Chesapeake Regional 2013

to Week 7
Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2912 1719 1708 2546 2638 2172 36 39
45 2640 2866 4067 2641 250 63 50
4464 122 4288 3373 3419 623 40 32
2849 888 87 1885 3389 365 55 110
3455 2028 4505 3650 2819 128 59 60
1389 1086 2421 2528 4514 4456 44 40
329 4266 3283 238 3793 2534 52 46
2537 4638 2377 375 3714 4050 84 87
3748 53 4122 4099 1111 1699 12 37
686 4541 1559 3150 449 2199 83 59
1895 3941 1885 768 2963 3373 65 9
4505 3419 2172 2849 4514 2640 16 36
2866 1708 128 4288 238 1086 170 37
4122 4456 3714 3455 250 3389 41 84
2421 2641 2537 4266 449 4464 36 37
1559 122 53 1389 3793 1719 34 69
3941 4099 2819 4067 2534 2912 6 58
375 329 888 623 45 2199 84 39
365 2028 1111 2528 4541 1895 86 64
3748 4050 3150 2638 2963 87 48 78
3650 768 2546 1699 686 4638 29 38
3283 4099 2421 2377 2866 3455 10 108
3373 1559 1885 4122 2641 329 62 66
45 2528 4464 238 53 2912 54 26
449 3389 3941 3419 375 2638 92 79
623 3714 2028 768 1389 2534 52 40
4067 3650 2199 4514 4288 2537 119 59
686 4505 1895 1719 4050 3283 91 45
3793 365 1699 128 3150 250 96 93
122 2377 2172 1111 4266 87 48 40
2963 2640 888 1086 2546 4541 26 31
2849 2819 4456 4638 3748 1708 28 46
2028 4067 238 4050 1559 449 52 132
2528 2641 3419 3714 128 4099 74 42
4514 2638 4464 4122 365 2866 18 33
2537 2534 122 888 3150 1895 63 63
3793 768 1086 2377 2912 2849 13 66
3941 3650 623 2546 4266 4456 77 52
3283 1389 1699 45 4288 87 63 69
2640 1111 3455 2199 4638 1885 80 89
2421 4505 375 53 2963 1708 90 70
329 1719 3373 2819 4541 3389 91 54
250 2172 238 686 3748 3941 53 64
1389 449 2546 128 4122 2849 50 104
1699 2377 2638 2640 2528 623 117 88
4266 4050 45 1086 365 4099 52 72
87 1708 2534 3373 4067 4464 113 61
4288 4638 1719 250 2028 888 55 72
2199 1895 3793 2172 3714 2866 40 13
4541 3650 1885 2421 3748 122 76 22
2641 3150 53 2819 3419 3283 64 18
4505 768 2537 3389 1559 1111 70 68
375 686 4514 2912 329 3455 97 94
2963 4464 2028 4456 2377 2199 44 93
4122 250 623 1895 2421 87 99 85
1885 3714 2534 53 2546 45 40 50
4638 3389 1086 4067 3150 2172 85 73
329 1699 2866 4505 1389 3941 111 87
2849 238 2638 2537 3650 4099 94 67
2912 4266 2528 4288 1559 3748 51 76
4456 1111 3793 2640 1719 375 43 47
3419 4541 3455 4050 768 1708 91 71
122 2963 365 2641 2819 686 30 54
3373 449 128 3283 888 4514 81 35
87 2546 2199 4099 238 4505 43 33
375 2528 3150 3650 2172 4122 88 86
2421 1708 45 2028 3941 3793 95 44
2819 2638 2866 4266 686 1885 63 87
4288 365 4456 768 449 329 97 109
3419 4514 250 2534 2377 1559 83 93
623 1086 3455 3373 53 2537 76 49
1895 3748 128 4464 3389 2640 99 34
1719 2849 2963 1699 3714 4067 49 64
4050 2912 1389 888 1111 2641 51 59
4638 3283 4122 122 4541 3941 46 85
1885 4099 4514 623 1708 3150 74 57
128 4456 87 686 45 2537 89 112
3748 2546 3373 2028 375 2866 31 86
3389 4067 768 2199 53 4266 64 68
4288 3793 4541 2638 4505 2641 26 107
1389 238 4638 3419 1895 2963 25 97
1699 888 1559 2172 3455 4464 82 71
449 1719 1111 3650 2534 1086 39 33
2640 3283 2912 365 2421 3714 46 81
329 250 2528 4050 122 2849 90 71
2819 3373 45 2377 4122 238 9 87


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 686 128 1719
Alliance 2 1699 250 2534
Alliance 3 375 365 1389
Alliance 4 2377 2537 4050
Alliance 5 329 1708 2638
Alliance 6 449 1885 888
Alliance 7 2641 1559 3455
Alliance 8 2866 2199 87

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1719 128 686 87 2866 2199 79 77
1719 686 128 87 2866 2199 167 79
4050 2377 2537 1708 2638 329 95 131
2377 4050 2537 1708 2638 329 73 144
1699 250 2534 2641 1559 3455 107 102
250 2534 1699 2641 3455 1559 96 86
365 1389 375 1885 888 449 127 43
375 365 1389 888 1885 449 94 71
128 1719 686 1708 329 2638 96 155
128 1719 686 329 1708 2638 93 148
1699 2534 250 365 375 1389 82 60
2534 250 1699 375 365 1389 73 78
1699 2534 250 365 1389 375 77 106
329 1708 2638 375 1389 365 139 121
2638 1708 329 375 1389 365 130 109

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 686 16 220 170 236 8-0-0 0 8 2.00
2 1699 14 236 70 302 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
3 375 14 234 90 334 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
4 2377 14 228 140 328 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
5 329 14 202 80 415 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
6 365 12 232 90 283 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
7 449 12 222 120 257 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
8 1885 12 216 190 197 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
9 2641 12 214 100 196 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
10 2866 12 206 110 331 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
11 2199 12 202 150 198 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
12 1895 11 156 200 248 5-2-1 0 8 1.38
13 1559 10 280 220 130 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
14 2638 10 236 90 269 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
15 128 10 222 130 386 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
16 45 10 176 70 243 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
17 3941 10 166 130 224 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
18 1086 10 130 110 151 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
19 4541 10 122 270 118 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
20 888 9 170 130 176 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
21 3455 8 244 180 239 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
22 623 8 232 130 158 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
23 2028 8 228 110 157 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
24 4505 8 226 130 197 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
25 250 8 222 160 242 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
26 1708 8 222 120 316 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
27 3389 8 218 160 213 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
28 4122 8 204 110 194 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
29 4266 8 190 150 99 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
30 2849 8 186 80 237 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
31 3650 8 180 130 237 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
32 87 8 170 110 292 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
33 2546 8 170 40 115 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
34 1111 8 168 100 184 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
35 1719 8 164 60 207 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
36 4638 8 156 100 212 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
37 2421 8 142 120 201 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
38 3748 8 138 130 130 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
39 3714 8 138 80 202 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
40 2528 8 134 280 135 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
41 2534 7 216 120 150 3-4-1 0 8 0.88
42 122 7 154 120 119 3-4-1 0 8 0.88
43 4067 6 226 60 255 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
44 3419 6 186 150 154 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
45 4514 6 166 110 166 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
46 2640 6 164 110 146 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
47 53 6 156 80 137 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
48 4288 6 150 140 169 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
49 4464 6 144 110 105 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
50 3793 6 140 90 147 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
51 4099 6 128 40 173 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
52 2537 5 178 110 252 2-5-1 0 8 0.62
53 3150 5 146 140 259 2-5-1 0 8 0.62
54 1389 4 206 100 123 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
55 4050 4 184 140 233 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
56 238 4 174 80 173 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
57 3373 4 162 60 141 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
58 2172 4 156 120 123 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
59 2963 4 152 80 171 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
60 2912 4 136 140 152 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
61 768 4 134 70 201 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
62 2819 4 114 100 78 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
63 4456 2 140 190 153 1-7-0 0 8 0.25
64 3283 2 138 70 107 1-7-0 0 8 0.25

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Mount Holly, New Jersey, USA
Hampton, Virginia, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Colonie, New York, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Frederick, Maryland, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Glenelg, Maryland, USA
Glen Allen, Virginia, USA
Edgewater, Maryland, USA
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Victor, New York, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Hampton, Virginia, USA
Lakewood, Ohio, USA
Finksburg, Maryland, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Burke, Virginia, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Baltimore , Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Great Neck, New York, USA
Reidsville, North Carolina, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Oxon Hill, Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Owings Mills, MD, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Marriottsville, MD, USA
Clarksburg, Maryland, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Salisbury, Maryland, USA
New York, New York, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
La Plata, Maryland, USA
Springdale, Maryland, USA
Ellicott City, Maryland, USA
Frederick, Maryland, USA
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Clarksville, Maryland, USA
Poolesville, Maryland, USA
Ossining, New York, USA
New Oxford, Pennsylvania, USA
Berlin, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Laurel, Maryland, USA
Owings Mills, Maryland, USA
Huntingtown, Maryland, USA
Severn, Maryland, USA
Germantown, Maryland, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2199
Engineering Inspiration Award 3941
Rookie All Star Award 4541
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Michele Kosin (4288)
Volunteer of the Year Paulette & Robert Dorr
Volunteer of the Year Dennis Faber
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Tyler Brayton (1086)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Ryan Milley (2377)
Regional Winners 2638
Regional Winners 1708
Regional Winners 329
Regional Finalists 1389
Regional Finalists 365
Regional Finalists 375
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4541
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 365
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1086
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1719
Highest Rookie Seed 4541
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2640
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 128
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2638
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 888
Judges' Award 2528
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 329
Rookie Inspiration Award 4638
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1086

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
128 55.56
329 48.90
1708 47.38
2377 44.87
365 42.48
3455 41.45
2638 39.65
686 38.17
4067 37.87
375 36.88
4050 35.81
1885 33.82
1559 33.75
2537 32.58
449 31.99
3389 31.91
3650 31.08
1895 30.18
2528 29.25
250 28.50
1699 27.67
3941 26.77
2849 24.90
4288 24.87
87 24.50
2866 24.26
2199 24.16
4505 23.83
1389 23.02
3419 22.18
623 20.58
45 20.14
4456 20.01
2028 19.15
4541 18.80
4122 18.35
2534 17.69
2421 17.37
2641 16.11
2640 15.26
888 14.53
53 14.39
3150 14.22
1111 12.87
238 11.13
4266 11.12
1719 10.93
1086 10.88
2963 10.48
4638 9.84
4514 8.76
3283 7.60
3793 6.99
2172 6.07
3373 5.92
2546 5.11
122 4.71
4464 2.55
3748 1.95
4099 1.19
2912 0.81
3714 0.66
768 0.44
2819 -11.53
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