Israel Regional 2015

to Week 2
Nokia Arena in Tel Aviv, TA, Israel - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1954 3339 1657 2679 1942 5614 86 52
1946 5635 5654 3316 5291 3075 0 33
5273 3034 3835 2630 2231 4661 13 16
1573 4784 1943 5715 1690 2212 15 32
4744 2213 1574 4590 3083 1576 99 2
4320 4649 5554 5135 2230 4338 43 35
1580 2216 1952 4757 5636 4319 0 21
3065 4586 1944 5670 1937 4712 50 50
3388 1577 4406 3211 4416 5747 30 38
5038 5291 4744 2679 3075 2630 38 24
3034 2212 3083 5135 5715 1946 52 46
3835 4649 1942 1690 5635 1573 14 72
2230 2216 1944 5614 1576 2213 12 26
5636 1574 4338 1657 3065 4757 42 50
1954 5038 1952 4586 5273 4416 44 14
2231 3211 5654 4712 1580 4320 51 10
5670 3339 5554 1943 3388 4590 98 20
4784 1937 4661 3316 5747 1577 2 26
4319 5715 4649 4406 1574 2679 10 67
1690 1942 1944 4744 3034 3065 79 84
4757 5614 4586 2231 3075 1946 35 50
2230 5038 1943 1580 3835 1657 90 72
2212 5291 4661 5670 1576 3211 59 16
4320 2630 1952 5635 3388 5554 54 20
4590 1573 4319 5654 1937 5273 16 52
5135 3316 3339 1577 2216 5636 4 10
4406 4712 4784 4338 3083 1954 18 4
2213 4416 3034 5747 1580 5614 17 37
1574 4320 1943 2231 4586 5038 108 100
2230 4590 2212 4319 5635 2630 46 10
4757 1937 1577 5554 5291 2679 79 97
1944 4406 5636 1690 4784 5654 16 15
3339 1576 4416 4338 3835 4712 84 0
1946 5747 5273 4649 4744 2216 16 10
1942 1952 3211 3075 3083 5670 40 48
1657 3388 5135 2213 4661 1573 44 28
5715 3065 2630 3316 1954 2231 25 64
4757 1690 1580 4320 2212 1576 18 6
4319 4586 5554 3339 1944 4784 84 122
4590 1946 5670 3034 5038 4406 30 36
4338 4416 2216 5291 1942 1937 25 36
5273 5614 3388 5715 1577 3083 18 54
3211 1573 3075 3316 2230 1574 12 76
2213 4649 1954 5636 4661 1943 14 8
3065 5654 5135 1952 4744 3835 51 24
2679 1657 5635 4712 5747 1690 72 39
4590 2231 4320 1942 4319 1577 107 78
5291 3034 3388 4784 2230 4586 58 91
1580 4416 1954 5554 3316 1573 0 42
4649 2630 5636 5614 3083 3211 15 60
5654 1944 5747 4757 3339 5038 2 68
4338 1946 2679 4661 1574 3835 8 68
1937 4744 2212 2213 1952 4712 74 71
1576 2216 3075 3065 4406 1943 57 35
1657 5715 5670 5635 5273 5135 71 8
2231 1690 3083 4416 5654 2230 74 8
5291 3835 3211 1954 4590 1944 46 42
4319 2212 1952 5747 3034 4338 28 3
1580 3065 1937 3388 3339 4649 42 98
4406 1576 4586 1657 1577 2630 76 136
5554 5038 4712 4661 5715 2216 56 10
4744 3075 5636 4320 1573 5670 14 18
5614 5635 3316 2679 2213 4757 30 38
1946 4784 1574 1942 1943 5273 101 50
5135 5291 3083 3339 4319 1690 58 144
4416 4590 4661 5715 1952 1944 39 55
2216 2231 5670 5654 1657 4649 63 96
1937 3835 3316 4320 4406 5614 48 48
1573 4338 1577 2630 1946 2213 0 74
5747 4784 5135 1574 3075 1580 22 50
5273 5038 3065 3211 2212 5554 88 82
1942 2230 1576 5636 4586 2679 36 48
5635 4757 3034 1954 4744 3388 82 76
4712 1573 5614 1943 1952 5291 69 98
2630 1574 1690 2216 2213 1937 120 90
1946 4320 1657 4784 3065 4416 138 98
5747 1942 5636 5715 3835 5554 28 72
2230 2231 4744 2212 3339 4406 81 123
3211 2679 5273 4338 1943 5654 41 19
4757 3075 4712 4590 4649 3034 10 2
4661 3083 1944 1580 5635 4586 38 28
3316 1576 3388 5135 4319 5038 86 60
1954 1577 1574 5670 1952 1690 64 15
5715 2213 5273 4320 3339 5291 38 78
1657 3211 5636 1937 3034 1946 57 94
2679 2216 3065 3083 1580 1573 64 22
5614 4661 5554 4406 4744 5654 14 34
4416 1942 4712 5135 2630 4757 22 20
2212 1577 3075 1944 3835 3388 92 78
2231 4649 5635 1576 5038 4784 75 74
5670 1943 1954 5747 2230 4319 22 14
3316 4338 1690 4586 4590 4744 86 44


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3339 1574 5654
Alliance 2 1657 1937 5614
Alliance 3 2231 3316 5135
Alliance 4 5038 1577 3075
Alliance 5 1690 2630 3083
Alliance 6 4320 4586 4590
Alliance 7 5554 2230 3835
Alliance 8 5291 3211 3065

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1577 5038 3075 2630 1690 3083 49 105
3316 2231 5135 4586 4320 4590 97 74
1937 1657 5614 2230 5554 3835 57 88
1574 3339 5654 3211 5291 3065 114 68
1577 5038 3075 4586 4320 4590 99 76
3316 2231 5135 2630 1690 3083 88 44
1937 1657 5614 3211 5291 3065 68 105
1574 3339 5654 2230 5554 3835 168 96
3316 2231 5135 3211 5291 3065 81 80
1574 3339 5654 2230 5554 3835 141 92
3316 2231 5135 2230 5554 3835 73 72
1574 3339 5654 3211 5291 3065 175 86
2230 5554 3835 3211 5291 3065 56 76
1574 3339 5654 3316 2231 5135 162 57
1574 3339 5654 3211 5291 3065 138 40
1574 3339 5654 3211 5291 3065 150 50

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 3339, 1574, 5654 141.00
2 2231, 3316, 5135 92.50
3 5554, 2230, 3835 92.00
4 5291, 3211, 3065 86.50
5 4320, 4586, 4590 75.00
6 1690, 2630, 3083 74.50
7 5038, 1577, 3075 74.00
8 1657, 1937, 5614 62.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 3339, 1574, 5654 159.33
2 5291, 3211, 3065 80.67
3 5554, 2230, 3835 73.33
4 2231, 3316, 5135 70.33



Rank Team Qual Avg. Coopertition Auto Container Tote Litter DQ Played
1 3339 90.5 160 4 396 260 103 0 10
2 1657 82.2 160 0 368 256 50 0 10
3 1574 79.5 120 0 336 262 89 0 10
4 2231 68.1 160 0 176 154 227 0 10
5 5038 65.4 200 0 244 164 70 0 10
6 1690 61.5 80 0 248 198 107 0 10
7 4320 61.0 120 0 236 182 96 0 10
8 5554 60.8 120 0 204 220 76 0 10
9 5291 60.1 160 24 176 136 123 0 10
10 2212 59.4 200 0 168 146 92 0 10
11 3065 58.7 160 0 156 154 159 0 10
12 4586 57.0 240 0 116 158 80 0 10
13 1577 56.9 160 0 236 172 49 0 10
14 1937 56.7 160 8 188 166 93 0 10
15 4784 55.8 200 0 120 156 112 0 10
16 1946 55.7 120 4 188 174 131 0 10
17 3388 52.8 160 0 180 160 52 0 10
18 2679 51.1 120 0 172 144 87 0 10
19 2213 49.5 80 0 144 138 139 0 10
20 3316 49.5 40 4 252 208 51 0 10
21 1944 49.4 160 4 132 138 102 0 10
22 4744 49.4 120 0 160 142 84 0 10
23 2630 49.4 80 0 148 188 90 0 10
24 2230 48.9 160 0 132 136 79 0 10
25 4406 48.3 80 0 172 162 87 0 10
26 1943 46.5 160 12 124 110 77 0 10
27 4319 46.5 160 0 144 118 61 0 10
28 1576 46.3 160 0 128 110 83 0 10
29 3211 44.3 40 0 152 130 145 0 10
30 3034 44.1 160 0 152 116 67 0 10
31 1942 43.5 200 8 112 98 53 0 10
32 3835 43.5 80 0 192 124 68 0 10
33 5670 43.1 40 4 156 170 103 0 10
34 1952 42.9 80 16 148 106 103 0 10
35 4757 42.1 80 0 148 160 63 0 10
36 1954 41.6 80 0 168 124 74 0 10
37 5715 41.3 40 4 164 144 127 0 10
38 3083 41.2 80 4 136 134 82 0 10
39 5635 39.7 80 0 144 144 41 0 10
40 3075 39.0 40 0 136 164 74 0 10
41 5614 38.9 80 0 116 126 85 0 10
42 4649 37.7 40 0 148 140 73 0 10
43 5135 34.8 120 8 64 112 92 0 10
44 4590 34.8 40 4 104 110 120 0 10
45 4712 34.5 120 0 84 114 50 0 10
46 4416 34.5 40 0 116 128 103 0 10
47 2216 34.1 40 0 100 124 125 0 10
48 5273 33.8 80 0 108 110 82 0 10
49 5654 32.8 0 0 136 108 90 0 10
50 1573 29.4 40 0 108 110 66 0 10
51 4661 28.2 0 0 80 112 108 0 10
52 1580 27.9 40 0 112 106 45 0 10
53 5636 25.9 40 0 68 134 53 0 10
54 5747 22.5 0 0 96 90 69 0 10
55 4338 22.2 0 0 108 92 57 0 10
Kfar Galim, HaZafon, Israel
Misgav, HaZafon, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Raanana, HaMerkaz, Israel
Ashkelon, HaDarom, Israel
Ein Shemer, Haifa, Israel
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Modi'in-Maccabim Reu't, HaMerkaz, Israel
Gadera, HaMerkaz, Israel
rosh ha'ayin, HaMerkaz, Israel
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Tamra GLIL, HaZafon (Northern), Israel
tzrifin, HaMerkaz (Central), Israel
Be'er Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Lod, HaMerkaz, Israel
Nahariya, HaZafon (Northern), Israel
Dimona, HaDarom (Southern), Israel
Herzliya, HaMerkaz, Israel
Shoham, HaMerkaz, Israel
Emek Hefer, HaMerkaz, Israel
ירושלים, Yerushalayim, Israel
Kefar Blum, HaZafon, Israel
Jatt, HaMerkaz, Israel
Hod Hasharon, HaMerkaz, Israel
Maagan Michael, HaZafon, Israel
Yeruham, HaDarom, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Kfar Yona, HaMerkaz, Israel
Gan Yavne, HaMerkaz, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Beer Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Petah-Tikva, HaMerkaz, Israel
אבן יהודה, HaMerkaz, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Ramat Hasharon, HaMerkaz, Israel
Modi'in, HaMerkaz, Israel
Hakfar Hayarok, Tel-Aviv, Israel
TEL AVIV, Tel-Aviv, Israel
bet-hashmonai, HaMerkaz, Israel
Kibbutz Neve Eitan, HaZafon (Northern), Israel
Hadera, Haifa, Israel
Petach Tikva, HaMerkaz, Israel
Afula, HaZafon, Israel
Megiddo Regional Council , HaZafon, Israel
Yehud, HaMerkaz, Israel
Kuseyfe, HaDarom, Israel
Eilat, HaDarom, Israel
Netanya, HaMerkaz, Israel
חולון, Tel-Aviv, Israel
nes ziona, HaMerkaz, Israel
Majd el Kurum, HaZafon, Israel
Arad, HaDarom, Israel
Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
Dabburiya, HaZafon, Israel
Beer Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2630
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1574
Rookie All Star Award 5554
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Chaim Most (2212)
Volunteer of the Year The MOST Group
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Rachel Robins (1577)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Natalie Shkolnik (2230)
Regional Winners 3339
Regional Winners 1574
Regional Winners 5654
Regional Finalists 5291
Regional Finalists 3211
Regional Finalists 3065
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5038
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1937
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3339
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3211
Highest Rookie Seed 5554
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5273
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3316
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1937
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1657
Judges' Award 5291
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1577
Rookie Inspiration Award 5636
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 5747

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1657 59.28
3339 56.53
1574 55.63
2231 44.07
1690 34.84
1937 32.95
5554 30.58
5038 29.37
1577 29.35
3065 28.53
4586 28.40
2213 24.67
1943 24.26
1944 23.86
5291 23.85
1946 23.84
2212 23.07
4320 19.93
5614 17.89
4744 17.86
4784 17.65
3388 17.47
3083 17.41
3034 16.36
4319 16.10
2679 15.86
2230 15.70
3211 14.54
1942 13.22
1952 12.60
4416 12.53
2630 11.95
1576 11.77
3835 11.32
3316 10.04
2216 8.41
4712 8.41
3075 8.34
5635 7.30
5715 6.14
4406 5.00
4590 4.06
1573 3.23
4649 2.22
5273 1.62
5135 1.41
5670 1.10
4757 0.80
5747 -0.90
1954 -1.21
5654 -3.30
4338 -5.53
5636 -5.91
1580 -8.67
4661 -10.56