Buckeye Regional 2018

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1507 1014 1592 291 5418 7165 454 406
1758 2228 4780 7043 4145 3814 170 409
2614 4601 5973 120 451 6460 387 244
4020 5413 4119 5030 1405 1126 232 419
3138 6936 7055 4121 1590 4611 171 283
6027 2340 1248 1317 3193 6355 280 52
3484 3324 2399 6916 4085 3266 242 340
2783 2172 4150 379 695 6964 340 287
5667 2010 6181 6490 3591 3314 86 434
648 7165 6460 7043 3138 4119 302 380
7055 6027 5413 4601 5418 1014 387 162
3324 3193 451 1507 291 5030 125 476
4150 1592 4145 4085 6355 2783 323 232
3314 1590 379 4020 6490 2399 443 218
3591 6181 695 6936 1758 1317 36 349
648 4121 2340 3484 2228 5973 362 101
2010 6916 120 2614 1405 2172 202 386
1248 1126 3266 6964 4611 4780 398 190
3324 1590 5667 3814 4150 1014 226 402
4020 379 6936 6355 1758 6460 468 160
5030 2340 7043 2399 3314 7055 235 434
2228 451 1317 3138 1405 1592 246 379
1248 4780 5973 5418 4085 3591 267 358
4145 2010 3266 7165 6027 6916 347 331
2783 3814 291 6181 4119 120 411 302
6490 5667 3484 695 4611 2172 250 382
648 1507 3193 6964 2614 5413 231 454
4121 4601 4085 1126 1317 1590 289 216
5030 6027 2228 6916 6936 3591 447 167
6355 3324 3314 5973 7165 3138 377 202
6181 4020 1405 3484 695 1248 394 171
6460 7055 2783 3193 3266 5667 319 297
1592 7043 6490 5413 1507 1126 303 349
5418 2340 2010 4611 120 648 215 396
4121 4145 379 2614 3814 4119 336 370
1758 291 1014 4601 6964 2399 435 265
2172 4780 4020 4150 451 6027 315 380
1248 1592 1590 695 5667 7043 374 266
2340 120 2783 6936 6490 3324 336 209
7165 1126 3484 379 7055 3193 478 381
4119 3591 6355 3266 4601 1507 240 446
4150 291 2614 1317 3314 3138 317 291
4611 6916 5418 1758 5413 3814 341 289
6460 5973 6964 4780 4145 1405 230 390
2010 648 2228 1014 5030 4085 129 402
6355 2399 6181 2172 4121 451 46 389
7165 3591 1507 2340 4020 1590 377 267
4119 6490 1758 7055 2614 1248 142 375
3814 6964 3324 1592 3484 4601 320 352
1405 379 291 4085 648 6027 389 160
4611 1126 3193 4145 3314 695 312 283
5973 2172 5418 7043 3266 1317 234 346
4780 6936 451 2010 2783 1014 197 324
2228 3138 5413 120 5667 2399 273 384
6916 4150 5030 6460 6181 4121 411 268
695 6355 1405 3324 648 7055 154 281
3266 2614 1758 1590 7043 291 280 368
4145 4119 1126 2010 3484 6936 409 277
2399 5973 4611 4601 2783 4020 245 328
1592 2172 4085 3591 6460 2340 434 147
3814 5030 6490 6964 1317 7165 297 304
3138 1014 4780 3193 6916 6181 508 356
4121 5418 6027 5667 3314 451 341 319
4150 379 1507 1248 2228 120 429 271
1590 6460 4145 5413 3324 2172 292 267
4020 1592 1317 2399 4119 648 487 256
7055 3814 6916 291 5973 2010 141 322
6027 7043 2614 2340 6181 6964 396 152
3314 120 1758 451 4085 3484 293 369
5413 3266 5030 379 1248 3138 257 395
1126 2783 6490 2228 6355 5418 545 222
1405 3591 4611 1014 3193 4121 352 335
4601 7165 6936 4780 5667 4150 217 399
1317 2399 695 1507 2010 6460 432 263
3266 6181 7055 120 4020 4145 142 451
6027 1758 2172 5973 1592 1126 269 352
3193 6964 4119 2228 6916 1590 307 171
4085 4611 5667 6355 5030 2614 329 384
3591 1014 7043 2783 3484 379 166 391
3314 648 4601 6936 1248 1507 372 306
6490 5413 4121 4780 3324 291 402 280
1405 3814 5418 3138 2340 4150 208 315
451 695 2614 7165 3266 2228 337 340
379 1317 6916 5667 7055 1592 411 260
3193 4085 2010 1758 7043 4020 245 305
120 3484 6355 1590 4780 5030 341 377
1014 1248 3314 2172 6460 3814 408 216
4119 1507 3324 6181 6027 4611 411 269
451 3138 4601 4145 6490 2340 145 373
695 5413 7165 2783 4121 5973 288 383
1126 2399 3591 1405 4150 648 347 364
291 6964 4020 5418 6936 6460 359 111


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4150 2614 2399
Alliance 2 379 291 6490 (4121)
Alliance 3 1592 (1248) 1126 3324
Alliance 4 4145 3314 5030
Alliance 5 2783 120 4085
Alliance 6 1405 4611 3138
Alliance 7 1507 4020 3266
Alliance 8 1014 1317 6027

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 343 382
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 316 298
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 393 252
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 460 250
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 313 442
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 392 386
291 379 6490 4020 1507 3266 459 258
291 379 6490 4020 1507 3266 373 258
1126 1592 3324 4611 1405 3138 497 256
1126 1592 3324 4611 1405 3138 456 341
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 288 451
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 345 371
291 379 6490 1126 1592 3324 425 311
291 379 6490 1126 1248 3324 427 254
3314 4145 5030 291 379 6490 371 392
3314 4145 5030 291 379 6490 405 229
3314 4145 5030 291 379 4121 332 244

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 4150 3.10 555 306 2505 335 10-0-0 0 10 31
2 379 2.80 775 373 2600 285 7-3-0 0 10 28
3 1592 2.80 600 396 2408 320 8-2-0 0 10 28
4 4145 2.70 605 353 2373 340 8-2-0 0 10 27
5 2783 2.70 530 300 2464 260 9-1-0 0 10 27
6 3314 2.60 700 365 2299 275 6-4-0 0 10 26
7 1405 2.60 585 319 2335 275 8-2-0 0 10 26
8 1507 2.50 740 331 2177 345 7-3-0 0 10 25
9 1126 2.50 665 328 2345 300 8-2-0 0 10 25
10 2614 2.50 565 361 2491 320 8-2-0 0 10 25
11 1014 2.40 555 297 2176 345 7-3-0 0 10 24
12 291 2.40 485 378 2588 305 8-2-0 0 10 24
13 5030 2.30 590 319 2405 415 7-3-0 0 10 23
14 4020 2.30 580 384 2086 335 6-4-0 0 10 23
15 1248 2.20 675 295 2095 270 6-4-0 0 10 22
16 4121 2.20 560 257 2368 225 7-3-0 0 10 22
17 4601 2.10 575 276 1928 260 6-4-0 0 10 21
18 1317 2.10 555 239 1974 250 6-4-0 0 10 21
19 6027 2.10 515 264 2175 255 6-4-0 0 10 21
20 120 1.90 640 359 1911 415 4-6-0 0 10 19
21 3266 1.90 570 279 1978 400 6-4-0 0 10 19
22 648 1.90 560 272 1858 235 5-5-0 0 10 19
23 3484 1.80 590 265 1637 330 4-6-0 0 10 18
24 2172 1.80 580 266 1997 275 5-5-0 0 10 18
25 7043 1.80 520 277 2029 345 6-4-0 0 10 18
26 4085 1.80 460 228 2268 235 6-4-0 0 10 18
27 1590 1.80 445 282 1784 260 5-4-0 1 10 18
28 7165 1.70 635 268 1880 320 4-6-0 0 10 17
29 6490 1.70 585 337 1914 345 4-6-0 0 10 17
30 3814 1.70 525 312 1873 310 4-6-0 0 10 17
31 4611 1.70 525 239 2014 230 6-4-0 0 10 17
32 2340 1.70 380 267 1787 300 5-5-0 0 10 17
33 7055 1.60 450 275 1836 255 5-5-0 0 10 16
34 6964 1.50 535 261 1688 225 4-6-0 0 10 15
35 5413 1.40 565 259 1923 350 4-6-0 0 10 14
36 2399 1.40 520 323 1690 305 3-7-0 0 10 14
37 4119 1.40 515 295 1864 330 5-5-0 0 10 14
38 4780 1.40 515 278 1838 220 4-6-0 0 10 14
39 6916 1.40 480 255 1756 275 4-6-0 0 10 14
40 3591 1.30 475 231 1634 240 4-6-0 0 10 13
41 3138 1.30 405 206 2009 310 5-5-0 0 10 13
42 5973 1.30 395 266 1798 185 4-6-0 0 10 13
43 2228 1.20 530 219 1245 310 2-8-0 0 10 12
44 451 1.20 465 234 1726 315 3-7-0 0 10 12
45 695 1.10 535 266 1611 210 2-8-0 0 10 11
46 3324 1.10 510 257 1609 310 3-7-0 0 10 11
47 5418 1.10 500 201 1628 270 3-7-0 0 10 11
48 5667 1.10 490 301 1632 290 2-8-0 0 10 11
49 2010 1.10 425 240 1465 270 3-7-0 0 10 11
50 6936 1.00 560 228 1373 290 2-8-0 0 10 10
51 1758 1.00 535 230 1412 330 3-7-0 0 10 10
52 6355 1.00 505 187 1233 195 2-8-0 0 10 10
53 6460 0.90 415 235 1312 305 2-8-0 0 10 9
54 3193 0.70 415 232 1571 250 2-8-0 0 10 7
55 6181 0.60 375 228 1021 185 1-9-0 0 10 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Girard, Ohio, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Moline, Illinois, USA
Beachwood, Ohio, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Webster, New York, USA
Berea, Ohio, USA
Westerville, Ohio, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Lockport, New York, USA
Lorain, Ohio, USA
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Florence, South Carolina, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Lakewood, Ohio, USA
Honeoye Falls, New York, USA
Brighton, New York, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
La Grange, Kentucky, USA
Englewood, Ohio, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Eaton, Ohio, USA
Clifton, New Jersey, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Marysville, Ohio, USA
Team Location Image
Westerville, Ohio, USA
Erlanger, Kentucky, USA
Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
Avon, Ohio, USA
North Canton, Ohio, USA
Worthington, Ohio, USA
Murrysville, Pennsylvania, USA
Canfield, Ohio, USA
Delaware, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Utica, New York, USA
Shelby, Ohio, USA
Hubbard, Ohio, USA
New Albany, Ohio, USA
Gates Mills, Ohio, USA
Newark, Ohio, USA
Archbold, Ohio, USA
Sandusky, Ohio, USA
Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Geneva, New York, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Beavercreek, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Rocky River, Ohio, USA
Bay Village, Ohio, USA
Sandusky, Ohio, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2783
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 5413
Rookie All Star Award 6964
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Orion DeYoe (5413)
Volunteer of the Year Stephanie Brown-Houston
Volunteer of the Year Andy Yantes (3193)
Volunteer of the Year Eileen Yantes (3193)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Andrew Addy (5418)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Manasa Akella (5667)
Regional Winners 4145
Regional Winners 3314
Regional Winners 5030
Regional Finalists 379
Regional Finalists 291
Regional Finalists 6490
Regional Finalists 4121
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 6355
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4121
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1592
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 379
Highest Rookie Seed 7043
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 648
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2614
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4121
Judges' Award 3138
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 291
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6916
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 379
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3814
Wildcard 379
Wildcard 291
Wildcard 6490

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3314 187.13
2614 182.54
379 169.06
1507 162.63
1126 160.79
1592 155.96
4121 152.83
2783 152.80
291 152.68
5030 151.21
120 143.02
4020 141.09
1014 139.54
7165 138.17
4145 135.00
6027 129.51
1405 123.55
4150 123.33
4611 122.59
3266 118.87
4085 116.87
1317 116.42
4780 110.59
2172 110.46
4119 109.45
3484 106.97
2399 101.59
7043 98.65
1248 96.35
3138 96.26
5413 96.20
6916 93.81
6490 93.14
6964 89.04
5667 86.77
3814 86.72
3324 82.58
7055 78.57
5418 75.34
648 73.13
2340 67.95
451 66.51
3591 62.70
1590 62.35
3193 61.36
4601 59.95
6460 59.26
6936 56.53
2228 52.78
695 50.70
5973 49.74
1758 48.70
2010 48.60
6355 20.41
6181 18.93


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 509 552 92.21%
Auto Switch Owned 133 184 72.28%
Auto Quest * 117 184 63.59%
Force Played 99 184 53.80%
Levitate Played 161 184 87.50%
Boost Played 126 184 68.48%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 138 552 25.00%
Face the Boss * 25 184 13.59%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
14 184 7.61%

Match Statistics

High Score 545 in Q71
Average Match Score 308.03
Average Winning Score 381.30
Average Win Margin 146.55
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.83 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 2.30 59.76 62.07
Average Switch Ownership Points 12.04 110.67 122.72
Scale Neutral % 84.64% 11.47% 18.78%
Winner Scale Ownership % 11.96% 74.61% 68.34%
Winner Switch Ownership % 46.38% 91.26% 86.77%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 19.89% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.29 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.19 --
Average Vault Points -- 28.99 --
Average Endgame Points -- 53.86 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 18.97
Average Score 28.18 260.89 308.03


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 102 102 100.00%
Auto Switch Owned 31 34 91.18%
Auto Quest * 31 34 91.18%
Force Played 25 34 73.53%
Levitate Played 29 34 85.29%
Boost Played 27 34 79.41%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 51 102 50.00%
Face the Boss * 15 34 44.12%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
10 34 29.41%

Match Statistics

High Score 497 in QF4-1
Average Match Score 352.06
Average Winning Score 410.18
Average Win Margin 116.24
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 15.00 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 5.35 65.91 71.26
Average Switch Ownership Points 15.94 122.85 138.79
Scale Neutral % 64.31% 2.35% 8.55%
Winner Scale Ownership % 29.02% 74.99% 70.39%
Winner Switch Ownership % 56.47% 91.55% 88.04%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 8.37% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.16 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.30 --
Average Vault Points -- 32.21 --
Average Endgame Points -- 71.47 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 14.12
Average Score 36.29 301.65 352.06
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