Dallas West Regional sponsored by jcpenney 2012

to Week 5
Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, TX, USA
http://www.dallasfrc.org/ - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3626 4378 3355 3305 1421 935 9 7
4076 704 3730 3802 2805 4298 8 2
2164 1642 1774 3847 4401 3310 2 26
3282 1429 3043 3679 3791 3735 21 0
4317 2848 1296 2468 4206 4192 27 4
2613 441 2747 2943 4045 3413 10 0
456 2857 1429 2947 4298 3730 12 2
3802 704 1296 3043 2848 4401 18 6
1642 2747 2943 4206 3626 1774 0 0
3735 2805 4076 3305 2613 4317 3 0
3355 3310 4192 2947 3679 2468 21 18
4378 1421 3282 456 2164 4045 7 20
2857 935 3847 441 3791 3413 30 2
2943 4206 3310 2468 2613 704 6 18
4076 3802 3626 456 4378 3735 6 30
1429 4401 3413 1296 2164 3282 25 21
2747 1421 4192 3730 3043 3791 12 0
4317 3847 3679 441 2857 1642 18 0
1774 4045 4298 2848 2805 3355 0 17
3305 2947 4192 935 704 1429 2 34
4378 2943 1296 3735 2164 2857 9 16
3791 3282 3626 2805 3679 1774 0 15
3730 441 3802 935 2947 2613 6 26
3043 4206 3413 2747 4298 3355 0 3
456 4076 2848 1421 1642 4401 11 14
2468 3847 3305 4045 4317 3310 18 15
3355 1296 3043 3626 2947 2943 6 2
2848 3679 4192 2613 456 2805 36 6
3730 935 3735 2468 4401 4076 21 10
3791 1642 4045 1421 704 3413 9 36
2747 4378 4317 441 3310 4298 9 26
1774 3282 3847 4206 1429 3305 0 28
2164 3802 2468 2857 2805 3791 20 5
3413 3679 3310 3730 2943 1421 15 33
1296 3847 2747 3282 3355 935 19 25
4298 1642 3305 2848 2164 2947 3 12
704 4317 3735 456 4206 3802 19 16
2613 1429 4076 4378 2857 3043 22 0
4401 1774 441 3626 4045 4192 4 20
3305 3413 3282 3802 1421 4317 10 13
704 4206 3355 4378 3679 4076 15 0
2747 456 2947 3847 2943 2848 16 21
3043 1774 2613 1642 935 2468 0 37
4045 441 3735 1296 4192 3730 3 34
2164 3791 3310 1429 4298 3626 26 25
2805 4401 935 2857 3413 2747 32 0
3282 2468 3730 3847 704 1642 21 13
4298 4076 4317 1774 2947 1296 0 33
1421 2805 3626 1429 3310 3735 26 40
4401 2943 3791 2613 4378 2848 4 46
3355 456 441 2164 4192 3043 6 7
3679 2857 4206 4045 3305 3802 3 2
3730 3413 4378 2468 2848 1774 0 27
2613 4298 4192 3735 3847 3626 23 33
2943 4317 3355 1429 3802 3791 0 19
2805 2947 441 1642 4206 3282 28 0
3305 3679 2164 3043 2747 4076 16 0
456 3310 1421 935 4045 1296 22 29
2857 704 4298 4401 3355 2613 9 14
3802 1642 3043 4192 4378 1429 2 27
2164 2943 935 2805 4317 3730 23 21
4206 2947 4045 2468 3791 2747 3 0
2848 2857 3626 3310 3282 4076 15 26
3413 3735 1774 1296 3679 456 5 41
4401 704 3305 441 1421 3847 11 13
4076 935 4192 4298 3282 2943 34 0
3310 1642 2848 3735 3802 3355 28 9
2857 2613 1421 1774 704 2747 12 15
2805 3043 2468 2164 3847 4378 4 12
4206 1296 3791 3730 456 3305 28 20
4401 3679 3626 2947 3413 4317 29 3
1429 4045 2468 441 2943 4076 56 4

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4206 935 3310 3282 704 441 52 19
935 4206 3310 704 4317 441 35 36
935 3310 4206 704 4317 441 49 35
3305 1296 1421 4192 3679 3730 20 9
1296 1421 3305 4192 3730 3679 42 24
2848 2613 2164 3802 3355 2805 33 7
2164 2848 2613 3802 3355 2805 31 12
4045 2468 1429 456 3847 3735 39 32
4045 1429 2468 3847 3735 456 32 13
3310 935 4206 1421 1296 3305 27 46
935 3310 4206 1296 3305 1421 42 41
3310 935 4206 1296 3305 1421 46 42
2848 2164 2613 4045 1429 2468 49 21
2848 2164 2613 2468 1429 4045 22 37
2164 2613 2848 4045 2468 1429 15 57
3310 935 4206 2468 1429 4045 99 34
935 3310 4206 2468 1429 4045 67 30

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 935 30 118 20 160 10-1-0 0 11 2.73
2 2164 28 72 20 83 9-2-0 0 11 2.55
3 2468 26 68 40 97 6-4-0 1 11 2.36
4 1429 24 112 70 127 10-1-0 0 11 2.18
5 1296 24 93 60 112 8-3-0 0 11 2.18
6 4192 24 50 80 90 8-3-0 0 11 2.18
7 3310 22 130 30 91 7-4-0 0 11 2.00
8 3847 22 112 20 71 8-3-0 0 11 2.00
9 1421 22 88 20 87 6-5-0 0 11 2.00
10 2848 22 70 60 116 8-3-0 0 11 2.00
11 3355 22 14 10 101 8-3-0 0 11 2.00
12 456 20 75 10 115 4-7-0 0 11 1.82
13 3730 20 74 30 62 5-6-0 0 11 1.82
14 704 20 57 30 109 8-3-0 0 11 1.82
15 4045 20 50 30 77 5-6-0 0 11 1.82
16 3679 18 94 20 77 7-4-0 0 11 1.64
17 3735 18 84 30 65 7-4-0 0 11 1.64
18 4317 18 57 20 39 4-6-0 1 11 1.64
19 2805 18 45 20 94 5-6-0 0 11 1.64
20 4378 18 41 30 78 5-6-0 0 11 1.64
21 2613 18 38 80 59 6-5-0 0 11 1.64
22 4206 17 12 30 61 5-5-1 0 11 1.55
23 3282 14 43 40 48 4-7-0 0 11 1.27
24 3802 14 27 20 66 4-7-0 0 11 1.27
25 441 14 21 40 41 4-7-0 0 11 1.27
26 2943 13 44 10 42 3-7-1 0 11 1.18
27 1774 13 36 20 45 4-6-1 0 11 1.18
28 4401 12 97 30 48 6-5-0 0 11 1.09
29 2857 12 52 0 50 4-7-0 0 11 1.09
30 2947 12 40 40 65 5-6-0 0 11 1.09
31 3305 12 32 20 65 3-8-0 0 11 1.09
32 4076 12 29 40 49 5-6-0 0 11 1.09
33 3043 12 23 0 23 3-8-0 0 11 1.09
34 3626 11 54 50 61 4-6-1 0 11 1.00
35 2747 11 31 20 33 4-6-1 0 11 1.00
36 1642 9 49 10 49 3-7-1 0 11 0.82
37 3791 8 37 20 36 3-8-0 0 11 0.73
38 3413 8 26 20 25 1-9-0 1 11 0.73
39 4298 6 18 40 35 2-9-0 0 11 0.55

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Houston, Texas, USA
Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA
Grand Prairie, Texas, USA
Newton, Kansas, USA
Rockwall, Texas, USA
Picayune, Mississippi, USA
Galena Park, TX, USA
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA
Pittsburg, TX, USA
Harrisonville, Missouri, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Van Horn, Texas, USA
Carrollton, TX, USA
Waxahachie, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
El Paso, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Team Location Image
El Paso, Texas, USA
Heath, Texas, USA
Arlington, Texas, USA
Coppell, TX, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
San Marcos, Texas, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Spring, Texas, USA
Abilene, TX, USA
Carrollton, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Justin, Texas, USA
Flower Mound, Texas, USA
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Amarillo, Texas, USA
Denton, TX, USA
El Paso, Texas, USA
Laguna del Rey Coahuila, Coahuila, Mexico
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3847
Engineering Inspiration Award 2164
Rookie All Star Award 4192
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Steve Alaniz (2848)
Volunteer of the Year Mike Kircher
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Garrett Witowski (2468)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Matthew Ricks (704)
Regional Winners 3310
Regional Winners 935
Regional Winners 4206
Regional Finalists 2468
Regional Finalists 1429
Regional Finalists 4045
Coopertition Award 456
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 456
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1429
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2468
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 704
Highest Rookie Seed 4192
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1296
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 935
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 456
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2848
Judges' Award 1421
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3310
Rookie Inspiration Award 4401
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3730
Website Award 1429

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1429 20.10
935 16.32
1296 16.17
3310 13.85
2848 13.41
2468 10.01
1421 8.46
704 8.30
3679 7.70
4192 7.63
456 7.21
3847 7.10
3626 7.08
3730 6.99
2613 6.75
2164 6.23
2805 6.12
3735 5.92
4401 5.07
4045 3.64
4378 2.94
441 2.74
2947 2.33
3282 2.12
1642 1.84
4317 1.42
3413 1.41
2747 1.06
3802 0.85
4298 0.67
3355 0.50
4206 0.44
1774 -0.90
2943 -1.35
3305 -1.42
3791 -1.61
4076 -1.98
2857 -2.09
3043 -5.19
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