West Michigan Regional 2006

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
573 1509 1529 1918 1674 829 42 25
1602 74 47 910 858 904 19 49
66 515 808 1500 67 1272 38 25
1447 141 288 326 518 1677 43 9
85 1783 201 322 70 1718 47 71
27 503 33 1000 494 1256 54 69
234 1227 1940 451 1327 302 30 50
1654 648 314 1506 107 1674 59 25
910 66 518 1918 47 808 34 52
85 141 573 1602 1500 1783 91 4
494 1447 70 829 858 67 70 59
1227 503 288 1718 1529 904 10 17
1327 314 1000 515 326 322 17 51
302 1506 33 1509 74 1272 26 59
234 107 27 1677 201 451 18 57
648 1256 1940 1654 47 85 34 56
66 1674 494 288 1783 1227 89 8
1000 858 808 141 1529 1327 58 9
1506 67 326 910 573 503 42 31
451 1509 70 314 518 1602 78 0
1654 234 33 1718 515 829 25 12
1677 1272 648 904 322 1918 41 43
27 302 1500 1447 201 1256 48 40
74 107 1940 1783 1000 67 73 54
47 451 288 1506 808 85 56 77
1654 1509 1227 858 326 66 11 25
1677 829 503 314 1272 1602 16 37
27 1718 1918 1327 1447 648 55 22
302 573 107 494 515 904 76 33
201 141 33 1940 910 1674 67 12
70 1256 1529 234 74 518 48 31
322 1500 47 1227 829 1000 38 11
27 1272 1783 1654 451 326 62 38
1918 1602 302 67 288 1718 59 21
808 201 573 314 33 858 83 27
518 648 494 74 141 515 59 61
1256 1674 1677 1327 70 1506 0 18
904 1940 1500 1509 503 234 18 70
85 66 1447 107 1529 910 54 44
322 27 808 1602 1227 1654 73 28
518 1000 1718 1272 573 47 26 45
1674 515 451 858 1256 1918 51 76
1940 70 326 904 33 1500 28 18
85 1677 67 1509 494 1327 58 12
910 288 314 234 1783 648 32 8
107 829 141 302 503 66 38 76
201 74 1447 1506 322 1529 61 39
27 47 1674 904 70 515 61 33
1227 1677 33 518 67 85 24 76
648 1000 1602 234 326 808 32 65
107 1718 1500 858 910 1509 26 80
1447 1783 503 1918 1654 74 47 13
201 1327 829 288 1272 1256 19 53
302 1529 314 494 1940 322 17 21
573 451 66 141 1506 904 48 47
518 1674 1500 1000 85 27 8 81
74 808 1677 1718 326 107 27 56
201 1227 648 503 70 515 81 30
910 302 1654 1327 1529 1272 41 25
451 494 1602 33 1447 47 52 36
573 288 1940 858 322 66 32 103
829 1783 1506 1509 1256 141 30 66
67 234 1918 314 27 904 71 15
518 1327 107 503 808 1674 16 21
1447 1272 1227 85 515 910 30 83
1940 1602 201 66 1000 1677 17 70
1506 494 1718 1500 1654 1529 34 18
829 648 451 74 573 67 62 68
314 1256 141 47 326 1918 44 38
1509 288 70 302 33 1000 45 29
322 234 1674 858 1783 302 83 40

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
322 66 648 858 74 141 52 44
322 66 648 858 74 141 48 72
322 66 648 858 74 141 89 26
70 451 503 1509 67 107 85 57
70 451 503 1509 67 107 23 42
70 451 503 1509 67 107 58 55
85 27 910 494 302 1272 70 47
85 27 910 494 302 1272 39 73
85 27 910 494 302 1272 54 35
808 573 515 1256 33 234 40 50
808 573 515 1256 33 234 28 30
322 66 648 70 451 503 45 62
322 66 648 70 451 503 60 91
85 27 910 1256 33 234 49 17
85 27 910 1256 33 234 76 18
70 451 503 85 27 910 72 69
70 451 503 85 27 910 59 42

Elimination Bracket



Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, MI, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Highland, Michigan, USA
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Romulus, MI, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Moline, Illinois, USA
Alliance, OH, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Wyoming, Michigan, USA
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Valparaiso, IN, USA
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Howell, MI, USA
Bloomington, IN, USA
South Bend, IN, USA
Center Line, MI, USA
Hudsonville, MI, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Ferndale, MI, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Holland, MI, USA
Onekama, MI, USA
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Armada, Michigan, USA
West Branch, MI, USA
Fremont, Michigan, USA
Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 503
Engineering Inspiration Award 904
Rookie All-Star Award 1918
Regional Woodie Flowers Award Steve Yasik
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award Ken Platteschoure
Regional Winner 70
Regional Winner 451
Regional Winner 503
Regional Finalist 85
Regional Finalist 27
Regional Finalist 910
Autodesk Visualization Award 302
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award 27
Delphi "Driving Tommorow's Technology" Award 515
General Motors Industrial Design Award 322
Highest Rookie Seed Award 1918
Imagery Award 33
Johnson and Johnson Sportsmanship Award 85
Judge's Award (Day 1) 1654
Judge's Award (Day 1) 1940
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers Entrepreneurship Award 141
Motorola Quality Award 66
Radio Shack Innovation in Control Award 1272
Rookie Inspiration Award 1783
Underwriters Laboratories Industrial Safety Award 494
Website Award 234
Xerox Creativity Award 494

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
85 39.29
322 31.74
451 30.19
201 28.63
141 28.27
858 26.51
648 25.38
67 24.88
70 24.33
494 23.84
66 23.63
302 22.83
1272 22.70
107 21.60
27 21.59
1509 19.84
1918 19.49
808 19.16
1000 19.02
573 18.41
74 17.56
910 17.46
234 16.79
1256 14.91
503 14.13
47 13.18
1447 10.40
1674 9.13
326 8.26
1506 8.15
1718 7.99
515 7.11
33 6.30
1227 6.02
314 4.17
288 4.13
904 3.92
1529 3.71
1654 3.49
518 1.37
829 0.90
1783 0.84
1602 0.62
1500 0.46
1940 -0.91
1677 -1.05
1327 -12.34
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