Where is Wolcott Invitational 2019

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7462 3525 228 666 173 999 33 34
58 1071 4055 716 3146 4557 37 34
230 3461 178 7153 237 3555 49 53
195 558 177 2067 7127 5943 62 28
155 228 4557 3525 3461 3555 52 56
7462 666 230 4055 7153 558 21 32
195 2067 716 178 58 155 46 45
173 5943 3146 237 177 999 48 31
4557 1071 2067 666 178 7127 48 39
558 3555 3146 7153 228 5943 62 47
3525 999 1071 4055 230 195 51 65
7127 177 716 3461 155 7462 61 36
237 173 558 58 4557 195 36 55
999 3146 7153 2067 155 3525 39 47
177 7462 178 228 237 230 40 57
5943 4055 666 3461 7127 58 35 38
3555 173 177 7153 716 1071 96 49
4055 999 3461 558 178 2067 38 46
155 195 237 1071 666 228 55 51
7127 3555 7462 3146 3525 58 49 61
716 5943 155 4557 230 173 39 65
3555 195 666 3146 4055 177 55 57
178 716 237 5943 558 3525 53 48
228 2067 3461 1071 7462 173 48 41
230 58 7153 999 4557 7127 57 47


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 195 177 666
Alliance 2 230 558 3525
Alliance 3 2067 3146 7462
Alliance 4 58 228 7127
Alliance 5 3555 237 178
Alliance 6 4557 5943 155
Alliance 7 173 716 999
Alliance 8 4055 3461 7153

Playoff Results

Winner's Bracket

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
177 195 666 3461 4055 7153 75 42
228 58 / 7127 237 3555 178 35 63
3146 2067 7462 5943 4557 155 59 38
558 230 3525 716 173 999 58 47
177 195 666 237 3555 178 74 58
3146 2067 7462 558 230 3525 66 61
177 195 666 3146 2067 7462 69 52
177 195 666 558 230 3525 67 67
177 195 666 558 230 3525 50 69
177 195 666 558 230 3525 71 73

Loser's Bracket

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3461 4055 7153 228 58 / 7127 35 65
5943 4557 155 716 173 999 41 26
558 230 3525 228 58 / 7127 72 60
5943 4557 155 237 3555 178 42 75
558 230 3525 237 3555 178 70 65
3146 2067 7462 558 230 3525 38 66
Rank Team Ranking Score Cargo Hatch Panel HAB Climb Sandstorm Bonus Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 195 2.33 132 50 87 66 5-1-0 0 6 14
2 230 2.16 102 38 93 72 4-2-0 0 6 13
3 2067 1.83 105 38 45 63 5-1-0 0 6 11
4 58 1.83 96 44 63 90 5-1-0 0 6 11
5 3555 1.66 141 54 81 75 4-2-0 0 6 10
6 558 1.66 108 34 57 81 4-2-0 0 6 10
7 177 1.50 123 54 63 84 4-2-0 0 6 9
8 3146 1.50 108 40 72 78 4-2-0 0 6 9
9 4557 1.50 99 52 75 75 3-3-0 0 6 9
10 173 1.50 96 54 60 87 4-2-0 0 6 9
11 4055 1.50 96 30 54 78 4-2-0 0 6 9
12 237 1.50 90 42 60 81 4-2-0 0 6 9
13 7153 1.33 96 22 69 81 3-3-0 0 6 8
14 228 1.33 90 30 87 60 2-4-0 0 6 8
15 716 1.16 114 30 57 66 3-3-0 0 6 7
16 3461 1.16 90 34 54 78 3-3-0 0 6 7
17 3525 1.00 108 44 48 72 3-3-0 0 6 6
18 7127 0.83 99 34 54 72 2-4-0 0 6 5
19 178 0.83 99 32 51 75 2-4-0 0 6 5
20 1071 0.83 96 46 51 78 2-4-0 0 6 5
21 155 0.83 78 40 66 81 2-4-0 0 6 5
22 666 0.66 96 28 57 48 1-5-0 0 6 4
23 5943 0.50 96 20 54 69 1-5-0 0 6 3
24 999 0.50 66 24 60 84 1-5-0 0 6 3
25 7462 0.00 69 22 39 69 0-6-0 0 6 0

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

South Portland, Maine, USA
Berlin, Connecticut, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Hell, CT, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Bristol, Connecticut, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut, USA
Winchester, Connecticut, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Carmel, New York, USA
Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester, Connecticut, USA
Danbury, Connecticut, USA

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3555 32.96
177 26.89
195 24.95
230 24.88
173 24.77
228 23.00
3525 20.99
1071 20.44
178 20.01
155 18.34
7127 17.09
3146 16.30
4557 14.41
716 13.85
7153 13.84
4055 13.36
58 12.85
3461 11.24
558 10.88
5943 9.96
2067 9.64
999 8.41
237 7.04
666 3.19
7462 -3.97
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