Washington DC Regional 2009

to Week 1
Walter E. Washington Conv. Ctr. in Washington, DC, USA
details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
116 2913 346 122 2963 597 76 50
365 1885 2961 45 1872 1699 28 82
2537 2068 1111 1849 620 181 54 22
587 623 1522 118 614 611 50 91
2729 2914 538 1748 2912 2421 48 34
1900 1915 234 2199 2377 1793 60 75
1731 1719 1727 1446 836 1370 64 42
339 1418 2911 357 1123 2819 40 32
7 768 449 272 2900 176 62 52
2121 1629 709 3046 2962 1712 22 84
401 53 1279 2964 615 2963 52 0
587 2914 1111 1446 2199 45 74 87
620 118 538 1915 1885 1719 45 18
2819 2900 2068 1370 623 2913 38 28
339 1727 2961 181 1793 1629 22 66
2121 1418 272 53 597 2421 38 36
1522 122 2377 1872 357 1849 82 24
1712 614 1279 176 1123 2729 66 56
2964 1699 449 2962 2912 116 36 22
401 2911 234 1748 2537 1731 62 56
7 836 615 611 3046 346 52 36
365 1900 1111 768 709 538 0 42
2377 1719 1629 2729 2913 272 62 52
1727 2199 614 1849 1699 1418 86 38
1793 118 1712 53 357 116 60 40
2068 2911 1446 2121 122 449 56 32
1123 836 2900 620 234 2964 52 72
2912 346 709 2961 623 1279 32 54
587 1748 1885 339 7 1900 32 58
615 1915 597 1731 1872 768 52 28
2537 3046 1522 2421 176 45 36 68
2819 181 2962 401 365 2914 65 89
1370 538 2199 2963 611 2911 68 26
1849 1446 53 2729 7 2961 28 69
1699 357 1629 2121 1915 346 39 36
768 116 836 2537 1418 587 61 14
623 2900 2421 1731 2377 365 18 132
2068 615 234 176 1727 2962 74 34
1900 449 597 1719 401 1712 56 48
122 2819 620 1279 45 611 36 38
2964 339 1370 709 118 2914 60 51
2963 272 1885 614 2912 181 62 50
1872 1123 1748 2913 3046 1111 24 56
1793 2962 2729 1522 346 768 24 56
538 401 2121 116 623 1727 16 56
365 1370 1279 7 1629 234 60 62
1900 2963 45 118 1849 1731 72 38
2914 2961 357 449 614 2537 54 33
836 1793 1111 1699 122 272 43 56
1446 611 1748 2900 1418 1915 72 48
1712 181 2911 2913 2421 615 62 34
2819 2199 597 1885 709 1522 113 18
3046 587 1719 2377 2964 2068 42 68
53 1872 620 339 2912 176 46 59
1123 2537 2963 1446 623 1629 44 85
357 2913 1279 836 2962 1900 59 42
2421 118 122 768 2199 401 90 64
1915 45 709 2068 614 116 60 34
2912 1793 615 365 1719 1418 26 76
2729 1727 2964 1111 597 2911 38 42
1748 2377 176 2121 2819 2961 72 36
1872 346 181 587 2900 538 83 34
272 1849 611 234 339 1712 24 64
7 2914 620 1522 1731 1699 50 52
1123 3046 53 449 1885 1370 56 36
2537 365 2913 2964 2121 2199 60 48
2421 1446 116 2819 1900 1872 42 48
623 272 45 615 357 1748 74 22
1418 2729 2377 2963 620 709 58 48
122 7 2912 1123 1915 1727 56 36
1849 587 176 1793 401 1370 54 34
1699 118 181 597 3046 234 39 60
1719 2911 614 2962 2900 53 36 50
1731 346 1279 449 339 1111 40 57
1712 1522 2961 538 836 2068 54 64
1885 768 1629 2914 611 2377 48 40

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
234 45 620 1111 122 768 126 100
45 620 234 768 1111 122 107 52
365 116 339 176 1712 2068 60 62
339 365 116 176 2068 1712 65 73
7 1629 346 118 1279 538 46 80
7 1629 346 538 1279 118 40 60
272 1731 2377 2199 1727 836 64 65
272 1731 2377 836 2199 1727 54 89
620 45 234 2068 1712 176 95 42
620 234 45 176 1712 2068 101 64
1279 538 118 836 1727 2199 115 79
1279 538 118 1727 836 2199 69 65
45 234 620 118 1279 538 88 78
45 620 234 118 538 1279 119 50

Elimination Bracket



Team Location Image
Baltimore, MD, USA
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Herndon, Virginia, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Hampton, Virginia, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA
Stafford, Virginia, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Athens, Alabama, USA
Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Mc Lean, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Hollywood, Maryland, USA
Edgewater, Maryland, USA
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Somerville, New Jersey, USA
Middletown, Delaware, USA
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Team Location Image
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
Accident, Maryland, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
Ardmore, Pennsylvania, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Lutherville Timonium, Maryland, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Finksburg, Maryland, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Burke, Virginia, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Marlton, New Jersey, USA
Oxon Hill, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Charmco, WV, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 234
Engineering Inspiration Award 1885
Rookie All-Star 2729
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Rich Kressly (1712)
Outstanding Volunteer Cricket Moore and Charles T Harris (1418)
Regional Winner 620
Regional Winner 45
Regional Winner 234
Regional Finalist 118
Regional Finalist 538
Regional Finalist 1279
Autodesk Visualization Award 116
Creativity 1731
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" 339
Entrepreneurship 2377
Highest Rookie Seed 2911
Imagery 2068
Industrial Design 45
Judges' Award 122
Judges' Award 597
Leadership in Controls 234
Quality 118
Rookie Inspiration Award 2819
Safety Award 597
Sportsmanship-GP 365
Team Spirit Award 1727
Website Design Award 620

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2199 44.74
365 35.45
45 34.37
2377 32.05
234 31.55
118 30.73
836 27.56
1712 27.56
1731 26.93
1629 26.92
176 26.65
7 25.95
272 25.37
181 24.41
2913 24.17
2068 23.97
2914 23.94
2819 23.28
1446 23.25
346 23.16
122 22.92
614 22.66
449 22.39
597 22.30
1915 21.48
2963 21.12
339 19.76
3046 19.47
53 19.32
1418 19.03
623 18.37
1748 18.32
587 18.07
401 18.02
1872 17.55
1522 17.24
2962 14.26
2961 13.21
538 12.94
2964 12.90
2729 12.61
116 12.60
1279 11.92
768 11.44
1111 10.54
1727 10.14
1123 9.80
357 9.38
1719 9.07
2421 8.42
1699 8.10
1370 7.42
620 7.22
2912 6.70
709 6.68
2911 6.45
1793 6.36
611 5.57
2900 3.35
1900 1.21
2537 1.12
615 -0.03
1885 -1.74
1849 -4.80
2121 -9.29
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