New York City Regional 2014

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
333 694 5151 271 2869 3204 72 57
369 1156 4108 4299 1396 4122 71 58
395 4263 522 806 1660 2344 53 67
335 3171 3760 1880 810 1796 140 42
514 2265 421 5289 334 375 51 73
3137 4856 4773 1635 3059 3419 62 196
353 4528 2601 4383 5298 3940 87 16
4039 1382 1884 4789 597 2895 75 36
4571 1155 640 3158 1600 2579 7 98
4797 371 743 1230 3017 3053 18 97
354 4684 4640 5123 4012 5202 61 98
1796 3059 333 2344 5289 2601 92 96
2895 694 353 4263 597 3137 126 126
3158 4571 3171 4108 421 1382 145 1
1156 522 1880 1600 2265 334 26 82
514 354 806 3017 5151 1660 52 6
3760 1155 3419 4684 3940 2869 66 47
4039 2579 5202 4299 3204 743 39 62
1884 369 335 4773 395 371 36 33
4122 4528 271 5123 3053 4856 112 6
375 4789 5298 4797 4640 1396 63 57
1230 4383 1635 4012 810 640 67 15
3940 3137 1156 3171 3017 4039 126 141
4263 5289 1382 1600 354 4299 37 31
2895 1884 2601 3419 5123 4571 55 71
1396 2344 5151 421 1880 4773 30 10
4122 5298 3158 1796 371 5202 161 40
2265 1660 4856 597 369 1230 22 131
1635 4012 4789 271 395 2579 40 123
4108 4797 522 333 353 640 17 118
1155 694 743 375 3760 806 38 35
810 4528 3204 334 3059 514 18 96
335 4383 4684 3053 4640 2869 15 17
5289 2579 4012 1884 3171 5298 97 52
640 395 1382 5151 2265 1796 127 192
271 2895 1880 1230 4122 1155 33 112
1635 4773 1660 3204 3158 4797 10 76
4571 4640 4039 522 4528 4856 120 32
3940 353 810 354 421 743 38 43
3419 3053 4789 514 4263 1156 86 22
4108 4383 1600 694 335 2344 21 81
3059 1396 2869 371 5123 806 63 24
4299 4684 597 375 333 3017 60 78
5202 334 369 3137 3760 2601 161 185
1230 5151 4856 1155 4263 2579 70 10
3158 1884 522 3940 514 694 90 127
4122 335 743 1396 5289 4571 47 66
375 2895 5123 4773 810 1156 11 120
3171 3053 5202 806 1635 334 36 82
1796 4012 2869 1660 4299 353 121 46
4684 2344 1382 4528 371 369 21 57
333 1880 3137 354 4789 640 87 95
3059 4039 4797 2265 4383 3760 226 46
3419 421 597 1600 271 5298 71 66
2601 4640 3017 4108 395 3204 63 72
4263 2344 5123 743 3158 334 51 120
369 354 1796 1155 1635 522 101 26
2869 335 1156 4856 1382 4797 77 26
806 2265 5298 333 4383 4571 41 41
2579 375 4108 371 1880 3940 41 96
421 4528 5202 395 2895 3017 55 83
1230 694 4299 3059 4789 3171 108 36
810 3137 4640 5151 1884 4122 85 21
3204 5289 1660 271 640 3419 27 127
2601 4684 1600 4039 4773 353 105 156
3760 514 3053 597 4012 1396 22 148
3059 4571 3017 2869 369 4263 60 45
3940 5123 4299 2265 1635 335 75 41
694 3419 395 4122 4797 354 91 106
1660 810 743 333 1382 4640 89 65
4039 640 514 271 3171 2344 89 57
1600 375 353 5202 1884 1230 92 71
371 4012 2601 522 5151 4789 207 12
806 3204 1880 4684 4856 421 18 15
597 3760 3158 1156 4528 5289 145 38
4773 3053 1155 5298 3137 4108 28 46
334 1396 4383 2895 2579 1796 151 73
522 4122 3017 3059 375 1382 72 72
4797 4299 271 806 2601 810 26 71
353 3419 369 4640 1880 3158 103 132
2869 2344 2265 3053 1884 354 32 63
2579 421 3137 5123 3760 1660 106 47
597 3171 3204 371 4383 1155 112 23
4773 1796 4571 694 4012 1156 101 160
395 5298 334 1230 4684 4039 202 155
3940 1635 1600 333 514 2895 130 56
4789 4108 4856 5289 5151 743 6 43
640 4263 4528 5202 335 1396 59 69
1660 1880 1382 3053 2601 694 28 130
371 2344 3419 810 4571 4299 137 108
1796 806 4640 2579 597 3940 91 150
5151 5123 3171 1600 369 4797 60 178
334 4789 3017 353 1155 335 74 43
333 4122 4263 4039 421 4012 136 120
640 3059 1156 4684 5298 743 102 18
375 395 354 3158 4856 2895 71 47
522 2265 1230 3137 3204 1396 199 111
271 1635 1884 4108 3760 4528 109 22
5289 5202 514 4773 2869 4383 83 13


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 334 4039 1884
Alliance 2 694 1796 2344
Alliance 3 1230 3940 375
Alliance 4 5289 514 369
Alliance 5 3158 3419 353
Alliance 6 354 1156 271
Alliance 7 597 4122 333
Alliance 8 3017 2601 3171

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
334 1884 4039 3171 2601 3017 161 102
1884 334 4039 2601 3171 3017 122 62
369 5289 514 3419 353 3158 125 147
5289 369 514 3419 3158 353 106 123
694 1796 2344 597 4122 333 91 140
2344 1796 694 333 597 4122 98 115
1230 375 3940 1156 271 354 106 136
1230 3940 375 271 1156 354 118 175
4039 1884 334 3158 3419 353 175 108
334 1884 4039 353 3158 3419 191 86
597 4122 333 354 271 1156 141 147
4122 597 333 354 271 1156 62 98
4039 1884 334 1156 271 354 251 161
334 4039 1884 354 271 1156 130 116

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 334 16 190 275 160 416 8-1-0 0 9 1.78
2 694 15 190 310 210 223 7-1-1 0 9 1.67
3 1230 14 290 315 200 205 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
4 5289 14 170 160 70 160 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
5 3158 14 160 285 210 359 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
6 3419 14 120 326 230 272 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
7 354 14 100 322 70 131 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
8 597 13 180 290 240 269 6-2-1 0 9 1.44
9 3017 13 150 260 90 174 6-2-1 0 9 1.44
10 3059 13 140 305 170 328 6-2-1 0 9 1.44
11 4039 12 180 376 210 355 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
12 369 12 170 270 140 303 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
13 1396 12 160 265 160 168 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
14 2601 12 150 312 160 377 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
15 743 12 80 156 50 192 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
16 4012 12 60 276 180 490 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
17 4122 11 150 312 140 223 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
18 375 11 110 190 80 156 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
19 4571 11 60 241 140 278 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
20 806 11 40 218 80 143 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
21 395 10 160 297 170 228 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
22 3940 10 150 275 200 180 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
23 514 10 150 242 110 96 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
24 1156 10 130 260 170 182 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
25 1635 10 130 221 140 210 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
26 640 10 130 220 160 229 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
27 1600 10 120 230 190 263 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
28 2579 10 110 220 140 267 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
29 3204 10 110 205 100 138 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
30 5151 10 100 156 100 150 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
31 335 10 80 175 110 184 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
32 2344 10 60 221 90 201 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
33 3137 9 180 295 170 289 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
34 353 9 160 202 180 267 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
35 333 9 100 310 110 225 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
36 5298 9 100 180 90 295 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
37 271 8 150 312 190 58 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
38 1884 8 140 232 110 90 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
39 4797 8 120 238 130 242 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
40 3171 8 100 290 160 229 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
41 810 8 90 171 110 215 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
42 4640 8 80 245 120 246 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
43 3760 8 80 211 130 287 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
44 2869 8 80 186 90 116 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
45 371 8 70 216 120 229 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
46 4789 8 70 175 50 153 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
47 3053 8 60 145 60 134 4-4-0 1 9 0.89
48 2265 7 180 180 150 196 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
49 5202 6 180 216 50 206 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
50 4528 6 120 218 70 72 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
51 1796 6 90 345 200 218 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
52 421 6 60 151 70 140 3-5-0 1 9 0.67
53 1155 6 60 135 60 98 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
54 1880 6 40 195 110 127 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
55 4299 6 40 181 160 193 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
56 4108 6 40 117 60 80 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
57 5123 6 20 162 70 191 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
58 4263 5 130 175 80 154 2-6-1 0 9 0.56
59 1382 5 80 190 60 122 2-6-1 0 9 0.56
60 4383 5 80 161 80 72 2-6-1 0 9 0.56
61 4773 4 70 164 110 127 2-6-0 1 9 0.44
62 1660 4 60 96 30 156 2-7-0 0 9 0.44
63 522 3 210 142 110 65 1-7-1 0 9 0.33
64 2895 2 60 155 70 73 1-6-0 2 9 0.22
65 4856 2 40 135 50 61 1-8-0 0 9 0.22
66 4684 0 90 240 80 87 0-9-0 0 9 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Bay Shore, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Plainview, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Miller Place, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Jamaica, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Smithtown, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Bronx, New York, USA
São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Staten Island, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Elmhurst, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
London, England, United Kingdom
Bronx, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Flushing, New York, USA
Bethpage, New York, USA
Far Rockaway, New York, USA
Fresh Meadows, New York, USA
Queens Village, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Bohemia, New York, USA
Metepec, Mexico, Mexico
Westhampton Beach, New York, USA
Jamaica Estates, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
New York, NY, USA
Ossining, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
new york, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Queens Village, NY, USA
Long Island City, NY, USA
New York, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
bronx, New York, USA
New Rochelle, New York, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 353
Engineering Inspiration 597
Rookie All Star Award 5123
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Colin McCarty (1884)
Volunteer of the Year Elizabeth Almonte
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Mitchel Radhuber (4122)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Theodore Kim (5123)
Regional Winner 334
Regional Winner 4039
Regional Winner 1884
Regional Finalist 354
Regional Finalist 1156
Regional Finalist 271
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 334
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4039
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3171
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2601
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5289
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1796
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3419
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 353
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1156
Judges Award 4263
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 271
Rookie Inspiration Award 5202
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 810

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
4039 78.07
1230 73.74
334 72.12
2601 70.16
3158 67.19
3137 58.94
4012 57.66
3419 55.67
1796 51.62
3940 50.65
4122 48.51
395 48.08
3059 45.75
597 45.45
694 45.10
369 41.17
2265 37.64
271 37.62
333 37.41
3171 37.22
1156 36.19
353 33.55
354 31.93
3760 31.83
1396 30.34
1600 29.85
4571 26.27
4797 26.12
640 24.21
1635 22.12
371 20.73
335 19.56
2579 19.09
522 19.03
5298 19.02
4640 18.87
3204 17.47
4773 17.20
2344 16.31
375 14.23
5289 13.64
1382 13.27
4263 12.73
5202 11.75
3053 11.64
1660 11.33
810 10.16
5151 8.64
5123 8.13
743 7.60
4528 7.05
3017 5.43
2895 5.29
514 5.01
421 4.37
4299 4.04
4684 3.77
806 2.58
1880 -0.88
4789 -1.21
2869 -2.88
1884 -4.88
4108 -7.84
4383 -8.27
4856 -8.70
1155 -14.15