Miami Valley Regional 2018

to Week 1
Wright State University in Dayton, OH 45435, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3484 3492 279 3260 4028 3138 280 446
4467 868 2252 4521 5740 247 182 419
302 3010 554 4121 4611 291 312 292
234 3777 6460 3201 5811 379 148 358
63 5413 2399 337 3504 1466 243 297
3940 4145 3266 2172 4085 4283 386 268
4362 6927 6084 1038 3324 5492 237 232
6936 6834 3397 48 1014 5667 519 302
6765 6032 451 2603 3844 4284 184 214
1675 128 144 1559 677 3193 226 349
1317 4283 3492 234 554 868 34 419
3138 247 3201 4611 5413 4085 117 346
48 4362 1038 5811 63 3266 236 205
6084 2172 6936 2252 4284 337 206 146
1559 2399 3940 6765 4121 4521 372 250
291 6460 3193 5492 451 3260 388 203
144 4028 677 3777 302 6834 291 341
5740 1675 1014 279 3324 6032 454 59
1466 2603 3484 4467 128 1317 288 261
3397 3504 4145 3844 6927 3010 399 184
4521 5667 554 379 6084 63 55 321
302 3138 677 48 5492 4283 397 249
4085 1675 337 1038 6834 451 287 113
1014 6765 4467 144 5413 3492 301 347
291 3777 3940 4362 3844 2252 293 231
4611 3324 247 6936 2603 3266 367 98
3260 4145 6032 4121 3201 5667 370 143
4284 1559 234 5740 1466 3010 237 343
128 868 6927 6460 4028 2172 189 363
5811 3193 3397 3484 1317 3504 293 295
2399 279 5492 379 48 247 209 385
4145 4467 554 3777 3260 1675 378 197
63 677 3010 2603 3940 3138 327 190
3324 291 1559 4028 337 868 420 36
1014 4362 4521 4284 3193 1466 407 179
3492 5667 6460 2252 302 3504 124 432
1038 4283 5413 4611 3484 379 150 375
234 6765 1317 451 3266 6927 321 261
279 4121 3844 3201 6936 128 369 250
5811 4085 6834 6032 2399 6084 173 240
5492 2172 5740 144 3397 63 220 367
4284 48 302 868 3324 3484 336 280
1014 677 4145 1317 1038 291 246 436
247 3492 4028 5667 3844 1675 449 175
3193 279 4611 6927 6032 1466 434 278
4085 4521 128 3010 4362 6765 172 355
3138 6936 5740 3504 2399 3777 232 260
4121 2252 144 451 5811 4283 380 240
379 6460 3397 6084 1559 4467 394 258
6834 3260 2603 5413 2172 234 193 407
3201 3266 337 554 3940 3193 241 416
302 1317 6032 48 128 3138 398 133
868 4611 6765 1675 2252 63 340 258
451 4521 3324 3777 3397 3492 277 312
3844 379 4085 677 5740 5811 268 276
2172 1466 3201 3484 291 6084 231 335
6927 2603 4028 4283 1014 2399 442 228
3940 3504 5492 4467 234 6834 366 284
4362 247 5667 337 1559 4121 324 65
3266 4284 5413 4145 6460 279 243 439
6936 3010 1038 3260 554 144 366 275
1466 451 379 2172 3138 3324 498 70
3201 291 4521 2603 1675 48 409 265
247 63 3940 6084 302 1014 305 329
6927 4121 4284 677 4467 3492 207 377
3844 868 6460 4085 144 1038 120 437
5667 3484 2399 3266 3010 3777 239 404
6834 2252 1559 554 1317 279 149 375
6032 4611 4028 3397 234 4362 388 285
128 337 3260 4283 5740 3504 231 253
5413 6765 4145 5492 6936 5811 290 264
3193 1038 2172 2399 4467 302 211 406
1675 379 291 3940 144 6927 431 148
2252 3010 451 4028 3201 48 296 233
554 6834 5740 6460 3484 4362 177 189
4283 63 6936 3492 6032 1559 304 243
3193 6084 2603 868 4145 3777 180 378
3504 5667 3324 6765 279 677 296 275
4085 234 4121 3138 1014 4284 291 387
128 1466 5811 247 3397 3260 197 368
1317 5492 4611 4521 337 3844 396 214
3266 6084 1675 5413 5740 302 216 369
3010 4283 4467 279 451 4362 307 272
291 3138 4085 5667 3193 6936 395 143
2399 3201 6834 3324 63 128 275 419
337 144 3484 4145 4521 234 306 209
48 3777 4121 1466 6460 6765 322 289
677 554 2172 6032 247 5413 395 251
3397 5492 2603 3492 1038 2252 181 437
4028 5811 1317 3940 4284 4611 465 169
3504 3266 3844 1014 379 868 159 450
6927 3260 48 1559 4085 302 206 286


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 379 291 1014
Alliance 2 3504 4028 5811
Alliance 3 3010 4145 4521
Alliance 4 302 4362 3397
Alliance 5 4611 1317 247
Alliance 6 677 554 279
Alliance 7 3777 6032 4085
Alliance 8 3484 1466 5740

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
291 379 1014 1466 3484 5740 357 272
291 379 1014 1466 3484 5740 404 173
4362 302 3397 1317 4611 247 386 187
4362 302 3397 1317 4611 247 337 295
4028 3504 5811 6032 3777 4085 376 241
4028 3504 5811 6032 3777 4085 380 249
4145 3010 4521 554 677 279 348 276
4145 3010 4521 554 677 279 363 322
291 379 1014 4362 302 3397 222 433
291 379 1014 4362 302 3397 339 418
4028 3504 5811 4145 3010 4521 374 250
4028 3504 5811 4145 3010 4521 287 262
4362 302 3397 4028 3504 5811 307 324
4362 302 3397 4028 3504 5811 365 285
4362 302 3397 4028 3504 5811 404 294

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 379 3.11 550 302 2430 240 8-1-0 0 9 28
2 291 2.66 585 318 2304 275 8-1-0 0 9 24
3 3504 2.66 455 279 1752 235 8-1-0 0 9 24
4 3010 2.55 440 251 1929 250 8-1-0 0 9 23
5 302 2.44 400 207 2249 295 9-0-0 0 9 22
6 4611 2.33 495 244 2102 240 7-2-0 0 9 21
7 677 2.33 465 255 1883 200 6-3-0 0 9 21
8 4145 2.22 525 201 2100 230 7-2-0 0 9 20
9 3777 2.22 445 241 1645 200 7-2-0 0 9 20
10 1317 2.11 500 245 1896 270 7-2-0 0 9 19
11 554 2.11 500 227 1837 245 6-3-0 0 9 19
12 3484 2.00 525 286 1497 285 6-3-0 0 9 18
13 247 2.00 505 228 1925 265 6-3-0 0 9 18
14 5740 2.00 445 256 1718 245 6-3-0 0 9 18
15 1014 1.88 520 235 2094 240 5-4-0 0 9 17
16 4362 1.88 360 208 1722 200 6-3-0 0 9 17
17 63 1.77 520 190 1794 235 5-4-0 0 9 16
18 1038 1.77 390 234 1728 260 5-4-0 0 9 16
19 1466 1.77 380 268 1755 180 4-5-0 0 9 16
20 6084 1.77 350 222 1618 190 6-3-0 0 9 16
21 3940 1.66 525 204 1560 285 5-4-0 0 9 15
22 4028 1.66 440 302 2058 225 6-3-0 0 9 15
23 48 1.66 335 263 1728 150 4-5-0 0 9 15
24 3397 1.55 480 178 1798 355 6-3-0 0 9 14
25 144 1.55 475 234 1752 245 5-4-0 0 9 14
26 868 1.55 430 221 1479 185 4-5-0 0 9 14
27 1559 1.55 405 243 1569 195 4-5-0 0 9 14
28 4085 1.55 395 222 1771 215 4-5-0 0 9 14
29 6765 1.55 330 243 1865 140 4-5-0 0 9 14
30 5413 1.44 450 181 1706 265 5-4-0 0 9 13
31 6460 1.44 415 243 1584 225 5-4-0 0 9 13
32 234 1.44 410 314 1841 180 3-6-0 0 9 13
33 2172 1.44 405 214 1521 215 4-5-0 0 9 13
34 3492 1.44 360 232 1663 290 5-4-0 0 9 13
35 6936 1.33 495 162 1217 205 4-5-0 0 9 12
36 3138 1.33 455 227 1447 170 4-5-0 0 9 12
37 2252 1.33 435 210 1596 220 4-5-0 0 9 12
38 2399 1.33 430 197 1507 270 4-5-0 0 9 12
39 4467 1.33 400 232 1764 200 4-5-0 0 9 12
40 3324 1.33 400 164 1535 260 4-5-0 0 9 12
41 1675 1.22 495 221 1564 220 3-6-0 0 9 11
42 4521 1.22 445 214 1547 185 3-6-0 0 9 11
43 3193 1.22 405 175 1618 250 4-5-0 0 9 11
44 4283 1.22 400 189 1128 245 3-6-0 0 9 11
45 6032 1.22 385 183 1546 315 4-5-0 0 9 11
46 4284 1.22 330 195 1443 160 3-6-0 0 9 11
47 4121 1.11 505 217 1424 150 3-6-0 0 9 10
48 337 1.11 390 249 1118 160 3-6-0 0 9 10
49 279 1.11 385 169 1597 235 4-5-0 0 9 10
50 5811 1.00 425 178 1521 245 3-6-0 0 9 9
51 3266 0.88 425 197 1318 250 2-7-0 0 9 8
52 3260 0.88 425 175 1610 165 3-6-0 0 9 8
53 3201 0.88 395 214 1472 130 2-7-0 0 9 8
54 3844 0.88 330 206 1174 145 2-7-0 0 9 8
55 2603 0.77 415 160 1206 155 3-6-0 0 9 7
56 128 0.77 395 184 1268 125 1-8-0 0 9 7
57 451 0.77 360 152 1505 235 2-7-0 0 9 7
58 5492 0.66 480 151 1351 270 2-7-0 0 9 6
59 6834 0.66 390 175 1239 140 2-7-0 0 9 6
60 6927 0.66 320 179 1378 145 2-7-0 0 9 6
61 5667 0.66 280 165 1111 155 2-7-0 0 9 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Warren, Ohio, USA
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Berkley, Michigan, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
Whitman, West Virginia, USA
Girard, Ohio, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Victor, New York, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Lakewood, Ohio, USA
Milan, Ohio, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Medina, Ohio, USA
Centerburg, Ohio, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Eaton, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Marysville, Ohio, USA
Winfield, West Virginia, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Lima, Ohio, USA
Corbin, Kentucky, USA
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
North Canton, Ohio, USA
Worthington, Ohio, USA
Granville, Ohio, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Brighton, Michigan, USA
Washington, Pennsylvania, USA
Harrison, Ohio, USA
Delaware, Ohio, USA
Shelby, Ohio, USA
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
New Albany, Ohio, USA
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Pataskala, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Beavercreek, Ohio, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3324
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 5740
Rookie All Star Award 6936
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Andy Yantes (3193)
Volunteer of the Year Jon Potter
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Fatima Bainazar (3324)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Alex Ronnebaum (5811)
Regional Winners 302
Regional Winners 4362
Regional Winners 3397
Regional Finalists 3504
Regional Finalists 4028
Regional Finalists 5811
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4145
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 5811
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 5413
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 302
Highest Rookie Seed 6936
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3940
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 379
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4028
Judges' Award 291
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 4362
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6834
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 337
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3504
Wildcard 3504
Wildcard 4028

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
291 194.68
379 185.31
4028 184.11
302 175.12
1014 168.22
4145 148.54
3397 144.10
247 135.63
3010 132.26
4611 131.93
3504 127.61
1466 124.64
1317 121.61
6936 119.49
279 115.24
144 112.54
4467 112.35
554 111.22
4085 110.50
63 108.88
234 106.09
5740 106.08
2399 105.43
3193 103.05
3492 102.10
3260 101.63
4362 101.14
677 99.30
2252 96.96
1675 96.40
1038 95.90
3940 94.39
5413 94.20
3484 93.57
3324 91.02
4121 89.07
48 84.06
2172 82.86
451 82.85
6765 81.57
3266 79.92
3777 78.90
4521 77.90
1559 77.23
5811 73.34
6927 68.12
5492 63.87
868 62.41
3201 61.41
6460 55.17
128 54.18
2603 51.92
4284 51.50
6032 47.90
6834 45.94
3844 45.48
3138 44.54
6084 38.93
337 19.55
4283 15.71
5667 3.67


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 493 552 89.31%
Auto Switch Owned 111 184 60.33%
Auto Quest * 89 184 48.37%
Force Played 64 184 34.78%
Levitate Played 138 184 75.00%
Boost Played 101 184 54.89%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 120 552 21.74%
Face the Boss * 9 184 4.89%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
7 184 3.80%

Match Statistics

High Score 519 in Q8
Average Match Score 285.18
Average Winning Score 361.05
Average Win Margin 151.75
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.40 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 1.32 56.59 57.90
Average Switch Ownership Points 9.57 109.92 119.49
Scale Neutral % 91.23% 16.17% 23.67%
Winner Scale Ownership % 7.75% 67.23% 61.28%
Winner Switch Ownership % 40.07% 93.51% 88.17%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 20.14% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.91 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.97 --
Average Vault Points -- 24.38 --
Average Endgame Points -- 47.83 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 17.28
Average Score 24.28 243.63 285.18


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 84 90 93.33%
Auto Switch Owned 15 30 50.00%
Auto Quest * 13 30 43.33%
Force Played 17 30 56.67%
Levitate Played 25 30 83.33%
Boost Played 23 30 76.67%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 29 90 32.22%
Face the Boss * 3 30 10.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
1 30 3.33%

Match Statistics

High Score 433 in SF1-1
Average Match Score 317.67
Average Winning Score 370.40
Average Win Margin 105.47
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 14.00 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 4.93 65.13 70.07
Average Switch Ownership Points 8.07 120.37 128.43
Scale Neutral % 67.11% 3.51% 9.87%
Winner Scale Ownership % 23.11% 82.62% 76.67%
Winner Switch Ownership % 19.56% 89.93% 82.89%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 9.43% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.76 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.87 --
Average Vault Points -- 26.67 --
Average Endgame Points -- 59.50 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 11.50
Average Score 27.00 279.20 317.67
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