MAR District - Mt. Olive Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
11 5310 224 4035 4475 1279 39 0
1672 3340 193 41 1676 4653 56 84
56 869 4285 555 1923 4361 66 0
1811 1143 2554 1989 223 1302 31 25
1370 103 4281 293 219 5438 50 98
2600 222 2577 136 303 1228 7 14
3142 3340 2554 1257 1279 193 0 42
41 1672 4281 4035 56 1370 25 34
136 223 2600 1923 1676 303 14 52
869 4653 11 222 5438 1811 28 42
4285 2577 224 1143 219 5310 20 46
4475 1989 1228 293 1302 1257 6 62
4361 103 2554 3142 555 11 33 30
1279 869 41 4281 1676 5438 54 56
293 4475 1923 1143 4285 1989 43 17
555 136 1672 5310 4035 1811 4 22
1257 303 1370 4361 193 224 72 72
219 4653 3142 2577 223 1228 30 24
222 103 3340 1302 56 2600 42 16
4361 4285 1672 4281 1257 136 34 41
4653 1228 224 11 4035 1676 25 70
1370 5438 2577 193 1989 2600 0 14
303 41 3142 219 1279 1811 66 100
56 3340 293 555 1302 2554 78 2
223 1923 222 103 4475 5310 20 2
1143 2600 1672 869 4361 3142 11 21
219 1257 11 1989 4653 56 92 84
1676 224 555 5438 103 1228 14 0
193 1302 1811 4285 1279 222 32 32
303 4035 1143 136 293 1370 56 63
4281 2577 1923 2554 4475 41 66 37
5310 3340 1279 223 869 103 28 38
555 1143 1257 4653 1672 5438 41 6
224 1370 2600 4281 56 222 14 76
5310 4361 1989 1676 1228 3142 17 48
4035 4285 1302 3340 2577 219 52 42
293 303 869 41 11 1923 106 72
223 4475 1811 2554 136 193 63 63
1676 1143 1279 219 222 1672 58 92
1989 2577 11 103 2600 1923 44 31
1257 41 4361 4035 136 224 48 6
555 5310 223 1302 869 1370 8 10
5438 193 4475 1811 3142 56 27 56
293 2554 1228 3340 303 4281 46 22
4653 1370 222 4285 5310 1676 71 47
1302 219 136 11 56 193 49 82
1279 4281 223 1228 1257 1923 39 42
4035 5438 869 2600 2554 4285 11 18
103 555 1989 3340 41 1143 67 72
293 1811 2577 3142 224 1672 33 16
4653 4475 1302 4361 303 2600 32 57
11 222 1228 5438 41 555 97 16
293 4285 223 224 1989 1279 48 29
2577 136 1676 1257 4475 869 56 68
4035 219 1923 3340 1811 4361 33 51
103 3142 193 1672 2554 1370 38 7
5310 56 303 4281 1143 4653 117 60
1811 1676 1257 11 293 2600 30 96
1370 4361 4475 2577 103 1279 57 42
224 5438 1143 1923 1302 3340 38 36
193 1228 4035 1672 1989 869 54 82
3142 5310 4281 555 219 303 60 96
222 41 136 4653 223 2554 37 20
4285 1811 1228 56 4361 1143 92 96
193 869 555 103 303 224 46 52
1257 3340 5438 41 5310 2577 36 6
56 4475 1672 223 1370 11 40 46
2554 1923 1989 136 1279 4653 27 35
222 1302 3142 293 4281 4035 132 50
1676 2600 869 219 4285 4475 76 62
1811 136 1923 1370 1228 3340 48 27
1279 555 56 3142 2577 4035 98 74
5310 4653 2600 41 224 293 22 44
303 5438 4285 1302 1672 103 102 73
4361 4281 11 193 223 1143 95 96
1989 1676 219 2554 1257 222 18 48


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 56 293 41
Alliance 2 303 222 5438
Alliance 3 11 219 4475
Alliance 4 4281 1279 4361
Alliance 5 193 1676 223
Alliance 6 1143 4285 1228
Alliance 7 1257 1811 1923
Alliance 8 869 103 3142

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1279 4281 4361 1676 193 223 53 45
219 11 4475 4285 1143 1228 72 80
222 303 5438 1811 1257 1923 84 64
293 56 41 103 869 3142 92 96
1279 4281 4361 4285 1143 1228 38 66
219 11 4475 1676 193 223 99 76
222 303 5438 103 869 3142 44 94
293 56 41 1811 1257 1923 86 62
293 56 41 4285 1143 1228 108 98
103 869 3142 219 11 4475 74 63
293 56 41 219 11 4475 70 115
103 869 3142 4285 1143 1228 21 80
219 11 4475 4285 1143 1228 97 98
103 869 3142 293 56 41 84 54
4285 1143 1228 219 11 4475 85 62
4285 1143 1228 219 11 4475 86 77

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 869, 103, 3142 95.00
2 56, 293, 41 89.00
3 11, 219, 4475 85.50
4 1143, 4285, 1228 73.00
5 303, 222, 5438 64.00
6 1257, 1811, 1923 63.00
7 193, 1676, 223 60.50
8 4281, 1279, 4361 45.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1143, 4285, 1228 92.00
2 11, 219, 4475 91.67
3 56, 293, 41 77.33
4 869, 103, 3142 59.67



Qual Avg.
1 56 70.2 160 0 292 278 119 0 12
2 303 67.7 320 4 192 186 116 0 12
3 11 65.9 120 0 236 310 125 0 12
4 293 63.9 160 4 252 230 139 0 12
5 219 63.2 240 4 208 208 104 0 12
6 222 58.0 80 8 272 258 90 0 12
7 4281 53.3 280 0 100 132 128 0 12
8 193 51.8 240 10 92 202 84 0 12
9 1143 51.8 240 0 80 114 200 0 12
10 1257 51.8 120 4 180 186 150 0 12
11 1676 50.8 200 8 168 190 49 0 12
12 869 50.5 260 12 120 160 54 0 12
13 1811 50.0 120 0 160 192 134 0 12
14 4285 49.2 120 4 208 156 102 0 12
15 4361 48.4 120 10 120 164 179 0 12
16 3142 47.6 160 4 184 184 49 0 12
17 41 46.8 240 0 128 126 91 0 12
18 1279 46.4 180 0 160 138 79 0 12
19 1302 43.4 80 4 164 166 125 0 12
20 4653 41.4 120 8 140 146 95 0 12
21 3340 40.8 100 0 104 204 98 0 12
22 1228 39.6 80 0 132 192 81 0 12
23 1923 39.2 80 10 100 176 104 0 12
24 103 39.0 180 4 76 188 48 0 12
25 4035 38.5 160 0 112 116 86 0 12
26 1370 37.6 120 8 92 152 85 0 12
27 1672 37.2 160 16 60 132 90 0 12
28 223 36.8 100 0 96 116 129 0 12
29 4475 36.4 160 0 108 104 77 0 12
30 5438 36.0 120 0 124 126 84 0 12
31 1989 35.8 120 22 72 112 122 0 12
32 136 35.8 120 0 92 142 88 0 12
33 555 35.2 160 0 84 100 84 0 12
34 2577 34.5 120 0 92 132 70 0 12
35 5310 34.5 100 0 124 114 82 0 12
36 2600 31.3 40 0 104 158 74 0 12
37 224 30.8 80 6 72 140 71 0 12
38 2554 27.7 80 6 84 134 62 0 12
Team Location Image
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Warren, New Jersey, USA
Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, USA
Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Washington, New Jersey, USA
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA
Wanaque, New Jersey, USA
Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Pennington, New Jersey, USA
Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA
Montclair, New Jersey, USA
Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, USA
Rahway, New Jersey, USA
Scotch Plains, New Jersey, USA
Somerville, New Jersey, USA
Sparta, NJ, USA
Team Location Image
Middletown, Delaware, USA
Mahwah, New Jersey, USA
Montvale, New Jersey, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA
Vernon, New Jersey, USA
Edison, New Jersey, USA
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA
Oak Ridge, New Jersey, USA
Newton, New Jersey, USA
Union City, New Jersey, USA
Orange, New Jersey, USA
Somerset, New Jersey, USA
Honesdale, Pennsylvania, USA
Roxbury Township, New Jersey, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Ramsey, New Jersey, USA
East Orange, New Jersey, USA
Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 303
District Engineering Inspiration Award 1676
Rookie All Star Award 5438
District Event Winner 1143
District Event Winner 4285
District Event Winner 1228
District Event Finalist 11
District Event Finalist 219
District Event Finalist 4475
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3142
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3340
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 222
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 41
Highest Rookie Seed 5438
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 56
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 293
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1257
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 219
Judges' Award 1923
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 869
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 5310
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1143 17 30.0 11 0 58.0
2 219 19 20 14 5 58
3 4285 15 30.0 11 0 56.0
4 11 20 20 14 0 54
5 56 22 10 16 5 53
6 293 19 10 16 5 50
7 1228 12 30.0 6 0 48.0
8 303 21 0 15 10 46
9 869 15 10 9 5 39
10 222 18 0 15 5 38
11 3142 14 10 8 5 37
12 1676 16 0 12 8 36
13 4475 9 20 3 0 32
14 1257 16 0 10 5 31
15 103 11 10 9 0 30
16 41 14 10 1 5 30
17 4281 17 0 13 0 30
18 193 17 0 12 0 29
19 1279 13 0 13 0 26
20 1811 15 0 10 0 25
21 1923 11 0 7 5 23
22 5438 9 0 2 8 19
23 4361 14 0 4 0 18
24 3340 12 0 0 5 17
25 223 10 0 5 0 15
26 1302 13 0 0 0 13
27 4653 12 0 0 0 12
28 4035 11 0 0 0 11
29 5310 6 0 0 5 11
30 1672 10 0 0 0 10
31 1370 10 0 0 0 10
32 555 8 0 0 0 8
33 1989 8 0 0 0 8
34 136 8 0 0 0 8
35 2577 7 0 0 0 7
36 2600 6 0 0 0 6
37 224 5 0 0 0 5
38 2554 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
303 39.30
56 38.08
293 36.13
11 35.88
219 33.37
222 30.17
193 27.80
1143 23.59
1676 23.19
4281 20.28
1811 19.22
4361 19.14
4285 18.84
869 18.10
41 17.27
1257 16.60
103 16.23
1279 16.22
1302 15.07
3142 13.83
4653 12.86
1228 10.35
1672 8.89
1370 8.27
1923 8.16
223 8.10
1989 6.73
2577 6.24
4475 6.18
136 5.79
3340 5.08
4035 2.66
5310 2.60
5438 2.34
555 2.04
224 1.31
2554 -0.12
2600 -2.86