PNW District - West Valley Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3693 2555 3586 3219 2944 4495 40 26
3789 4082 4120 3712 3220 2928 10 16
2148 4513 4980 4061 2147 3876 22 42
4104 5779 2149 4125 1595 2557 20 22
2923 4918 2944 5111 4608 3220 25 57
3586 2557 4082 4495 4125 3789 22 0
4120 4918 3876 4104 5779 2923 13 15
4061 4513 2555 2149 1595 3712 4 0
5111 2148 2928 4608 3219 3693 7 14
2147 1595 3586 4980 4061 2923 39 42
4918 2149 4495 4608 4120 2148 2 0
3693 2944 3712 5779 4513 2928 27 30
4125 3220 4082 2557 4980 4104 23 27
5111 3219 3789 2147 3876 2555 58 66
4608 4082 4104 4513 4918 3586 13 34
4495 5779 3712 3789 3876 1595 23 2
4980 2923 2148 5111 4061 2557 12 18
2944 3220 2149 2928 4120 2147 47 20
3219 4125 3876 3693 2555 2557 20 15
3586 2944 2928 4104 2148 4495 17 1
3693 3220 5779 3789 4980 4918 34 42
5111 2149 2147 4061 4608 3712 16 42
1595 4120 2923 4513 4125 3219 47 14
2555 4104 4918 4082 2944 4061 19 35
2149 4513 3693 4980 2923 5111 74 66
4495 4608 2928 3219 3586 5779 12 34
2555 4125 3712 2147 2148 3220 8 29
1595 3789 4120 3876 2557 4082 10 26
5111 3712 3586 3693 4125 2149 24 20
3219 3220 2555 4495 4120 4061 42 28
4104 1595 4608 4513 3789 2923 38 32
2557 5779 3876 2147 4082 2928 38 52
4980 2944 3712 4918 2148 3219 18 10
4104 2147 3693 3220 4495 1595 31 43
4061 5779 3789 5111 4125 4120 7 45
4980 4082 2149 3876 4513 3586 62 90
2923 4608 2557 2944 2555 2928 46 30
2148 1595 4061 4918 3693 3876 37 36
2928 3789 2555 3220 4104 3586 25 26
2147 4980 4495 5111 4120 5779 44 90
4082 4513 3712 4608 4918 4125 23 19
2923 2149 3219 2557 2148 2944 17 12
3220 4513 4120 3586 4495 5111 53 30
2944 3876 4608 4980 2555 1595 52 69
2928 2557 4918 3789 2147 3712 44 8
4082 3219 4104 2149 2148 5779 0 12
4125 4061 2928 2923 3693 4495 56 28
5779 4918 2147 2149 2555 2557 56 74
2148 3789 3693 1595 4513 4082 56 70
3586 4980 4608 3876 3712 3220 2 7
4061 3219 4120 2944 4104 4125 58 12
5111 3876 2148 2923 2555 4082 30 34
4495 2557 4513 4104 4120 3712 52 0
5111 4918 1595 4980 3219 2928 106 77
4061 3220 3693 5779 2944 4608 62 23
2923 2147 4125 3586 2149 3789 46 55


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 5111 4061 4104
Alliance 2 4513 4980 5779
Alliance 3 1595 3586 3789
Alliance 4 2147 2557 4608
Alliance 5 3220 2923 4125
Alliance 6 3693 4918 2944
Alliance 7 2555 2149 3219
Alliance 8 3876 2928 4120

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2557 2147 4608 2923 3220 4125 46 39
3586 1595 3789 4918 3693 2944 52 70
4980 4513 5779 2149 2555 3219 54 63
4061 5111 4104 2928 3876 4120 36 35
2557 2147 4608 4918 3693 2944 64 55
3586 1595 3789 2923 3220 4125 64 37
4980 4513 5779 2928 3876 4120 48 34
4061 5111 4104 2149 2555 3219 56 41
3586 1595 3789 2149 2555 3219 54 58
4918 3693 2944 2557 2147 4608 36 63
3586 1595 3789 2557 2147 4608 83 49
4918 3693 2944 2149 2555 3219 74 41
2557 2147 4608 2149 2555 3219 74 51
4918 3693 2944 3586 1595 3789 56 48
2557 2147 4608 3586 1595 3789 80 94
2557 2147 4608 3586 1595 3789 87 49
2557 2147 4608 3586 1595 3789 63 92

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 3693, 4918, 2944 62.50
2 1595, 3586, 3789 58.00
3 2147, 2557, 4608 55.00
4 2555, 2149, 3219 52.00
5 4513, 4980, 5779 51.00
6 5111, 4061, 4104 46.00
7 3220, 2923, 4125 38.00
8 3876, 2928, 4120 34.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 2147, 2557, 4608 62.00
2 1595, 3586, 3789 61.67
3 3693, 4918, 2944 55.33
4 2555, 2149, 3219 50.00



Qual Avg.
1 5111 45.6 160 0 136 154 109 0 12
2 4513 41.5 140 6 116 112 142 0 12
3 4980 40.2 200 8 68 102 105 0 12
4 1595 40.2 120 0 88 154 145 0 12
5 2147 37.4 200 4 60 120 65 0 12
6 3220 36.6 0 0 116 130 205 0 12
7 3693 36.4 100 6 64 138 147 0 12
8 4061 35.9 0 0 164 192 93 0 12
9 2555 35.5 120 0 60 126 120 0 12
10 3876 35.2 160 0 64 118 134 0 12
11 3586 34.4 80 0 68 106 171 0 12
12 2923 34.2 80 0 100 136 118 0 12
13 4918 33.8 80 0 96 148 94 0 12
14 2149 33.2 160 6 52 134 59 0 12
15 2557 33.0 80 8 76 174 76 0 12
16 2928 32.2 100 8 56 130 92 0 12
17 5779 31.8 140 0 36 140 96 0 12
18 4120 31.2 40 0 120 122 92 0 12
19 4082 30.8 120 4 52 136 76 0 12
20 3219 30.8 80 4 68 120 110 0 12
21 2944 27.0 60 4 40 122 110 0 12
22 4608 26.5 40 0 84 122 84 0 12
23 3789 25.4 120 0 44 94 105 0 12
24 4495 24.1 40 0 68 100 127 0 12
25 4125 23.8 40 0 68 122 83 0 12
26 2148 19.0 40 4 36 106 66 0 12
27 4104 16.8 0 4 36 120 66 0 12
28 3712 16.3 20 0 28 68 98 0 12
Team Location Image
Spokane, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Veradale, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Rosalia, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Spangle, Washington, USA
Reardan, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Union, Oregon, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Team Location Image
Brewster, Washington, USA
Mabton, Washington, USA
Pullman, Washington, USA
Dayton, Washington, USA
Cheney, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Umatilla, Oregon, USA
Thorp, Washington, USA
Medical Lake, Washington, USA
Tekoa, Washington, USA
Port Townsend, Washington, USA
Kettle Falls, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Moses Lake, Washington, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 4125
District Engineering Inspiration Award 4980
District Event Winner 1595
District Event Winner 3586
District Event Winner 3789
District Event Finalist 2147
District Event Finalist 2557
District Event Finalist 4608
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4061
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1595
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4918
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2557
Highest Rookie Seed 5779
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2944
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5111
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2928
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4513
Judges' Award 3789
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3219
Rookie Inspiration Award 5779
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2147
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1595 19 30.0 14 5 68.0
2 3586 14 30.0 14 0 58.0
3 2147 18 20 13 5 56
4 2557 12 20 13 5 50
5 3789 9 30.0 3 5 47.0
6 5111 22 0 16 5 43
7 4980 19 0 15 8 42
8 4513 21 0 15 5 41
9 4918 13 10 11 5 39
10 3693 16 10 11 0 37
11 4061 16 0 16 5 37
12 2555 15 10 10 0 35
13 4608 9 20 4 0 33
14 2149 13 10 10 0 33
15 3219 10 10 7 5 32
16 2944 10 10 6 5 31
17 3220 17 0 12 0 29
18 2923 14 0 12 0 26
19 2928 12 0 9 5 26
20 3876 15 0 9 0 24
21 4125 7 0 5 10 22
22 4120 11 0 8 0 19
23 5779 12 0 2 5 19
24 4082 11 0 0 0 11
25 4495 8 0 0 0 8
26 4104 6 0 1 0 7
27 2148 6 0 0 0 6
28 3712 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
5111 28.41
4980 22.55
4513 22.16
1595 21.71
3693 18.40
2147 17.24
3220 17.19
4061 13.94
5779 13.27
2555 12.98
3876 12.79
4918 11.76
2149 11.41
2928 10.88
2944 10.83
3219 10.26
2557 10.12
4082 10.03
2923 9.93
4120 9.68
3586 8.39
4608 7.23
4495 2.59
3789 1.77
4125 1.27
4104 -3.17
3712 -8.63
2148 -8.66
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