Great Lakes Regional 2005

to Week 2
Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
547 1502 240 573 302 1684 13 12
1140 1189 515 470 862 1250 15 19
1188 910 830 503 468 65 6 26
308 247 1256 314 857 815 0 0
858 1549 894 57 1602 469 19 0
1254 1596 1015 1023 1447 406 35 20
397 322 66 904 835 201 53 21
280 451 70 279 67 548 7 74
1322 85 68 818 141 313 25 9
326 1 33 1528 1684 862 20 14
468 857 1549 1596 835 451 0 42
68 1502 1250 1188 1256 1602 38 3
1447 322 279 141 573 1189 0 13
503 247 894 406 66 280 7 29
85 1 302 515 65 815 16 3
469 1015 904 548 818 33 15 28
547 1140 830 314 57 1023 4 3
397 70 313 326 240 470 16 26
910 308 858 1254 201 67 5 42
1322 1528 857 1188 1189 406 13 0
1684 85 904 57 70 1596 30 7
201 862 1602 141 503 302 13 32
548 314 397 910 1549 68 20 9
279 247 1 1015 547 470 29 10
858 451 1502 322 65 33 12 41
1140 313 1254 1256 280 835 12 26
573 894 515 818 830 326 14 21
308 1447 1322 468 1250 66 18 13
815 469 1023 240 67 1528 28 50
857 85 503 548 470 858 26 15
573 835 1250 406 57 1 32 18
240 141 314 33 1254 1188 0 54
66 67 818 1684 1602 65 59 20
397 279 1140 1596 308 894 40 22
815 1189 68 1015 451 326 22 11
302 830 904 1256 1447 1528 23 9
201 1549 547 280 1322 515 0 24
70 910 1502 1023 862 247 0 39
322 313 468 469 1 314 18 20
858 66 1596 1189 240 830 24 0
280 1602 85 1015 910 573 21 52
1528 835 308 1502 548 141 31 29
515 70 1256 469 503 1322 3 35
397 451 1684 1023 1250 1254 18 24
470 818 322 815 1549 406 28 3
1140 302 33 247 468 67 29 52
326 57 1188 279 201 1447 10 26
68 857 65 894 904 547 19 38
862 313 830 1015 308 1549 25 10
515 1254 279 1502 66 85 28 31
1528 314 70 1602 406 468 29 0
33 68 470 201 573 1023 6 52
65 1189 835 469 247 1684 30 0
503 397 1447 815 547 313 46 11
858 1140 1188 904 1 451 6 42
141 280 326 857 1250 67 24 3
818 1596 302 910 1256 57 17 28
240 548 1322 322 894 862 20 28
515 314 1684 1447 858 280 17 34
1528 313 1596 247 201 1250 22 3
302 1023 548 1188 66 1549 41 15
1015 65 70 141 1140 573 22 0
815 894 1502 468 470 904 18 20
326 1322 910 835 279 1602 21 15
33 857 830 397 469 406 3 38
1254 68 1 503 818 240 37 19
308 1189 57 451 85 547 18 19
322 67 1256 862 573 1596 15 26
515 406 548 313 65 279 2 21
451 314 302 470 1322 1254 21 0
57 862 68 280 468 397 16 30
904 1602 247 240 308 326 6 42
469 1188 547 66 141 910 31 38
858 1528 818 1023 835 1015 12 26
815 1250 830 70 322 1684 3 47
857 1140 201 1502 1447 1 23 23
503 67 1549 1189 33 894 57 17
85 1256 326 1023 468 322 23 35
515 57 141 247 451 397 37 0
894 1684 1015 1188 201 314 25 26
548 1256 1 1189 1602 1254 38 6
67 406 68 835 1447 85 50 0
470 469 1596 280 1502 830 29 21
65 1322 308 33 70 302 11 22
547 818 862 858 1250 279 16 54
240 857 910 313 904 573 10 71
815 66 1140 1528 503 1549 35 32

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1 573 1254 1596 910 1447 20 23
1 573 1254 1596 910 1447 27 49
835 279 302 1023 322 308 19 38
835 279 302 1023 322 308 36 16
835 279 302 1023 322 308 8 26
66 67 68 397 904 547 60 26
66 67 68 397 904 547 53 23
85 503 548 326 280 451 37 23
85 503 548 326 280 451 10 23
85 503 548 326 280 451 41 32
1596 910 1447 1023 322 308 32 34
1596 910 1447 1023 322 308 29 34
66 67 68 85 503 548 35 26
66 67 68 85 503 548 23 8
1023 322 308 1023 322 308 20 41
1023 322 308 1023 322 308 43 46

Elimination Bracket



Team Location Image
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Pontiac, MI, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Commerce Township, Michigan, USA
Ortonville, Michigan, USA
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Newport, Michigan, USA
Berkley, Michigan, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
Walled Lake, Michigan, USA
Westland, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Romulus, MI, USA
Flint, MI, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Team Location Image
Fayetteville, Tennessee, USA
Northville, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Beverly Hills, Michigan, USA
Houghton, Michigan, USA
Wyoming, Michigan, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Holly, MI, USA
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Lawrence, Michigan, USA
Howell, MI, USA
Fenton, Michigan, USA
Center Line, MI, USA
Chelsea, Michigan, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairmans Winner 65
Engineering Inspiration 57
Rookie All Star 1596
Regional Woodie Flowers Award Paul Dubois of team 894 (894)
Regional Winner 66
Regional Winner 67
Regional Winner 68
Regional Finalist 1023
Regional Finalist 322
Regional Finalist 308
Autodesk Visualization 280
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit 1602
Delphi Drive Tommorows Technology 67
General Motors Industrial Design 1
Highest Rookie Seed 1596
Imagery 503
Johnson and Johnson Sportsmanship 904
Judge's Award 547
Judge's Award 1023
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers 57
Motorola Quality 322
Radio Shack Innovation in Control 573
Rookie Inspiration 1502
Safety 279
Website 1596
Xerox Creativity 279

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
67 30.55
503 21.20
904 19.74
1023 18.14
66 18.07
279 17.79
573 15.61
280 15.05
397 14.82
548 13.53
1 13.31
33 12.54
68 12.22
322 11.67
326 10.88
1528 10.83
1596 10.63
862 9.85
1254 9.29
308 8.54
201 8.37
835 8.28
469 8.10
65 8.08
910 7.78
1502 7.51
1188 7.18
1015 6.94
1684 6.92
313 6.12
85 5.78
858 5.54
302 5.48
240 5.29
894 5.15
547 4.89
1140 3.69
1250 3.69
468 3.67
818 3.51
515 3.36
815 3.26
1322 2.71
451 2.65
141 2.58
57 2.53
1189 2.22
70 2.01
314 1.33
1256 0.64
406 0.36
470 -0.19
1447 -1.37
830 -2.04
1549 -2.94
857 -4.34
1602 -4.89
247 -5.80
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