Peachtree Regional 2012

to Week 3
Gwinnett Center in Duluth, GA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3815 4240 587 2420 3139 4059 9 0
3694 3776 3318 1746 4149 1379 2 0
3635 4080 2415 3600 3344 590 9 14
1319 2655 3329 3319 2974 1311 2 3
2815 1877 4323 3224 1127 4163 0 0
1261 3824 3091 1683 2918 1002 23 2
1999 4287 4195 4026 3976 3959 1 1
1414 4235 3573 34 832 3581 1 12
3653 1771 4188 4148 1795 343 13 2
4112 4189 4193 4177 3265 1648 6 24
3319 1746 3815 1002 2415 4149 0 1
3824 3139 1319 1127 4195 3635 12 0
3224 3976 3091 2655 4235 4059 0 0
4026 4080 2974 2815 2420 832 33 5
4112 4287 4323 4189 3573 1683 0 15
4193 1379 590 2918 1771 34 0 13
3329 3776 4188 1877 3265 587 0 0
3694 1795 1414 343 1311 1648 2 13
4240 4163 4148 3600 4177 1999 9 10
3581 3959 3653 3344 3318 1261 2 18
34 2655 1746 3824 4287 2918 0 0
4026 3319 3224 3265 3635 590 17 22
4149 4235 587 4189 343 4080 0 34
3976 1795 4323 1414 4177 2420 10 2
1127 3600 4240 1261 3581 3776 29 2
3959 4163 1771 2974 3573 3694 11 5
1311 3139 832 4148 3318 4188 41 0
3344 1999 3329 4193 1002 1648 3 18
3091 4112 1877 4195 3653 3815 0 6
1379 1683 2815 4059 2415 1319 13 13
3224 343 4177 2918 3573 3319 22 6
832 4287 3600 3694 1771 1127 11 14
4080 1648 4240 1002 3318 3976 7 6
4149 4189 4163 1261 1795 3329 0 23
3581 2415 1311 3653 3139 4026 24 9
4188 4195 3824 1379 1414 1999 0 9
4235 4112 3959 3776 2655 2815 3 4
3635 3091 1683 2420 4193 1746 11 0
2974 4059 587 1877 4148 590 15 6
3344 3815 4323 3265 34 1319 9 21
3224 3824 832 3976 3581 4163 18 0
1795 2918 2415 3318 4287 3329 37 10
4189 3319 4188 3776 1771 4026 16 26
1311 4149 4193 2974 3600 4112 21 10
1127 3265 4059 3959 1746 1414 0 7
4080 34 1683 343 3139 1999 36 12
1877 2655 3635 4240 4323 3694 8 2
1648 587 3573 3091 1319 3653 8 13
590 1261 4195 4235 3815 4177 31 0
2815 3344 1002 4148 1379 2420 9 0
34 1999 3224 2974 2415 4189 8 30
3329 4149 3139 3824 3959 4323 7 12
3581 2918 1319 4188 4287 4080 5 22
832 587 1261 4112 1795 3319 29 0
3265 1002 2420 2655 4195 4163 0 6
3694 3976 3653 1683 590 1127 14 15
3573 3344 1771 4240 1746 4235 42 12
2815 4148 3815 4193 1414 3318 7 33
1311 4059 4177 1648 3635 3776 27 2
1877 1379 343 3091 4026 3600 7 9
2420 2415 34 1127 4188 4112 46 8
3265 3344 3653 2918 4149 832 10 14
4193 4235 1319 3139 1795 3959 3 21
4177 2655 3581 587 1771 1999 3 11
4059 3573 3600 4026 3318 3824 20 14
4148 3694 3319 4195 4080 3224 2 12
1648 1746 2974 1261 4323 1379 5 26
2815 3091 343 4240 3329 590 27 10
1311 1414 1002 4287 1877 4189 9 24
3776 3976 1683 3815 4163 3635 10 1
2420 3318 3653 4235 3824 3319 5 24
2918 4193 3600 4195 587 4323 11 0
1795 1999 1319 3224 3329 1746 2 18
1127 1379 4080 3265 1311 3573 3 27
1648 3815 4287 4163 2974 4188 0 28
2415 3776 590 2655 832 4148 40 9
4177 34 4189 3091 3959 3694 15 12
1261 3139 2815 1877 3976 1771 12 24
4112 343 3581 1002 4059 3635 19 12
1414 1683 4026 4149 4240 3344 29 0
4195 1795 4193 3776 4080 3573 0 27
4177 3329 4323 1379 3653 832 10 6
3600 1746 4188 3319 3976 2815 18 13
2918 3959 2420 3581 1877 1648 11 2
1999 4026 4059 4235 3694 1261 1 4
2974 3265 3824 4240 343 2415 40 31
1127 3139 3815 2655 4189 3344 29 31
4163 3318 590 1414 4112 1319 18 6
1002 3224 1771 1683 587 1311 15 49
4148 4149 3635 4287 34 3091 14 6


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1311 1771 2815
Alliance 2 1261 2415 587
Alliance 3 3776 1683 4026
Alliance 4 590 34 3139
Alliance 5 4080 832 4189
Alliance 6 3824 1648 3224
Alliance 7 2974 4188 4177
Alliance 8 3600 343 1319

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1311 1771 2815 343 1319 3600 24 40
1771 2815 1311 343 1319 3600 33 27
1771 2815 1311 1319 343 3600 35 40
34 3139 590 832 4189 4080 13 14
34 3139 590 832 4080 4189 37 29
3139 590 34 832 4189 4080 28 46
587 2415 1261 4177 4188 2974 35 10
2415 587 1261 4188 2974 4177 39 8
4026 3776 1683 3824 1648 3224 5 24
1683 4026 3776 3824 3224 1648 35 37
1319 343 3600 4189 832 4080 14 32
3600 343 1319 4189 832 4080 32 26
1319 343 3600 832 4189 4080 27 20
587 2415 1261 1648 3224 3824 56 36
1261 587 2415 3824 1648 3224 32 33
2415 1261 587 1648 3224 3824 40 14
343 3600 1319 1261 587 2415 27 36
1319 343 3600 587 2415 1261 36 37

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1311 22 80 50 84 8-1-0 0 9 2.44
2 1771 20 59 10 100 8-1-0 0 9 2.22
3 1261 18 52 50 66 7-2-0 0 9 2.00
4 3776 17 41 30 42 6-2-1 0 9 1.89
5 590 16 79 50 27 6-3-0 0 9 1.78
6 4080 16 64 50 69 7-2-0 0 9 1.78
7 2415 15 98 30 103 6-2-1 0 9 1.67
8 34 15 86 10 61 6-2-1 0 9 1.67
9 3824 15 57 50 36 6-2-1 0 9 1.67
10 1683 15 53 80 47 7-1-1 0 9 1.67
11 2974 14 86 20 63 6-3-0 0 9 1.56
12 3600 14 84 30 18 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
13 832 14 61 50 34 5-4-0 0 9 1.56
14 4177 14 42 30 41 6-3-0 0 9 1.56
15 3265 13 66 30 48 5-3-1 0 9 1.44
16 2918 13 26 10 63 5-3-1 0 9 1.44
17 4189 12 72 40 59 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
18 3224 12 52 20 38 4-3-2 0 9 1.33
19 3573 12 41 40 70 5-4-0 0 9 1.33
20 1648 12 34 0 45 4-5-0 0 9 1.33
21 3318 12 29 40 37 4-5-0 0 9 1.33
22 2655 12 22 10 31 4-3-2 0 9 1.33
23 4188 11 30 40 35 4-4-1 0 9 1.22
24 587 11 27 40 54 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
25 3091 11 26 40 35 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
26 1379 11 23 10 31 2-6-1 0 9 1.22
27 4323 11 17 30 22 4-4-1 0 9 1.22
28 1746 11 14 20 26 3-5-1 0 9 1.22
29 3959 11 12 30 38 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
30 3139 10 40 50 53 3-6-0 0 9 1.11
31 3344 10 39 30 67 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
32 343 10 38 60 69 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
33 4193 10 30 20 42 4-5-0 0 9 1.11
34 3976 10 28 30 20 3-4-2 0 9 1.11
35 1877 10 28 10 33 3-4-2 0 9 1.11
36 1795 10 24 40 33 4-5-0 0 9 1.11
37 4059 10 18 30 40 3-4-2 0 9 1.11
38 3635 10 12 30 37 4-5-0 0 9 1.11
39 4026 9 77 10 52 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
40 1127 9 37 30 31 3-5-1 0 9 1.00
41 4163 9 30 20 23 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
42 1319 9 28 10 39 3-5-1 0 9 1.00
43 3329 9 22 30 31 3-5-1 0 9 1.00
44 1999 9 20 10 27 3-5-1 0 9 1.00
45 2815 9 4 30 56 3-4-1 1 9 1.00
46 4195 8 36 10 9 4-3-0 2 9 0.89
47 3653 8 23 20 35 3-6-0 0 9 0.89
48 1414 8 20 30 48 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
49 4235 7 5 20 22 2-6-1 0 9 0.78
50 3319 6 31 20 30 2-7-0 0 9 0.67
51 3581 6 30 10 29 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
52 2420 6 29 0 35 2-5-0 2 9 0.67
53 4240 6 26 30 43 3-5-0 1 9 0.67
54 3694 6 23 10 24 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
55 4149 6 22 10 24 3-4-0 2 9 0.67
56 1002 6 14 10 48 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
57 4148 6 12 10 20 1-7-0 1 9 0.67
58 4287 5 18 30 9 2-3-1 3 9 0.56
59 3815 4 12 10 39 2-7-0 0 9 0.44
60 4112 2 20 10 22 1-8-0 0 9 0.22

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Athens, Alabama, USA
Seneca, South Carolina, USA
Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA
Choctaw, Mississippi, USA
Roswell, Georgia, USA
Marietta, Georgia, USA
Milton, Georgia, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
Mauldin, South Carolina, USA
Norcross, GA, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Johns Creek, Georgia, USA
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dahlonega, GA, USA
Fort Walton Beach, FL, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Jasper, Alabama, USA
Marietta, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Oxford, Alabama, USA
Locust Grove, GA, USA
Powder Springs, Georgia, USA
Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Kingsland, Georgia, USA
Fayetteville, Georgia, USA
Conyers, Georgia, USA
Lagrange, Georgia, USA
Madison, Georgia, USA
Warner Robins, Georgia, USA
Hollywood, Florida, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Cartersville, GA, USA
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Somerville, Alabama, USA
Hopkins, South Carolina, USA
Decatur, Georgia, USA
Eastman, GA, USA
Tucker, Georgia, USA
Cumming , Georgia, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
Monroe, GA, USA
Columbus, Georgia, USA
Jefferson, Georgia, USA
Austell, Georgia, USA
Rome, Georgia, USA
Danielsville, Georgia, USA
Albany, Georgia, USA
College Park, GA, USA
Columbus, GA, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1311
Engineering Inspiration Award 2974
Rookie All Star Award 4188
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Ed Barker (1311)
Volunteer of the Year Jim Westmoreland
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Blake Hauser (2415)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Carlie Schulter (1311)
Regional Winners 1261
Regional Winners 2415
Regional Winners 587
Regional Finalists 3600
Regional Finalists 1319
Regional Finalists 343
Coopertition Award 4148
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1261
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1319
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2415
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2655
Highest Rookie Seed 4080
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4026
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3824
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1319
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1771
Judges' Award 4189
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 34
Rookie Inspiration Award 4323
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 587
Website Award 2655

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2415 17.64
1771 13.97
1311 13.35
1261 12.81
1683 11.34
343 10.52
4080 10.26
832 8.80
2974 8.57
4189 8.37
3265 8.12
3139 7.95
590 7.87
3824 7.54
3600 7.38
34 7.37
3344 6.38
3573 5.79
1414 5.56
4193 5.46
3318 5.29
4177 5.19
4026 5.08
4240 4.53
587 4.00
3224 3.94
4188 3.90
3959 3.67
1795 3.40
3976 2.80
3091 2.54
2815 2.38
3815 2.38
2655 2.22
1127 2.17
3329 2.04
3635 1.95
3319 1.82
4323 1.81
3653 1.58
3776 1.36
1319 1.30
2918 1.19
4287 1.12
1877 0.96
4163 0.86
1746 0.77
4059 0.56
1648 -0.03
4148 -0.13
2420 -0.93
4235 -1.19
1379 -1.34
4112 -1.45
4195 -1.60
3694 -2.15
4149 -2.32
3581 -2.35
1002 -2.74
1999 -2.87
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