Microsoft Seattle Regional 2010

to Week 4
Key Arena in Seattle, WA, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3220 3286 360 2925 2522 2517 0 3
3238 2555 3393 492 2910 1510 2 4
1983 2557 2915 3390 3049 2906 9 2
3237 3219 2928 372 488 3221 0 5
2942 2980 2929 2976 1359 2148 1 3
948 2605 3223 2990 1294 1425 0 2
2903 1258 2149 1778 949 3218 4 0
1899 2944 2924 2660 3222 2046 0 2
2921 2926 1346 2471 3070 1318 0 4
2904 3213 2147 3268 2930 2923 3 0
2898 2907 1510 2927 2412 2980 0 0
2929 2148 1983 3238 2925 3237 3 0
3219 1359 2522 2903 2910 1425 0 2
2660 3218 2921 2605 2557 1346 1 6
2517 3390 1318 2904 2928 3070 0 3
2046 360 488 3393 949 2926 6 2
2927 3223 2942 2944 492 3268 1 2
2907 2471 3221 2930 1899 3220 7 0
1294 2149 2906 2976 3213 2990 1 2
2915 2555 2898 1258 2924 2923 2 0
3286 3049 2147 1778 3222 372 1 0
948 3238 488 2412 3268 1346 6 0
2148 1318 2660 3221 360 2903 2 3
2904 3219 1899 2149 2605 1510 0 0
2517 2927 2907 2924 2557 2906 0 3
949 2910 2944 2929 2923 492 1 0
3213 1359 3222 2898 948 2928 0 1
2471 2925 1294 3393 372 2942 1 1
3070 3223 2412 3286 3218 1983 1 4
2930 1778 2921 2915 2522 2976 0 0
2926 2990 1258 3049 3220 3237 1 2
1425 2046 3390 2147 2980 2555 0 0
2906 2910 2898 949 488 2148 4 3
2929 3286 1510 2557 948 2471 0 3
2924 1318 2976 3218 1899 3393 3 2
2660 2904 1359 2907 3049 3223 2 3
3222 2412 2942 2921 1425 3221 0 3
1346 2927 1294 3390 3219 2903 2 3
2149 2925 2147 3238 2926 2915 1 3
2522 2980 492 3213 3070 3237 0 1
2990 1778 3268 2555 2928 2944 3 4
360 2517 2605 1258 1983 2930 0 0
372 2046 2976 3220 2923 3223 5 1
2910 2471 2921 3049 2925 2927 6 1
2903 3213 3218 2904 3238 2942 0 1
1346 2928 3221 2906 2980 1510 4 1
492 2930 2557 488 1359 2149 0 3
2915 372 2412 2517 2660 2929 2 0
2944 2990 2605 2522 1318 2147 1 2
2148 3390 3268 1258 3393 2907 0 4
1778 1425 1899 360 2898 2923 0 2
1983 3220 3070 1294 3222 949 3 0
3286 2926 948 3219 2555 2924 4 0
3237 2927 1510 2046 2930 1318 3 6
3390 3221 3223 2517 2149 2910 5 4
2990 2471 3238 1359 2915 360 2 3
1425 492 1346 2925 1258 2976 0 3
2147 2942 3220 3049 2924 2412 2 0
3286 1294 3268 2148 2921 2898 1 2
2907 2522 372 948 2046 3218 2 6
949 2605 2904 3222 2980 3237 0 1
2923 2928 3393 2557 2660 2926 2 4
3219 3213 488 2944 1983 1778 7 0
2903 2906 2555 1899 3070 2929 1 4
2915 3218 1510 3268 3220 1425 1 0
3390 949 2930 3238 2924 372 1 0
3237 2149 2923 2907 2921 1359 2 0
2944 2904 2926 1294 3221 2976 0 7
2522 2898 3393 1983 2942 1346 7 6
2903 2990 2980 2517 2471 3222 0 3
2929 2928 1258 3223 3219 2147 0 1
2605 2906 2046 492 3286 2412 8 3
2557 2910 2925 1899 1318 3213 5 6
948 2148 3070 2927 1778 2660 4 2
488 3049 3218 360 2555 1294 8 5
2923 2926 3222 2522 1510 3390 1 0
2921 3393 2990 2929 372 2904 1 0
2915 3286 3237 2944 2903 1346 6 3
2928 1425 2517 1899 2148 492 0 1
1318 1258 2906 2149 2942 948 0 5
3238 1778 3223 2980 2557 3220 7 4
2910 1983 360 2907 2147 2976 5 1
3219 3049 2930 2046 3070 2898 4 4
2924 3268 3221 2605 1359 2925 5 0
2412 2660 949 3213 2471 2555 2 5
488 3220 3222 2927 2929 2149 4 0
1294 2923 1318 3286 1258 3238 4 4
3393 2147 1778 2906 3237 2517 4 1
2910 2046 2942 2915 2928 2605 4 2
492 3221 2898 3218 2471 3390 5 0
1983 1899 372 2926 1359 2927 6 0
3213 2924 360 1510 1346 3223 1 2
2907 1425 2925 488 2990 3070 2 2
2660 2976 3049 3268 3219 949 5 5
2557 2522 2148 2555 2412 2904 5 0
2980 2944 2930 2903 2921 948 3 1


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3221 2147 492
Alliance 2 2046 1258 2471
Alliance 3 488 2557 2990
Alliance 4 2915 2898 948
Alliance 5 3049 1983 2660
Alliance 6 1318 1899 3393
Alliance 7 2910 1359 3070
Alliance 8 2976 360 1510

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
492 2147 3221 360 2976 1510 5 6
3221 2147 492 1510 2976 360 6 1
492 3221 2147 1510 360 2976 5 3
948 2915 2898 1983 3049 2660 3 6
2915 2898 948 1983 3049 2660 3 2
2915 948 2898 1983 3049 2660 7 4
1258 2046 2471 2910 1359 3070 4 5
2471 1258 2046 3070 2910 1359 6 2
1258 2046 2471 3070 1359 2910 8 4
2990 2557 488 3393 1318 1899 6 1
2990 488 2557 3393 1318 1899 8 5
3221 492 2147 2898 2915 948 4 5
2147 492 3221 2915 948 2898 5 7
2471 1258 2046 2557 488 2990 1 2
1258 2471 2046 488 2557 2990 6 7
948 2898 2915 2990 2557 488 8 2
2915 2898 948 2557 2990 488 5 7
948 2898 2915 488 2990 2557 6 7

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 3221 119 30 2 0 9 13.22
2 2046 116 40 0 0 9 12.89
3 488 111 30 0 0 9 12.33
4 2915 102 34 0 0 9 11.33
5 3049 98 38 2 0 9 10.89
6 2898 98 36 0 0 9 10.89
7 1318 96 34 0 0 9 10.67
8 2910 94 22 0 0 9 10.44
9 2976 91 28 2 0 9 10.11
10 3223 88 30 6 0 9 9.78
11 3070 88 28 4 0 9 9.78
12 1983 88 14 2 0 9 9.78
13 3213 86 26 0 0 9 9.56
14 2557 86 10 0 0 9 9.56
15 3219 79 30 0 0 9 8.78
16 948 79 10 0 0 9 8.78
17 3286 78 22 2 0 9 8.67
18 2471 77 10 0 0 9 8.56
19 3238 76 22 6 0 9 8.44
20 2944 73 16 2 0 9 8.11
21 3218 71 20 0 0 7 10.14
22 2148 71 10 0 0 9 7.89
23 3237 70 14 0 0 8 8.75
24 2555 69 18 2 0 9 7.67
25 2926 69 10 0 0 9 7.67
26 3390 68 22 0 0 8 8.50
27 2928 68 16 4 0 8 8.50
28 360 67 18 0 0 8 8.38
29 2930 66 24 0 0 9 7.33
30 2906 66 12 0 0 8 8.25
31 1899 65 14 4 0 9 7.22
32 1346 64 8 0 0 9 7.11
33 2522 62 14 0 0 9 6.89
34 2660 61 14 0 0 9 6.78
35 1294 60 18 2 0 9 6.67
36 1359 60 12 0 0 9 6.67
37 2903 60 10 0 0 9 6.67
38 949 59 18 0 0 9 6.56
39 3393 59 14 0 0 8 7.38
40 3268 56 14 0 0 9 6.22
41 2907 56 8 2 0 9 6.22
42 492 56 8 0 0 9 6.22
43 1258 54 12 2 0 9 6.00
44 2942 54 6 0 0 9 6.00
45 2925 52 8 0 0 9 5.78
46 2605 51 8 0 0 9 5.67
47 3220 51 4 0 0 8 6.38
48 372 50 8 2 0 8 6.25
49 2990 48 10 0 0 9 5.33
50 2904 48 6 2 0 9 5.33
51 2147 48 6 0 0 8 6.00
52 1510 46 8 0 0 9 5.11
53 2924 45 6 0 0 9 5.00
54 2149 45 4 0 0 8 5.62
55 3222 45 0 0 0 9 5.00
56 2412 43 2 0 0 9 4.78
57 1425 42 10 0 0 9 4.67
58 1778 42 8 4 0 8 5.25
59 2923 41 8 0 0 7 5.86
60 2921 41 6 0 0 6 6.83
61 2929 41 4 2 0 9 4.56
62 2980 36 4 0 0 9 4.00
63 2927 36 0 0 0 9 4.00
64 2517 32 0 0 0 8 4.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Mukilteo, WA, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lebanon, Oregon, USA
Wilsonville, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Mountlake Terrace, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Veradale, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Camas, Washington, USA
Vancouver, WA, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Tulalip, Washington, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Arlington, Washington, USA
Monroe, WA, USA
Spanaway, Washington, USA
Team Location Image
Auburn, Washington, USA
Mill Creek, Washington, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Tacoma, WA, USA
Rosalia, Washington, USA
Chimacum, WA, USA
Wenatchee, WA, USA
Wapato, Washington, USA
Graham, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Puyallup, Washington, USA
Snohomish, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Oak Harbor, Washington, USA
Turner, Oregon, USA
Bremerton, Washington, USA
Shoreline, Washington, USA
Tacoma, WA, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Spangle, Washington, USA
Kent, Washington, USA
Clarkston, WA, USA
Silverdale, Washington, USA
Spanaway, Washington, USA
Anacortes, Washington, USA
Kenmore, Washington, USA
Yakima, WA, USA
Çankaya, Ankara, Türkiye
Puyallup, Washington, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1983
Engineering Inspiration 488
Rookie All Star Award 3238
Woodie Flowers Award Grace Ostrom (948)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Brogan Thomsen
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Emilie Anne Woog (1778)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Michael Calkins (2660)
Winner 488
Winner 2557
Winner 2990
Finalist 2915
Finalist 2898
Finalist 948
Coopertition Award 2046
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 948
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 2910
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1778
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 1899
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 360
Highest Rookie Seed 3221
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1359
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 2046
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1778
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2471
Judges Award 1346
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2557
Rookie Inspiration Award 3393
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2660
Website Award 1899

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3221 3.79
2046 3.24
488 3.08
2557 2.88
1983 2.43
2910 2.33
3049 2.05
3393 1.91
2915 1.75
3213 1.63
1318 1.60
2471 1.56
3286 1.36
2976 1.33
3238 1.20
948 1.18
3219 1.15
1346 1.12
1899 1.08
2149 1.08
1294 1.05
1778 0.94
2660 0.90
3070 0.90
3268 0.89
2898 0.87
3223 0.86
2555 0.78
2907 0.73
2942 0.72
2522 0.71
2148 0.71
2980 0.61
1258 0.50
2923 0.49
2906 0.46
2944 0.45
2605 0.39
3237 0.38
2903 0.38
2517 0.28
360 0.26
2926 0.24
949 0.20
2928 0.11
2925 0.10
2904 0.05
372 0.00
3220 -0.02
1510 -0.05
492 -0.06
3218 -0.10
2921 -0.11
2927 -0.12
2990 -0.25
1359 -0.27
2147 -0.29
2412 -0.30
2929 -0.33
2930 -0.41
3222 -0.41
3390 -0.63
1425 -0.66
2924 -0.92
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