Lone Star South Regional 2018

to Week 6
San Jacinto Community College in Pasadena, TX 77505, USA
http://houston.txfirst.org - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6363 3103 2582 5427 2882 3834 177 225
6111 5414 4192 2897 1745 231 357 202
1255 5070 6800 4587 5829 118 252 349
7312 647 6488 5923 2881 6645 155 274
3802 6369 2587 624 6898 3735 188 359
7312 5923 5070 4192 3103 5414 5 362
647 6645 624 3735 6800 2882 243 372
231 2897 3802 2881 118 1255 244 361
3834 2582 6111 6369 6488 5829 170 148
4587 6898 2587 5427 6363 1745 203 185
3834 2897 5923 2582 1255 3735 45 422
6645 6363 5427 2881 6800 231 247 388
5414 2882 6488 6898 7312 6111 200 259
5070 3103 4587 647 2587 3802 284 288
6369 118 624 1745 5829 4192 390 240
1255 6488 2587 6645 5414 3834 266 222
3735 647 4192 5427 3802 6898 94 341
7312 2881 3103 6800 5923 1745 142 399
2882 5829 231 5070 2582 624 218 438
118 6363 2897 6369 4587 6111 254 255
5923 1745 5414 2587 5070 3735 420 30
624 6111 118 3103 647 3834 472 113
6800 5427 4587 6488 4192 2897 402 157
6363 3802 7312 231 1255 5829 245 182
2881 6369 2582 6645 2882 6898 342 70
5427 5070 6488 6800 6111 647 94 229
2881 3735 3802 3834 7312 4192 420 182
4587 2897 2882 6645 1745 118 243 270
1255 6898 5414 2582 6369 5829 427 214
6363 624 5923 3103 2587 231 310 196
4192 5070 2882 3834 6369 647 285 212
2582 6645 6800 5414 118 7312 93 465
6898 231 1745 6488 624 5923 258 404
2587 5427 2881 6363 2897 5829 360 125
3735 6111 3103 1255 4587 3802 179 381
6488 3834 231 118 5427 6645 252 378
1745 6369 5070 2897 3103 6800 216 317
6898 4587 6363 2882 1255 7312 199 401
3802 624 5414 4192 2582 2881 469 117
647 3735 5923 6111 2587 5829 96 383
6898 2897 2881 6363 5414 6800 95 386
4192 647 1255 6488 118 2582 159 378
6645 7312 6369 5923 3802 6111 164 322
2587 5829 3834 3103 1745 2882 270 333
231 624 4587 5070 3735 5427 472 71
3103 2582 5923 6488 6800 3802 124 351
4587 3834 1745 5427 5414 6369 319 186
3735 5829 6898 6111 231 6645 349 237
2897 7312 1255 5070 647 6363 313 32
118 4192 2587 2881 624 2882 440 168
7312 6645 3735 6369 5070 2897 242 39
5829 5427 647 624 3834 2881 53 444
2882 1745 6111 231 4192 6363 328 308
5414 2587 2582 3802 6488 4587 231 369
6800 1255 3103 5923 118 6898 219 336
5414 2881 5070 3735 6363 6488 271 76
6800 2587 7312 6898 4192 3834 235 220
2897 6111 6645 1745 1255 624 131 471
2582 231 6369 647 5923 4587 256 359
2882 3802 118 5829 5427 3103 436 245
1745 3735 2881 647 6898 2582 343 94
3103 6488 6369 2587 7312 6363 78 112
118 3834 6800 6111 231 5070 452 212
5829 3802 6645 2897 4587 5414 195 267
624 4192 5427 2882 5923 1255 461 185
118 3103 647 5414 231 7312 348 271
5829 6800 624 4587 6645 6488 386 169
1255 2882 5427 2587 3735 2897 319 203
5923 6898 6369 3802 3834 5070 269 350
1745 2582 4192 6111 2881 6363 410 89


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 624 118 6645
Alliance 2 1255 1745 6369
Alliance 3 4587 6800 5829
Alliance 4 3802 5414 6488
Alliance 5 2881 3735 6363
Alliance 6 6111 4192 231
Alliance 7 5923 2882 2587
Alliance 8 6898 5427 7312

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
118 624 6645 5427 6898 7312 446 154
118 624 6645 5427 6898 7312 494 181
5414 3802 6488 3735 2881 6363 264 174
5414 3802 6488 3735 2881 6363 403 170
1745 1255 6369 2882 5923 2587 402 81
1745 1255 6369 2882 5923 2587 472 65
6800 4587 5829 4192 6111 231 237 292
6800 4587 5829 4192 6111 231 436 232
6800 4587 5829 4192 6111 231 377 224
118 624 6645 5414 3802 6488 440 91
118 624 6645 5414 3802 6488 332 234
1745 1255 6369 6800 4587 5829 344 264
1745 1255 6369 6800 4587 5829 206 464
1745 1255 6369 6800 4587 5829 206 427
118 624 6645 6800 4587 5829 471 292
118 624 6645 6800 4587 5829 439 316

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 624 3.14 1115 500 3562 450 12-2-0 0 14 44
2 118 3.07 1005 492 3489 400 13-1-0 0 14 43
3 1255 2.21 575 340 2833 345 9-5-0 0 14 31
4 4587 2.21 490 458 3166 365 10-4-0 0 14 31
5 3802 2.14 575 315 3284 390 11-3-0 0 14 30
6 6800 2.07 540 353 3161 440 11-3-0 0 14 29
7 5414 2.00 460 453 3304 340 9-5-0 0 14 28
8 1745 1.92 680 403 3074 315 9-5-0 0 14 27
9 2881 1.85 560 322 2579 345 9-5-0 0 14 26
10 6111 1.78 435 325 2403 290 9-5-0 0 14 25
11 5923 1.71 660 260 2273 325 8-6-0 0 14 24
12 6898 1.64 495 338 2239 220 7-7-0 0 14 23
13 4192 1.57 570 343 2592 295 6-8-0 0 14 22
14 5427 1.57 445 345 2452 270 7-7-0 0 14 22
15 2587 1.57 395 284 2365 245 8-6-0 0 14 22
16 2582 1.42 600 296 2166 360 6-8-0 0 14 20
17 2882 1.42 540 273 2613 240 8-6-0 0 14 20
18 7312 1.42 390 276 2026 285 8-6-0 0 14 20
19 6488 1.35 430 271 2062 275 5-9-0 0 14 19
20 3735 1.28 605 265 2061 305 7-7-0 0 14 18
21 3834 1.28 505 259 2316 275 6-8-0 0 14 18
22 6363 1.00 400 317 1755 225 4-10-0 0 14 14
23 231 0.92 520 335 2416 390 2-12-0 0 14 13
24 3103 0.85 565 318 1922 295 4-10-0 0 14 12
25 5070 0.85 450 213 1634 250 4-10-0 0 14 12
26 6645 0.85 415 287 1865 315 4-10-0 0 14 12
27 647 0.71 460 160 1560 200 4-10-0 0 14 10
28 5829 0.71 420 266 2287 310 4-10-0 0 14 10
29 6369 0.71 410 247 1897 250 3-11-0 0 14 10
30 2897 0.50 370 241 1715 185 3-11-0 0 14 7

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Houston, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Katy, Texas, USA
Killeen, Texas, USA
Baytown, Texas, USA
Richardson, Texas, USA
Lufkin, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Katy, Texas, USA
Waco, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Spring, Texas, USA
Carrollton, Texas, USA
Port Lavaca, Texas, USA
Team Location Image
Flower Mound, Texas, USA
Jersey Village, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Pearland, Texas, USA
Katy, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Angleton, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
El Campo, Texas, USA
McKinney, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Crosby, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Tomball, Texas, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 5414
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 3103
Rookie All Star Award 7312
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Dee Wallace (5070)
Volunteer of the Year Susan Winnitoy
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Reed Blanchard (118)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Vivan Sanchez (2881)
Regional Winners 624
Regional Winners 118
Regional Winners 6645
Regional Finalists 4587
Regional Finalists 6800
Regional Finalists 5829
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4192
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3735
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 118
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2881
Highest Rookie Seed 6800
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1255
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4587
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 624
Judges' Award 6111
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 231
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6800
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3735
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 5427
Wildcard 5829

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
624 209.97
118 206.64
3802 163.25
5414 146.69
6800 146.62
4587 139.47
1745 137.84
1255 126.78
4192 102.31
231 96.09
5427 92.66
6111 89.38
3735 87.64
2881 82.45
2582 82.39
3834 77.15
5923 73.47
7312 71.26
2587 71.04
2882 70.66
5829 63.38
6898 63.27
3103 56.55
6369 48.63
6488 39.44
6363 22.02
6645 17.94
2897 12.15
5070 7.34
647 1.38


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 323 420 76.90%
Auto Switch Owned 85 140 60.71%
Auto Quest * 56 140 40.00%
Force Played 48 140 34.29%
Levitate Played 98 140 70.00%
Boost Played 69 140 49.29%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 54 420 12.86%
Face the Boss * 18 140 12.86%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
13 140 9.29%

Match Statistics

High Score 472 in Q22
Average Match Score 260.59
Average Winning Score 349.43
Average Win Margin 177.69
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 11.54 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.96 55.59 56.54
Average Switch Ownership Points 10.26 101.54 111.79
Scale Neutral % 93.62% 17.65% 25.25%
Winner Scale Ownership % 5.43% 72.70% 65.97%
Winner Switch Ownership % 45.71% 90.39% 85.92%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 25.93% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.04 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.93 --
Average Vault Points -- 21.89 --
Average Endgame Points -- 38.29 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 14.89
Average Score 22.75 222.94 260.59


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 84 96 87.50%
Auto Switch Owned 24 32 75.00%
Auto Quest * 14 32 43.75%
Force Played 13 32 40.62%
Levitate Played 22 32 68.75%
Boost Played 18 32 56.25%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 23 96 23.96%
Face the Boss * 5 32 15.62%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 494 in QF1-2
Average Match Score 300.94
Average Winning Score 406.44
Average Win Margin 211.00
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.12 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 2.94 63.34 66.28
Average Switch Ownership Points 11.81 106.19 118.00
Scale Neutral % 80.42% 6.16% 13.58%
Winner Scale Ownership % 12.92% 84.68% 77.50%
Winner Switch Ownership % 46.67% 89.35% 85.08%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 14.91% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.69 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.22 --
Average Vault Points -- 22.66 --
Average Endgame Points -- 46.09 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 27.03
Average Score 27.88 246.03 300.94
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