NE District - Pine Tree Event 2017

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4925 3236 166 6172 663 3930 245 117
3597 172 6161 4055 5687 1519 215 290
4958 4564 2648 5471 348 4473 247 265
4546 3609 6337 6224 4041 6153 140 90
5122 5633 5265 4555 58 4906 195 235
6329 5506 133 5491 2523 125 290 262
3451 6153 6691 3609 1768 4042 280 242
5265 4041 348 3236 4958 6224 255 170
5506 5633 5491 4564 1519 166 245 247
3597 6337 1768 6329 5122 172 310 280
3451 6172 6161 2648 4546 133 95 258
6691 663 5471 2523 4925 58 220 256
4042 3930 4906 4473 125 4055 200 375
6337 5687 4958 5491 4555 1768 205 290
5471 5265 166 2648 172 1519 145 313
4546 6161 5506 5633 3236 4042 231 170
663 6153 58 5687 125 4906 430 300
4473 4925 3451 6172 3597 3609 145 145
2523 5122 6224 348 6329 3930 190 255
4041 133 4555 6691 4055 4564 262 312
2648 1768 58 1519 4473 4546 202 261
6161 348 3236 3451 5491 6337 255 285
6224 133 3597 4564 4041 5506 151 304
172 6172 4042 4906 3609 2523 205 289
5471 6329 5687 6691 166 5633 300 180
6153 4055 4958 125 4925 5122 170 230
3930 4555 3609 5265 663 133 245 193
4041 172 2523 3451 2648 5633 330 189
125 1768 6224 3236 4906 5471 328 185
4473 4564 6172 4555 5687 5122 145 290
4055 3930 166 6337 58 6161 238 240
348 5506 6691 4925 4546 663 250 285
4958 1519 5491 4042 3597 6153 310 195
5265 6161 125 6329 3609 4564 150 296
58 5471 4546 6337 6224 6172 180 260
166 4042 2523 1768 4958 6691 145 257
4925 348 4055 5506 5265 5687 330 230
4555 1519 663 3451 4041 5122 297 180
6329 3236 4473 172 6153 133 265 273
5633 4906 3597 3930 2648 5491 255 300
5687 4042 4925 4564 2523 5471 305 333
4041 6337 125 5265 4473 1768 324 251
2648 5506 3236 5122 4906 6691 307 275
6329 166 6161 348 4958 4555 141 260
4546 6224 172 663 3597 5491 305 190
4055 133 6172 3609 5633 1519 225 195
58 3451 6329 6153 3930 5506 280 257
663 2523 1768 4473 6161 5491 305 285
1519 4925 3597 348 4906 6337 188 305
166 125 133 5687 3451 6224 275 205
4041 4055 5633 6153 6172 2648 310 175
3930 5122 4546 4958 5471 3609 244 195
4564 4042 4555 172 58 3236 195 230
6691 4473 2523 5265 1519 3451 206 255
348 663 5633 5122 4055 1768 305 250
4958 4546 4906 133 4564 3236 270 355
166 5687 2648 4042 6224 6329 279 145
5491 5265 58 3609 6161 4925 180 265
3930 125 172 4041 6691 6172 229 240
6153 6337 5471 5506 3597 4555 236 195
3609 2648 6224 663 4958 6161 278 235
6172 5491 3236 4925 6691 5265 235 145
2523 3930 1519 4546 4555 125 225 158
4906 3451 4564 6337 6329 4055 255 330
5687 348 6153 5506 5471 172 245 195
3597 58 5122 1768 166 4041 245 315
4473 4042 663 133 5633 6337 215 307
6224 5491 5471 4055 4555 3451 250 220
3609 6691 125 3597 166 348 199 255
4906 6329 1519 4041 4546 5687 265 255
172 1768 5633 3930 133 4925 311 278
4564 5122 6153 6161 2523 2648 265 290
6172 5265 4958 58 5506 4042 255 290
3236 6691 1519 4473 6224 5633 266 305
4555 6337 4925 6329 2648 125 265 358
5265 6153 4546 166 172 663 195 285
1768 4564 5687 3930 3451 4958 285 50
133 5491 4042 5122 6172 348 200 305
58 3609 4055 3597 3236 2523 235 256
5506 4473 4906 4041 5471 6161 250 196


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2648 1519 4906
Alliance 2 348 5687 6153
Alliance 3 6337 133 5506
Alliance 4 6329 4564 4041
Alliance 5 125 1768 6691
Alliance 6 2523 4546 4925
Alliance 7 4055 58 663
Alliance 8 172 166 3236

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4906 2648 1519 166 172 3236 377 305
4906 2648 1519 166 172 3236 374 230
4041 6329 4564 1768 125 6691 305 395
4041 6329 4564 1768 125 6691 395 330
4041 6329 4564 1768 125 6691 395 218
6153 348 5687 58 4055 663 305 318
6153 348 5687 58 4055 663 450 310
6153 348 5687 58 4055 663 445 449
5506 6337 133 4546 2523 4925 297 286
5506 6337 133 4546 2523 4925 296 305
5506 6337 133 4546 2523 4925 322 210
4906 2648 1519 4564 6329 4041 328 285
4906 2648 1519 4564 6329 4041 348 306
663 4055 58 133 6337 5506 246 249
663 4055 58 133 6337 5506 292 290
663 4055 58 133 6337 5506 321 212
4906 2648 1519 58 4055 663 370 288
4906 2648 1519 58 4055 663 370 306

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 2648 1.83 3196 539 1260 1250 481 8-4-0 0 12 22
2 348 1.75 3285 885 1720 1350 0 10-2-0 0 12 21
3 6337 1.66 3207 679 1480 1400 37 10-2-0 0 12 20
4 6329 1.58 3205 612 1540 1300 85 8-4-0 0 12 19
5 125 1.58 3188 759 1180 1250 463 6-6-0 0 12 19
6 1519 1.58 3112 610 1560 1050 127 9-3-0 0 12 19
7 1768 1.41 3346 798 1560 1450 91 8-4-0 0 12 17
8 2523 1.41 3087 566 1400 1350 87 8-4-0 0 12 17
9 133 1.41 3067 611 1420 1100 242 7-5-0 0 12 17
10 5687 1.33 3189 728 1740 1100 79 6-6-0 0 12 16
11 4546 1.33 2782 498 1260 1250 97 7-5-0 0 12 16
12 4055 1.25 3285 558 1480 1300 75 7-5-0 0 12 15
13 4564 1.25 3239 671 1480 1450 84 7-5-0 0 12 15
14 172 1.25 3171 476 1380 1450 71 7-5-0 0 12 15
15 4925 1.25 2937 489 1260 1250 87 6-5-1 0 12 15
16 166 1.25 2750 490 1380 950 85 7-5-0 0 12 15
17 4041 1.16 3061 658 1440 1300 46 7-5-0 0 12 14
18 58 1.16 3003 466 1420 1150 38 7-5-0 0 12 14
19 4555 1.16 2912 499 1260 1300 52 6-6-0 0 12 14
20 3609 1.16 2724 308 1280 1050 84 6-5-1 0 12 14
21 5491 1.08 3032 322 1280 1400 112 6-6-0 0 12 13
22 6224 1.08 2677 433 1280 1000 92 6-6-0 0 12 13
23 663 1.00 3077 544 1440 1200 7 6-6-0 0 12 12
24 5506 1.00 3044 338 1340 1500 39 6-6-0 0 12 12
25 4473 1.00 2968 616 1380 1250 53 5-6-1 0 12 12
26 3236 1.00 2939 467 1380 1100 64 6-6-0 0 12 12
27 3930 1.00 2638 493 1140 1100 128 5-7-0 0 12 12
28 4906 0.91 3084 617 1460 1350 59 5-7-0 0 12 11
29 5633 0.91 2967 546 1400 1250 57 5-7-0 0 12 11
30 6153 0.91 2811 657 1400 950 26 5-7-0 0 12 11
31 5471 0.91 2700 355 1300 1150 5 5-7-0 0 12 11
32 6172 0.91 2402 483 1300 750 27 5-6-1 0 12 11
33 5122 0.83 2949 463 1340 1400 44 4-8-0 0 12 10
34 3451 0.83 2439 475 1300 850 44 4-7-1 0 12 10
35 6161 0.75 2598 411 1200 1050 83 4-8-0 0 12 9
36 6691 0.66 2830 654 1440 1050 50 4-8-0 0 12 8
37 3597 0.58 2600 475 1300 1050 10 3-8-1 0 12 7
38 4958 0.50 2624 600 1300 1050 39 3-9-0 0 12 6
39 5265 0.33 2449 391 1320 900 39 2-10-0 0 12 4
40 4042 0.16 2507 600 1220 1000 37 1-11-0 0 12 2

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

South Portland, Maine, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Standish, Maine, USA
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Norwell, Massachusetts, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, USA
Oakland, Maine, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Sanford, Maine, USA
Kittery, Maine, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Jay, Maine, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
South China, Maine, USA
Winchester, Connecticut, USA
Richmond, Maine, USA
Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Brewer, Maine, USA
Waterville, Maine, USA
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA
Langdon, New Hampshire, USA
Old Town, Maine, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Winthrop, Maine, USA
Winchendon, Massachusetts, USA
Searsport, Maine, USA
Bath, Maine, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Farmington, Maine, USA
Gray, Maine, USA
Fairfield, Maine, USA
Auburn, Maine, USA
Bucksport, Maine, USA
Pittsfield, Maine, USA
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 1519
District Engineering Inspiration Award 166
Rookie All Star Award 6337
Volunteer of the Year Aaron Basford (4041)
District Event Winner 2648
District Event Winner 1519
District Event Winner 4906
District Event Finalist 4055
District Event Finalist 58
District Event Finalist 663
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3451
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2648
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 125
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4055
Highest Rookie Seed 6337
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 172
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5687
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3236
Judges' Award 133
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 2523
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6329
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3930
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3930
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1519 18 30 16 10 74
2 2648 22 30 16 5 73
3 6337 20 10 14 8 52
4 4055 16 20 10 5 51
5 6329 19 10 13 5 47
6 133 17 10 14 5 46
7 58 13 20 10 0 43
8 4906 10 30 1 0 41
9 663 12 20 7 0 39
10 4564 15 10 13 0 38
11 348 21 0 15 0 36
12 125 19 0 12 5 36
13 5687 16 0 15 5 36
14 2523 17 0 11 5 33
15 166 14 0 9 8 31
16 1768 18 0 12 0 30
17 172 15 0 9 5 29
18 4041 14 10 4 0 28
19 4546 16 0 11 0 27
20 5506 12 10 3 0 25
21 3236 11 0 8 5 24
22 3930 11 0 0 10 21
23 4925 14 0 6 0 20
24 4555 13 0 0 0 13
25 3609 13 0 0 0 13
26 3451 8 0 0 5 13
27 6224 12 0 0 0 12
28 6691 7 0 5 0 12
29 5491 12 0 0 0 12
30 6153 9 0 2 0 11
31 4473 11 0 0 0 11
32 5633 10 0 0 0 10
33 5471 9 0 0 0 9
34 6172 9 0 0 0 9
35 5122 8 0 0 0 8
36 6161 7 0 0 0 7
37 3597 6 0 0 0 6
38 4958 6 0 0 0 6
39 5265 5 0 0 0 5
40 4042 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
348 119.96
1768 113.99
4564 109.78
4055 108.14
172 107.62
6337 107.07
663 106.45
2648 105.24
5491 102.68
5687 100.82
6329 100.04
4906 98.66
1519 97.94
125 97.05
133 94.28
4041 93.51
2523 93.30
5506 91.82
4925 88.85
58 87.79
4473 83.92
3236 82.76
5122 81.94
5633 78.65
6153 77.01
6691 70.72
4555 69.98
3609 68.37
4546 66.89
6224 61.85
166 57.42
4958 56.07
5471 54.98
6161 54.79
3930 52.30
3597 47.94
5265 40.97
4042 40.83
6172 40.72
3451 39.13


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 448 480 93.33%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 316 480 65.83%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 13 160 8.12%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 79 160 49.38%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 160 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 159 160 99.38%
Rotor 2 Engaged 157 160 98.12%
Rotor 3 Engaged 99 160 61.88%
Rotor 4 Engaged 4 160 2.50%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 160 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 73 in Q75
High Score 430 in Q17
Average Match Score 243.92
Average Winning Score 280.12
Average Win Margin 72.41
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.00 -- --
Average Rotor Points 29.62 85.00 114.62
Average Fuel Points 1.88 5.26 7.14
Average High Goals 1.81 15.85 17.66
Average Low Goals 0.20 1.23 1.43
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 98.75 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 9.41
Average Score 45.50 189.01 243.92


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 106 108 98.15%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 97 108 89.81%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 8 36 22.22%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 24 36 66.67%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 36 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 36 36 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 36 36 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 32 36 88.89%
Rotor 4 Engaged 5 36 13.89%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 36 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 55 in QF2-2
High Score 450 in QF3-2
Average Match Score 320.22
Average Winning Score 353.06
Average Win Margin 65.67
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.72 -- --
Average Rotor Points 40.00 94.44 134.44
Average Fuel Points 4.25 9.86 14.11
Average High Goals 4.25 29.86 34.11
Average Low Goals 0.00 0.81 0.81
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 134.72 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.89
Average Score 58.97 257.36 320.22
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