Las Vegas Regional 2012

to Week 6
Cashman Center in Las Vegas, NV, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3486 2637 968 2034 3019 4 9 9
4345 3245 1661 1377 4036 4043 16 1
3453 988 1780 3288 3120 1828 14 23
2543 2485 987 877 2520 3243 35 3
2658 1348 3716 4318 3009 60 3 20
1011 2984 1572 4366 585 1703 13 0
1631 3187 2844 991 2496 2375 12 18
877 2543 1780 3243 1661 988 18 28
1348 4318 968 3288 1572 4043 3 28
3453 4 3245 3009 585 991 6 0
1011 4036 3120 3187 2375 2520 17 24
2637 4345 60 2485 1828 1631 10 28
2984 2658 4366 2844 3486 2496 21 18
987 1703 2034 1377 3019 3716 33 11
1780 3009 3187 2520 1631 4043 43 28
2375 60 2485 2984 3245 585 33 27
2543 3288 3716 1377 2844 4345 32 7
3243 2034 968 2496 988 4318 14 24
1011 991 2637 4036 987 3486 33 50
1703 4 877 1348 1828 4366 2 22
2658 3120 3019 1572 1661 3453 10 4
3245 2375 988 3716 2496 2637 12 6
4036 1828 585 4318 2543 991 78 24
2520 3019 4345 877 60 1348 9 0
1011 3288 2034 1631 3243 2658 39 5
1572 2485 3486 4043 1703 3120 15 9
4366 1377 3009 968 1780 2984 28 16
4 2844 1661 3187 987 3453 4 34
1631 2496 60 2543 1703 4036 38 9
3009 1348 3245 877 2034 2637 46 48
991 1780 3243 2658 2520 1572 24 34
3453 3716 1011 968 1661 2485 25 38
988 585 3019 4366 3288 2844 7 24
1377 2984 3120 4 4318 3187 22 26
2375 3486 4043 4345 987 1828 4 37
2637 2844 2543 1572 3009 1703 16 37
1631 3453 1377 1011 1348 3019 23 9
988 968 4043 4 60 2520 5 0
987 877 1661 991 3288 2984 71 52
2485 1780 4318 3187 3486 3245 6 45
2496 3243 585 3716 3120 4345 4 4
4366 2375 4036 2034 1828 2658 0 31
2637 3288 1780 1011 60 2844 26 25
4318 987 2520 2496 3245 1572 36 29
1703 3187 2984 4345 988 2658 33 3
3486 1631 877 3716 968 585 13 0
2034 4043 4366 3453 2543 3120 28 28
4 991 4036 3019 2485 3009 19 33
1828 3243 2375 1661 1348 1377 23 16
4345 4318 3453 987 1631 988 14 39
2520 991 3120 1703 968 3288 12 12
2034 3716 3009 3187 1011 2485 38 45
2496 2658 4043 4 2637 585 1 0
1572 4366 877 4036 60 1661 6 18
3019 3486 2543 1348 2375 1780 14 16
2844 1828 2984 3245 1377 3243 21 27
585 1661 4318 2637 1703 2520 20 22
3120 988 1572 1631 1011 3009 15 18
1780 1377 2496 2485 3453 877 9 28
3716 1828 3245 3019 3187 4366 23 30
2658 991 968 4345 2543 2375 0 18
987 60 3288 2034 2984 3486 94 38
4043 4 1348 2844 4036 3243 0 22
2496 4345 3009 1011 1661 1828 19 38
60 991 1572 2034 1377 4318 9 18
1631 3288 2375 2485 4366 4 10 31
2520 3453 4036 1780 3486 3716 0 25
2637 4043 3019 988 2543 2984 0 21
3120 585 3187 987 3243 1348 21 53
1703 2844 2658 968 877 3245 12 39
4366 3716 988 4043 991 4345 10 16
1631 2034 1348 1661 2496 2984 21 56
1377 3288 3187 2637 1572 4036 36 24
60 3243 1703 3453 3009 2375 15 37
3245 2543 1011 3120 4 3486 33 6
2520 2485 2844 1828 877 4318 19 34
3019 968 987 2658 1780 585 68 12

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2844 3245 987 988 3453 877 58 12
3245 2844 987 988 877 3453 98 41
4043 2375 1828 3009 4318 3243 4 31
1828 4043 2375 3243 4318 3009 23 34
2637 2984 1661 2496 60 3288 48 38
2984 2637 1661 60 3288 2496 39 31
2485 2034 3187 1572 1011 1377 28 37
2485 2034 3187 1011 1377 1572 73 40
2485 3187 2034 1011 1572 1377 57 20
3245 2844 987 3243 3009 4318 98 38
3245 987 2844 4318 3243 3009 88 34
2984 1661 2637 3187 2485 2034 28 29
1661 2984 2637 3187 2034 2485 43 59
987 3245 2844 3187 2485 2034 65 52
2844 987 3245 2485 3187 2034 75 74

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 987 36 159 90 301 11-0-0 0 11 3.27
2 1661 30 89 90 130 7-4-0 0 11 2.73
3 2485 28 161 40 110 9-2-0 0 11 2.55
4 3187 28 152 90 107 9-2-0 0 11 2.55
5 1828 28 132 70 156 9-2-0 0 11 2.55
6 4318 28 67 60 98 6-5-0 0 11 2.55
7 3245 26 116 80 107 7-4-0 0 11 2.36
8 1377 24 89 30 79 5-6-0 0 11 2.18
9 2375 24 84 60 51 8-3-0 0 11 2.18
10 3288 23 137 120 119 8-2-1 0 11 2.09
11 2496 23 88 40 94 5-5-1 0 11 2.09
12 2984 22 115 80 125 5-6-0 0 11 2.00
13 877 22 104 80 78 6-5-0 0 11 2.00
14 3243 21 91 50 77 5-5-1 0 11 1.91
15 4345 21 53 10 90 5-5-1 0 11 1.91
16 3009 20 141 70 108 7-4-0 0 11 1.82
17 1011 20 119 40 136 6-5-0 0 11 1.82
18 2658 20 46 40 46 5-6-0 0 11 1.82
19 988 20 45 40 93 6-5-0 0 11 1.82
20 3453 19 94 40 79 5-5-1 0 11 1.73
21 2520 19 78 30 79 5-5-1 0 11 1.73
22 4043 19 52 40 28 4-6-1 0 11 1.73
23 2034 18 111 60 146 5-4-2 0 11 1.64
24 1572 18 89 60 65 5-6-0 0 11 1.64
25 968 18 78 40 86 4-5-2 0 11 1.64
26 1703 17 76 30 78 4-6-1 0 11 1.55
27 4366 17 75 90 35 6-4-1 0 11 1.55
28 1631 16 134 20 81 6-5-0 0 11 1.45
29 60 16 121 50 91 5-6-0 0 11 1.45
30 2844 16 83 50 47 2-9-0 0 11 1.45
31 1348 16 77 70 42 3-8-0 0 11 1.45
32 2637 15 94 40 60 3-7-1 0 11 1.36
33 3486 15 89 50 98 5-5-1 0 11 1.36
34 3019 15 53 50 97 5-5-1 0 11 1.36
35 3716 15 52 50 75 2-8-1 0 11 1.36
36 4 15 52 20 31 3-7-1 0 11 1.36
37 4036 14 61 20 107 3-7-0 1 11 1.27
38 2543 13 124 20 104 5-5-1 0 11 1.18
39 3120 9 87 20 60 2-6-3 0 11 0.82
40 585 9 41 30 98 1-9-1 0 11 0.82
41 1780 8 123 50 36 4-7-0 0 11 0.73
42 991 7 108 20 79 2-8-1 0 11 0.64

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Van Nuys, California, USA
Kingman, Arizona, USA
Tehachapi, California, USA
Cando, North Dakota, USA
West Covina, California, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Thornton, CO, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Henderson, NV, USA
Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Henderson, NV, USA
Vail, Arizona, USA
North Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Irvine, California, USA
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Rolling Hills Estates, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Laveen, Arizona, USA
La Jolla, California, USA
Boulder City, Nevada, USA
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Big Piney, Wyoming, USA
Winchester, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Mount Pleasant, UT, USA
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Lafayette, Oregon, USA
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Wilmington, CA, USA
Mexico, DIF, Mexico
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 585
Engineering Inspiration Award 1011
Rookie All Star Award 4043
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Greg Hjelstrom (987)
Volunteer of the Year Mary Scodwell
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Geoffrey Angle (60)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Jacob Copus (585)
Regional Winners 2844
Regional Winners 3245
Regional Winners 987
Regional Finalists 2485
Regional Finalists 2034
Regional Finalists 3187
Coopertition Award 2844
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1572
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1661
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3009
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3187
Highest Rookie Seed 4318
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2034
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 987
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 585
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1631
Judges' Award 2520
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2485
Rookie Inspiration Award 4366
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2496
Website Award 987

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
987 35.28
3288 19.03
3009 17.39
3187 16.80
1828 16.34
3245 15.01
2984 14.38
2034 14.15
1661 13.65
2485 12.67
4036 9.03
2496 8.93
60 8.77
877 8.57
1011 8.46
991 7.24
2543 7.05
2637 7.01
3486 5.82
1780 4.97
2520 4.91
3019 4.67
3243 4.67
4366 4.50
3453 3.76
4318 3.60
3120 3.52
988 3.52
1631 3.12
1572 3.07
1377 2.89
2658 2.36
3716 2.26
968 1.89
2375 1.83
1348 1.57
4043 1.53
2844 1.41
585 1.03
1703 0.17
4345 -1.81
4 -4.22
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