1188 97 111
7196 4827 910 2834 3875 217 69 128
7226 7788 6077 1718 6190 5843 56 134
7197 3641 3302 6567 3175 3539 82 132


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1188 (5066) 3641 7762
Alliance 2 3539 5114 3175
Alliance 3 5436 1718 8380
Alliance 4 5502 5424 7226
Alliance 5 3875 6077 7197
Alliance 6 2834 772 135
Alliance 7 4961 217 5843
Alliance 8 4827 302 4680

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3641 1188 7762 302 4827 4680 176 91
3641 1188 7762 302 4827 4680 158 137
5424 5502 7226 6077 3875 7197 111 134
5424 5502 7226 6077 3875 7197 139 118
5424 5502 7226 6077 3875 7197 110 97
5114 3539 3175 217 4961 5843 191 96
5114 3539 3175 217 4961 5843 142 107
1718 5436 8380 772 2834 135 164 70
1718 5436 8380 772 2834 135 180 135
3641 1188 7762 5424 5502 7226 179 95
3641 1188 7762 5424 5502 7226 186 107
5114 3539 3175 1718 5436 8380 132 173
5114 3539 3175 1718 5436 8380 144 153
3641 1188 7762 1718 5436 8380 82 160
3641 5066 7762 1718 5436 8380 154 147
3641 5066 7762 1718 5436 8380 106 135

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
End Game
Teleop Cell + CPanel
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1188 2.08 433 545 277 11-1-0 0 12 25
2 3539 2.00 404 555 255 10-2-0 0 12 24
3 5436 2.00 388 730 244 8-4-0 0 12 24
4 5502 2.00 306 580 231 9-3-0 0 12 24
5 3641 1.91 440 610 320 8-4-0 0 12 23
6 1718 1.91 372 460 396 10-2-0 0 12 23
7 3875 1.83 342 545 292 8-4-0 0 12 22
8 6077 1.75 395 565 191 8-4-0 0 12 21
9 2834 1.75 287 605 189 7-5-0 0 12 21
10 5424 1.58 406 510 278 8-4-0 0 12 19
11 4961 1.50 300 550 192 7-5-0 0 12 18
12 4827 1.41 361 400 285 7-5-0 0 12 17
13 5114 1.33 525 410 369 8-4-0 0 12 16
14 4680 1.25 375 250 359 7-5-0 0 12 15
15 217 1.25 343 290 233 7-5-0 0 12 15
16 5066 1.25 329 435 222 6-5-1 0 12 15
17 5860 1.25 311 450 142 5-7-0 0 12 15
18 6033 1.16 385 260 233 7-5-0 0 12 14
19 302 1.16 342 365 234 6-6-0 0 12 14
20 7762 1.16 312 450 198 6-6-0 0 12 14
21 7188 1.16 295 340 186 6-6-0 0 12 14
22 5555 1.08 341 300 153 6-6-0 0 12 13
23 6567 1.08 257 350 138 5-7-0 0 12 13
24 5843 1.00 421 310 247 5-7-0 0 12 12
25 135 1.00 323 400 181 4-8-0 0 12 12
26 910 1.00 308 430 198 5-7-0 0 12 12
27 7197 1.00 293 460 198 4-7-1 0 12 12
28 7196 0.91 339 420 194 4-8-0 0 12 11
29 772 0.83 429 390 253 4-7-1 0 12 10
30 3175 0.83 379 260 129 4-7-1 0 12 10
31 6190 0.75 288 285 195 4-8-0 0 12 9
32 6616 0.75 268 375 145 3-9-0 0 12 9
33 3302 0.75 212 395 117 3-9-0 0 12 9
34 7226 0.66 322 290 239 4-8-0 0 12 8
35 7789 0.66 271 380 127 3-9-0 0 12 8
36 7788 0.50 326 190 170 3-9-0 0 12 6
37 8380 0.50 307 340 132 2-9-1 0 12 6
38 8398 0.50 238 230 100 2-8-1 1 12 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
LaSalle, Ontario, Canada
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Armada, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Clawson, Michigan, USA
Romeo, Michigan, USA
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
Kentwood, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Negaunee, Michigan, USA
Almont, Michigan, USA
Saline, Michigan, USA
Fenton, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
Jonesville, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
East China, Michigan, USA
Algonac, Michigan, USA
Beal City, Michigan, USA
Posen, Michigan, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Saint Clair Shores, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Inkster, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Ferndale, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 1718
District Engineering Inspiration Award 3641
Rookie All Star Award 8398
District Event Winner 5436
District Event Winner 1718
District Event Winner 8380
District Event Finalist 1188
District Event Finalist 3641
District Event Finalist 7762
District Event Finalist 5066
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 5114
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2834
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 7226
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 910
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 5843
Highest Rookie Seed 8380
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5424
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 302
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 217
Judges' Award 3175
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5436
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 8380
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2834
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 6077
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1718 18 30 14 10 72
2 5436 20 30 14 5 69
3 3641 19 20 16 8 63
4 1188 22 20 16 0 58
5 3539 21 10 15 0 46
6 5114 15 10 15 5 45
7 5424 16 10 13 5 44
8 8380 5 30 3 5 43
9 5502 19 10 13 0 42
10 2834 17 0 11 10 38
11 6077 17 0 12 5 34
12 7762 12 20 1 0 33
13 3875 17 0 12 0 29
14 217 14 0 10 5 29
15 302 13 0 9 5 27
16 7226 7 10 4 5 26
17 3175 9 10 2 5 26
18 4961 16 0 10 0 26
19 4827 15 0 9 0 24
20 4680 15 0 8 0 23
21 5843 11 0 7 5 23
22 772 9 0 11 0 20
23 135 11 0 6 0 17
24 7197 10 0 5 0 15
25 910 10 0 0 5 15
26 5066 14 0 0 0 14
27 5860 14 0 0 0 14
28 6033 13 0 0 0 13
29 7188 12 0 0 0 12
30 5555 12 0 0 0 12
31 8398 4 0 0 8 12
32 6567 11 0 0 0 11
33 7196 10 0 0 0 10
34 6190 8 0 0 0 8
35 6616 8 0 0 0 8
36 3302 8 0 0 0 8
37 7789 6 0 0 0 6
38 7788 6 0 0 0 6

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3641 63.31
5114 60.33
1188 55.06
5436 53.53
2834 52.23
3539 51.41
1718 50.90
5424 48.11
3875 43.66
4961 42.20
772 41.28
5502 37.48
6077 35.93
4827 34.05
4680 33.93
5066 32.51
7762 31.20
135 30.29
5843 29.63
910 28.45
6033 25.48
7197 23.83
7226 23.34
7188 21.19
302 20.98
6190 19.86
5860 18.92
217 17.64
6567 17.42
7196 16.51
3175 15.85
6616 14.99
5555 14.33
8380 13.70
7789 13.48
8398 9.50
3302 4.16
7788 -5.08


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 407 456 89.25%
Achieve Stage 1 107 152 70.39%
Achieve Stage 2 0 152 0.00%
Achieve Stage 3 0 152 0.00%
Endgame Parking 156 456 34.21%
Endgame Hanging 148 456 32.46%
Generator Level + Hang 51 152 33.55%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 35 152 23.03%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 152 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 152 0.00%
High Score 268 in Q64
Average Match Score 90.12
Average Winning Score 112.36
Average Win Margin 44.46
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 13.39 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 0.38 2.11 2.48
Average Cell Count (Outer) 3.02 6.43 9.45
Average Cell Count (Inner) 0.38 1.07 1.45
Average Cell Count 3.78 9.61 13.38
Average Cell Points 15.12 18.17 33.29
Average Control Panel Points -- 0.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 8.94
Average Score 28.51 52.68 90.12


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 91 96 94.79%
Achieve Stage 1 27 32 84.38%
Achieve Stage 2 0 32 0.00%
Achieve Stage 3 0 32 0.00%
Endgame Parking 13 96 13.54%
Endgame Hanging 69 96 71.88%
Generator Level + Hang 18 32 56.25%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 32 0.00%
High Score 191 in QF3-1
Average Match Score 134.66
Average Winning Score 158.38
Average Win Margin 47.44
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 14.22 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 0.81 0.69 1.50
Average Cell Count (Outer) 4.66 9.41 14.06
Average Cell Count (Inner) 0.38 1.34 1.72
Average Cell Count 5.84 11.44 17.28
Average Cell Points 22.50 23.53 46.03
Average Control Panel Points -- 0.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 10.03
Average Score 36.72 87.91 134.66
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