Las Vegas Regional 2018

to Week 4
Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6957 988 2429 4792 5429 3577 148 496
3009 7183 842 6821 4486 2659 286 285
2485 2647 687 5059 3965 585 385 190
3011 1388 2710 5012 6825 399 261 253
3021 3255 3495 5049 6824 1160 337 248
4 5875 4501 2543 6411 987 97 368
5851 6826 5025 60 7077 6519 70 236
3011 4738 6821 1160 5285 5059 221 415
1388 4501 3021 988 3009 2485 231 388
2710 6411 4 5049 3495 4486 400 183
5012 987 7183 5025 3577 3965 486 165
6824 2647 2429 7077 842 6825 124 404
6826 2659 6957 3255 5875 585 295 285
4792 687 2543 5429 5851 4738 308 254
6519 3577 5285 60 399 5059 214 448
2710 6825 6821 3255 6826 988 110 310
1388 842 5875 6957 4738 5049 404 130
2429 5429 6519 2647 5012 585 340 239
399 3965 3021 3009 5851 4 309 378
6824 687 6411 4792 7183 60 432 104
2659 5025 3011 4486 4501 2543 292 349
3495 2485 5285 1160 7077 987 449 250
3021 6957 5429 5875 6824 5012 188 331
6411 4486 5851 3255 6821 5059 376 379
687 842 5025 3577 1388 2485 270 285
60 4 6825 2659 2543 1160 195 482
4738 7183 988 2429 3495 3011 297 332
7077 4501 3965 585 2710 6519 168 362
5285 399 3009 5049 6826 4792 521 5
6824 987 3255 2647 1388 4738 410 253
3577 585 2429 2710 5875 2659 226 384
842 2485 1160 5429 6411 6826 466 335
5059 5025 6957 3495 6519 6825 290 138
7183 5851 5049 4501 2647 5285 81 486
4792 3009 7077 2543 4 5012 129 386
687 988 6821 4486 987 399 251 468
60 3965 2710 3011 3021 2485 311 347
4738 5012 3009 5851 6825 2647 516 138
2429 1160 6411 5285 2659 1388 273 308
6821 6826 3965 3495 4501 6957 238 353
987 60 3021 4486 5059 7077 378 327
5875 3011 5049 5025 5429 6824 20 223
4 6519 4792 842 988 3577 261 394
2543 3255 399 687 7183 585 408 193
3965 5285 4486 5049 2659 6825 337 236
6957 1160 4792 5025 987 2647 145 395
6826 2710 6824 687 4 4738 307 414
5429 5012 60 842 5059 4501 209 375
3011 3577 7077 6411 3255 3009 168 416
6519 3021 2543 2429 6821 1388 460 178
585 399 5851 7183 5875 3495 396 193
2485 2710 5059 988 4792 5025 469 94
6825 5285 3255 3965 5429 842 449 299
2659 7077 5012 399 5049 687 156 315
987 2429 5851 6826 60 3011 272 292
2543 3495 2647 3021 988 6411 300 425
6824 4738 3577 4501 2485 6821 252 91
6519 4486 5875 1160 1388 3009 309 458
4 585 5049 7183 6957 3011 421 267
5429 7077 5285 3021 6821 5025 307 251
2647 1160 4486 5851 2710 3577 166 426
2659 4738 3255 988 6519 5012 412 252
5059 2429 6826 3965 6824 1388 176 435
6825 2543 7183 2485 4792 987 243 492
842 6411 3495 5875 3009 687 424 244
585 60 4501 399 6957 4 138 507
3577 5049 5012 2485 2543 6826 268 442
6825 3011 4486 4738 6519 6411 174 411
1388 5059 5429 7077 4 7183 373 323
987 585 2659 5851 3021 842 311 379
2710 5285 988 3009 6824 6957 507 206
4501 5025 1160 3255 687 2429 286 487
5875 4792 2647 6821 3495 60 81 353
4738 3965 987 399 3577 6411 399 270
5059 5851 2543 6957 842 2710 336 422
1388 5049 7077 1160 60 988 274 438
6821 399 5875 6825 2429 3965 197 327
6519 2647 6826 7183 3021 6824 167 387
5012 4486 687 5285 3011 4 449 204
3495 4792 2659 4501 3255 5429 271 344
5025 3009 60 585 2485 4738 223 334
3577 6957 6825 7077 687 3021 304 336
4501 3011 399 2647 2659 842 134 421
3009 5049 5429 987 5059 6519 387 252
6411 6821 7183 5012 5025 2710 117 365
988 2543 6824 3965 1160 5851 219 312
6826 585 3495 4486 4792 1388 229 388
4 2485 3255 5285 2429 5875 463 215


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2485 3255 6411
Alliance 2 842 987 3965
Alliance 3 2710 5285 3021
Alliance 4 687 399 6824
Alliance 5 2543 4486 5059
Alliance 6 3009 5012 2659
Alliance 7 1388 1160 60
Alliance 8 4738 3495 4

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3255 2485 6411 3495 4738 4 310 337
3255 2485 6411 3495 4738 4 351 397
399 687 6824 4486 2543 5059 292 278
399 687 6824 4486 2543 5059 364 351
987 842 3965 1160 1388 60 467 292
987 842 3965 1160 1388 60 436 260
5285 2710 3021 5012 3009 2659 303 290
5285 2710 3021 5012 3009 2659 213 332
5285 2710 3021 5012 3009 2659 122 380
3495 4738 4 399 687 6824 285 381
3495 4738 4 399 687 6824 340 409
987 842 3965 5012 3009 2659 441 154
987 842 3965 5012 3009 2659 430 185
399 687 6824 987 842 3965 177 487
399 687 6824 987 842 3965 172 460

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2485 2.83 675 430 3041 350 11-1-0 0 12 34
2 3255 2.66 685 426 3145 445 11-1-0 0 12 32
3 842 2.50 695 433 3109 345 10-2-0 0 12 30
4 2710 2.33 575 318 2934 320 9-3-0 0 12 28
5 5285 2.25 690 397 2622 470 9-3-0 0 12 27
6 987 2.16 670 378 2756 440 8-4-0 0 12 26
7 687 2.16 580 469 2694 300 8-4-0 0 12 26
8 2543 2.08 655 320 2811 315 8-4-0 0 12 25
9 3009 2.08 585 315 2717 370 8-4-0 0 12 25
10 1388 2.08 580 299 2408 435 8-4-0 0 12 25
11 4738 1.91 595 366 2348 345 7-5-0 0 12 23
12 3021 1.91 595 283 2428 340 8-4-0 0 12 23
13 6824 1.91 490 309 2354 280 7-5-0 0 12 23
14 5059 1.83 690 378 2420 460 7-5-0 0 12 22
15 6411 1.83 680 321 2567 490 7-5-0 0 12 22
16 2659 1.83 630 441 2478 380 6-6-0 0 12 22
17 399 1.75 775 371 2466 410 7-5-0 0 12 21
18 1160 1.75 695 335 2334 365 6-6-0 0 12 21
19 4 1.75 510 352 2609 410 7-5-0 0 12 21
20 5851 1.66 515 305 2003 345 5-7-0 0 12 20
21 5012 1.58 550 336 2470 355 6-6-0 0 12 19
22 5429 1.50 550 283 2170 355 7-5-0 0 12 18
23 60 1.50 545 251 1990 305 6-6-0 0 12 18
24 988 1.41 540 289 2368 285 6-6-0 0 12 17
25 4486 1.33 690 285 2176 350 5-7-0 0 12 16
26 6519 1.33 560 281 1927 315 5-7-0 0 12 16
27 2647 1.33 475 321 1925 295 4-8-0 0 12 16
28 3965 1.25 660 278 1835 400 5-7-0 0 12 15
29 3577 1.25 640 258 1988 305 5-7-0 0 12 15
30 4501 1.25 445 284 1752 210 5-7-0 0 12 15
31 5025 1.25 410 321 1829 210 4-8-0 0 12 15
32 6957 1.16 575 264 1960 290 5-7-0 0 12 14
33 2429 1.16 500 305 1848 305 4-8-0 0 12 14
34 3495 1.16 490 236 2030 225 5-6-0 1 12 14
35 3011 1.16 360 276 1707 220 4-8-0 0 12 14
36 7077 1.08 530 280 1843 325 4-8-0 0 12 13
37 5875 1.08 435 299 1565 280 3-9-0 0 12 13
38 585 1.08 420 331 2104 240 4-8-0 0 12 13
39 6826 1.00 435 239 1676 235 4-8-0 0 12 12
40 4792 1.00 385 236 1599 235 4-8-0 0 12 12
41 6825 0.83 575 290 1731 320 3-9-0 0 12 10
42 7183 0.83 575 259 1707 330 3-9-0 0 12 10
43 6821 0.66 390 277 1656 260 2-10-0 0 12 8
44 5049 0.50 500 204 1533 270 3-9-0 0 12 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Van Nuys, California, USA
Kingman, Arizona, USA
Lancaster, California, USA
Tehachapi, California, USA
Carson, California, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
San Marino, California, USA
Arroyo Grande, California, USA
La Canada Flintridge, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Mission Hills, California, USA
Palos Verdes Peninsula, California, USA
Boulder City, Nevada, USA
APO, Hessen, Germany
Escondido, California, USA
Escondido, California, USA
Fresno, California, USA
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Team Location Image
Santee, California, USA
Vista, California, USA
Santa Monica, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
North Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Palmdale, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Globe, Arizona, USA
Palos Verdes Estates, California, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Downey, California, USA
Fernley, Nevada, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Chino, California, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
North Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Henderson, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 585
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2485
Rookie All Star Award 6957
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Oscar Vasquez (4501)
Volunteer of the Year Susan Philpott
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Sahana Kumar (2485)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Josie Destefano (6519)
Regional Winners 842
Regional Winners 987
Regional Winners 3965
Regional Finalists 687
Regional Finalists 399
Regional Finalists 6824
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5285
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3255
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 399
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 987
Highest Rookie Seed 6824
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5012
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 842
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2543
Judges' Award 7077
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 1160
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6821
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 5012
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 5851
Wildcard 687
Wildcard 6824

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
842 182.92
3255 176.56
2710 173.51
987 170.46
2485 160.29
5285 159.23
399 153.38
4 145.41
687 144.37
2543 143.18
3009 136.90
4486 134.35
3021 131.81
2659 130.48
1160 128.50
1388 127.17
5012 126.85
4738 123.27
5059 121.78
5429 121.41
3495 120.86
6411 119.33
3577 97.60
988 92.50
60 91.13
6824 89.05
3965 86.18
6519 78.22
6957 75.06
5851 69.02
585 68.73
2429 67.99
7183 60.48
2647 57.77
6826 55.79
7077 43.73
6825 43.09
5025 42.65
4501 41.71
3011 39.12
4792 30.80
5049 23.32
5875 22.77
6821 17.54


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 471 528 89.20%
Auto Switch Owned 124 176 70.45%
Auto Quest * 93 176 52.84%
Force Played 98 176 55.68%
Levitate Played 133 176 75.57%
Boost Played 121 176 68.75%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 113 528 21.40%
Face the Boss * 8 176 4.55%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
6 176 3.41%

Match Statistics

High Score 521 in Q29
Average Match Score 301.79
Average Winning Score 389.60
Average Win Margin 175.62
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.38 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.93 59.03 59.97
Average Switch Ownership Points 12.11 104.74 116.85
Scale Neutral % 93.79% 12.54% 20.67%
Winner Scale Ownership % 5.15% 74.25% 67.34%
Winner Switch Ownership % 50.91% 90.61% 86.64%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 25.77% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.05 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.07 --
Average Vault Points -- 27.59 --
Average Endgame Points -- 47.05 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 28.49
Average Score 26.43 246.87 301.79


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 90 90 100.00%
Auto Switch Owned 27 30 90.00%
Auto Quest * 27 30 90.00%
Force Played 14 30 46.67%
Levitate Played 26 30 86.67%
Boost Played 20 30 66.67%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 25 90 27.78%
Face the Boss * 3 30 10.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
3 30 10.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 487 in F1
Average Match Score 323.20
Average Winning Score 394.40
Average Win Margin 142.40
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 15.00 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 3.80 63.03 66.83
Average Switch Ownership Points 15.93 110.53 126.47
Scale Neutral % 74.67% 6.62% 13.42%
Winner Scale Ownership % 17.78% 73.68% 68.09%
Winner Switch Ownership % 60.00% 93.14% 89.82%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 23.21% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.43 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.15 --
Average Vault Points -- 29.00 --
Average Endgame Points -- 55.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 22.00
Average Score 34.73 266.47 323.20
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