New York Tech Valley Regional 2016

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5240 3003 3419 3990 371 2791 62 85
48 3044 4856 4481 358 3624 85 15
663 4093 333 5585 145 1450 60 64
4508 4930 1493 5254 250 5943 73 78
5236 359 5881 5149 4203 5964 102 19
5879 1665 527 229 20 1551 50 86
4508 5943 1450 5240 48 145 64 103
5254 5236 4930 1493 5585 3419 90 74
5964 229 358 3003 333 5149 64 52
250 5879 2791 371 4856 359 79 85
1551 1665 3624 20 3044 4093 40 82
3990 4481 5881 4203 663 527 76 45
1450 4856 5879 5254 5585 371 24 60
4508 5149 250 5964 5240 1665 34 44
2791 5881 527 48 3624 333 91 85
229 1493 359 3419 3044 663 95 77
3990 4203 5943 1551 358 145 45 86
4481 4930 4093 5236 3003 20 75 88
48 5149 5254 229 663 4856 88 62
1665 371 5943 5585 3624 3044 10 65
1551 4203 250 333 20 1493 30 81
359 3419 145 2791 4481 3003 124 66
5964 4508 5881 4093 1450 3990 63 81
358 5236 527 5240 4930 5879 26 47
250 371 3003 5585 4481 4203 69 62
229 333 5881 1665 359 3990 99 115
5240 527 20 4856 4930 5943 73 47
5149 3624 145 5254 358 1450 29 84
1493 4093 5879 5964 48 3419 51 82
3044 1551 4508 5236 663 2791 54 93
5585 20 4856 333 4930 3990 66 112
145 371 4093 5879 5964 359 49 92
3624 527 229 5236 4203 4508 74 67
4481 5149 1450 1551 2791 1493 70 86
663 48 5943 1665 5254 3003 72 83
3044 5240 250 3419 358 5881 107 74
4481 145 1493 527 371 333 66 90
5236 4856 5149 20 48 3990 44 111
3419 2791 4930 5964 1551 663 99 67
5254 5879 4203 5881 5943 3044 82 77
3624 1450 5240 4093 250 229 70 77
3003 359 358 5585 1665 4508 109 39
5881 4203 145 3044 4930 527 61 64
5254 333 4481 5149 5240 2791 101 77
5964 4093 3003 250 4856 1493 60 62
371 20 3624 663 4508 359 56 107
1450 1665 48 358 5879 3990 72 86
5943 5585 229 1551 3419 5236 49 102
359 3624 5254 5964 4481 20 143 86
5240 1493 663 5879 3003 145 82 54
2791 5943 358 5585 5881 4093 69 52
5236 3990 229 333 1450 250 101 82
371 3044 5149 48 4930 1551 55 102
1665 3419 4203 4508 527 4856 89 83
3990 3003 663 1493 3624 5943 108 83
5240 5585 333 5881 5879 48 94 68
3419 20 5149 358 3044 4203 86 71
5254 1551 4093 527 359 250 97 110
5964 4856 2791 1665 145 5236 89 101
4481 4508 371 229 4930 1450 62 46
4093 48 527 359 5943 5149 105 70
663 358 20 5964 145 5254 61 84
1551 333 5879 4508 3624 3003 57 80
1665 3044 1493 5236 4481 5240 85 101
3990 4856 3419 1450 5881 371 110 50
250 5585 4930 4203 2791 229 59 57
333 3044 5964 4481 5943 527 97 92
5236 1493 1450 4856 358 1665 76 80
2791 20 359 5879 5149 229 101 40
1551 5585 3003 5881 5254 5240 83 96
4203 371 48 4508 4093 3419 30 94
4930 663 145 250 3624 3990 74 103


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 359 3990 4508
Alliance 2 5254 20 229 (1665)
Alliance 3 5236 2791 3624
Alliance 4 3419 5240 663
Alliance 5 48 1493 1551
Alliance 6 250 333 145
Alliance 7 358 3003 527
Alliance 8 4930 3044 4481

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3990 359 4508 3044 4930 4481 121 107
3990 359 4508 3044 4930 4481 170 80
5240 3419 663 1493 48 1551 107 110
5240 3419 663 1493 48 1551 116 78
5240 3419 663 1493 48 1551 104 94
20 5254 229 3003 358 527 132 84
20 5254 229 3003 358 527 144 103
2791 5236 3624 333 250 145 147 121
2791 5236 3624 333 250 145 106 151
2791 5236 3624 333 250 145 165 89
3990 359 4508 5240 3419 663 164 147
3990 359 4508 5240 3419 663 179 153
20 5254 229 2791 5236 3624 107 111
20 5254 1665 2791 5236 3624 149 106
20 5254 1665 2791 5236 3624 149 90
3990 359 4508 20 5254 1665 168 115
3990 359 4508 20 5254 1665 134 136
3990 359 4508 20 5254 1665 164 147

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Record (W-L-T)
Ranking Score/Match*
1 359 39 310 165 448 600 11-1-0 0 12 3.25
2 5254 37 288 145 298 615 11-1-0 0 12 3.08
3 3990 34 252 205 311 590 11-1-0 0 12 2.83
4 5236 31 180 145 236 550 8-4-0 0 12 2.58
5 3419 30 304 140 284 615 8-4-0 0 12 2.50
6 5240 28 260 150 191 575 9-3-0 0 12 2.33
7 20 28 254 125 208 595 8-4-0 0 12 2.33
8 48 25 266 125 272 575 7-5-0 0 12 2.08
9 250 25 260 140 155 550 8-4-0 0 12 2.08
10 2791 24 200 145 227 560 7-5-0 0 12 2.00
11 358 24 166 155 119 510 7-5-0 0 12 2.00
12 4930 23 278 120 160 585 7-5-0 0 12 1.92
13 3044 23 268 120 131 655 6-6-0 0 12 1.92
14 527 23 262 120 176 550 7-5-0 0 12 1.92
15 3003 22 192 140 212 515 6-6-0 0 12 1.83
16 333 21 300 120 275 560 6-6-0 0 12 1.75
17 1551 20 196 160 144 530 5-7-0 0 12 1.67
18 1665 20 192 105 146 525 6-6-0 0 12 1.67
19 663 20 166 125 187 555 4-8-0 0 12 1.67
20 229 20 156 130 119 525 6-6-0 0 12 1.67
21 4093 19 316 115 167 570 5-7-0 0 12 1.58
22 1493 19 236 155 148 575 5-7-0 0 12 1.58
23 5964 19 218 110 159 520 6-6-0 0 12 1.58
24 145 19 214 130 246 485 6-6-0 0 12 1.58
25 371 17 184 110 122 440 6-6-0 0 12 1.42
26 5881 16 224 145 160 550 4-8-0 0 12 1.33
27 3624 16 188 105 170 385 5-4-0 0 12 1.33
28 4508 15 224 95 141 525 4-8-0 0 12 1.25
29 5585 15 224 75 113 515 5-7-0 0 12 1.25
30 4481 15 214 130 203 505 4-8-0 0 12 1.25
31 4856 15 156 115 101 485 4-7-0 0 12 1.25
32 5879 13 204 110 92 480 4-7-0 0 12 1.08
33 1450 11 228 110 115 500 3-9-0 0 12 0.92
34 5943 10 160 90 131 490 2-10-0 0 12 0.83
35 4203 8 162 60 121 430 2-10-0 0 12 0.67
36 5149 8 144 65 140 430 2-10-0 0 12 0.67

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Clifton Park, New York, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Norwich, New York, USA
Potsdam, New York, USA
Colonie, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Waialua, Hawaii, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Massapequa, New York, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Naples, New York, USA
Hudson, New York, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Canandaigua, New York, USA
Ballston Spa, New York, USA
Team Location Image
New York, New York, USA
Huntington Station, New York, USA
Montreal, Québec, Canada
Orleans County, New York, USA
Oneonta, New York, USA
Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Schuylerville, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Cambridge, New York, USA
Potsdam, New York, USA
Trumansburg, New York, USA
Edmeston, New York, USA
Beijing, Beijing, China
Albany, New York, USA
Carmel, New York, USA
Voorheesville, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 229
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 3990
Rookie All Star Award 5879
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Steve Schlegel (3003)
Volunteer of the Year Paul Schoch
Volunteer of the Year Jim Cummins
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Sophia Sugarman (4856)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Amanda Horne (250)
Regional Winners 359
Regional Winners 3990
Regional Winners 4508
Regional Finalists 5254
Regional Finalists 20
Regional Finalists 229
Regional Finalists 1665
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3419
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 48
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3003
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 20
Highest Rookie Seed 5964
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4481
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5254
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 48
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 359
Judges' Award 250
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 2791
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 5943
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3044
Wildcard 5254
Wildcard 1665

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
359 57.13
5254 47.22
3990 46.96
3419 39.18
48 37.69
333 36.83
2791 36.11
3044 34.06
5236 30.20
5240 29.37
145 29.14
20 28.46
527 27.33
4481 26.01
250 25.38
1493 24.87
229 24.55
3003 24.44
4508 24.32
1551 24.21
5881 21.65
4093 21.30
4856 20.65
663 19.91
4930 18.85
1450 18.60
5964 18.06
3624 17.27
1665 16.02
358 15.83
5585 15.79
5943 13.86
5879 8.33
4203 5.71
371 5.58
5149 2.16


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 130 144 90.28%
A Cheval De Frise 71 106 66.98%
Portcullis 20 38 52.63%
B Ramparts 73 94 77.66%
Moat 39 50 78.00%
C Sally Port 50 101 49.50%
Drawbridge 3 43 6.98%
D Rough Terrain 54 55 98.18%
Rock Wall 72 89 80.90%
Total Breaches 94 144 65.28%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 266 432 61.57%
Scales 12 432 2.78%
Captures 14 144 9.72%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 1.90
Average High Goals 2.05
High Score 143 in Q49
Average Match Score 74.42
Average Winning Score 88.43
Average Win Margin 28.03
Average Auto Score 18.75
Average Teleop Crossing Score 30.14
Average Teleop Boulder Score 12.61
Average Teleop Tower Score 10.49
Average Foul Score 2.43


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 36 36 100.00%
A Cheval De Frise 20 20 100.00%
Portcullis 11 16 68.75%
B Ramparts 29 30 96.67%
Moat 6 6 100.00%
C Sally Port 8 28 28.57%
Drawbridge 1 8 12.50%
D Rough Terrain 2 2 100.00%
Rock Wall 34 34 100.00%
Total Breaches 32 36 88.89%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 80 108 74.07%
Scales 9 108 8.33%
Captures 15 36 41.67%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 4.06
Average High Goals 3.39
High Score 179 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 126.33
Average Winning Score 143.33
Average Win Margin 34.00
Average Auto Score 27.58
Average Teleop Crossing Score 30.69
Average Teleop Boulder Score 22.78
Average Teleop Tower Score 14.86
Average Foul Score 2.22