SBPLI Long Island Regional 2014

to Week 5
Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
358 3137 333 1607 1468 4006 80 77
329 1230 514 204 601 1546 63 41
871 1803 371 3950 884 2875 53 125
527 1537 2638 569 2487 810 135 42
1554 5099 2161 1156 369 496 6 170
3624 870 5016 271 545 352 87 31
3171 533 1751 564 4458 3460 107 66
4567 1796 2347 28 2872 353 121 63
2027 4006 3950 263 2161 601 46 43
333 5099 352 371 358 870 22 65
871 1546 1607 1803 329 569 57 170
2872 2487 3171 1230 369 545 8 185
263 3137 884 3460 3624 2347 57 52
564 1554 527 204 2027 514 55 37
5016 271 4458 810 1156 4567 16 32
28 2875 1796 496 2638 533 199 71
1537 1751 884 353 1468 2487 52 57
4006 1546 2872 3624 871 5099 26 44
3950 3460 333 564 569 545 51 125
1803 496 1796 371 3137 271 94 81
2638 204 358 533 1537 1156 130 26
28 2161 1468 514 1607 601 102 37
4458 2027 369 352 2347 2875 176 115
329 353 810 3171 870 1554 85 102
263 1230 5016 4567 1751 527 68 121
496 204 545 1803 2638 884 64 66
333 2872 3624 1607 2347 2487 73 7
569 3950 352 28 1554 4006 55 89
527 871 1230 533 4458 353 81 77
369 271 514 329 358 601 131 88
564 371 2161 3460 3137 4567 55 65
810 5099 1546 1751 2875 5016 51 106
2027 1156 263 3171 1468 1796 49 167
1537 1230 28 870 4006 871 108 41
352 3137 2161 545 329 533 47 120
3460 5099 2487 514 810 5016 72 122
1607 369 353 263 3950 564 21 111
358 569 1537 3171 2027 371 81 25
601 333 4567 1554 884 1796 29 58
2347 2872 870 1156 1803 527 67 52
3624 1468 496 4458 1546 2875 68 70
204 271 4006 2638 1751 3460 82 80
2027 1554 1607 871 545 5016 18 60
564 810 28 1803 2161 2872 110 39
496 4567 2875 514 1537 3171 76 115
353 2638 371 533 1546 3624 91 136
4458 3137 1796 2487 263 204 131 80
3950 5099 1230 333 271 1468 128 62
2347 527 358 352 601 1751 50 49
329 870 1156 369 569 884 108 60
514 1554 1803 3624 4006 353 68 131
1796 371 1537 1230 1607 3460 58 62
5016 358 3171 28 2638 3137 96 61
369 1468 2347 810 271 533 32 57
1156 545 1751 601 871 564 43 197
263 4458 352 884 5099 2872 243 88
2161 204 4567 333 569 1546 58 136
2027 2487 870 496 329 3950 85 64
2875 371 4006 527 545 810 82 81
884 564 2347 5099 5016 1537 71 66
569 1230 1751 3624 369 3137 106 106
1803 2027 601 333 2638 4458 50 85
2487 28 533 1554 4567 271 47 22
1468 2875 2872 204 329 3460 162 89
358 514 871 870 263 1796 76 81
496 353 1546 1156 352 1607 36 39
3171 527 884 2161 3950 271 100 28
4006 5099 4458 329 2027 4567 78 87
601 3624 810 3137 204 871 48 170
1546 545 1554 1537 263 2347 70 49
564 1803 2875 1468 358 1230 98 67
2638 1796 1607 870 1751 2161 125 141
533 569 5016 514 496 2872 17 57
3950 3171 1156 2487 352 371 127 59
333 353 527 3460 369 28 31 87
1554 204 4458 2161 358 1607 112 13
271 1751 3624 2027 1537 2872 125 17
884 352 810 496 1230 564 69 151
3137 533 2875 1156 333 4006 177 72
514 4567 2638 2347 871 3950 106 84
1468 545 5099 569 527 1796 76 155
601 3460 3171 870 1803 1546 86 111
369 263 329 371 5016 28 66 49
2487 564 4006 353 2347 2161 185 58
3950 3624 4567 496 810 358 49 87
514 545 3460 1230 1156 4458 118 118
1537 352 329 333 1803 1751 62 79
871 533 884 5099 1607 3171 108 57
2487 3137 1546 2027 527 28 92 65
601 569 271 353 263 2875 81 213
2638 1468 870 371 2872 1554 215 54
5016 369 4006 1796 204 3624 107 157


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 870 1796 204
Alliance 2 564 2875 2872
Alliance 3 1230 369 1156
Alliance 4 3137 533 3624
Alliance 5 28 1468 271
Alliance 6 884 329 263
Alliance 7 3171 2638 514
Alliance 8 358 527 2487

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1796 2487 870 527 204 358 72 150
870 2487 1796 527 204 358 138 107
1796 2487 870 358 527 204 66 102
533 3624 3137 271 1468 28 75 117
3137 533 3624 28 1468 271 77 217
514 2875 564 3171 2638 2872 103 85
564 2875 514 2872 2638 3171 177 115
369 263 1230 1156 329 884 77 117
1230 369 263 329 884 1156 51 89
204 527 358 28 1468 271 92 114
527 358 204 271 1468 28 50 133
564 514 2875 329 1156 884 137 152
514 2875 564 1156 329 884 87 90
1468 271 28 329 1156 884 88 63
28 271 1468 1156 884 329 110 150
28 271 1468 329 1156 884 93 102

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 870 20 220 433 140 310 10-1-0 0 11 1.82
2 564 18 270 487 80 387 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
3 2875 18 270 449 250 454 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
4 1796 18 230 540 180 396 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
5 1230 16 270 476 140 251 7-2-2 0 11 1.45
6 3137 15 180 455 150 282 7-3-1 0 11 1.36
7 28 14 260 380 60 280 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
8 533 14 220 375 100 248 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
9 884 14 170 377 90 217 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
10 3171 14 110 368 120 392 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
11 358 14 70 360 60 343 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
12 527 14 60 411 120 335 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
13 3624 13 190 480 210 152 6-4-1 0 11 1.18
14 4458 13 160 426 110 476 6-4-1 0 11 1.18
15 1751 13 160 302 150 397 6-4-1 0 11 1.18
16 514 13 120 413 80 317 6-4-1 0 11 1.18
17 369 13 100 381 80 580 6-4-1 0 11 1.18
18 329 12 250 298 110 344 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
19 2638 12 220 441 130 374 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
20 263 12 200 364 160 336 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
21 871 12 180 411 100 280 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
22 1803 12 160 397 60 263 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
23 4006 12 130 392 110 358 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
24 1554 12 100 315 70 169 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
25 1546 12 90 356 60 320 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
26 4567 12 40 300 90 336 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
27 545 11 110 501 90 272 5-5-1 0 11 1.00
28 1156 11 110 314 90 322 5-5-1 0 11 1.00
29 569 11 90 377 60 501 5-5-1 0 11 1.00
30 204 10 300 496 120 104 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
31 3950 10 260 295 80 233 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
32 1468 10 200 418 150 317 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
33 810 10 140 337 60 247 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
34 496 10 120 398 90 330 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
35 2487 10 110 322 120 182 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
36 333 10 100 232 70 318 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
37 5016 10 80 336 140 238 5-6-0 0 11 0.91
38 2872 8 160 268 80 146 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
39 1537 8 120 282 160 207 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
40 271 8 80 292 80 264 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
41 2347 8 80 287 170 169 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
42 2027 8 50 278 80 247 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
43 3460 7 150 382 110 186 3-7-1 0 11 0.64
44 353 6 140 266 110 347 3-8-0 0 11 0.55
45 5099 4 170 265 90 163 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
46 2161 4 120 239 80 151 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
47 352 4 90 372 80 249 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
48 371 4 60 243 100 269 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
49 1607 4 40 232 70 171 2-9-0 0 11 0.36
50 601 2 90 317 60 282 1-10-0 0 11 0.18

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Sag Harbor, New York, USA
Voorhees, New Jersey, USA
Ronkonkoma, New York, USA
Bay Shore, New York, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Carle Place, New York, USA
Plainview, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Port Jefferson, New York, USA
Miller Place, New York, USA
Massapequa, New York, USA
Lindenhurst, New York, USA
Levittown, New York, USA
Middle Island, New York, USA
Westbury, New York, USA
Hampton Bays, New York, USA
Smithtown, New York, USA
Southold, New York, USA
West Islip, New York, USA
Malverne, New York, USA
Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Bronx, New York, USA
Team Location Image
Hicksville, New York, USA
Uniondale, New York, USA
Baldwin, New York, USA
Oceanside, New York, USA
Roosevelt, NY, USA
Port Jefferson Station, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Port Washington, New York, USA
Old Westbury, New York, USA
Huntington Station, New York, USA
Copiague, New York, USA
West Sayville, New York, USA
Great Neck, New York, USA
Old Westbury, New York, USA
Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA
Bohemia, New York, USA
Westhampton Beach, New York, USA
Brentwood, New York, USA
Huntington Station, New York, USA
Glen Head, New York, USA
Central Islip, New York, USA
Center Moriches, New York, USA
Seaford, New York, USA
Huntington, New York, USA
Northport, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 527
Engineering Inspiration 28
Rookie All Star Award 5016
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Brian Cholerton (1468)
Volunteer of the Year Troy Douglas
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Justin Green (3624)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Thomas Ciravolo (2161)
Regional Winner 884
Regional Winner 1156
Regional Winner 329
Regional Finalist 28
Regional Finalist 1468
Regional Finalist 271
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 810
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1156
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 329
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 358
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5016
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 333
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 533
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2638
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3950
Judges Award 564
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 271
Rookie Inspiration Award 5099
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2638

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2875 76.48
1796 64.88
564 61.45
2638 54.31
369 54.08
870 48.91
3171 48.80
1230 46.12
4458 43.69
1468 39.03
569 38.70
204 38.53
871 37.93
3137 37.91
3624 37.58
514 37.37
329 36.94
1751 36.93
263 34.35
4006 31.66
545 30.62
28 30.56
527 26.63
352 26.51
353 25.16
533 25.03
3950 23.58
358 23.50
810 21.85
1803 21.28
1546 20.74
1156 20.51
5099 17.93
601 15.51
1537 14.66
4567 14.60
2487 14.44
496 13.89
3460 12.75
271 12.14
333 11.61
2872 11.61
884 9.76
2027 8.12
1554 7.06
2161 6.17
2347 4.68
5016 4.06
371 0.40
1607 -9.48
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